Mother's White Hair (17 required)
Over the years
2024-04-11 03:12:07
primary school

Mother's White Hair (1)

Time flies like an arrow. Time flies like a shuttle. Mother's hair turns white again unconsciously.


The setting sun slowly set. In the afterglow of the setting sun, my mother's hair gently fluttered with the breeze.

That day, the weather was gloomy. I packed my schoolbag and prepared to go home. I was about to leave school when it rained cats and dogs from the sky, but I didn't bring an umbrella. Watching the crowd suddenly disperse until it gradually disappears in front of my eyes, I began to panic, anxious like an ant on a hot pot. What can I do? I really hope that some kind-hearted people will give me a helping hand. As the sky darkened, the campus was basically empty. "I can only become a drowned rat!" I thought sadly. At this time, in the boundless heavy rain, I saw a familiar thin figure coming towards me, getting closer and closer

Ah! It's my mother. I ran to my mother and stood in front of her. Most of her hair was wet by the rain and lay lifeless on her shoulder. Several white hairs became more obvious. My heart suddenly tingled, as if I had been pricked by a needle. Mother's shoes and clothes were stained with mud spots, and her face was flushed by the wind. "I didn't get caught in the rain. Tell me about you. I asked you to take your umbrella and forgot to take it." Mother said angrily. However, from her eyes, I saw full of concern.

I also thought of my mother's white hair. I don't know when it grew up secretly, one by one. My mother took care of my study and daily life. My mother's love and meticulous care for me are all concentrated in this root of white hair.

The rain stopped, and my mother's beautiful hair was reflected in the drops on the leaves, shining in the breeze, but my tears could not help falling with the drops.

When I got home, I wiped my mother's hair with a towel. My heart hurt again. When I opened the bottom of my black hair, there were so many white hairs. My tears could not stop. I thought my mother would always be young and beautiful, but I don't know how cruel the years are. Her white hair and her love for me increase with the years.

The setting sun, slowly falling, I think: the fall of the setting sun is to meet the sunrise tomorrow. I think back to my mother and her white hair. My mother's white hair is for my better growth. Dear mother, I must live up to your expectations of me. When I grow up, I must make your white hair turn green. Mom, please wait for my reward!

Mother's White Hair (2)

Last night, when my mother was combing her hair carefully after washing and combing, she suddenly shouted "ah", which scared me to leave my book and run to the bathroom. My mother pulled me to her, pointed to her hair and said anxiously, "Look, I have grown white hair."

I went to have a closer look. It's really true! That shining white hair is so clear in the black hair! My heart trembled. For the first time, I felt that my omnipotent and brilliant mother was getting old. The white hair in my eyes silently tells me that my mother has taken too much care of me.

I silently pulled my mother to the desk lamp and said, "I'll help you pull it out." Because I don't want white hair to compete with my mother's thick forest hair for nutrition and erode her youth.

I am standing and my mother is sitting. First, I set the light, then gently poked her dark hair, looked for the shining alien in the black hair, then pressed the surrounding black hair with my left hand, picked out the white hair from the black hair, and gently grasped the white hair with my right hand. I tried to pull it first, but the white hair was as disobedient as a naughty child. It always slipped through my fingers and immediately jumped into the dark hair. It would not be found soon.

I was still not discouraged, and repeated the previous method to tightly hold the white hair, and finally squeezed the white hair on the belly of the index finger with the tip of the thumb nail, so that it had no way to escape. I held my breath, clenched my teeth, pulled hard, and my white hair left my scalp.

When I finished patrolling my mother's hair jungle and cleared out the strange things in it, I counted three, each about 6cm long. How I want to pull out these white hairs. My mother's hair will never grow white again.

The experience of pulling out white hair for my mother deeply touched my heart. Our parents are always our safe haven, but they are not always King Kong. In the future, I will take care of my mother more and listen to her. I can't make my mother tired at work. I have to worry about me when I go home. I must take good care of myself and let my mother worry less about me and grow less white hair.

Mother's White Hair (3)

It was late at night and it was dark. The only thing left was our light on.

Because I haven't finished my homework yet, but there is still one person to accompany me, that is my mother. Although my mother looked at me beside me, I was still very careless. Even 25 × 4 equals 100, I was wrong, and it was 1000. And 8 × 125 is equal to 1000, and I count it as 100! At this time, she stood beside me with a frown and glanced at me. At that time, I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, my mother rushed over and took the eraser that can wipe the pen. She intended to erase the results of those two equations. I looked carefully again and found that 25 × 4 was equal to 100, and 8 × 125 was equal to 1000! It suddenly dawned on me that I knew where I was wrong. It's careless to write math, ah ah! I actually regard calculating the area of a square as calculating its perimeter. My mother picked up the eraser that can wipe the pen again... My mother began to be a little impatient. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes were wide open. Suddenly, I knew how to do it. This made my mother smile.

I started to write my Chinese homework. My mother suddenly had something to do. She wanted to go out with my father, leaving me alone at home.

I finished my Chinese homework, and just in time my mother came back. She took my exercise book and became very angry. "There are so many typos!" Originally, "Qingqing Grassland" was written by me as "Qingqing Grassland". My mother immediately erased all the wrong characters and asked me to correct them one by one.

No matter how busy my mother is, she always checks my homework before going to bed.

Suddenly one day, I found my mother had a lot of white hair on her head. I know why

Mother's White Hair (4)

From childhood to adulthood, my favorite thing was to play with other people's hair. Once, by chance, I saw my parents watching TV, and I hurried forward.

I haven't played with other people's hair for a long time. Let's have a good play today! Who should play first? Play with Dad first! I stood higher than my father, like a little masseur: my hand slowly hovered over my father's hair, pressing here and then, moving his hair from time to time. At this time, I suddenly saw one white hair, then two or three... I looked at my mother's, too. I was dumbfounded, "I really don't know what to look at, but I will jump next"! I thought my parents were very young! But... this is the gap between the present and the ideal! I have grown up one year, but my parents are one year older. White hair can tell me that I have grown up, my parents are old, and there are more and more wrinkles on my face. I should use my own hands to help my parents do what I can, and I should not let my parents worry about themselves or quarrel with themselves, so that the white hair on my parents' heads will be much less.

Here I wish my parents:

Have fun every day


Be happy

No more white hair and wrinkles

Every day, I can achieve my dream!

Mother's White Hair (5)

This morning, I pulled out my mother's white hair again.

I often pull out white hair for my mother, while my mother pulls out white hair for my father, because my father's white hair is short and slippery, which is too difficult to pull out. But mother's hair is very long and easy to pull out. Our family often has such scenes: Dad sits on a small stool, Mom sits on the sofa to pluck white hair for Dad, and I stand on the sofa to pluck white hair for Mom. Dad is particularly concerned about his white hair. He always says that his white hair is increasing day by day, and he wants to dye his hair. Mom says that dyeing is not good, so she pulls out his white hair for him. In fact, my mother has a lot of white hair, but some of it is hidden inside and invisible outside. Some of my mother's white hair is white at the top and black at the bottom, and some is whole white. My mother said that half of her white hair is white because of me.

I know. Mom and Dad have to work and take care of their home. It's hard to take care of me. I should do my own thing well, help my mother more, let them worry less, and grow less white hair.

Mother's White Hair (6)

Today, I combed my mother's hair and found that it had changed a lot. I said, "Mom, why do you have white hair?"

My mother smiled and said, "I am old, of course I will." I thought to myself: No, my mother will not be old! I reached out and pulled off one of my mother's white hair, showed it to her, and asked: "Mom, as long as you don't have white hair, will you not be old?" My mother touched my head, and she said: "If you can be filial, my mother will not be old."

After listening to this, I thought: Well, I will be a good filial child!

Mother's White Hair (7)

From the middle class, my mother took me to study in Jiaxing alone. I have fun playing middle school with my mother every day. In a twinkling of an eye, we have been in Jiaxing for four and a half years.

Four and a half years after I came to Jiaxing, I have grown from ignorance in kindergarten to understanding now. I know my mother is not easy. Gradually, I try my best to be myself and not let my mother worry.

I try my best to help my mother do housework and beat her back. One day, when I was helping my mother beat her back, I found that the hair roots on her head were white. I said sadly, "Mom, I found your hair is gray." Then I couldn't help myself, and tears came down.

In my impression, only old people have white hair. White hair means old age, and old age means leaving relatives. Therefore, I am extremely sad. I am afraid that my favorite mother is old and afraid of her Mother turned around and said softly to me, "Have you found out? Mother's hair root is white, and others are black?" I nodded sadly. The mother said, "My mother has white hair at the age of 14, which is called juvenile white, either because she lacks a trace element in her body, or because she is inherited. My mother inherited your grandmother, and always used hair dye to darken her hair when she went out to work. Don't worry, white hair does not necessarily mean old age. Everyone has different physical factors, and the age of growing white hair is also different, so health is good." At this time, I am happy and embarrassed, happy that my favorite mother is not old, embarrassed by his ignorance.

When I was sad because I found my mother's white hair, I understood one thing more. Instead of worrying about when my mother would grow old, I should cherish every day with my mother!

Mother's White Hair (8)

Today, I combed my mother's hair and found that her white hair had become more and more. I said, "Mom, why do you have white hair?"

My mother smiled and said, "I am old, of course I will." I thought to myself: No, my mother will not be old! I reached out and pulled off one of my mother's white hair, showed it to her, and asked: "Mom, as long as you don't have white hair, will you not be old?" My mother touched my head, and she said: "If you can be filial, my mother will not be old."

After listening to this, I thought: Well, I will be a good filial child!

Mother's White Hair (9)

Time flies quickly. Once a little girl, she has become a mother. She also has a little girl. She is my mother.

In the past, I didn't know what to do. I often asked my mother to do something. Once, I didn't know what was going on, but I found several white hairs on my mother's head. I think the white hair is caused by my mother's hard work. In the future, I will let my mother take less care of me. I will do what I can, buy less unnecessary things, and find a suitable opportunity to get rid of the white hair on my mother's head, so that she will always have black and shiny hair.

Today is just another Sunday, and my mother has a holiday! I think this is a good opportunity to help my mother pull out those white hairs. I'm afraid my mother will refuse. However, I thought again that if I didn't pull it out again, there might be more and more. That would be great! So I mustered up the courage to walk over and said to my mother slowly: "Mom, do you know how many white hairs you have on your head? Let me help you pull them out, OK? In case more and more will happen." My mother smiled and agreed.

I was very happy. I quickly picked up the comb and combed my mother's hair. Then, I carefully checked my mother's white hair and pulled it out when I found one. I found five white hairs and pulled them out one by one. Later, I found another one in one place. Just as she was about to pull it out, her mother spoke. She said, "Don't pull it out, kid. I'm old, and you're going to grow up. It's up to you in the future! Even if you pull out all my white hair now, it will grow out!" I said, "Mom, let me pull out one more for you. One less is better than the other, OK?" My mother promised me at once.

Looking at the white hair pulled from my mother's head, I couldn't help but think of a modern poem of junior high school students on TV - "He Sheng White Hair".

Mother's White Hair (10)

On Sunday, I just woke up and came to the living room. When I saw my mother sitting on the sofa reading a book, I gently walked over and put my arms around my mother's neck. Just then, guess what I found? Mother has a lot of white hair on her head. I said, "Mom, you have a lot of white hair on your head. Mom just smiled and said," Oh, is there really much?

"It's true!" As I said, I carefully picked out one of them, gently lifted it up and pulled it out.

I put this white hair in my mother's hand. Mother herself could not help sighing: "Alas, I really have white hair! It seems that my mother is really old!"

I quickly picked out the second white hair and comforted my mother: "Mom, don't be sad. I helped you solve all of them. Aren't you old?" This time I was a little more "cruel" than last time, because my mother said that the faster you pulled it out, the less painful it would be. Just pulling them out one by one, my palms were sweating unconsciously. In this way, those short white hairs are difficult to pull out. Grab a slip, slip a grab. But I always insist. Finally, I removed all the white hairs I saw from my mother's head. I counted them one by one: one, two, three. There are 23!

Looking at the white hair, my heart is sour. Each white hair is white for me! Think of yourself as a "little master", who only knows how to enjoy, but has no idea how much my mother cares for me! Mother, you feed me with your hard sweat.

Mother's White Hair (11)

The ancients said, "If you don't see the mirror in the high hall, you will mourn your white hair. The morning will be as green as silk and the evening as snow." It seems that both men and women will be sad because of their long white hair from ancient times to today. My mother is not tall and good-looking, but she has dark and shiny hair. Since I can remember, she has combed her hair with a shawl, which is either curly or straight, or long or short, but always neatly arranged.

When I was young, on a day off, my father would occasionally help my mother find white hair and pull them out, while I watched curiously. My father's dexterous hand gently rummaged through my mother's hair. When I saw the white hair, my fingers rolled up and turned up. My mother didn't respond. The white hair had already arrived in his hands. In a minute or two, the white hair would disappear. No matter how hard I looked for it, it would be gone.

In the past two years, the task of finding white hair fell on me. It seems easy to do this, but it is not so simple. I either can't find them, or I hurt my mother when I pulled them out. Sometimes, after turning her hair over and over again, she could not find the white hair. The onlooker father could not help but mutter, "Don't you think there is one there?" I stuck out my tongue helplessly, but I really didn't see it. You shi, I started with the target again. When I got there, how could it be black hair? Dad laughed: "Ha ha, you pulled the wrong one", alas, "killed the innocent by mistake".

Recently, I found that my mother has more and more white hair, so it's easy to find it... I really hope that time will run fast, so that I can help my mother share more housework and difficulties when I grow up. But I also remembered my grandmother's words to her: "You don't expect your child to grow up. When he grows up, your hair will be white". I would like time to flow slowly and let my mother's white hair come slowly and slowly.

Mother's White Hair (12)

Time flies quickly. Once a little girl, she has become a mother. She also has a little girl. She is my mother.

In the past, I didn't know what to do. I often asked my mother to do something. Once, I didn't know what was going on, but I found several white hairs on my mother's head. I think the white hair is caused by my mother's hard work. In the future, I will let my mother take less care of me. I will do what I can, buy less unnecessary things, and find a suitable opportunity to get rid of the white hair on my mother's head, so that she will always have black and shiny hair.

Today is just another Sunday, and my mother has a holiday! I think this is a good opportunity to help my mother pull out those white hairs. I'm afraid my mother will refuse. However, I thought again that if I didn't pull it out again, there might be more and more. That would be great! So I mustered up the courage to walk over and said to my mother slowly: "Mom, do you know how many white hairs you have on your head? Let me help you pull them out, OK? In case more and more will happen." My mother smiled and agreed.

I was very happy. I quickly picked up the comb and combed my mother's hair. Then, I carefully checked my mother's white hair and pulled it out when I found one. I found five white hairs and pulled them out one by one. Later, I found another one in one place. Just as she was about to pull it out, her mother spoke. She said, "Don't pull it out, kid. I'm old, and you're going to grow up. It's up to you in the future! Even if you pull out all my white hair now, it will grow out!" I said, "Mom, let me pull out one more for you. One less is better than the other, OK?" My mother promised me at once.

Looking at the white hair pulled from my mother's head, I couldn't help but think of a modern poem of junior high school students on TV - "He Sheng White Hair".

Mother's White Hair (13)

On the afternoon of the weekend, my mother, who had just washed her head, was fiddling with her hair in front of the mirror, which was so tall. The head stuck out and the waist half bent, together with the funny expression, attracted my onlookers.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Pulling out white hair," my mother said with a worried expression, "but these white hair are hard and stubborn, so it's hard to pull out!"!

I quickly ate the fruit in my hand and said, "Can I help you pull it out?"

Mother said doubtfully, "Well, don't pull out your black hair!"

I lowered my head and looked intently at it - "Wow, Mom, you have so many white hairs!"

"I'm angry with you!" Mom said, half jokingly, grabbing the stubble. "Don't pull out your black hair!"

She repeated it again in disbelief.

"You can rest assured that I am not color blind." I answered as I pulled out.

I first straightened my mother's hair with a comb, and then lifted a small knot of hair with my right hand, which was mixed with black hair and white hair. I carefully picked out white hair with my index finger and mother finger, and pulled up one, two, three

Pulling out my mother's white hair reminds me that I can't make my mother angry in the future, and try to make her happy a little more

Mother's White Hair (14)

One day, I combed my mother's hair and found some white things in her hair. Look carefully, ah! It turned out to be a few white hairs. I gently pulled them off for my mother. My mother was surprised when she saw this, and said, "How come you have white hair? Time never forgives you!" Seeing my mother in such a hurry, I thought: Is my mother too busy with her work? Or tired of doing housework? Is it because I don't obey my mother? Does not study hard make mother worry? When I asked my mother, she said no.

Later, I tried to do some housework within my power to help my mother. When my mother is tired, I will help her beat her back and carry a basin of foot wash water; When my mother was worried, I would tell funny stories and jokes about school to amuse my mother; My mother is ill. I serve tea and food to my mother; Be more active and active in learning, so that my mother can feel happy and live happily every day!

Another day, I combed my mother's hair again. I couldn't find anything white on her head. I jumped happily and said to her, "Mom, you are getting younger. You have no white hair!"

Mother's White Hair (15)

After school at noon, my mother waited at the school gate early as usual. "Happy Women's Day!" I said, bouncing to my mother. My mother was stunned, smiled and said, "Thank you!" As soon as the words fell, I climbed into the battery car and sat behind my mother.

Along the way, we talked and laughed. The breeze blew my mother's long hair and hit my 'face, itchy, very comfortable. Suddenly, I saw several silver threads flickering in my mother's hair. I didn't believe my eyes. I looked carefully and saw that it was really white hair, and my heart immediately became heavy.

How I wish I could grow up quickly and not worry about my mother. When I grow up, I will take good care of my mother.

Related topics: no data available

Mother's White Hair (16)

My mother smiled and said, "I am old, of course I will." I thought to myself: No, my mother will not be old! I reached out and pulled off one of my mother's white hair, showed it to her, and asked: "Mom, as long as you don't have white hair, will you not be old?" My mother touched my head, and she said: "If you can be filial, my mother will not be old."

After listening to this, I thought: Well, I will be a good filial child!

Mother's White Hair (17)

"It's true!" As I said, I carefully picked out one of them, gently lifted it up and pulled it out.

I put this white hair in my mother's hand. Mother herself could not help sighing: "Alas, I really have white hair! It seems that my mother is really old!"

I quickly picked out the second white hair and comforted my mother: "Mom, don't be sad. I helped you solve all of them. Aren't you old?" This time I was a little more "cruel" than last time, because my mother said that the faster you pulled it out, the less painful it would be. Just pulling them out one by one, my palms were sweating unconsciously. In this way, those short white hairs are difficult to pull out. Grab a slip, slip a grab. But I always insist. Finally, I removed all the white hairs I saw from my mother's head. I counted them one by one: one, two, three. There are 23!

Looking at the white hair, my heart is sour. Each white hair is white for me! Think of yourself as a "little master", who only knows how to enjoy, but has no idea how much my mother cares for me! Mother, you feed me with your hard sweat.