About the copywriting that is easy to slip
2023-05-09 10:10:55
Complete sentences

1. Horses are apt to slip on the soft ground, while people are apt to fall when they talk sweetly.

2. There are two selves in the world, one is to work hard intermittently, and the other is to continue to degenerate and indulge.

3. Everyone is a clay bodhisattva who has no time to spare. Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river of reality.

4. Use your little reason to tell yourself that love can be lost, but life can never be.

5. Horses easily stumble on the loose and muddy road; People are prone to fall in the situation of sweet talk.

6. If you don't let go of the old things, you will miss them even if the new ones come.

7. Good temper comes from grinding, bad habits come from habituation, and the love of finding fault comes from leisure.

8. Don't embarrass yourself. The day is not so simple, but it is definitely not so difficult. It will pass.

9. Time tells us that feelings can fade, words can be ignored, and loved ones can be replaced.

10. People must be ambitious and powerful to avoid being bullied; We must also be modest and compassionate so as not to bully others.

11. There is no soft love in the hard city. Life, not Lin Daiyu, will not be full of feelings because of sadness.

12. In the world, there is no time that cannot be squeezed out, only appointments that you don't want to go. Every choice, in fact, is what the heart wants.

13. Any blow should not be an excuse for your degeneration. You can't change the world, but you can change yourself.

14. No matter how much you love, don't humble yourself to please a person who doesn't love you. No matter how much you hate, don't slander a person who has talked with you behind your back.

15. Men like beautiful faces, women like love talk, so women make up and men lie to appreciate each other.

16. When you have such a big event in your life as birth, old age, illness and death, you will know that your grief in the past midnight is bullshit.

17. I don't know whether I am more and more independent or more and more guilty. After walking for so long, I find that the only thing I can rely on is myself.

18. When people reach a certain age, they live happily every day with some worries and unspeakable pain.

19. I hope you can spare yourself some time to do important things. After all, not all the waiting can stand up to long days.

20. When you do the right thing, it is often not mentioned; When you do something wrong, people will not forget it.

21. Life is so beautiful. It is important to stay away from negative energy and complaints, and spend limited time on beautiful things.

22. Your present life may not be what you want, but it is definitely what you asked for. 100% of the complaints in the world can be answered with this sentence.

23. As people grow older, they will become more tolerant. So many things are not really solved in the end, but forget it.

24. In this world, not all reasonable and beautiful things can exist or be realized according to their own wishes—— Lu Yao's Ordinary World

25. Don't bother those who don't care about you. They will lose their dignity even if they lose their smile; Don't plug the shoes that are not suitable for you. If you grind your feet, blood blisters will fall.

26. In an age when smart people are everywhere, what is scarce is not intelligence, but single-minded, desperate, single-minded and single-minded—— Jack Ma

27. There is nothing. Anyone needs you to sleep after midnight. Nothing can be exchanged for health. Remember, you can only live for life.

28. If you don't understand anything, you should be generous. You should stay away from such a person, because you will be involved when thunder strikes him—— Guo Degang

29. Not everyone likes your true appearance. It is necessary to observe your appearance occasionally. After all, it is not easy for us to mix in today's society.

30. There is no debt in life. Others pay for you because they like you. You pay for others because you are willing. Out of the will, out of regret.

31. I want to work hard for the future and earn a lot of money, not because I love money, but because I don't want to spend my life with anyone because of money, nor want to leave anyone because of money.

32. We always try to comfort others like wise men, but torture ourselves like fools. Don't blame others for letting you down. In many cases, it's ourselves who can't cope with ourselves.

33. You can either catch up with what you want or give up. Don't always chatter about your determination or complain when meeting others. Be a laughing point after dinner.

34. Don't hesitate to tell your secret to anyone, because every time you reveal your mind, it may become a navigation for others to poke at your weakness at some future moment.

35. Life is always like this: when you are in high spirits, give you a blow; when you are in low spirits, polish your dreams. So, don't be drowned in praise, don't be lost in confusion.

36. Know how to refuse. It is not a "nice person" to promise all the requirements of others. Those things that you agree to without considering your own tolerance, and the work and responsibility that you are shirked will make your life worse.