Sentences expressing depressed and frustrated mood (35 selected sentences)
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-07-03 21:48:33
Complete Poems

1. Alfalfa withers all over the forest, and the west wind rumbles alone.

2. The fertile water flows eastward endlessly. At the beginning, it was not the kind of lovesickness.

3. I set no high drag, water and beam soup back. Looking far across the water, I sobbed and stained my clothes.

4. The fragrance lifts the face, the water rubs the feeling, and the partridge sounds. A momentary blank in my mind, accompanied by a broken string zheng.

5. Don't be like this. The moon and the pear blossom fall in the west.

6. Send the wine to spring without saying anything. At dusk, it rains.

7. You are at the end of the sky, and my body is long.

8. I want to ask Yao Zhi that Yi Ren is in Yougu.

9. If you want to buy sweet scented osmanthus and carry wine together, you will never be like a teenager.

10. Acacia one night stand is not long.

11. If life is just like the first sight, what's the sad autumn wind painting fan.

12. My heart is tied to your tears.

13. Long meaning, short hairspring. Acacia at the end of the day.

14. Alone, don't lean on the fence. There are endless rivers and mountains.

15. Do you know whether it is the general of Shanxi who once belonged to the poetry league.

16. The peach blossom looks like sorrow when the wind blows fast, and the little red rain flies.

17. Sick bones are scattered, and the gossamer hat is wide. A lonely minister comes to Jianggan from thousands of miles away.

18. Sorrow has been broken and there is no reason to get drunk. Before the wine arrives, it first becomes a tear.

19. I only hope that your heart is like mine, and I will never miss you.

20. Today is full of anger, and no one from all over the world has set the sun.

21. The treasure box is like the moon, not deceiving others. Come back tomorrow, and have a look.

22. I saw that I blew over this house and hurt that house. Let's just blow all over the water!

23. Beauty is like a flower across the clouds! There is the long sky of Qingming above, and the ripples of green water below.

24. The thin shadow pities the autumn water. You must pity me and I pity you.

25. The bright pearl of returning to you is dripping with tears. Why don't we meet before marriage.

26. The bridge is still there, the waves are swaying in the heart, and the cold moon is silent.

27. The empty window spreads the cold watchtower, and the single lamp shines on it.

28. Sitting alone in the bamboos, playing the piano and whistling.

29. I can't say enough in a hurry. Pedestrians are about to open again.

30. All things are wrong at night. It's heartbreaking to spend and drink.

31. We also believe that the beauty will become the soil at last, and can't bear the dream too quickly.

32. Call one ileum and one ileum, and remember three buses in March.

33. After the rain and the moon, Huasheng is cold.

34. Walk alone in the fields of silver millet, with the sound of jade sand.

35. He Ru is a lucky Royal Guards, who wishes to be together on that day.