Reflections on the feature film "Life is heavier than Mount Tai"
The confusion dissipates
2023-08-06 22:09:35

"A thousand mile dike will collapse in the ant nest" is a sentence from Han Feizi's Yu Lao, which later spread widely and evolved into a philosophical idiom today. This sentence profoundly reveals the truth that although the long dike seems very solid, it will collapse because of a small ant nest. It also reminds us that the development of things is a process from small to large. When there are minor safety hazards, if we do not pay enough attention to them and deal with them correctly and timely, there will be endless future problems. Therefore, we should guard against trifles in our actual work, start from small things, deal with unsafe factors in time, and avoid accidents or disasters.

As we all know, the large-scale blackout accident occurred in the northeast of the United States and parts of Canada on September, 20__. The power failure accident had a serious impact on the aviation and land transportation, normal scientific research, production and residents' life in the United States and Canada, and directly affected the stability of the national order in the United States, which became the big news that shook the world at that time. According to the estimation of American economists, the economic losses caused by the power outage accident in the United States reached up to $100 million every day.

As the number one superpower in the world, the power facilities of the United States are also world-class. If its power grid is compared to a dike of thousands of miles, it can also be said to be a dike made of iron walls. However, such a world-class large power grid, due to the lack of attention to early warning signs, has led to a large-scale paralysis of the power grid. It really conforms to the Chinese old saying that "a thousand miles of dike will collapse in the nest of ants".

It is only half a month from the blackout in the United States, and on the evening of December, 20__, __ also suffered from a large-scale blackout. The reason for the power failure accident is that the staff carelessly installed a wrong fuse. Similar accident cases can be said to be numerous, and the direct cause of the accident is also the small "ant nest" like reasons.

Looking at all kinds of accidents in our company over the years, at least 90% of accidents should be avoided. However, it is because some people have weak safety awareness and a fluke mentality of "small ant nest, insignificant" that many tragic accidents should not have happened. Thus, it has brought great losses and pain to the country, enterprises, families and individuals. Take the accident that occurred in our company on September, 19, for example, when the maintenance personnel were working behind the 10kV high-voltage cabinet, they lost their supervision, and when moving the work site, they were electrocuted and fell into the electrified compartment and died. The direct cause of the accident was that the monitoring function was not in place, which led to the disappearance of a life. It is easy to see from this accident that if life is compared to a long dike, the weak sense of guardianship is the ant nest in the long dike of life.

In fact, the ant nest itself is not terrible. What is terrible is to connect it with the Long Beach. If we only talk about the decomposition action of illegal operation, it is not terrible in itself. What is terrible is to connect that action with the power grid. Just like drinking, drinking itself is a pleasure in life. But if you want to link drinking with driving, can the dike of life be firm? "The dike of a thousand miles will collapse in the ant nest". If the nest is not removed, the dike will not exist! I hope that all friends present here will firmly establish the safety awareness of taking precautions, so that our power grid and our life can become an indestructible dike of King Kong, and the small ant nest can never hide!