After Reading Adventures of Onion
Luoshen flower
2023-10-07 02:49:26
reaction to a book or an article

I like the book "Adventures of Onion" very much. The protagonist in it is Onion, which mainly tells about how he saved the good people in the prison through all kinds of hardships, so that everyone can unite and fight against evil together. The effort pays off. At last, everyone together overthrew the rule of the Lemon King and gained the freedom they should have.
The stories here are full of fun. Some are moving, some are exciting, some are moving, some are moving, and there are various characters in them. Some are smart and resourceful, some are scheming, and some are naughty and cute
After reading The Adventures of Onion, I learned that no matter what you do, you should calm down and not be too nervous. Learn from the onion: there is no tension and fear in the face of the majestic King Lemon. In real life, if we encounter anything, we should be as clear headed as that. Because only in that way can we find a solution.
Another point is not to give up after setbacks. Things don't succeed every time, and sometimes they fail once or twice, but what does that matter? One more time or two with the previous experience may also be successful. Only if you persevere can you succeed. If you don't pay, how can you be rewarded? We have to learn from Onion. We have been thinking about strategies and saving our father. Although you often fail, it doesn't matter. Every time you fail, you are closer to success. Look, didn't onions also succeed in the end? Isn't the village peaceful? People are happy, aren't they? " "Failure is the mother of success" "Kung Fu pays off" "Onion Adventures 450 words without wind and rain, difficult to see rainbow" These three words are deeply engraved in my mind.
Don't you think so?