Complete set of safety slogans for road construction
Every year is like a song
2023-07-25 00:36:35
Complete set of slogans

1. The construction road is temporarily narrow, only for long-term safety.

2. To be a hero, don't drive a "hero" car.

3. Strengthen road administration management and protect road property and right of way.

4. Over gauge transportation destroys roads, and it is beneficial to the country and people according to law.

5. Carry forward the achievements and make persistent efforts to promote the coordinated development of material civilization, civilization and spiritual civilization.

6. Keep pace with the times, build a smooth, clean, green and beautiful road gallery.

7. Road excavation is merciless, seemingly heartless and most affectionate.

8. When traveling, remember to wear the safety belt of traffic regulations.

9. The roads are smooth and the economy is developing, and the society is progressing and all industries are thriving.

10. There are many dangerous railway crossings. Stop and look out before passing!

11. Further efforts will be condemned and further steps will be respected.

12. We will study and implement the spirit of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and carry out mass cultural and ethical activities.

13. Deeply study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively improve the ideological and moral quality of citizens.

14. As a man of hundred years, the construction road is temporarily narrow.

15. We hope to understand the inconvenience caused to you at the construction site.

16. The crosswalk is your safety belt for crossing the road!

17. Abide by traffic regulations, and the law will escort your life.

18. Walk the safe road for thousands of miles, and be a happy person for a hundred years. The construction road is temporarily narrow, only for long-term safety.

19. Keep your car in good condition and tidy.

20. Maintain road safety and care for long life.

21. Preschool children should be led by adults on the street.

22. Good roads, good cars, and best safety. Slow, fast, and safe.

23. Prefer to hear the staff scold, but not the family cry.

24. Please pay attention to safety during construction ahead.

25. Crossing the road and guardrail is less ethical and more dangerous.

26. The best effect of safety and the common aspiration of peace.

27. Cracking down on illegally refitted vehicles to ensure road safety and smoothness.

28. Pedestrians should not cross the road obliquely or run violently.

29. Observe the traffic regulations, and do not go or stop in disorder.

30. The bell and brake are complete to maintain your safety.

31. We sincerely thank all sectors of society for their concern and support for the development of transportation.

32. The highway contacts you, me and others, and the management and maintenance depend on everyone.

33. Civilized toll collection creates a "window" image and creates first-class performance in a pragmatic and efficient manner.

34. Pedestrians are safe all their lives and driving is safe.

35. Implement the "" thought and serve as a model for the people.

36. Emancipate the mind, develop rapidly, and strive to create a national first-class model highway.

37. Establish a sense of civilization and ensure traffic order.

38. The biggest waste is accidents, and the biggest saving is safety.

39. The danger will increase by ten points if you ride for one second.

40. Safe driving is a major event, and civilized walking is not a trivial matter.

41. To earn gold and silver, traffic safety is the backer.

42. Strengthen comprehensive management to ensure traffic safety.

43. Towns, townships and towns are open to oil roads, extending in all directions to a well-off society.

44. Bitter medicine is good for illness, and traffic rules are good for transportation.

45. Pride and complacency are the fuse of accidents, and modesty and prudence are the paving stones of safety.