83 famous sayings of Bill Gates
The Old Man and the Sea
2023-07-14 10:14:06
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Filial piety cannot wait.

2. Only thinking can become a great thing.

3. Innovation is the only way to become a company.

4. Great success depends on the team, and small success depends on individuals.

5. Life is unfair, get used to it.

6. Is it possible to arrive at the destination first class than economy class?

7. Bankruptcy is a temporary dilemma, and poverty is a state of mind.

8. Be nice to nerds. You may work for one of them in the future.

9. The good habit of studying is more important than the diploma of Harvard University.

10. It is proper to celebrate success, but more importantly, learn from failure.

11. Society is full of injustice. You don't want to transform it first, you can only adapt to it first.

12. The person who has the most opinion on you among all customers is the one you need to learn most.

13. Governors have the mission of making employees more mature at any time and under any circumstances.

14. If a manager does not understand the work of his subordinates, he cannot manage them effectively.

15. Be kind to the person you dislike, because one day you may work for such a person.

16. In this world, no one can make you fall down. If your own beliefs still stand.

17. In this world, no one can make you fall down. If your own beliefs still stand.

18. I believe that if you give people solutions to their problems, they will take action.

19. Knowing what you want to do and what you can do are the two keys to success.

20. Good habits mainly depend on people's self-discipline, or on people's negation of self desire.

21. Entrepreneurs without understanding will not be responsive enough to set up their own companies.

22. More industrial and commercial enterprises fail due to lack of teamwork than fail due to other reasons.

23. After you understand the needs of customers, you must be willing to think about how to make the products closer to and help customers.

24. This is the best time to enter the business world. The changes to be made in the next year will exceed the total of last year.

25. Enterprise development needs opportunities, which are enough for visionary leaders.

26. You just graduated from middle school, and usually won't become a CEO until you get the CEO position.

27. Unless you can make people see or feel the impact of action, you can't make people excited.

28. The world does not care about your self-esteem, but requires you to achieve something before you feel good about yourself.

29. If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you have a boss. The boss has no tenure limit.

30. Every career success is inseparable from choice, and only unusual choices can achieve extraordinary success.

31. The world doesn't care about your self-esteem, only about your achievements, and then emphasize your feelings.

32. Many people like to procrastinate. Their opponent's task is not to do well, but not to do it. This is the biggest bad habit.

33. Television is not real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop to do their jobs.

34. What people realize is that successful people often experience more failures, but they just stand up from failure and continue to move forward.

35. If you are in trouble, it is not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.

36. Check whether the boss is good at managing his employees. It is no doubt that he can make a judgment from the remuneration he pays to employees.

37. The most promising winners are not those with the most outstanding talents, but those who are best at exploiting every opportunity.

38. It is better to be an oak tree in a bald hill than a grass in an oasis, because the grass has no personality, and the oak tree is holding its head high in the sky.

39. The world won't care about your self-esteem. People will only see your achievements. Don't overemphasize self-esteem until you have achieved nothing.

40. If the situation is already very bad, it is too late for you to realize the trouble. Be hopeful, unless you always keep a sense of crisis.

41. The disasters caused by carelessness and negligence are equal. Many young people fail because they act rashly.

42. If one wants to succeed, he must learn to jump up and seize the opportunity when it flies overhead. In this way, the chances of catching opportunities will increase.

43. If one wants to succeed, he must learn to catch the opportunity when it flies overhead. In this way, the chances of catching opportunities will increase.

44. At any time, a large part of human brain will not be used, so when you look around, you can make full use of the brain.

45. Know the importance of learning, who to learn from and what to learn from. This is the important experience of Mr. Bill and Microsoft's continuous success.

46. When I was a child, I had many dreams. Now many dreams have become reality. I had the opportunity to read a lot, which gave me an opportunity.

47. It is very important for me, the CEO, to understand the operation of my company in various regions, product categories and customer groups.

48. The choice of life determines everything. The success of every career is inseparable from choice, and only unusual choices can achieve extraordinary success.

49. Before we educate every child in a wonderful way, and before the downtown of every city is thoroughly cleaned up, we have nothing to do.

50. For a large company, it is unimaginable that there is no strong service team to provide users with comprehensive and considerate services!

51. Opportunities are not automatically converted into money. There must be other factors. In short, you must be able to see it, and then you must believe that you can catch it.

52. Luck is a factor, but I think the most important factor is our foresight and high insight. I always look at the world through binoculars.

53. Because you must be honest when speaking, a good leader cannot abuse rewards and praise at will. I will be particularly careful about what I promise to employees.

54. Time management is not only a solo music, but also an event of public music. In the race against time, everyone is likely to be the winner. Only those who do not participate are losers.

55. As long as you have a strong and persistent heart, a vulgar and ordinary person will also have a successful day. Otherwise, even a person with outstanding talent will have to face the fate of failure.

56. When you encounter setbacks in your career and have the idea of "backing out", you should pay attention. This is the most dangerous time!

57. When I wake up every morning, I will be extremely excited and excited at the thought that the work I am engaged in and the technology I have developed will bring about tremendous impact and changes in human life.

58. I firmly believe that any method that can improve communication between people has long-term value. People can learn from each other and work together to achieve the freedom of mutual recognition.

59. If I only wanted to win, I would have run to another stage. If I set the end line for myself before, don't you think I have crossed the line several years ago.

60. Develop the habit of reading for ten minutes every day. In this way, ten minutes a day, 20 years later, his knowledge level must be different. As long as what he reads is good.

61. Great success depends not on strength but on resilience. Social competition is often a competition of persistence. Winners with perseverance and perseverance often become the last and best ones to laugh.

62. Microsoft is only 18 months away from bankruptcy. What he meant was that if enterprises could not make continuous innovation and progress, they might not exist in a year. This is true of enterprises and people.

63. Life after leaving school is not as divided into semesters as it is in school, and there is no such thing as summer vacation. Few bosses are willing to help you find yourself. You must rely on yourself to complete it.

64. When you first came out of school, you could not earn ten thousand dollars a month, let alone become the vice president of any company, and own a car, until the day when you earn all these things.

65. The company can come up with some ideas to let employees find better ways to do things themselves, but it should not be ordered that you must choose such a process. You must do so, which will definitely not work.

66. Don't let the complexity of the world hinder your progress. Be an activist. It is our duty to address human inequality. It will become one of the most important experiences in your life.

67. It is also very important to have a strong desire to see. People need strong motivation to succeed in a good career. You must have a selfish desire in your heart. You must try your best to seize that opportunity.

68. The progress of science and technology will have a huge impact on people's lives, and people should constantly adapt to the changes of this era, instead of waiting for the future and losing good opportunities for self-development.

69. The progress of science and technology will have a huge impact on people's lives, and people should constantly adapt to the changes of this era, instead of waiting for the future and losing the good opportunity for self-development.

70. A good habit is a treasure. Once you have it, you will benefit for life. Get into the habit of "acting now" and your life will become more meaningful.

71. Laziness can devour a person's heart. It is like dust. No matter how hard iron is, it will rust; Idleness is the source of all evils. It can easily destroy a person or even a nation.

72. Young people lack experience, but please do not forget that youth is your greatest capital. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, and don't be afraid of challenges. You should persevere in the end and try hard again in the process of getting ahead.

73. The management style used by Gates is neither American individualism nor Japanese consensus style, but unique Darwin style - survival in all.

74. Opportunities do not automatically turn into money, but there must be other factors - in short, you must be able to see it, and then you must believe that you can seize it!

75. Like most e-mail users, I receive dozens of spam every day, most of which claim to help me get away from debt or get rich quickly. This is very funny, if there is no such thing.

76. We should accept rapid failure rather than slow failure, and the last thing we should accept is no failure. If someone never makes mistakes, it only means that they are not working hard enough. The result of failure is to try other possibilities.

77. The magic of the network is not only that it shortens the physical distance, making the world seem like a neighbor. It also greatly increases the opportunity for people with common ideas to get together. We can work together to solve the same problem.

78. Here, it is not his position but his performance that reflects the position and contribution of employees. He has made achievements, everyone praises him, respects him, and takes him as an example, he will have a sense of satisfaction. What we need is the best talents in the world!

79. Before you were born, your parents were not as boring as they are now. They become what they are today because they have been paying your bills and washing your clothes for years. So, before talking to your parents, you'd better clean your own house.

80. Your school may no longer have winners and losers, but life is not the same. In some schools, the concept of "failing" has disappeared, and the school will continue to give you opportunities to make progress, but this is not the case in real life.

81. Your school may no longer distinguish excellent students from inferior students, but life is still making a similar distinction. In some schools, failing grades have been abolished. As long as you want to find the correct answer, the school will give you countless opportunities. This has nothing in common with anything in real life.

82. To run an enterprise well, it is necessary to balance the interest relationship from top to bottom, so that people at all levels of the enterprise can have a corresponding return while playing their role in the enterprise; But it is also important for enterprise management to establish good labor relations, achieve mutual respect, and enjoy the warmth and happiness between people.

83. I think that if you have an idea, it may be a long way to turn the impossible into reality, but you can find your partner or several friends to encourage each other to complete the long journey. You can set up your own small circle, your club, etc., and work out some feasible steps to ensure that you are moving towards your dream every day.