Slogans and slogans for the International Day of Disabled Persons (69 selected sentences)
To succeed, you must be strong
2023-03-23 08:50:33
A complete set of slogans

1. High ambition can ignore physical disability, grasp happiness can open invisible wings, persistent pursuit can control the direction of life, and hard work will create infinite glory. On World Disability Day, we all come to care for disabled friends and help them realize their dreams!

2. Think about the true meaning of "One World, One Dream". Only by starting from bit by bit and devoting our care can the disabled and the able-bodied have the "same world".

3. Maintain the progressiveness of Communist Party members and serve the disabled wholeheartedly

4. With a weak body and a strong will, we pursue the most beautiful dreams. We love others and help ourselves. We are all good brothers and sing happy songs together. On the National Handicap Day, I hope everyone will show some love and make the lives of disabled friends brilliant.

5. Develop the cause of the disabled according to law and build a harmonious society together

6. There are always "residual" pains in fate, "residual" diseases in the body, "residual" clouds in the sky, and "residual" life in the years. On the Disabled People's Day, we are willing to send the message of love, send warm love, drive away the "disabled" enemies with care, and build perseverance with care. The world is beautiful because of love.

7. Help the poor disabled and share the sunshine of social care.

8. There was a lot of energy in their small bodies. They were desperate, and they hesitated, but they never let go. World Disability Day: Let's give them courage, blessings and care, and wish the disabled a better tomorrow.

9. Ensure the employment of the disabled and improve their life

10. The out of round moon is the most imaginative, the incomplete body contains powerful power, and caring for disabled friends shows the charm of true love. On the National Handicap Day, we held the Chinese Dream together with our disabled friends, loved and helped them, and our extended family was very kind.

11. People with physical defects often have an inferiority complex that is despised by others, but this inferiority complex can also be a kind of courage and upward motivation.

12. Caring for the disabled starts from small things.

13. Help the disabled and give them warmth.

14. Carry forward humanitarianism and advocate the fashion of helping the disabled

15. Because of strong perseverance, the flower of dreams opens for you; Because of the true love, the lucky god cares for you; Because of good persistence, sweet life embraces you. On the International Day of Disabled Persons, I wish the broken wings angels good mood, good days and good luck.

16. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled and jointly build a harmonious society

17. Care for the disabled and promote equal employment

18. Helping the disabled is a sign of social civilization and progress.

19. Protect the employment rights of the disabled according to law

20. When others feel happy, you are also happy.

21. The flowers open because of the warmth of the sun, the fish jump because of the flowing of the river, the birds sing because of the wide sky, and the human beings improve because of the love. The National Handicap Day is coming. Caring for the disabled around us will make our world more beautiful!

22. Happiness is health. If my blessing can bring you a source of health, I would like to pray for you day and night.

23. There is such a group of people who have responded to the unfortunate disability, disease and discrimination. They have never given up their cowardice, stood back and lost their ambition, and burned their lives with "striving, persevering and fighting bravely". On the International Day of Disabled Persons, please send a message to bless such a group of people who deserve eternal blessing and respect.

24. The two provincial games have made brilliant achievements, and the two stages have made brilliant achievements.

25. Quote; Give a heart, a love, a hand and a warmth. On the National Handicap Day, we are warm-hearted, our heart is giving strength, our love is relay, our love is boundless, our expectations are bright, and our love warms the world! "

26. Love disabled brothers and sisters, and offer a sincere love.

27. Caring for the disabled is an important sign of improving social politeness.

28. The whole society cares for the disabled and supports the cause of the disabled

29. Providing security and services is related to the poor disabled in rural areas.

30. Take a good road out, speak well and do good deeds.

31. Develop sports for the disabled and promote the all-round development of the cause for the disabled.

32. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to improve the survival and living conditions of the poor disabled.

33. Love never stays, your world never gets lonely, and your physical disability cannot make you depressed. Strong you will be more wonderful tomorrow. The World Disabled People's Day is coming. Let's care for the disabled and let love spread in every corner!

34. Guarantee the disabled to participate in social life equally and share social material and cultural achievements.