2022 Boys' Sad Signatures
Put a cup of tea and make it light in the morning
2023-07-11 14:41:25
Complete set of signatures

1. You are a stubborn disease that I will never cure in my life. It begins with heart attack and ends with withered bones and ashes.

2. Because there is a reason, so there is a reason. Since it has already been achieved, why say it again.

3. Advertisements always appear at the best time, and you always leave when I love you most.

4. Some people love each other very much, but they are just tools for your growth. They can't stay together forever.

5. I give you my heart, but you don't like it

6. One day, you will find how good I am, but I will not wait for you to grow old.

7. Instead of making excuses everywhere, it's better to say that I don't love anymore. I have an emotion called inexplicable sadness.

8. Don't be too easy to dig out your heart and lungs for others, because you can only leave one person with no heart and no lungs in the end.

9. I am not like myself before, and you are not like you, but your smile is still beautiful in my eyes

10. Why can you leave as if nothing happened, but I don't care about my life or death.

11. I know that I am not a good recorder, but I like to look back on the way I came more than anyone else. I can't stop looking back, but I still run forward with great vigour under the time.

12. Every time I look up and see the round moon, if you are not with me, I will miss you crazily. Originally, don't look at the moon when you are lonely, because it will make you more lonely.

13. It is impossible to forget what has happened, just can't remember it.

14. I would rather be proud to leave than humble to exist. I would rather let go with a smile than have it with a cry.

15. If you don't take the initiative, you will lose. But if you take more initiative, you are really tired.

16. Thank you for leaving me on the way so that I can see what I didn't see before.

17. Experience is nothing but the wrong way, the wrong people, and the scars that are engraved on the heart.

18. If you can enter each other's heart, you will cry, because it is all about your thoughts; I'll cry too, because it's all yours.

19. You can't wait for yourself to forget, you can only wait for time to pass.

20. Have you ever entered his space, even his recent visitors, one by one, just to see what traces he left in other people's space.

21. Nostalgia people are always easy to get hurt, and they like to say goodbye for the rest of their lives.

22. In fact, I have been behind you all the time, and you are the only one left to look back.

23. I never ask to see you on my own initiative, not because of arrogance, but because only when you want to see me, can we meet meaningfully.

24. Illusion, there are illusions, and there are illusions hidden in the illusions... Illusions sprouting from the illusions contain lies in the truth, and lies hide the truth.

25. The original love will expire, leaving only memories.

26. You are the other shore I can't reach, and you are my endless regret.

27. It's better to cry and say I'm in pain than to smile and say it doesn't matter.

28. Don't let go if you catch your hand, and don't leave if you love the right person.

29. This is a world popular to leave, but we are not good at saying goodbye.

30. Many people don't need to see you again, because they are just passing by. Forgetting is the best memory we can give each other.

31. Don't say wish me happiness, you are unqualified.

32. In life, it's good that some people can make you smile even if they are not around you.

33. The deepest loneliness is not a long-term person, but the absence of any expectations in the heart.

34. There is a person who teaches you how to love, but he doesn't love you anymore.

35. The first love can never be understated.

36. Happiness, gorgeous but sad words.

37. In fact, memories are not sad, but we spend too much time lamenting the loss, but often ignore the beauty of growth.

38. After breaking up, they are at most guests who once lived under the same roof, and lovelorn is the only way for everyone.

39. I miss you, but I try not to care anymore.

40. If you want to leave, please don't look back, or I will think you can't bear to part with me.

41. Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson, and then turn away.

42. Will the love carved on the table, like the seed on the cement, open a lonely forest without wind.

43. I hope to meet you with a stirring effect without a spectacular scene

44. Tell him that I don't love him anymore. Tell him that I don't think about him anymore. But don't tell him. I told you in tears.

45. The smile at the beginning was replaced by silence after the break up.

46. Can I give her money without you?

47. Hurt, hurt, hurt for several times, and became haggard for love.

48. Too much thinking leads to headache and heartache. Some things. Some people, I really did not think, but it is in my mind.