A classic short sentence of congratulations on marriage A classic quotation of marriage blessings (28 selected sentences)
Time is quiet
2023-04-28 18:40:47

1. I always think that life is beautiful, love is sweet, marriage is happy, and life is good. When I enter the marriage hall, I find that I have dim desire, lost imagination, lost company, and brought sadness. Heaven is still heaven, just closed the window.

2. Together; Long company, sweet happiness every day; Cherish your appearance, hope for sunshine and wind and rain; Look familiar, live together from generation to generation!

3. The most beautiful thing is that you are married to love. I wish you can look back over the years and wish the newlyweds a happy and long-term marriage.

4. Congratulations on your successful cultivation and brave formation of a family.

5. It's a good day when gongs and drums are roaring, and flowers are blooming. Guests from all over the world and lakes come here, and there are a lot of people here. The beauty of a beautiful woman is matched by the beauty of a beautiful woman. True love lasts forever. Wish you a happy wedding.

6. The flowers are red and bright, which shows happiness, the firecrackers are vigorous, which shows auspiciousness, the whole family is happy, the relatives and friends are busy, which shows happiness, and the lingering love shows happiness. I wish you a happy marriage and a long life together.

7. People must be hurt before they can be silent and focused. No matter what the wound is, it is good for growth.

8. This life with you, even if there is no matter how big the wind and rain, no matter how big the disappointment, I will go through every spring, summer, autumn and winter with you, I love you!

9. At this moment, you have finally come to this moment and become a truly invincible couple! All the happiness and beauty come as scheduled, we must be ruthless happiness.

10. Happiness is the time we spend together. Happiness is the moment when you and I laugh together. Happiness is the family you and I have built together. Marriage is the witness of your happiness, happiness and perfection.

11. Let's tie the knot together Today, let's tie the knot together In this day, Huatang Jinwu is a spouse, and she will be white headed all her life. Send me a blessing to the spouse. A thousand words are not too long, and I wish you a happy marriage!

12. The newlyweds are as beautiful as the moon. On the occasion of your wedding, please allow me to join the ranks of blessings and accept my most sincere congratulations on your holy union with Miss Lin.

13. I wish my brother and sister-in-law a long life together, early birth of a son, and love between husband and wife.

14. We know each other and love each other, love each other more, tie the knot today, love each other and join hands for a lifetime, and live a good life from now on. SMS bless you two, let happiness bloom beautiful flowers, and sprinkle your future good days!

15. The gongs and drums shook the sky to welcome the newcomers, firecrackers roared together to bring down the auspicious omens, phoenix perched on the branches of parasol trees, and mandarin trees stood among the flowers. Since then, a happy festival has been going on, and love has been going on for a lifetime. A hundred years of love has formed a double knot, which is full of true feelings. I sincerely wish you a happy marriage.

16. My friend, when your new marriage is coming, I wish you a bow to heaven and earth, and you will be angry with your wife from now on; Second, I paid homage to the high hall, and then I was busy for my wife; The couple paid homage to each other and tightened their belts from then on; Go to the bridal chamber and hurry up if you want to have a baby.

17. Everything is the best arrangement! Wish you a happy marriage and a happy life! To be very very very very Xinghu!

18. A hundred years sleep. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.

19. Envy love from school uniform to wedding dress, 7 years into marriage, wish the newlyweds happy and happy for a long time

20. The sea is dry and the stone is rotten, the earth is wide, the sky is high and the sky is flying together. The bridal chamber is warm in spring, and love is deep.

21. He is a perfect match, and his wife is a perfect match. It is predestined that three lives will be full of zither and zither, and we will stay together forever—— Wish the New Marriage

22. It is love that binds you together, and it is love that connects your hearts. May you find that every year you are like a budding love.

23. Every marriage is happy, sweeping away two loneliness in the world, adding a legend to the Hongyu. Every marriage is also cruel, sobering up a fantasy obsession for the earth, and adding a bland sweetness to the world.

24. Two orioles sing in the green willows, congratulating the newlyweds and welcoming friends. Eight salutes tell the world that we have been together for a long time. Sansheng is lucky to hold a plain hand, and he has cultivated a white head for a hundred years. Make a cup of wine with affectionate feelings, and enjoy the same happiness and happiness. Wish: Happy wedding.

25. I hope you will never tire of seeing each other after your wedding. The more you see, the more you like it. The love between husband and wife will always be lingering. It will infect the surrounding air and make them sweet like fog, wind, and myth!

26. I wish you a happy marriage and a happy marriage. The time will not be old and you will not part.

27. Accompany each other ideologically, tolerate each other in hobbies, love each other in life, and recall romantic past events emotionally at the right time. There is not only no boring appearance between husband and wife, but also the freshness of newly married love.

28. Now someone is standing with you at dusk. Now someone is asking you whether your porridge is warm. Now someone is watching you smile. Now someone is sharing your life with you. I hope you will not be lonely in this life. I hope you will have a new heart in this life. I hope you will hold hands with it. Wish you a happy marriage.