A Complete Collection of Classic Humorous Quotations
Storm Harvard Road
2023-05-04 14:34:33

1. Listen to others' stories and shed your own tears.

2. I never write Cuo characters, but I write interchangeable characters!

3. As far as you think, you can get away from me.

4. On the way to Niubi, I ran all the way!

5. I can resist everything except temptation.

6. The one on my face is definitely not acne, it's called youth.

7. I smile to the sky from my horizontal sabre and leave the Kunlun Mountains with liver and gall.

8. There are so many beauties in the country that countless mistresses are offended.

9. Secret love is a successful pantomime, which becomes a tragedy.

10. Don't act recklessly when you are young. When you are old, what can you say about that year.

11. Spit is used to count money, not to reason!

12. Celebrities say that ordinary people have no taste for life, and ordinary people think that celebrities are too tired to live.

13. I'm not in a good mood recently. I plan to go to heaven tomorrow to relax.

14. Before I could touch the flowers and twirl the grass, I was pulled out by others.

15. Today, my mother asked me why I smoke, and I said I like to eat ash!

16. You'd better let me kneel on the washboard. The electric heater can't stand it!

17. There is a kind of love that I don't care, and there is a kind of being loved that I am unlucky.

18. How are you doing now? If you don't live well, I will be relieved.

19. The iron rooster will leave some rust. You are a stainless steel rooster!

20. Life is like fighting against landlords. When you are just a gang, you are the enemy in a twinkling of an eye.

21. Do you think I will watch you die? I'll close my eyes!

22. We have no desire to sleep for a long night. What else can we pursue besides creating human beings.

23. Don't look at AV all the time. Don't look at what is behind the letters A and V on the keyboard.

24. When you fall down and only have one piece of blood left, call three letters to brother Zeng and resurrect in situ.

25. Those who calculate pork after calculating the wage increase will find themselves inferior to pigs!

26. If cutting off my hair is cutting off my memory, can I lose my memory if I cut my hair bald?

27. People born are not afraid of death, and those who are afraid of death are not born, so no one should pretend to be horizontal!

28. I won't bend over when money falls from the sky, because even pie can't fall from the sky, let alone money.

29. I can't see my loneliest time, because I am loneliest only when you can't see me.

30. What kind of goods you are, you will be given what kind of face. If you want me to make a pretence to please you, you are delusional.

31. The worst way to miss someone is to sit beside her and know that you will never have her.

32. Don't always ask people why they don't want to listen to you or talk to you, because they are too rare for you, they don't want to listen to your reality? Do you believe it?

33. When life maliciously turned everything into black humor, I pushed the boat with the current and turned myself into a highly educated rascal.

34. In the next few decades, we will meet and send them to the crematorium. All of them will be burned to ashes. You and I will be sent to the countryside to make fertilizer.