Good night to your own people (30 selected sentences)
Red Warbler and Green Willow
2023-07-18 06:40:51
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. The following is a summary for everyone. Good night, live as you like, and others' comments are really not so important. Your happiness and happiness are not in the eyes of others, but in your own hands. I hope it can help everyone.

2. Go through fire and water for worthy people. Don't care too much about others. In this way, your kindness is precious.

3. What others think of you has nothing to do with you; How you want to live has nothing to do with others.

4. The toughest days were all my own, and I found that I had achieved myself in those days.

5. You must enjoy your company. The advantage is that you don't have to distort yourself in order to comply with others or please others.

6. Speak well, but don't be too kind. Be ruthless, but don't leave no stone unturned. Don't speculate others with the greatest malice, but never release love without principle.

7. When you encounter something disgusting, you should remember to be calm and calm. After all, the scum in the world has a variety of ways, which is impossible to prevent.

8. Try every means to get into a circle, take pains to please the loved ones, and stand on tiptoe to prove that you are taller than others, which is not as good as pleasing and enriching yourself.

9. It is not your mobile phone that has brought you down, but your lack of self-discipline. You don't want to work hard now, but you will have to work harder in the future!

10. Both the leading and supporting roles can be played, and both on and off the stage are comfortable. In the face of life, you can bend and stretch your personality if you want to practice.

11. If the economy can't stand on its own, the dignity of human dignity will be weak, and love and freedom will be wronged.

12. If you are not good at it, don't be too angry, or you will be in trouble. If you have little ability, don't have too much desire, or you will be in great pain.

13. The so-called reliable person means that everything is explained, everything is settled, and everything has an echo.

14. It is very important to stop loss in time. You have lost something. If you can't recover it, the only thing you can do is not to lose more.

15. The biggest weakness of human nature is not greed, not cowardice, but all want to be perfect.

16. The invincible heart is often defeated by a simple consolation. The invulnerable disguise often completely surrenders in front of people who understand you.

17. A lot of things are between "don't say hold back" and "say affectation". Everyone has two sides. Please don't touch others' bottom line, or their other side will make you embarrassed.

18. In this year: it is better to be able to speak than capable, it is better to have a good face than passionate, it is better to pay than heartfelt, and it is better to be tactful than kind.

19. I don't understand why you should care so much about other people's opinions. Criticism is just a pastime for boring people. Why should you look like an enemy? If you don't eat other people's food, don't take other people's words too seriously.

20. Taking the wrong train is a regret, missing the train is a regret, and late affection and tenderness are meaningless.

21. Be calm first and then love others. Be a beautiful girl who has money in her pocket and walks with wind. Only in this way can you have the ability to do more things you want to do and have more confidence to love anyone you want to love.

22. Life is like a book. Fools look at it as if they are flipping through it. Smart people read it attentively. Because he knows that this book can only be read once.

23. Your pressure comes from your inability to discipline yourself. You just pretend to work hard. The current situation cannot keep up with your inner desire, so you are anxious and panic.

24. When I am busy, I feel that the world is yours. When I am free, I know that you have nothing.

25. Why do you have to make friends with people who are different from you? It's enough to be polite when you meet each other on a sunny road and a single wooden bridge.

26. Don't open your heart to others, and don't love someone who doesn't have you in his heart. Share your feelings with those who understand you, and leave your feelings with those who really love you.

27. Life is always so condescending. Everything you want depends on your own hands. There is no unconditional giving in this world.

28. Don't be happy with things, don't be sad about yourself, don't be perfect, but be worthy of my heart.

29. In fact, there is no obstacle that can not be overcome. Give yourself some time to recover. It's better to speak freely than to defeat yourself in a hurry.

30. Time doesn't really help us solve any problem. It just makes the problem that we couldn't figure out how to solve become less important.