88 classic sentences in childhood
Icebound sunset
2023-05-18 21:00:53
Complete sentences

1. The time of childhood is unforgettable, but the troubles in my heart are infinite.

2. Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning.

3. Childhood is like sweet cotton candy, sweet taste refreshing.

4. In childhood, the sky was particularly blue, the water was particularly clear, the flowers were particularly fragrant, and the moon was particularly round.

5. My childhood is golden, it once let me put on the ideal wings to fly.

6. Interesting events in my childhood often bring me into good memories.

7. Childhood is golden and free of impurities. The interesting stories of childhood are the most powerful witness.

8. Childhood is as sweet as candy; Childhood is as pure as lily; Childhood is as beautiful as a garden.

9. Childhood is a serenade, long and distant. Childhood is a landscape painting that you can always enjoy.

10. The cotton in my childhood has been saccharified, but the sweetness is still there. This sweetness makes me aftertaste and nourishes my growth path.

11. Childhood, what a beautiful word, contains a process of our growth, both sour and sweet.

12. Although I grow up day by day, the fun of my childhood is like pearls, and happiness is always in my heart.

13. My childhood was spent in happiness, happiness, and carefree all day.

14. Childhood is a dream, a dream out of Grandma's bridge; Childhood is a bridge, followed by the future road; Childhood is the road that keeps us away from childhood.

15. My childhood was unrestrained. The stories of my childhood were as beautiful as the stars in the sky and as colorful as the feathers of birds.

16. Dream of childhood, childhood memories, the mountains are generally quiet, only the leaves of two yellow fruits, affixed to the eyes, cool, cool.

17. My childhood was full of happiness, fun and sweetness; My childhood is a shining star, always shining in my future.

18. Childhood is a name full of dreams and colorful, and the life of childhood is unpredictable, colorful and brilliant.

19. Childhood is a song, a song of joy, echoing in my heart for a long time. Childhood is a piggy bank, accumulating happiness every moment.

20. The things in my childhood make me happy, memorable and unforgettable. It left a good memory in my memory.

21. Eye full of night stars, hands full of white mud, mouth full of flat peach flavor. White light gleamed faintly in the sky. No dream tonight. Childhood flows slowly between the eyebrows.

22. Childhood is a boundless blue sky, containing infinite scenes; Childhood is like a slab of milk candy, the sweeter you chew it, the more memorable it is.

23. Childhood is a melancholy poem, sincere but not beautiful, beautiful but not beautiful, sometimes even shy of meeting people, but it makes everyone linger.

24. Childhood is the cornerstone and lays the foundation for the future of life; Childhood is happy, singing the music of life; Childhood is a coordinate, recording the starting point of life.

25. Envy us white clouds and blue sky. Envy us? The wind and the rain. We are deeply moved by the brilliance of our childhood. Childhood is really good childhood.

26. Childhood is a pen that paints beautiful pictures; Childhood is a picture, full of beautiful flowers; Childhood is a bunch of flowers, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

27. Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds; Childhood is a cloud, turning into the rain of spring; Childhood is rain, nourishing the nascent flowers; Childhood is a flower, accompany me to see the sunset at dusk.

28. We hold the rain drops of childhood together, and we use our hands to retain the wind of childhood. We wish our childhood life can be eternal in the spring fields.

29. Childhood is a poem, a rainbow and a ray of sunshine. I printed my childhood on photos, accompanying me to grow up happily.

30. I can't forget the beautiful moments of my childhood. I will certainly enrich my childhood and open my beautiful life with childhood albums one after another.

31. Childhood is the most beautiful pebble in the long river of memory, which makes people love it; Childhood is the sweetest fruit on the evergreen tree, which gives people endless aftertaste.

32. Everyone's childhood is beautiful, and mine is no exception. When I was a child, I used to do many silly things. When I think about it, I can't help laughing.

33. Childhood is like a flower, beautiful and moving, full of fragrance; Childhood is like a colorful treasure box full of small secrets; Childhood is another poem with endless aftertaste.

34. Fun stories of childhood are as beautiful and charming as the stars in the sky and the waves in the sea. Recalling the past, even I can't help giggling.

35. Everyone has his own childhood, which is beautiful. It is like a small river flowing in our hearts. It will never dry up and we will never forget it.

36. The pure white clouds are our happy past, the abundance of the lake is our true feelings, and what is stirring in the air is our dew like laughter.

37. Childhood gradually fades away with the wind. Before I can taste the taste carefully, it leaves me in a helpless world, gradually turns me pale, and makes me live and die.

38. Childhood life is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Every interesting event in childhood often brings me into good memories.

39. Childhood, the starting point of life, and beautiful memories like dreams; Childhood, like a ship, is full of toys, candy, and joy, which is memorable.

40. Childhood is like a silver bell. Recalling the past, everything is just like the real scene. Sad, happy, depressed, wronged. The scene after scene unfolded in my mind.

41. The happy memories of childhood are like shells on the beach, which can not be picked up or counted. The friendship between friends is the most memorable thing in my childhood memory.

42. This is an unforgettable and stupid thing I did in my childhood. I will never forget it. Maybe this is my unique childhood, my unique childhood fun.

43. In my memory of the Milky Way, the interesting things in my childhood are like stars, and everything is still fresh in my memory. There is only one thing that impressed me most and still makes me laugh when I think about it.

44. Childhood is also a lonely game. It is a helpless game I play alone. The theme of the game is always -- tadpole looking for his mother.

45. There are endless stories in our childhood. Those stories are like stars in the sky, and they are countless. But it was the most interesting story in my childhood that made me unforgettable.

46. Childhood, carefree childhood, the heart is open like a cloud; The dream flies like a butterfly; Laughter blooms like a string of songs; It echoes in people's memory like an old song.

47. What happened in my childhood is like a colorful kaleidoscope. There are interesting things, interesting things and silly things. The most popular thing in my mind is silly things.

48. Childhood is colorful, just like beautiful seashore shells; Childhood is carefree, just like a wave doll playing all day; Childhood is pure and sweet, just like the clear spring in the mountain stream.

49. Everyone has a colorful childhood. Childhood is the most precious thing in life. It is the beginning of your life. If you have it, you will have a life. We should cherish it.

50. At that time, summer was our happiest time! The young friends went out to play in groups: later they went to the river to catch shrimp; Later, I will go to the temple to watch songs and plays; Later, go to the grass to catch grasshoppers.

51. Childhood is full of sunshine, which enables me to enjoy the best care in the world; Childhood is colorful, it makes my memories colorful; Childhood is rich and interesting, it gives me endless happiness.

52. The once tender mind has become mature, and the once delicate seedlings have grown into small trees. In the process of growing up, I have changed a lot and forgotten a lot, but I still remember those words and things full of childlike interest.

53. Childhood is the most precious treasure of life, and the game of childhood is a rare gem. Whether poor or rich, childhood will become the most attractive magnetic field in life day by day.

54. Everyone, I think, has many happy things in his childhood, and I am no exception. I have many interesting childhood stories in my grandma's house, like sand in the desert, which are countless.

55. Childhood is like music, composing one interesting story after another. Childhood is a rainbow after rain, a picture of memory, and even the most beautiful time worth remembering. Ah, childhood, how fascinating you are!

56. Childhood is a colorful river, a colorful road, a kind bridge and a wonderful book. When I recall my childhood, I feel very happy, but with a little nostalgia and longing.

57. Childhood is like a beautiful and colorful dream, like a free bird flying in the sky, like a tree bearing many happy fruits. Now I pick the sweetest fruit for everyone to enjoy.

58. Childhood is like a golden field, full of harvest joy, laughter and intoxicating fragrance. Childhood memories are like golden ears of rice. I will choose the most beautiful one to share with you.

59. Childhood, like an endless stream, flows slowly in my heart. In this stream, there are both happy laughter and sad tears, but the deepest memory is that I did a silly thing in my childhood.

60. A happy childhood is like a rainbow after a rain. Many interesting things I have done are like bright stars twinkling in the sky of my childhood. Occasionally, when they are mentioned by themselves or others, they cause a burst of laughter.

61. Everyone has a childhood; Everyone has a different childhood; Everyone has a different childhood full of fun. There will be many interesting things in my childhood. Today, I would like to tell you something interesting about my childhood.

62. To sum up, there are few traces left by my childhood, but fortunately, there are good memories, so that I can recall those unforgettable days. Childhood is really short, it is like a candy, let people miss its sweet taste.

63. In spring, the spring breeze blows the face, making people feel warm. The willow trees grow fresh branches and leaves, the grass sticks out from the ground, the ice in the river has been removed, and several fish swim around in the river, looking lively everywhere.

64. Interesting things in childhood are like stars all over the sky. I will choose the brightest "star" to show you! This star can make everyone laugh!

65. Childhood is a pure white lily, beautiful, beautiful and elegant; Childhood is a white cloud, carrying hope and joy; Childhood is a flower in bud, although it does not bloom to start growing; Looking back on my childhood silently, I smiled.

66. Childhood is an ocean of joy. In the seaside of memories, there are countless shells, some are gray, which remind a sad past; Brilliant, reminiscent of childhood fun. I was looking for the most beautiful shells on the coast of memory. Ah, I found them!

67. Childhood is like a ship, full of candy, toys, laughter and happiness. Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Interesting events in my childhood often bring me into good memories.

68. I have thought about what is the most interesting thing in this colorful childhood: the surprise of getting full marks in the exam; A heartfelt compliment; Or the gratification of success... But one thing is still in my memory, lingering.

69. Childhood makes the mountain greener and the water bluer. There are dense birch forests on the mountain, dozens of families with smoke curling from the kitchen at the foot of the mountain. Three generations of grandparents, six brothers and sisters, hardworking father and kind mother live in three huts at the head of the village. Among them, I am the one with two sheep's horns.

70. Childhood is innocent and childish. Childhood is always full of funny fantasies and interesting stories. Childhood is so charming and carefree. The golden childhood has left many beautiful memories and innocent pictures.

71. Childhood is a dream. Yes, when we have a golden childhood, we will open up the motley memories, one by one, and when the wisps of fascinating past events reappear in front of us, you will sincerely feel that childhood is really like a dream.

72. Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warming your heart, and childhood is like a cup of light tea, which makes you aftertaste; Childhood is like a rainbow of storms; Colorful, gorgeous; Childhood is like the afterglow after sunset, so let people miss; Like the winding path, let you grow.

73. Childhood is a dream, and the dream is the bridge of grandma; Childhood is a bridge, followed by the future road; Childhood is the road that keeps us away from childhood. Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds; Childhood is a cloud, turning into the rain of spring; Childhood is rain, nourishing the nascent flowers; Childhood is a flower, accompany me to see the sunset at dusk.

74. Childhood is a dream of floating on clouds. Every night, before I went to bed, I imagined that I was a beautiful fairy. The white gauze skirt, the high hair bun, the delicate jade hand carries a big flower blue. Flying freely in the blue sky, big flowers fall into the dust when the wind blows.

75. When I was young, I imagined that I was a beehive. All kinds of ordinary rough people sent their knowledge and thoughts of life into the beehive like bees. They enriched my soul as generously as they could. This kind of beehive is often dirty and bitter, but as long as it is knowledge, it is honey.

76. Childhood is a pure dream, like a rainbow weaving a beautiful future. Everyone has a childhood that is worth remembering. Everyone's childhood is so colorful, colorful, time flies, and never comes again. Who doesn't want to record their golden childhood in the memory of life, and become an eternal memory?

77. The golden childhood is happy, and the memory of golden childhood is exciting. Childhood is like a ship, full of candy, toys, laughter and happiness. Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Interesting events in my childhood often bring me into good memories.

78. I experienced unusual things in my childhood. I learned from it and grew up. It will be the first bucket of gold I have obtained in my life. It is so precious that it is safest to keep it in my mind, because it makes me unforgettable forever. If we use a color to describe it, it will be warm orange, as if it is the sunlight under the sun.

79. Childhood is like a bunch of waves in the river. There are calm water like a mirror, slight ripples, and surging waves; Childhood is also like the boiled water that must be drunk in life, which is sweet, bitter and hot. In my childhood, I was full of happiness and distress. Who said that children were carefree, but I had many troubles.

80. The dream of childhood is the boat that cleans up the green water. On the boat, we sing happily and paddle. Water splashes everywhere, and we are still rowing tirelessly under the afterglow, because we have a belief that is to reach the other side. We will not let go, we will not lose, no matter how hard and tired we are, we will not cry, we are strong as a mountain in childhood.

81. Childhood may be the tears you no longer easily shed, sadness? but! Air dried, but still leave traces. Childhood may be the innocent smile you won't show, innocent? lovely! Lost, but can still exist in people's memory, childhood may be the dried flower of the dead life, lifelike? Disconsolate! Lost life, but forever with the thrill of flowers!

82. Although the world is very big and the time is fast, there is always a constant dream of hometown in one corner of my heart. The pain of childhood, the joy of childhood, the steps of childhood, the smiling face that shows the vitality of the red sun, and the unknown secret of childhood. In the course of life, success or failure, honor or disgrace, the game of childhood is a landscape that stays in my heart forever.

83. Childhood is a name full of dreams and colorful, and the life of childhood is unpredictable, colorful and splendid. Some of them had a happy childhood. In my parents and elders, I smiled and said, "Writing is not difficult. I regard writing as happiness in my life. Writing is like my life. I cannot lose writing in my life.

84. The dream of childhood is the horse that gallops the red earth, and the horse that we worship. The horse of power incarnation has always been our pursuit. We hope to ride the horse we worship, but it has not been achieved. But we have always pursued it. Gradually, we have formed a habit of cherishing what we have, never abandoning anything we see, and we are tender as water in our childhood.

85. Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warming your heart, and childhood is like a cup of light tea, which makes you aftertaste; Childhood is like a rainbow of storms; Colorful, gorgeous; Childhood is like the afterglow after sunset, so let people miss; Like the winding path, let you grow. The wind can't blow away this warm memory; It is impossible for the rain to hide the touching melodies one by one. Only the lovely sunshine shines on it and saves it.

86. At the beginning of the new semester, everything has come back to life: birds show off their voices and sing wonderful songs on the branches, red fish swim around in the pool, and the campus radio is also singing briskly all day long. When I came to the new class, I felt so happy everywhere. All the students are enthusiastic, striving to play with me and be my friends. After class, we played ball games, skipped rope, played shuttlecock, and went fishing on Sundays. What a happy time.

87. Childhood is a beautiful comic book. There are color 32 open ones, and black and white ones as big as match boxes. From the day I could tear paper, my father bought me comic books. Every time he went to see me at Ganniang's house, he saw my shredded paper snack in the yard before he came home.

88. "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams"; Childhood songs, happy songs; Childhood footprints are in clusters; The stories of childhood are piled on top of each other. " Can this song remind you of your wonderful childhood? In those colorful years, many things happened, not as bright as the stars. My childhood was beautiful, and there were many things worth remembering. Recalling that childhood, my kind mother and kind father made me feel extremely happy.