The Little Prince's 300 word composition
The age of no regrets
2023-06-17 03:11:42

I read the book "Little Prince". It tells about a prince from asteroid B612 who traveled to seven planets and met different people during the journey: the king who asked others to obey his orders; A vain person who wants others to worship him; An alcoholic who drinks to forget his embarrassment; A businessman who never stops to occupy the stars; There was also a strange lamplighter and a geographer. Finally, the little prince came to the earth. He first met a snake on the earth. The snake told the little prince that it would help him return to his planet. Then he met a fox and domesticated it. Then the little prince met a pilot in the desert who fell into the desert due to an airplane accident. He and the pilot lived in the desert together. Finally, the little prince wanted to go home and let the snake bite him to death, So the little prince returned to his own planet.

After reading this book, I learned a truth: people can only observe and feel with their hearts. You should know that it is impossible to see the essence of things with the naked eye alone, and you should know that you should not only think about yourself, but also be a responsible person. For example, there are many Chinese turtles in the world, but only mine is unique, because only I have trained it, so mine is unique. Remember, you are responsible for everything you have cultivated and domesticated. You spend time on your things, it will become important.

I like the book "The Little Prince", and I prefer the little prince because he is a kind and happy person.

Small After reading the prince 3

One day, at home, I carefully read and tasted this book called "The Little Prince". It tells the story of "I", a pilot who was forced to land in the boundless Sahara Desert due to aircraft failure, and the wonderful encounter after meeting the little prince. Later, the little prince left "me" and returned to his planet. "I" also repaired the fault of the plane and flew back to the city where I lived. Six years later, "I" was very sad. I always miss the time we spent together. "I" wrote this story in memory of the little prince. It also expresses the author's anxiety and helplessness about the lack of imagination and utilitarianism in the adult world.

The Little Prince tells us that we used to be children, with only simple desires and simple thoughts in our hearts. We used to stick to our toys, even if they were dilapidated. For us, they are still irreplaceable, because they have grown up closely with us. Yes, the importance of our hearts is so different from that of adults. We used to be sad for a lost kitten, we would be happy for a flower to bloom, and we would also be happy for a beautiful and unique butterfly - for us, this is important.

Consider that there are also such "lamp lighters" in life, such as the sanitation workers who work hard before dawn every day. Their work is dirty and tired, but they never complain. They are dedicated to helping the city "beautify". Although some people complain about their own destiny, they can see the citizens walking on the street smiling with praise from their hearts, They also forgot their previous complaints, were more powerful than before, and threw themselves into their jobs again.

The Little Prince is a fairy tale, a work for children, written for "people when they were children". The language of this novel is simple, pure and sorrowful, and the simple and clear language has a touching and philosophical charm. This is also a book that can make you feel pure love again at any age, and move for pure love again.