Reading the Red Star Shines on China
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-12-02 10:26:01
Junior three
reaction to a book or an article

The paintings are unfolded without too much color, but the revolutionary martyrs stand in front of us with flesh and blood, so that we know such a group of leaders with boldness, strength, grace and ambition, know a real Soviet area full of life and vitality, and understand a history that makes us proud.
In the book, Snow also fiercely refutes the Kuomintang, which has always claimed that the Communist Party is a "fanatic" and "ignorant bandit". In his book, he greatly praised Mao Zedong: However, Mao Zedong was also an accomplished scholar who was proficient in Chinese old learning. He read extensively and studied philosophy and history in depth, but he was meticulous and meticulous about his work. He was energetic and tireless, and was a gifted military and political strategist. In addition, there are Zhou Enlai, who is calm and indomitable, Lin Biao, who is invincible, He Long, who makes landlords and squires frightened at the news, Peng Dehuai, Zhu De, Luo Pu, Xu Teli, Zuoquan and other outstanding revolutionary leaders, as well as their endless heroic deeds. They ignited the revolutionary enthusiasm of the Chinese people with their patriotic feelings. With their iron will, they cut off the root of the disease in old China.
The author Edgar Snow, with many doubts about the Chinese revolutionary soldiers, risked his life as a reporter to go to the revolutionary base that was deliberately misunderstood at that time to talk with the revolutionary leaders. Then he used plain and simple words to present a period of magnificent and passionate years in this book.
Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai -- these revolutionary pioneers, though born in ordinary families, have a sense of saving the country and the people engraved in their bones. As leaders, they shared weal and woe with the common people and did not put on airs. Their patriotism and love for the people were not for fame, not for profit, but only for the forty million Chinese people to live a happy and healthy life at that time.
The author wrote in the book: "The revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of China shines like a shining red star in the northwest of China, and will certainly shine across China."
Now we are sitting in a bright and warm classroom and can receive the best education. Let's think about it. Who made us live a life full of sunshine and smiles? It is the Communist Party of China. Even if it is a peaceful era, we must not forget the countless revolutionary pioneers who bled and sweated in the revolutionary struggle. It was they who provoked the national beam in the era of national mourning, rising in flames, and people's self endangerment, and fought for our happy life.
Today, 80 years later, as mentioned in the book, the Communist Party has shone like a red star across China and set China on the road to prosperity.