105 sentences about the space of sexual sadness
Starlight on a moonlit night
2023-07-17 07:11:38
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1. I used to like a person, but now I like a person.

2. Because I was young at that time, I always thought about the future too well.

3. Later, I like people who are similar to you.

4. I bet my youth on tomorrow. Who can give me forever.

5. Look at other people's stories and shed tears.

6. I never regretted until I gave up.

7. If the wind can stay for me, you will stay for me.

8. Why should you hurry to let go? I will leave when I have enough loss.

9. Your world is so vast, where will I be.

10. I don't want you alone, but you would rather be alone.

11. The most painful thing is not leaving, but the memory after leaving.

12. I have to disguise myself as a hedgehog.

13. I'm still so unpromising. I keep an eye on your news everywhere.

14. Don't appear, don't bother, this is my last way to love you.

15. It's not easy for two people to meet. I'm still grateful if I can't be a lover.

16. In fact, it's good to be single, and you don't need to explain who you are flirting with.

17. Ferocious people also have a kind heart, desperate to die.

18. I always feel that something will happen, and I am inexplicably upset.

19. We often tell our sadness as a joke.

20. My pride won't allow me to turn back, even if I will regret it later.

21. Although he is not a stranger, he pretends to be stranger than a stranger.

22. In these days, everything is money. Without money, you are useless.

23. I don't complain that you walked away without mercy, but that I couldn't get into your heart.

24. It's not that I don't know. I just want to see how you act to me.

25. You have never scrutinized my feelings. How can you know how uncomfortable I am.

26. You walked into me carelessly and destroyed me quietly.

27. How can I support the world without you the day you leave.

28. You said you would not leave me. Later, you left more freely than anyone else.

29. The result of being a mother-in-law: feminization of men and feminization of women.

30. I remember all your words, but I don't remember that you don't like me.

31. Don't think too much about things that are not worth recalling. That will only increase the suffering!

32. You don't believe what you see, but you believe what other people say about me.

33. Emotion is not just an ambiguous affair. Who knows when it comes to belt.

34. The strangers who die of old age and don't communicate with each other are my long-term feelings for you.

35. You thanked me for my efforts and even more for my quitting, saying that she needed more care.

36. I would rather have nothing at the beginning than lose everything in the end.

37. The most important thing is that I know I am a spare tire, but I am reluctant to leave.

38. You look like a loser. You can't stop yourself and forget the past.

39. Don't imagine that I can wait for you all the time, because my heart will be tired sometimes.

40. People who like you want your present. The one who loves you will give you the future.

41. It's probably inappropriate. I can't make you laugh, and you will only make me cry.

42. The heart is like glass. After being broken, even if it is stuck, there will be cracks!

43. The steward of the soul is tired and injured. Let's have a rest in the safe harbor.

44. Who continues to write about the future? The intermittent pen outlines the pale tomorrow.

45. Even though you are too crowded to approach, I still fall in love with you.

46. Fish love water so much, but water cooks fish. I love you so much, but you have to leave.

47. When I saw you, my eyes were full of poor memories of myself and my inability to struggle.

48. Forgive me for my ugly name, which is neither funny nor warm, nor can it enter your heart.

49. I grow up slowly but feel silent. I know more but am unhappy.

50. Some people should forget. Maybe they never trust you.

51. Affection is a burden that I cannot bear, and love words are only lies that are occasionally fulfilled.

52. A person often becomes the role he once spurned. This is probably life.

53. Do you like fireworks? I will set off the biggest fireworks for you!

54. The watch we drew on our hands when we were young did not move, but took away our best time.

55. I finally learned what I like, smiled and shook my head.

56. I'm going to get married. I hope you will come. It's always waiting for the final result.

57. When I think of that road, I can see the blooming flowers on the other side of the river are very beautiful.

58. Rainy days take away tears, and sunshine takes away sadness. There is still no place for happiness.

59. The big deal is that I don't want to, the big deal is that you don't love, the big deal is that I live alone.

60. Her heart has already changed the season, and you are still standing on the day when she made a promise.

61. If I don't mention you, I will laugh loudly and think I am a smiling person.

62. There are always some people who were once passers-by of life, but later became regular visitors of memory.

63. I was acting like a clown in front of me, while you were laughing and talking behind your back.

64. You can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more.

65. Jealousy is a knife that can be inserted into others or your own heart.

66. Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson, and then turn around and leave.

67. Some people are destined to be cancer in your life, while others are just a sneeze.

68. It is said that time is a good medicine to soothe my heartache, but why am I still not good after so long.

69. Find a reason at random, and don't look back when you decide. It's useless for people who don't love you to say anything.

70. You surround my heart with the tears of the whole world. Your sadness is an endless rain.

71. Even if I tried my best to keep him, he would still go, and no one would stay for him.

72. I am very conscious. There is no need to do unnecessary things to unnecessary people and get hurt needlessly.

73. Love is like two people holding a rubber band. The injured one is always unwilling to let go.

74. The most difficult thing in the world is not the process of waiting for love, but the process of waiting for love to disappear.

75. If everything is regarded as an opportunity to learn, there will be no so-called failure.

76. When you told me that you didn't know her, did you ever think about how much you knew me?

77. Maybe years later, when you listen to others talk about me with a smile, you will simply say: I don't know you.

78. Don't disturb those who have lived in your memory. Maybe this is the most suitable distance for you.

79. I just want to delete you from my memory as soon as possible, and I don't want to think of anything about you again.

80. Time has let us miss one person after another that we should cherish. Later, we are more and more ready.

81. Who can tell me how to reply to "En En"?

82. You know why there is no ghost in the world. You know why he will not turn back and wait.

83. It's like leaving a city that you don't want to go back to, like all the platitudes in the rumors.

84. Don't wait for me to learn badly before you say you love me; Don't wait for me to change before you say you like me.

85. I have thought about ten thousand situations of seeing you again, but never thought about the possibility of not seeing you again.

86. I often warn myself that self indulgence is a disease, but I am a serious patient and often fall ill.

87. I am a fool. I don't know how to give up on you. You are also a fool. You don't know how to cherish me. We really match.

88. The sour air smells our distance. I will remember you no matter where I am in the future.

89. Maybe I can't warm you like the sun, but I can be a moon shining for you in the darkest night.

90. If you are not beside me when I am at my worst, why do you share wealth with me when I am king.

91. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness.

92. I also changed myself to the kind he likes, but I found that I was wrong because he is not worth it.

93. If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you. It is not my regret, but my inability to face the present outcome.

94. It is not necessary to forget, but it must be estranged. We have been silent for too long. Even taking the initiative requires courage.

95. There is no permanent pain in life. No matter how deep the pain is, the wound will always heal. Even if you love deeply in the past, you will become strange once you leave.

96. You said that no matter what I became, you would not leave, so I took off my mask and saw you fleeing.

97. I like to keep talking, because I hate silence; I like to laugh constantly, because I'm afraid my unhappiness is too obvious.

98. The furthest distance in the world is not that you don't know I love you when I am in front of you, and I love you but introduce you with a smile.

99. I really want to meet you, and then plunge into your arms and tell you the grievances you have suffered. You hold me tight and say I'm fine.

100. I used to think that if I fell in love with you, I could still quit, but one day I found that I was full of scars.

101. There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to smile at others in the future.

102. I know that forgetting is an easy thing. As long as you don't look, think and remember, you will forget, and you will never forget.

103. When you were covered with thorns, I hugged you and smoothed all your edges, but later I could only watch others holding you near perfection.

104. Do you know what loneliness is? It's like you leave without saying a word. I hate you while waiting for you in the endless memory and cold wind.

105. I would rather be single than casually talk about feelings, because I don't want to use up my best self when I meet better people.