Sentences about disappointment in life and want to die
Heroes have dreams
2023-06-04 05:42:19
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1. There is always too much pressure in life, either it overwhelms you or you lift it.

2. Time can make everything painless, even sometimes even I will forget that we once loved each other.

3. I don't want to live such a boring life all day.

4. Don't expect too much, otherwise only disappointment is waiting for you.

5. I have saved enough hope, but I am disappointed

6. Life is not Lin Daiyu, because you are sad, you will not be charming, so we should learn silence in sadness.

7. The disappointment brought by expectations is to add a layer of hard ice to our hearts as a protective film, which makes us lose confidence in expectations. I hope I have abandoned it and let it drift and disappear with the wind.

8. When I was young, I cried because I felt wronged. When I grew up, I cried because I was disappointed in myself and could do nothing about many things.

9. My trust time after time has brought me disappointment again and again.

10. She always looked at him secretly, and her heart was always thinking about him, as if it was the indispensable air in life.

11. From now on, don't indulge in fantasy, don't worry about nothing, work hard, live a good life, and be a person close to happiness.

12. Officially declared single! From today on, I want to live my life well! No more tears for him! Do what you say!

13. I am not happy working here, and I cannot leave. I am disappointed and desperate. What should I do? What should I do? Is it time for punishment to end?

14. Don't always promise to give her a good life, because she will trust you if she loves you. Once promised, she will never forget that she can see your efforts.

15. When I get old in the future, I will be reluctant to die before my beloved, and will be reluctant to let him support his life in the world by looking at our past photos.

16. People can live happily, but we choose to be complex, choose to sigh and hate, can provoke disputes, love, can cover up all mistakes.

17. With a complex mood, look at the complex life, take a complex road, and live a complex life.

18. Life is painful in the heart, no one will know. Only when you cry deeply in your heart can you fully understand how difficult life is!

19. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, you will show it a thousand reasons to smile.

20. Some people are like me; In microblog, looking at the words written by others, looking for their own content was confused.

21. The stories in dreams are always touching, while the reality is always disappointed but waiting.

22. Sometimes people who are misunderstood and don't explain are silent not because they don't care, but because they are too disappointed

23. Such a role, such a day, really tired. Disappointment is greater than hope and finally despair.

24. The pursuit of perfection was almost harsh years ago; Ten years later, it was discovered that the most imperfect person was himself.

25. The world is very big and the society is very complex. There are always some things that let us disappointed and sad; There are always times when life is complicated and personnel are complicated, which is difficult for us to accept. Life is hard to be satisfied, so why bother? Happiness is good.