About the Classic Expressive Sentences: Quick and Classic Expressive Sentences (Selected 89 Sentences)
bright moon and cool breeze
2023-04-25 21:53:34
Complete sentences

1. As if separated by three autumns, it is because of missing; The long night is just because of missing; The opposite is due to loneliness; Sleeping alone is because you are counting sheep.

2. Loneliness on Valentine's Day has been dispelled by love. There is no need to stack up reasons for dating. Romance is not just a mirror, but the natural heart is in touch with each other. Expression is no longer a lute. Love opens the caller ID, and lovers are still scarce resources!

3. If everything is fate, I will not escape. If you don't love me and I don't love you, why torture yourself? Break up, let us all be free earlier.

4. Take your hand and follow you all my life. Poverty and wealth don't care, and we can help each other to the end. It is my life's desire to share a white head with you. Thank you, my dear, for letting me stand with you through thick and thin.

5. The sound of the cello is like a river. The left bank is my unforgettable memory, the right bank is my bright years worth grasping, and what flows in the middle is my light sadness from year to year!

6. Wife, I almost didn't sleep last night. In addition to reflecting on my own mistakes, I also need to show my actions. Hurry up to make the "warm" card. Forgive me!

7. I can't write love letters, only "heart"

8. You are a fairy tale fairy, giving me the fragrance of life, giving me the spring of life.

9. Not once did I miss you. A grain of sand fell from the sky, forming the Sahara. Every time I miss you, a drop of water falls from the sky, forming the Pacific Ocean.

10. With you, my life is full of happiness. Shall we have dinner tonight?

11. A wild animal was injured. It can run to a cave to hide, and then lick the wound itself. It insists on it, but once it is asked for warmth, it can't stand it.

12. I love you. To me, you are bread in the morning, bananas in the evening, garlic in Shandong, and pepper in Sichuan.

13. Love needs you to be perfect. Once in this life, I will never break my heart again. I will bless you here

14. Valentine's Day is coming. Find time to bring roses to your eyes. Happiness has prepared a date for you, sweetly arranged a romance, and the troubles of lovesickness will be told to you, and love stories will be told to each other!

15. I have to put a recliner for you in a shady garden, and put 10 cups of iced milk where your hands can reach.

16. I know I'm not a good recorder, but I like to look back on my own way more than anyone else.

17. Love is a beautiful poison. With his sweet everyday, there is no question mark in his heart. There is a strong happy heartbeat in his arms. Every second that accompanies him is a beautiful thing that has not been remembered.

18. The same blue sky, flying with you; The land on the same side, holding hands with your heart; In the same future, we will create together with you hand in hand; The same love song is wonderful to sing with you. Embrace Valentine's Day, and we will embrace the romantic future together!

19. On the day of stop and go, the bustling crowd, the noisy street market, the endless flow of vehicles, information is placed in the sky, looking for the beloved you, in order to find you and say to you: I love you!

20. Acacia, feelings, hope to hold your hand; Acacia, feeling, I really want to hold you; Think again, feeling deeply, thinking of loving your life; Acacia is hard to feel. I miss you right now.

21. Thinking about you is like a mouse loving rice. In order to love you forever, I have saved rice every day and finally saved a bag of rice. Every grain of rice is loving you. I hope you will become more and more beautiful and never abandon your life together!

22. I think you are really not a qualified friend. You'd better change your profession and become my wife!

23. I dedicate my youth to you, and love makes my dark hair regretless stained with frost; I send you my pure affection, and the sweetness makes life blossom wantonly; I love you, we will share the prosperity of the world!

24. The wind walks on the water, leaving ripples; The sun passes through the clouds, leaving a trace of warmth; Time passes through the woods, leaving rings of growth. Friends, what do we leave behind when we walk on the stage of the times?

25. The cruelest thing in the world is not not to meet a loved one, but to meet one and miss it; The saddest thing in the world is not that the person you love doesn't love you, but that he doesn't love you after he loves you.

26. When I saw your happy smiling face, I remembered that I waited hard with roses downstairs last year and today. The bitter cold wind that night did not cool my love for you. I hope I will accompany you every Valentine's Day in the future.

27. If loving you is wrong, I am willing to make mistakes again and again; If loving you is wrong, I am willing to be wrong all my life; December 12 (to love) is to love you. There is no reason to love. Holding the hand of the son, there is no regret for mistakes.

28. I want to give you my warmth from now on. It is really love that makes me feel warm.

29. It is the first time for my heart to tremble when I see your figure in the vast crowd!

30. Although you are slim and petite, and you speak softly and softly, you are powerful. This is a real spiritual beauty!

31. The orange suit is naturally open, showing red and white woolen clothes, and the lake blue tights set off slender legs, which are both natural and beautiful. Your dress is successful!

32. I am not afraid that he will follow me, but that my heart will not follow my steps.

33. I never thought about this problem.

34. Husband: I regret every time I lose my temper with you. In fact, my purpose is very simple. I just want you to care about me.

35. When distance is no longer an obstacle to life, can you stay with me for life?

36. I am your Romeo, happy for you and worried about you. My heart trembles when I see your smile. It's hard to miss your food. Willing to do everything for you, always with you, love deeply hand in hand, love life in the heart!

37. I have learned to eat twice in my life, once when I was a child, and once when I sat opposite you.

38. Without you, my sky has lost a piece of color; Without you, my world has a kind of missing.

39. I will throw myself into your arms, because you are an angel sent by God to me.

40. I love you more than myself. You are the sun in my heart. If you shine, I will be full of vitality.

41. Love to say that you who love to laugh always make people think of you. So you became my partner in OICQ world.

42. I don't know nothing. Everything you do is in my mind, but I'm sorry.

43. The infatuated person always holds the idea that even I am moved by myself, why can she not be moved by me? But persistent pursuit can only prove that you are a persistent person, that's all.

44. If one of my casual eyes makes you lose your life, then I am willing to pay the guilt of previous and future generations. In order to carry out the love with you to the end, I would not marry in this life.