A famous saying about Confucius
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-03-10 00:19:24
A complete list of famous sayings

1. How can you say something in French? Change it to expensive.

2. The average person or above can speak; People below the middle level should not speak in words.

3. I am not generous in my life. It is disrespectful to be polite and not sad in the face of mourning. How can I view it!

4. A gentleman is straightforward, and a villain is always worried.

5. Those who know are inferior to those who are good, and those who are good are inferior to those who are happy.

6. Explanation: A gentleman is magnanimous, so he treats others as if walking on a flat road, peaceful and comfortable; The mind of a villain is often a matter of service. He is worried about gain and loss.

7. The thickness shall be applied; Things, including; Convergence, from its thin.

8. I try not to eat all day long, not to sleep all night long. It is useless to think, so it is better to learn.

9. A gentleman wants to be slow in speech, but quick in action.

10. Prudent in the end, pursuing the far, and the people's morality will be enriched.

11. To serve the king, respect his work and then eat his food.

12. All evils must be observed; All good will be scrutinized.

13. To refuse to teach people to fight is to abandon it.

14. Isn't it true that learning and learning at the same time?

15. The official position of a gentleman is also his righteousness.

16. The gentleman respects the virtuous and allows the public, and is virtuous but reserved.

17. How can you say something in French? Change it to expensive. The hand and the words, can not say.

18. A gentleman can't compare with others, and a villain can't compare with others.

19. If you know what you can do, you can't keep it. If you get it, you will lose it.

20. Explanation: A gentleman should speak carefully and work hard and quickly.

21. Those who are born with knowledge are superior; The person who learns and knows is the second; Learning from difficulties is second. If you don't study when you are sleepy, you are the next man!

22. Be aware of it, be benevolent and able to abide by it, come here with dignity, and move without courtesy or kindness.

23. There should be a secretary first, forgive minor mistakes, and promote talents.

24. You are not famous for your illness.

25. It is easy for a gentleman to do things but difficult to say (please). To say (please) is not based on Tao, and not to say (please).

26. The thickness shall be applied; Things, including; Convergence, from its thin.

27. Explanation: It is not worth discussing the truth with a scholar who is interested in learning and pursuing the truth but is ashamed of poverty.

28. Rise in poetry and stand in ceremony. Success comes from happiness.

29. Explanation: When people are born, they are all kind-hearted and similar in temperament. But with the different changes and influences of their living environment, everyone's habits will be different.

30. What a virtuous man! A simple bowl of food and a gourd of drink can't bear to worry in the mean lane. Back also did not change its joy. What a virtuous man!

31. Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher.

32. It is shameless for the people to avoid justice and punishment; Virtue is the essence of Tao, courtesy is the essence of Qi, and shame is the essence.

33. Respectful residence, respectful deacons, and loyal to people.

34. An army can seize the commander, but a man cannot seize his ambition.

35. In a country with a thousand virtues, we should respect things and believe in them, use sparingly and love others, so that people can keep up with the times.

36. What a virtuous man! A simple bowl of food and a gourd of drink can't bear to worry in the mean lane. Back also did not change its joy. What a virtuous man!

37. Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? Wishing for good and giving orders in case of danger.

38. Forgot to eat with anger, forget to worry with joy, and do not know that old age is coming.

39. To know is to know. To know is to know.

40. Look at the reason, the reason and the security. How thin are you? How thin are you?

41. Explanation: Confucius put an end to four evils: no subjective suspicion, no expectations to be realized, no stubborn action, and no selfishness.

42. Never know without suffering, and seek to know.

43. What does it mean to be in politics if you are honest? If you can't correct yourself, how can you be like a person?

44. People should not be disrespectful if they have good manners; The people dare not refuse to obey the principle of good righteousness: the people dare not refuse to accept the principle of good faith.

45. Ask more questions than you can, and ask more questions than you can; If there is something, if there is nothing, if there is truth, if there is no truth, if there is something wrong, there will be no correction.

46. The policy of civil and military affairs is based on the policy of Fang. If he keeps his people, he will take political action; If a person dies, his political interests will be determined. Therefore, the government depends on people. The king makes his officials be courteous and loyal to him.