Message of cheering for the 2022 junior high school entrance exam
Cloud to cloud
2023-06-22 09:51:42
Complete sentences

1. Character and knowledge are all based on ambition; Nothing can be done without ambition.

2. One score is higher than the other, and one score will make a lifetime.

3. Struggle changes destiny, and hard work makes brilliant achievements.

4. Without today's efforts, there will be no tomorrow's achievements.

5. Attitude determines everything, and action has a future.

6. Hope, only when accompanied by diligence, can we be even more powerful.

7. Only with firm belief can we set foot on the road of successful life.

8. Nian Hanchuang whets a sword. Right or wrong depends on today.

9. Show your ideal and seize the opportunity to enter a higher school; Spell out your strength and taste the joy of success.

10. Challenging life is my choice without regret, and winning the high school entrance exam is my unremitting pursuit.

11. Only a down-to-earth person can say that the road is at my feet.

12. Self confident people can turn small into great and mediocrity into magic.

13. We can not gain for others, but we can pay for others.

14. Standing in the wind and rain, if you want to see the rainbow, you have to move forward strongly.

15. Boating against the current, push hard, one pole slackens and retreats thousands of fathoms.

16. The road will be wider if we fight less and yield more.

17. The perfection of personality is the foundation, and the establishment of wealth is the end.

18. In writing, there is nothing but diligence, and there is a great ambition to navigate the sea of learning.

19. The strong may not win, but the winner must be the strong.

20. Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

21. Talents have come out of the country for hundreds of years.

22. Teachers and students work together to make June brilliant.

23. No pains, no gains; To reap well, one must cultivate well.

24. One mind will lead to many things, and many minds will not lead to one thing.

25. Taste the fruits of your own labor, and the taste is the sweetest.

26. Don't wait for opportunities, but create them.

27. Genius lies in accumulation, and cleverness lies in diligence.

28. The seed with strong vitality never sings a curse song to the barren soil.

29. Victory will only get closer to the diligent and farther away from the lazy.

30. People who have neither friends nor enemies are ordinary people.

31. Tomorrow is the fastest growing land in the world, because it is full of hope.

32. If you want people not to be evil, you must first be beautiful; You must be confident before you doubt others.

33. From the sea to the end of China's silver light, Tianzuojan Mountain climbs to the top and I become the peak.

34. Confidence comes from strength, and strength comes from diligence.

35. Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you.

36. Sleep now, and you will dream; Now study, you will realize your dream.

37. As long as you are willing to learn, you can certainly learn.

38. Darkness cannot swallow the bright mind, and difficulties cannot stop the resolute life.