A Complete List of Expressive Sentences
Between water clouds
2023-02-12 03:45:16
Complete sentences

1. You are still my weakness, but I am no longer your armor. The past is the past.

2. Others like you, just want to have sex with you, me? It's very different. I can go anywhere.

3. Elegant, unrestrained and beautiful young people, the wave sword Jianghu is a beauty; I will love you for ten thousand years if I use my heart.

4. Pine blossom is used to brew wine and spring water is used to brew tea. If you miss someone and feel bitter, you can drink three mandalas. Poisons can penetrate the bones and acacia can penetrate the soil.

5. In this world, the green mountains are shining and stars are shining. The spring breeze is gentle and the evening breeze is gradually, but it can't reach the stars between your eyes and eyebrows.

6. I have a dream that when I am old, I will join hands with you to see the cowherd weaver under the vine. My dear, we are happy!

7. If you have a person you like, you should work hard to make yourself better, so that he can never find a person he likes more than you.

8. If love can also be treated with medicine, it may be that you are sincere, considerate, considerate, gentle and sincere.

9. Love is like a journey. It doesn't matter where you go or the scenery. What matters is that you have someone who is always with you.

10. The best thing in life is to find someone who knows all your mistakes and differences, but still thinks you are amazing.

11. Whether you are beside me or on the horizon, when I think of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.

12. I would like to be the one who will accompany you in all difficulties and obstacles, hold an umbrella for you, add clothes for you, and go through fire and water for you without being tired.

13. It can be seen that my hobby in life is natural. No one can see the benefits of just three spring seasons. If I don't watch out for fish falling, geese falling, birds startled and noisy, I will be afraid of the shy flowers, the closed moon, and flowers trembling.

14. I want to cry in front of you. My heart is broken by you. I want to cry in front of you. You gently tell me that only fatigue remains after tenderness.

15. Women should learn to dress up. Don't use simplicity as a shield. Don't use housework as an excuse. If you don't understand fashion, you will not be a complete woman.

16. I used to think that the best thing in life is to meet. Later, I realized that what is rare is reunion. If we meet again after a long separation, I hope we are well again.

17. I hope to lock the Yellow River, I hope to lock the Yangtze River, you are beside me! I wish I hadn't left, I wish I hadn't thought about it, I wish I could light the stars all over the sky and go to the end of time with you!

18. You are as elegant as white clouds, entering my dreams every night; You are as beautiful as a flower. You come into my eyes every day; You are as pure as a stream, flowing into my heart from time to time.

19. Unlimited touching, beautiful myth, inheritance of constant love. In the eternal starry sky, I made a faithful oath: Dear, I will love you forever, as evidenced by the Milky Way.

20. I would like to be your army alone, let go of my pride, and hold your hand as your hero. From now on, you don't have to be alone, because I am all around you.

21. On the journey of life, I am very glad to have your sincere friendship. Although we are far away from each other, we cannot stop each other from missing each other. May we all cherish this strong friendship forever.

22. I don't trust to hand you over to others. I will take good care of you, love you, and not let you suffer any injustice. Buy your favorite sugar, make your favorite food, and be my child's mother!

23. Life is simple and love is silent. It is we who live a life of fear and see the years as impermanent. Fleeting years glide by at the fingertips. I wish the moon would last forever, and peace of mind would come.

24. If we had never met by chance, my heart would not always gallop with a magnificent imagination. Even though this imagination is sometimes lonely and monotonous, I still yearn for this sweet and sweet dream.

25. I have a pair of eyes but can't see you at any time; I have ears but can't hear you at any time; I have a pair of hands but can't hold you at any time; But I have a heart that can always think of you.

26. Destiny is a beautiful encounter, love is the feeling of heartbeat, love is the intersection of hearts, and love is sweet yearning. Walking on the edge of love and being loved, you can see or not see, and the heart of loving you will never change!

27. Even if meeting again will become a stranger, I would still like to embrace you and cherish the warmth of the moment, although I understand that we will not go together, knowing that we will not work together to the end. I don't regret loving you!

28. If I give you a promise, I will not tell you that I love you forever. I will tell you that for the rest of my life, please give me more advice. I will tell you that it is not impossible without you, but it is better to have you.

29. I miss you from morning till night, and I don't know how tired I am; Never mind trouble when thinking of you, no matter near or far; Love you, from the heart of the field, life will not change; Love you, how the world changes, love is stronger than gold.

30. Baby, I love you. I really love you. Even if our love cannot last long, as long as we really loved, paid, owned, and happy, everything is worth it, and we will never regret loving.

31. Happiness is the interdependence between lips and teeth. It doesn't need to be brilliant, and it doesn't need those movie like days and nights. As long as he is here, as long as I am here, we will walk through every four seasons together.

32. Since my choice is you, I decide to stay with you all my life. Whether you are poor, rich, handsome or ordinary, what I value is your noble personality and your responsibility for life.