Good sentences about autumn Good sentences about autumn (60 selected sentences)
Butterflies fly
2023-07-03 22:10:14
Complete sentences

1. Golden butterfly, would you like to make friends with me? Come on! Fly into my textbook and walk into the bright classroom with me.

2. Autumn symbolizes maturity and harvest.

3. There were dead leaves half a foot deep in the woods. When the wind blew, they whirled and flew up and spread out evenly, covering the path that tilted and circled to the top of the mountain.

4. In autumn, you cover up your sadness and pain in the daytime, let us enjoy your beauty, let us feel happy, and at night, you release your true feelings, secretly cry, the wind and rain are still relentlessly tormenting you, slapping you. People ignored it.

5. In the late autumn sky, white clouds are floating slowly like playing wool.

6. As soon as September arrived, there was a sense of autumn, which crept in at a foggy dawn and disappeared in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

7. Those "red lights" "Marshal Huang" squeezed and hung on the tree, hiding behind the leaves, revealing cute fat faces and smiling to welcome the arrival of Qiu.

8. The beauty of autumn is mature - it is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

9. In autumn, most of the leaves have gradually turned yellow, and some have withered down. Only the maple leaves have become red, which adds a bright landscape for autumn. It is really "the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February"!

10. The fallen leaves began to hold the "Dance Forest Conference". They were dressed in bright yellow, dark red and light purple gauze clothes, rotating like dozens of butterflies, dancing.

11. The golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.

12. In autumn, the bright red apples look out from the green leaves; Small red lanterns like dates hung all over the branches; Grapes like purple agate are hanging under the grape trellis in clusters. How charming!

13. The red leaves of thousands of trees, the deeper the autumn, the more red, from afar, like the rolling flame.

14. Autumn may be hidden on the golden rice ears, in the persimmons with fire, or in the green vegetable fields. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

15. Autumn is painting, colorful clouds, flowing clouds, maturity and harvest. Let's praise autumn, the prospect of harvest, the gorgeous autumn style, and cherish the good time of "middle-aged".

16. The wind, gently and gently blowing, is the beautiful autumn girl slowly coming.

17. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not so charming as spring, so hot in summer, and so implicit in winter.

18. Are the leaves rustling, composing their own music? The voice varies from high to low.

19. The surrounding sycamore trees have changed into yellow clothes. When I walked closer, I found that the leaves of the sycamore trees were half green and half yellow, as if they had put on a summer green dress and would not take it off.

20. In the autumn harvest season, the sky is particularly high and blue, the clouds are particularly white and gentle, the sun is particularly bright and warm, and the wind is also particularly light and fragrant.

21. The autumn grass is sentimental and withering; Huanghua has no intention of leading Nanshan to overlook. Crossing the paths and curling the smoke from the kitchen are endless poems in autumn.

22. Boundless falling trees and endless rolling Yangtze River. Stop and sit in Maple Forest at night. Frost leaves are redder than February flowers.

23. Autumn night is the day with the most fireworks. Because the National Day is coming, there are red fireworks and green fireworks.

24. Autumn! Just like a young girl in golden clothes, Qiu is gentle and kind, and will always bring benefits to people!

25. In the garden, many flowers have withered, and only chrysanthemums are still blooming. They are colorful, purplish red, light yellow, snow-white, green, nodding frequently in the autumn wind.

26. The sky becomes so quiet, high and blue. The white clouds are like sheep. If you look closely, they are like cotton candy. The sky seems washed by the sea, as light as a feather.

27. The autumn rain is full of evil. When the heaven and earth are filled with sorrow like rain, all things are silent and bear its relentless washing. Clean up the hot air of a summer thoroughly in the slow immersion, and the cool air becomes the mainstream with the escape of the hot air.

28. Autumn is coming, and chrysanthemums are blooming. There are red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, and white ones. They are very beautiful!

29. When the autumn wind blows, the fallen leaves are floating, floating, falling into the embrace of the earth.

30. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape.