40 positive energy sentences suitable for friends circle before sleeping
The fragrance of wild lotus
2023-03-08 23:17:19
Complete sentences

1. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after you start.

2. After leaving, I will lose sleep, but because I miss you too long, my head is in a fixed mode.

3. From the day I met you, everything I did was to get close to you.

4. The most luxurious thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then help each other.

5. I like the story of getting married by holding hands, but I live in an age when there is no result even when I get to bed.

6. Men can't wait, but they often say that they can wait for you all their lives. Women can't afford to wait, but they have waited for you all their lives.

7. Maybe not every day is so beautiful, but every day there will be some beautiful things.

8. How many people love someone in the name of friendship and think that owning is the beginning of losing.

9. If we are entangled between the past and the present, we will find that we have given up the future.

10. The greatest power of effort is that you can choose the life you want, rather than being chosen by life.

11. Life is like drinking three courses of tea. The first is bitter like life; The second way is sweet like love; The third way is as light as the breeze.

12. Be patient, be able to hurt, be able to take it, be able to open it, be able to see it accurately, be secure, live well and walk smoothly. Now Is Good.

13. The tragedy of friendship is that you regard a person as your best friend, but she doesn't regard you as her best friend like you do!

14. Have a job you like, and you will be happy from nine to five every day; There is a person you love who is happy from six to eight every day.

15. Children who want to pick stars, loneliness is our required course. I am not afraid that I will not be good if I try hard, and I am afraid that people who are better than me will work harder than me.

16. When a woman reaches a certain age, she must learn to be silent. Every word must be useful and weighty. Joy and anger are not visible, events are indifferent, and have their own bottom line.

17. If you can't avoid it, you have to bear it. Being unable to bear the things that are destined to be borne in life is a sign of weakness and stupidity—— Bronte's Jane Eyre

18. Some people argue with you every day, but they never blame you; Some people, even without quarrel, have disappeared into the sea of people. It turns out that indifference is more terrible than quarrel!

19. Try to be a warm person, smile to the world with sincerity, remind yourself to do better with tears, greet the sunshine every day with happiness, and declare to the world with confidence that you are doing well.

20. Everyone's eyes are open, but it doesn't mean everyone is looking at the world. Many people hardly use their own eyes to look. They only listen to others. The world they see is always what others say.

21. There is no beginning once and for all, nor an unbearable end. In life, what you need to grasp is: what should be started should be started without hesitation; What should be ended should be ended neatly.

22. It suddenly occurred to me that in high school, I changed my position every few weeks, moved tables, chairs and books vigorously, and then silently sketched whether I could be closer to the person I like

23. Some people are thinking of a person, some are waiting for a person, some are sensitive and refuse anyone, or are used to a person. I can't tell whether you are friendship or missing love.

24. The reason why you feel uncomfortable is probably that you have invested a lot of time and energy, but in the end you failed to get what you want. The look of being filled with loss in a moment makes you feel unworthy.

25. Sanmao: You don't die, you don't die... When you are very old, I am also very old, and both of you can't walk or help, put on clean clothes, lie on the bed together, close your eyes and say: OK, let's go together.

26. In the eyes of the Chinese people, it is wrong not to marry, not to have children, not to plan an abdominal delivery, not to match the old and the young, not to have plastic surgery, not to have money, not to have money, not to have money...... In your life, you have to be instructed by others.

27. When we were young, we yearned for vagrancy, thinking that to wander in a place was the meaning of travel. Later, I realized that wandering is not aimless walking. But in my heart, there is no one to let you stay.

28. Everything has passed, everything has passed, everything has survived, and in the background of life, toughness and softness have been increased. At this time, the peaceful life has been quiet enough to disturb, steady enough to move, and calm enough to wind.

29. Running in is the only way for a relationship to mature. When you love someone, you should think more about how much he has paid, rather than just how much he has received. When you love someone, you should give him a sense of reassurance, rather than proving his love for you by torturing him.

30. Being weak can sometimes be pitied and cherished only because human beings have morality and kindness. You can look up to morality and kindness, but don't rely on it. The world can't rely on anything except its own strength. The best way to fight back is to kick the foot back.

31. People's life is like walking in the fog. From a distance, they are just confused and can't distinguish the direction and good or bad luck. However, when you summon up courage, let go of fear and doubt, and move forward step by step, you will find that after each step, you can see the next step more clearly.

32. One cannot have many friends. The so-called friends all over the world is not a poetic exaggeration, or a shallow conceit. People who are keen on social networking often boast that they have many friends. In fact, they know that the dominant factor in social networking is not friendship, but fashion, interests or boredom. True friendship is not noisy.

33. All the events that happen in personal life are meaningful and special arrangements made by God. It just depends on whether we have enough courage to discover the unique possibility that belongs to us, or whether we have enough wisdom to understand the lesson that this arrangement is intended to teach us. A person who can make every present better will not regret it.

34. Whether you are walking alone on the streets of a foreign country and never find a sense of belonging, or you flash a sense of desolation when you are having a meal with friends and laughing happily. No matter you are trying hard to realize your dream but fail to close the distance with it, or you have slowly lost your dream. You have to believe that there is no tomorrow.

35. The basic point of love is to become mature first, and then you will find a mature partner, while immature people will not attract you at all. It seems that if you are 25 years old, you will not fall in love with a two-year-old baby, you will not. When you are a psychologically and spiritually mature person, you will not fall in love with the baby. It won't happen, it can't happen, you know that love is meaningless.

36. In life, a real self carries a false self. In reality, a simple self is loaded with a complex self. Watch, listen to and act. Life seems to dominate everything. In fact, it is the real idea behind the appearance. What is reality? Behind the truth, desire is the mastermind. Do not believe in the eyes, do not believe in the ears, only the perception of the heart is right, understand it.

37. Habit, insomnia, habit of silent night, lying in bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about your pale blue clothes. Habit, sleeping companion, habit of sleeping alone in a room with a velvet bear. Habit, eating salt, the salt used to the wound, spread little by little in my heart. Habit, view the sky, habit of sitting alone in the well of love, reading poems about you. You go, I always have to get used to being alone—— poet and essayist

38. If you want to be happy, you should connect your life with your goal, rather than focusing on someone or something. Learn to find happiness every day and feel small pleasure. We often are: do not see hope, give up; Have no confidence in yourself, give up; There are other options, give up; It's too expensive to give up... It's so easy to give up, there can be many reasons, but there is only one reason to persist - I want to.

39. You are the most touching encounter and the hardest parting sorrow in my life. Holding your hand, I know that you are my waiting with life. Along the way, we joined hands to welcome the wind and rain, and wrote the past, watched the spring tide rise and fall, and listened to the autumn voice sing late. Life is long, because in the middle you will leave for countless times; Life is very short, this simple happiness permeates my forever. When we are old, what is embedded in my wrinkles is still your constant gentleness.

40. I'm not waiting for you to love me. I just want to be alone and grow old with me. I don't want to hold those vows of eternal love that cannot be kept. I just want a person who will accompany me to see the ends of the earth when I walk and become trembling. I just want a person. When I have silver hair, he will still wear a red flower on my sideburns and squint his eyes. I just want to be alone. I can still lean on his shoulder to watch the sunset and look forward to the sunrise tomorrow. I just want to be alone. I can grow old with me. I can watch the tide of the sea and see the withering glory of the years. I still feel like a girl. I'm not waiting for I love you.