In 2021, talk about 81 sentences in the latest edition
Half maple lotus
2023-05-03 13:01:19
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. You are not qualified to criticize me. Even if I'm so bad, I haven't eaten your family's food.

2. You say that people in Renshan are afraid of loneliness when they love on the beach; I said, the sea of people is not you, how to let go.

3. I belong to the kind of bitch who yells boring every day, but when someone asks me out, I desperately find an excuse not to be too lazy to move.

4. The so-called buddy is the person who will give you the only doughnut when you are hungry.

5. Everyone has done indecent things; When you are playing with the computer, your parents always switch to the desktop refresh when they come to the computer.

6. These days, women are becoming more and more masculine, men are becoming more and more feminine, children are becoming more and more mature, but adults are beginning to act pure.

7. You have no right to criticize me and chew my tongue. Even if I'm so bad, I haven't eaten a meal from your family.

8. It's said that the more evils a girl committed in her last life, the bigger her chest will be in this life. This shows that I must have been a good person in my last life.

9. Most of the time, because you want too little, others simply don't give you anything, and you have nothing.

10. Put away your cowardice and show your arrogance. When you fall down, no one will help you. There are many beasts watching your jokes!

11. Some people say that no matter how cold the heart is, it will be covered with heat one day; But they forget that even the hottest heart can be frostbitten that day.

12. The real brothers, even if they have a quarrel, these days, both of them will reflect and finally make up. This is the brother.

13. A classmate who has not contacted you for a long time suddenly adds you as a friend. Don't think too much about it. In addition to borrowing money, it is she who has started to make purchases on behalf of others.

14. Go to bed when you are in a good mood, or your sadness will be magnified 10000 times when you stay up until the dead of night.

15. So far, this is the most vicious curse I have ever seen about Tanabata: curse the Aunt Weaver!

16. You don't respect me, I respect you, you still don't respect me, I still respect you, if you don't respect me again, I will abolish you.

17. If a person suddenly calls you by your full name when chatting with you, please believe me. Next, he or she will either confess or want to hit you.

18. If you are willing to turn over my homework layer by layer, you will find that you will be surprised that neither this page nor that page has been written.

19. I know her very well. As long as she still talks to me, no matter how hard she says, she is waiting for me to coax her.

20. Sometimes, although I can think clearly, I just can't accept it. Everyone knows the great truth, but little emotions are hard to control.

21. If you find yourself in pain, you should blame yourself. If you have the ability to like others, you have no ability to make them like you.

22. In one's life, there are two kinds of regrets that most afflict people: one is that you can't get the person you love; The second is that people who love can not get happiness.

23. The handsome boys playing football and basketball are all farting! As long as you are handsome, you are handsome when playing glass ball.

24. I always swear at my friends and brothers. If I treat you politely and politely, I'm sorry, we are not familiar!

25. Thinking instead of learning, loving instead of loving, hesitating to buy, and gathering together for social gatherings are some of the most time wasters in the world.

26. Some songs fall in love with the prelude, some people fall in love with it at the first sight, and some homework doesn't want to do it after opening the first page.

27. You look like a weak woman who can't even unscrew the lid of a mineral water bottle.

28. A good girlfriend can save 20G of space on your computer. A good boyfriend can save you 200 Nanfu batteries.

29. Don't look for happiness in others' eyes, or you will always be sad; Don't look for dignity in others' mouths, or you will always be humble.

30. The difference between friendship and love is that friendship means two people and the world, while love means that two people are the world.

31. Dear user, warm tip: You haven't contacted your male god for two hours. It's dry and dry. Be careful.

32. I would also like to learn from butterflies. I will change and wish again and again, neither thinking nor hesitating; Neither looking back nor sad!

33. Everyone's youth will not escape a love. Here, there is love, affection, joy and joy, but there is no eternity.

34. Everyone is a king. He is domineering in his own world. Don't listen to me, but you can't let me listen to you!

35. Every time I want to bow and stoop to become a normal person, there are always several normal fools who make me spurn this normal world.

36. What about the handsome boys playing basketball and football. It's all farting. As long as you are handsome, you can play glass ball and kick shuttlecock!

37. In fact, the most unfaithful thing in the world is money. We agreed to go out together, and then it would not come back with me. It's useless for me to take my heart and lungs out to it!

38. If you become more and more indifferent, you think you have grown up, but in fact you have not. Growing up should be gentle, gentle to the whole world.

39. Learn to bask in the achievements, the goddess basks in the selfies, the local tyrant basks in the money, and the model basks in the figure. I just want to bask in the sun, and return the rain to Nima every day!

40. When someone speaks ill of you behind your back, a lot of people will cheer up. This is because people who eat shit are destined to be united and friendly with those who shit.

41. If you are in a bad mood, just wash your clothes. Throw your clothes into the washing machine, then turn on the switch and say, "Go away!"!

42. I don't like snacks, movies or songs, but I like you very much.

43. IQ determines your lower limit and EQ determines your upper limit. How comfortable you are when you talk can determine how high you can reach.

44. The days when we shared weal and woe are unforgettable. Hey, that guy, I'm very rare for you. As long as I have a mouthful of food, you won't be hungry.

45. Sister Sha said of course, I wash my face with beauty soup every day, and use the brewed muscle tenderizer honey water. I have to drink it sooner or later. Isn't it beautiful?

46. Well, on which occasions should you not believe what men say? In bed, when he is happy, when he asks for help from you, when he makes mistakes.

47. On the month of more than ten years ago, I put on my small schoolbag with a smile and walked into the school. Since then, I have embarked on a road of no return.

48. I miss you so much recently. I don't know why. I really want to see you again, so that I can confess and say to you personally: I love you!

49. Men have no right to yell hot. Try wearing bras, sticking your hair on your neck, and putting sanitary napkins on your neck.

50. Text message: Let happiness embrace you, difficulties make way for you, troubles sneak away, and happiness smiles on you forever. Happy 61!

51. The world of love was so big that it could hold 100 kinds of grievances; It turns out that the world of love is so small that as small as three people are squeezed to suffocation.

52. I only hope that after many years, no matter what the relationship is like, when you talk about me, you can tell others that you never regret knowing me, and that you are really happy.

53. The best friend is just a friend who has similar thoughts with you, because when you are with him, it is like being with yourself.

54. Girls nowadays, the purpose of boys telling dirty jokes is to make you bow your head shyly, not to let you tell him a more yellow one.

55. The younger sister is a creature that can make the ruffian brother warm the man in a second, while the younger brother is a creature that can make the lady sister become a shrew in a second.

56. When I was young, I felt that the world was unfair. Later, I found that the world was unfair, but unfairness is a good thing. It will make you work harder.

57. Every girl has her own greatness. Your excellence does not need anyone to prove it, because the greatest excellence of women is independence.

58. Without money, what can you do to protect your family, support your love and contact your friendship? Stop making noise. Everyone is busy.

59. Research shows that the order of Chinese characters can not always be read. For example, after you read this sentence, you will find that all the characters in this sentence are in disorder.

60. At the beginning of life, when you fall in love, you always fail. You don't know love. Please go away, be afraid, hurt, don't come over. If you are hurt, get up. If you encounter love, please come again.

61. It was hard to summon the courage to call him. But a woman's soft voice came from the phone. Hello, the subscriber you dialed has stopped!

62. He is ugly when he tugs of war with force, sneezes with force, carries things with force, and loves someone with force.

63. My girlfriend stole my lover, but I don't regret it. Because my girlfriend is playing with the rest of my things, and that man is not a good thing.

64. You can burn me to death with a glass of boiling water, or you can kill me with a glass of ice water, but you can't consume me with a glass of warm water. What I want is clear black and white, direct and neat.

65. If you like a person, you should be brave to express yourself. Don't worry about being ugly. What if she is blind? Don't be afraid that she will refuse you to her face. Maybe she is mute?

66. A girl who is clean, whose hair is not dyed or hot, whose clothes are not excessively sought after, who loves sports and games, and who is healthy, cheerful and generous, is enough to make people like her.

67. The future depends on the care and love in your heart. Therefore, if the two have gone through the training together for half a year, please do not give up easily!

68. In fact, some things are not as complicated as you think. To treat you coldly and hotly is to use you as a spare tire, which makes you feel that it is not enough to care about your gains and losses.

69. Some things you like will not belong to you, and some things you are bound to give up if you miss them again. Love is a song that will never end in life.

70. The world is in chaos. Everyone performs his or her own duties. Everyone is responsible for his or her own future and busy. I am different. I am responsible for looking good.

71. The world is that a girl who is 1.5 meters and 6 meters has taken away the male god who is 1.8 meters and 9 meters, leaving a girl who is 1.7 meters and a man who is 175 meters.

72. Thin people can never understand the sadness of fat people standing on the scale, and fat people can never understand the desolation of thin people when they are easily pushed down. Therefore, we should learn to be considerate.

73. I envy myself most. It is a miracle that I have lived so long because I am so stupid, poor in appearance, poor in stature, easily deceived by lies, and poor in health.

74. The one who makes you cry is the one you love most; The one who understands your tears is the one who loves you most. The one who wipes your tears is the last one to stay with you.

75. All suitability is the mutual accommodation and change of two people. There is no naturally suitable two people. The best love is that two people work in the same direction.

76. I used to hate the word "don't explain". As more people have seen it, they gradually understand that sometimes it is a helpless thing to pretend.

77. "Hello, what's your favorite gift?" "Well, the postman didn't let me stay in the paper box.

78. I hope there is someone who doesn't dislike my bad temper, my bad habits, and my family situation. He will always stand beside me and grow old if he is careless.

79. I suddenly understood what is meant by "saying important things three times", which basically means saying it once on Weibo, once in space, and again in the circle of friends.

80. I accidentally mistook "I love you" for you. If you accept it, save it. If you don't accept it, send these three words back to me.

81. SMS, phone calls and dating are all my initiative. But I forgive you, because your first initiative was to say to me, "Let's get married."