Feelings from Reading the Romance of Gods
The wine is too sweet, you are too bitter
2023-08-15 23:36:00
second grade
reaction to a book or an article

The book "The Romance of Gods" records that Jiang Ziya helped King Wu of Zhou invite many immortals to help him go through five passes and kill six generals, and finally destroyed the independent state of the Shang Dynasty, called "Zhou". After reading this book, I got to know Nezha, who is very powerful, Yang Jian, who has changed 72 times, Jiang Ziya, who knows the weather and geography, King Zhou, who is arrogant and domineering, and Grand Master Wen, who assists Zhou in his tyranny.
Among these characters, Jiang Ziya is my favorite, because he is resourceful and gives advice to King Wu of Zhou. He has taken King Wu of Zhou's troops and horses out of King Zhou's claws many times with his wisdom and ability to ask for help from gods, which can be described as a great hero in this expedition against King Zhou.
I will take Jiang Ziya as my idol, learn more from him, and be a resourceful person.