71 sentences of a complete set of blessings for Arbor Day
Clouds passing by
2023-06-26 04:29:38
SMS Collection

1. I wish you more magnificent than poplars, more gentle than willows, stronger than pines, more clever than mice in the days to come. Happy Arbor Day!

2. We only have one earth. She is our cradle and our home. Love the earth and protect our home. On Tree Planting Day, we will plant trees together.

3. I am your tree. The leaves shield you from wind and rain, the trunk stands strong for you, the bark is used as medicine for you, and the roots transport nutrients for you. Dear, Happy Arbor Day!

4. Trees should be planted on the tree planting festival. One tree will pray for your happiness. May your happiness be unstoppable. Two trees will take care of you. May you succeed on the road. Three trees will take care of you. Friendship will always be green and wealth will be gathered!

5. On Tree Planting Day, I wish you, like a smelly sapling, to absorb rich nutrients, produce full buds, lay a solid foundation, grow into a towering tree, and produce beautiful caterpillars!

6. I would like to be your tree, using leaves to shelter you from wind and rain, trunk to stand strong for you, bark to cure you, and roots to transport nutrients for you. Friends, I wish you a happy Arbor Day!

7. Sow small hopes and reap big dreams. No matter how small the stage is, it is also the protagonist. Even if you suspect that the present is too painful, you should also believe that the future will be better! Arbor Day wish you sowing ideal, harvest hope!

8. Plant an apple tree, hoping for peace and happiness; Plant an orange tree, hoping to be lucky and rich; Plant a friend tree and hope that friends can take care of it. I wish you all the best and a happy Arbor Day!

9. The forefathers planted trees and the posterity enjoyed the cool; The teacher of previous life should not be forgotten; Flood raging, sandstorm crazy; Afforestation, greening home; Protect the environment for the benefit of future generations; Merit in the future, good hope!

10. Plant the tree of hope, care carefully, care carefully, water the water of wisdom, pursue the fertilizer of diligence, and nurture the bud of success. The Arbor Day is coming, I wish you to plant hope, open up the beautiful, and harvest wonderful!

11. The Arbor Day is coming, I will plant a poplar tree for you, which can bring you cool in summer; Plant an apple tree and wish you peace and security; Plant a lucky tree and wish you good luck! Happy Arbor Day!

12. The Arbor Day is coming, and I planted a blessing tree. It will grow slowly, grow the leaves of happiness and happiness, branches of peace and health, it will always accompany you bless you, wish you happiness forever!

13. The Tree Planting Day is approaching quietly. I will plant the seedlings I miss into the soil of blessing. May it grow into a happy tree in the sky, shelter you from the wind and rain, guard you silently, and bring you happiness and good luck in your life!

14. Water is the source of life, and trees are the guardians of water. More care, more care, more green leaves, more warmth. Starting from me, loving every plant and grass, protecting the environment, is to cherish life.

15. Planting a money tree, you can count the money. Planting a love tree, you can stay together for a long time, and you can plant a healthy tree to keep healthy. I hope friends will take good care of these three trees and have a happy Arbor Day!

16. There is no paper plane. In the warm spring, it carries my dreams and you around the world and flies into my heart. On Tree Planting Day, it plants a tree and a love. Honey, you should be happy.

17. Thousands of mountains and cypresses are green with the wind, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are red with the rising sun; Afforestation, green barren hills, flowers and grass planting, and beautiful courtyard; Take a boat in the desert for thousands of miles, and plant trees for thousands of hectares. For our home, please plant a touch of green!

18. Send flowers on Arbor Day, plant trees on Arbor Day, set an example of a good citizen and a good man, invite me to dinner on Arbor Day, then set an example of a good friend, and wish you a happy holiday!

19. On the Tree Planting Day, we plant seedlings of hope, give our dreams a pair of green wings, let the towering trees grow together with hard work, until they successfully set sail, reach the ideal heaven, and let the happy time flow forever.

20. A variety of trees can prevent more sandstorms from invading our land; A variety of trees, more green, more cool; A variety of trees is equal to leaving more blessings for future generations!

21. Trees are green and flowers bloom in spring. Everything recovers and goes to afforestation. A love tree is planted for future generations. Two mandarin duck trees are planted. Love between husband and wife lasts forever. A large forest is planted, and the motherland is prosperous and prosperous!

22. Tree planting day, the time of sowing. Plant a hope on the top of the mountain, and you will reap boundless good fortune; Plant a piece of happiness in your heart, and you will reap infinite happiness; Plant a greeting in your ear, and you will reap blessings.

23. Afforestation is beautiful in spring and autumn, flowers and grass are planted with wonderful flowers; Greening the motherland with clear mountains and rivers is beneficial to the country, people and people; Ten years of careful cultivation of trees, hundred years of talent show; Ecological balance depends on both hands, and the spring will last forever!

24. Let happiness be implanted in the bottom of the heart, and let happiness be implanted in the heart; Let happiness be embedded in life, and let good fortune be embedded in life; Let health be embedded in the body and peace in life; On Tree Planting Day, I wish you all the best!

25. On today's Tree Planting Day, I will send you the seeds of happiness in a short message. I hope you can plant them on the earth of years, shine with the sunshine of friendship, and water them with sincere rain. In autumn, the fruits of happiness will closely surround you.

26. On the Arbor Day, may your career grow like a towering tree; Love is like a vine wrapped around a tree, and life and death are inseparable; Health, like the poplar tree, will last for thousands of years; Happiness is like a big banyan with luxuriant branches and leaves; I wish you happiness!

27. Planting trees on Tree Planting Day! Planting a pine makes a green land; Planting a piece of peony will make a brilliant achievement; Plant a heart, sow the seeds of love, wish you can plant a good mood, plant good luck!

28. Afforestation has morale. Thousands of mountains and forests are green. Deserts are gradually receding and covered with camouflage. Wild mountains and mountains have become the past. Spring is common all year round, and flowers, trees and fruits are everywhere. Please offer your love on the occasion of Arbor Day!

29. If you want to live a decent life, you should touch a little green every day. If you can't live with life, it is just that there is no green around you. I won't give you a green hat. The Tree Planting Day is coming. For our beautiful home, we will plant trees together!

30. Relatives are roads, friends are trees; There is only one road in life, and there are many trees on one road; Don't forget the way when you have money, and rely on trees when you lack money; Don't get lost when you are happy, and water the trees when you are at rest! Wish you a happy Arbor Day!

31. Friendship is a tree, with deep roots in fertile soil, care is the sun, the sun always shines, care is the rain and dew, the rain and dew often moisten, the Arbor Day is coming, meet good friends, plant trees together, plant a happy tree, and live a happy life!

32. A strong mind is like a seed. It always has the impulse to break the ground. Let's sweat our hearts, plant hope with wisdom, mark the years with rings, and collect a bright future with green leaves. Happy Arbor Day!

33. Plant more trees, more green, less haze and less pollution. On Tree Planting Day, let's plant green trees, wave to the sunny, smile to the sun, drive away the haze and protect the environment.

34. Plant a tree with green ripples in your eyes; Cultivate ten thousand seedlings, which can be verdant everywhere; Protect a forest, fix soil, seal sand and improve the environment. The Tree Planting Day is coming, planting the tree of hope and giving us a green home!

35. Although there is no eternal scenery in the world, as long as you always face the sun, you can see different beautiful scenery every day, which will bring you courage and hope, just as the message said! Happy Arbor Day!

36. They are poor and bitter, and need to plant trees. The green trees are surrounded by flowers. To enjoy happiness, first plant trees to purify the air and fix the soil. If you want to be rich, you must plant trees and beautify the environment. Arbor Day, environmental protection can be happy, planting trees can improve life!

37. Life is a tree, family is soil, friendship is sunshine, love is nourishment, and ideal is tree height. We thrive in the true love, grow higher and higher towards the ideal direction, and struggle endlessly. Happy Tree Planting Day!

38. Plant a tree of life. May your life stand as a tree. Plant the family tree and wish your home lush and green. Planting a money tree, I hope you can reap a lot. Plant a wishing tree and wish you success. Tree Planting Day, happy tree planting!

39. Greening the country's green mountains, transforming the natural forest, beautifying the land of China, and decorating the country. From Tree Planting Day to, start with me, love every tree and grass in nature, and protect the ecological environment on which human beings depend!

40. A tree drives away a haze, and a piece of green creates a beautiful home. A message of blessing can drive away a trace of worry, forward this blessing, and deliver more happiness. On Tree Planting Day, let's plant a tree and pass a smile.

41. Deliver the message of life. More trees, more hope. To paint a colorful future, more green, more scenery. In the urban forest, plant trees at the end of the raised balance! Happy Arbor Day!

42. I heard that you contracted a happy forest this year, planted a money tree, produced a cluster of money leaves, grew a golden melon, collected a basket of lucky fruits, and rolled a basket of happy beans. Don't forget to water the tree on today's Arbor Day!

43. In the soil of yearning, plant a worried sapling, sprinkle happy fertilizer, water happy water, and send this plant to you by SMS. May the tree of our friendship grow green, and may the Arbor Day be happy for you!

44. I will contract a happy forest for you, plant a wishing tree, harvest a basket of pistachios, grind them into a basket of happy beans, tie a lucky grass, and send you a lush and spring garden! Happy Arbor Day! Happy Arbor Day!

45. The harvest season is golden; The planting season is green. Green is youth, green is hope, green is dream. Let sweat moisten your forehead and let your smiling face bloom! Plant hope and dreams! Happy Arbor Day!

46. One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi; Planting a flower and blooming green; Plant a tree and reap a forest. The Tree Planting Day is coming, let go of the work at hand, plant a loving tree, and look forward to the greenery of the coming year.

47. Today is the Tree Planting Day. I plant a happy tree for you. The root is a strong body, the trunk is a happy family, the leaves are a smooth cause, and the flowers are beautiful love. No matter how much rain or wind, she is your warm dependence.

48. Big trees make paper. I write a big character for children. There is no green tree with shade. There is no blue sky and white clouds. On the Tree Planting Day on March 12, in order for our children to have a free breath, please save paper and care for trees.

49. I always dream of taking a shower in the spring sunshine and enjoying the spring breeze in a boundless field. And I planted a tree in the field, and planted a sustenance of friendship. I hope it will last forever! Happy Arbor Day!

50. Do you want to be as green as a big tree? Want to be as tall and straight as a big tree? Want to be as strong as a big tree? Let me tell you a secret. As long as we keep sprinkling soil and fertilizer on our heads on the Arbor Day, we can achieve it! Come on!

51. The Arbor Day is coming. Plant the seed of faith and hope to harvest the ideal fruit; Plant the seeds of happiness and hope to reap the fruits of happiness; Planting the seeds of true feelings, I hope you can receive the fruits of my blessing. Happy Arbor Day!

52. The Tree Planting Day is coming. I will send you a tree. May your body be like a big tree, firm and upright; The family is like a big tree, green and luxuriant; Business is like a tree, high into the sky; Good luck is like a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves; Fortune is like a big tree, with thick green leaves!

53. Planting hope and sprouting dreams on Tree Planting Day; Planting beautiful and rooted soil of happiness; Plant happiness and grow happy branches and leaves; Plant your heart and reap the oasis of friendship. Friend, wish you happy, happy forever!

54. Today's Tree Planting Day, let's plant trees. Sow faith and reap action; Sowing action, harvesting habits; Sowing habits, harvesting character; Sow character, reap success; Sow blessings and reap happiness. Wish you a happy Arbor Day!

55. As the saying goes, we should have fewer children and more trees. Although the countryside also advocates having two children now, we should still have fewer children; There should be many kinds of trees. We should not only cover the desert, but also let the metropolis form green belts. We should have many kinds of trees on Tree Planting Day!

56. Too much indifference has created the world's desert. Too many demands make people lonely. The reinforced concrete building community should be more green. Plant a tree and let it guide the oasis of the soul. Happy Arbor Day!

57. If you are lucky, you can "build" a career like a towering tree, rushing straight into the clouds; Love is like a green Teng entangled tree, never separated; Health is like a thousand year old tree, strong and strong. I sincerely wish you a happy Tree Planting Day!

58. Plant seedlings and thresh in the morning to reduce the number of children and trees. Lucky tree, money tree, shake off countless gold and silver. Wishing trees, auspicious trees, help to achieve dreams. News tree, life tree, green home is more happy. Happy Arbor Day!

59. In order to be rich and have fewer children, we should have more trees, enjoy less production and pollute more trees, and overcome the greenhouse effect of more trees. On March 12, Arbor Day, for the beautiful future of the world, and for the harmonious development of society, friends, let's have more trees.

60. As soon as the Arbor Day comes, we should have a "tree" in our heart as tall and straight as a pine tree, with money rolling in, a soaring career, and sweet vines of love wrapping around the tree. May your Arbor Day bring good luck to thousands of trees!

61. Plant a happy tree, and you will be happy and carefree; Plant a love tree, love is sweet and romantic; Planting money trees, the source of wealth is flourishing; Plant a tree of peace and health every day. May you plant more trees and reap happiness on Tree Planting Day!

62. Once the most beautiful, once withered, once experienced the sea, it was difficult for water, once the four seasons of reincarnation, once wrote love in the glory of life, once I have no regrets, March 12 Arbor Day, let your today be the past of the future, plant a tree.

63. On the Tree Planting Day, plant trees and eucalyptus trees together to live a safe life; Plant a peach tree and live a sweet life; Plant a pine tree and make a lot of money easily. You are the only one who has good luck. Happy Tree Planting Day!

64. Eucalyptus said I wish you peace, pine said I wish you ease, plane tree said I wish you red days, cypress said I wish you happy, even I, the "tree" person, would wish you happiness. Happy Arbor Day!

65. There is a long way to go in life. Good friends are like trees. When it is hot, use a piece of shade to protect you with heart; When it is cold, it will hold up a clear sky to block the wind and frost for you. I will accompany you for a walk, and your happiness will last forever. Plant trees together on Tree Planting Day. Wish you a happy Arbor Day!

66. On the Tree Planting Day, plant a wishful tree for life, and live a happy life together; Plant a good luck tree for work, and the work will be smooth and the financial resources will be wide; Plant an evergreen tree for friendship, and thick friendship will last forever; Planting trees quickly on the Arbor Day. May the Arbor Day be happy!

67. During the Arbor Day, I specially held the activity of "Green Earth, Start with Me". Anyone who receives my message during the Arbor Day, please join me to cherish the environment, protect trees and protect our beautiful home together!

68. Planting trees and opening an oxygen bar, there are wonderful flowers in the deep shade of the trees. Plant an iron tree to blossom, and plant phoenix trees everywhere. The deep roots and luxuriant leaves are fragrant, and the protection of water and soil is powerful. Pine and cypress seek good fortune and grow, while willow brings health every day. Trees should be planted on Tree Planting Day. Plant health and reap happiness!

69. Plant a tree and take the green cloud step; Plant two trees and expand your career; Plant three trees and walk on the road of luck; Plant four trees, friendship is rooted; Planting n trees, happiness is overwhelming "tree" Wish you a happy Tree Planting Day!

70. The Arbor Day is coming. May you have endless happiness, endless good luck, endless banknotes, endless smiles, endless happiness and endless friends! Happy Arbor Day!

71. It's Tree Planting Day again. I wish you endless wealth, happiness, grace, vitality and health! Happy Tree Planting Day.