3-year composition (19 selected)
Smile and see the world
2024-05-22 07:12:03

3-year composition (1)

Sport is to show people the beauty of a person's movement. People who exercise can be fascinating - so are the athletes in our class. He always comes first in long-distance or sprint. When running, he rushed forward with overwhelming strength, and each time he was the first to reach the end.

On this day, the weather was sunny and cloudless. He took part in the 400m and 800m long distance running in our school sports meeting. At the beginning of the preliminary race of 400m, he was placed in the outermost lane of the first group. Although he was in the outermost lane, he still ran ahead of all the people, and nearly 100 meters away from the second person! After the race, he was breathless, as usual, and finally entered the final with a good result of first place. Although he had already finished the preliminary race of 400m, he was tired, but he still ran in the forefront and won the championship again!

Below is 800 meters. There was no preliminary contest for the 800 meters, only the final. At this time, the students in our class were all tense. Because he has just finished two 400 meters, and now he has to run 800 meters! But he was not tired at all. Instead, he ran faster. He was more than 200 meters away from the second place, and I found that he seemed to be floating in the air.

After such a long talk, everyone should know who he is, right? He is Chen Haoxiang of our class. His running speed is what we are eager to have. Although it is impossible, I will try my best to catch up with him.

3-year composition (2)

How wonderful the childhood is! Everyone's childhood has its ups and downs, and my childhood has many unforgettable things.

I remember when I was young, it was a winter.

After breakfast, my mother asked me to help him outside. The wind outside is blowing loudly. Standing outside, a gust of wind blows, and the whole person seems to be blown away by the wind. I thought to myself: I won't do it. It's freezing outside.

In order not to go out to drink, so I came up with a way, that is, "pretending to be ill".

I kept talking for a while and thought: Eh? Don't I have a thermometer at home? As I said this, I slowly took the thermometer out of my mother's room. But... what can we do to make the temperature rise rapidly? I racked my brains and couldn't figure it out. At that moment, my eyes could not help but see a glass of boiled water. Maybe it was Dad who poured it there. I am the most important, no matter what he is. Mother kept pushing outside.

I quickly put the thermometer in the cup, and the temperature rose rapidly, 37 degrees, 38 degrees... 40 degrees. OK, that's it. Forty degrees. I grabbed the thermometer and climbed into bed. I began to hum incessantly in bed. My mother heard this and thought something was wrong with me. She ran to the house to see me and asked me what was wrong. She replied, "You just asked me to help you. I put the book on the table. It was good at first. Somehow, after a few steps, I felt uncomfortable and coughed." I pretended to cough as I said. I took out the thermometer and said, "Mom, look." My mother took the thermometer, but she was shocked at the sight. "Mommy, Tingting, you and I are burning like this. Get up quickly and let's go to the hospital."

I thought: What should I do now? It shouldn't be a fake. Um... Um... What should I do?

My eyes turn. Hey, I got it

I said: "No, I can insist. It's OK." My mother said: "That's not good. If you are sick, you must go to the hospital for treatment."

Mom prepared me to carry it on my back and walk away. When I saw my mother's appearance, I couldn't help laughing.

Ah! It's terrible! Damn it! finished! It's sunken!

Later, my mother told me: "Tingting, you can't pretend to be ill. If you don't help me, I can call your father. Why should I do that? My mother didn't know you were pretending to be ill. I would worry. I said that because I loved you."

"Oh, I know, I know!" I put on an angry look. I went to do something else.

This is just a memory of my childhood that is still fresh in my memory. In my childhood, there were also joys and sorrows. However, that has passed. I will continue to search for my beautiful, golden and innocent childhood along with my childhood dreams.

3-year composition (3)

I remember that when we were young, you loved to talk and I loved to laugh. Once, we sat side by side under a peach tree. The wind was chirping in the trees. We fell asleep somehow, and we knew how many flowers fell in our dreams—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Open the album, and you can see the green and astringent early pictures. At that time, we were ignorant. At that time, we were frivolous, and our strange and familiar faces finally had to stay in the album. Press the needle of the phonograph, and the melody comes from a long time, which makes me fall into deep memory.

I walked quietly through the classroom, reading aloud, leaning against the window and looking, the children would concentrate on staring at the blackboard, from which I saw the thirst for knowledge. Recalling that time, we were still different. There are so many small words in the textbook. At that time, the mathematical formulas and English words that I recited, as well as the scientific experiments and music, have become a wisp of smoke with the loss of years. I miss the chalk words on the blackboard and the ink smell of books. Maybe I remember sneaking through the notes in class and whispering about the teacher's bad behavior behind my back. At that time, we were just like this, carefree and easy to live.

Take the sunshine and spread the playground. The two aspens still stand tall, and it is not us who are reading under the shadow of the tree. Suddenly, a small boy bumped into me, and he smiled, his white teeth shining in the sun. I seem to see our youth.

The wind has blown away our childhood, and it may also blow away our youth. We should work hard and study hard in our youth.

3-year composition (4)

The lofty and straight Mount Tai, towering in the south of the Yellow River, has been known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world" since ancient times. On the eve of National Day, I bathed in the cool autumn wind and came to Mount Tai, which I admired for a long time.

After about half an hour's drive, I arrived at Zhongtianmen. Looking up at the towering mountain top, looking down at Tai'an at the foot of the mountain, and appreciating the beautiful flowers and trees in the mountain, I can't help thinking: how can a magnificent mountain like Mount Tai not become the "top of the five mountains"? Then climb up, the scenery is more beautiful, I am like a attracted monkey, feast my eyes! Look, those winding mountain roads, like slender hands, attract tourists from all directions; The steep eighteen circles go round the South Heaven Gate one by one. There are 1827 steps in total, like strong arms, challenging the determination and endurance of tourists; Those gurgling streams accompanied by winding mountain roads rush in the mountains and beside the roads, like endless blood flowing through the mountains; The majestic mountain top, like the head of a smiling mountain god, is staring at the tourists!

I stayed in the mountaineering battle and marched on the mountain road. Although I felt tired gradually, there was a dream in my mind that encouraged me and made me excited. White clouds lingered on my head. The fiery maple trees and tall Taishan pines drew me forward bravely.

Turn around the South Tianmen Gate and you will come to the famous Tianjie at the top of Mount Tai. The houses in the street are full of Shandong food, which makes people salivate. After crossing the Tianjie Street, we came to the Daguan Peak. In front of us, we saw a large number of stone tablets of various colors. Read one by one. Oh, I found a fascinating history of Mount Tai. It is said that when Pan Gu opened heaven and earth, he fell on the land of China, with Mount Tai in his head and Mount Song in his belly. His left and right arms became Mount Heng and Mount Heng, so Mount Tai became the leader and the head of the five mountains. As Mount Tai stands tall and lofty on the eastern plain, it has become a sacred mountain and holy mountain in the eyes of people since ancient times. The first emperor of Qin, Emperor Wu of Han and other emperors have climbed Mount Tai to worship gods at the foot of the mountain and heaven at the top. Confucius, Li Bai, Du Fu, Sima Qian and other great men have left their footprints and poems. Confucius, the sage, is more like "climbing the Dongshan Mountain and Lu, climbing the Taishan Mountain and the world!" It seems to be a dazzling historical corridor, vividly demonstrating the ancient and brilliant Chinese civilization!

Leaving the Daguan Peak, I climbed onto the magnificent Yuhuang Peak. I gazed at the stone tablet of "Five Mountains are the only one", overlooking the vast land below the mountain, and a sense of pride as a Chinese rose in my heart!

3-year Composition (5)

On the high cliff, a mother eagle gave birth to a baby eagle.

Under the mother's feeding, the baby eagle is full of feathers and is stronger and stronger day by day. When it saw other eagles flying freely in the sky, it thought: I will also be an eagle flying without fear of wind and rain.

One day, he said goodbye to his mother and began to work hard for his dream. It has to train hard every day. Every day, it will climb out of the warm nest at dawn and come back after dark.

At first, the little eagle just flapped its wings feebly. After a few weeks, it could fly close to its nest. A few months later, the little eagle learned to dive down from the sky and would not fall down. However, the eagle still hopes to fly to the top of the distant mountain one day - the place closest to the blue sky and the sun in his eyes.

That day, there was a strong wind and heavy rain. The little eagle hesitated. Can't get out? If you don't go out, you are one step further away from your dream. If you go out, what if you scrape off the feathers? Finally, the brave eagle decided to fight the storm to the end. On that day, the eagle learned to fly in bad weather.

After unremitting efforts, finally, Xiaoying flew to the top of the mountain and saw the most beautiful scenery. It finally realized its dream to be a free flying eagle.

As long as one works hard for his dream and is not afraid of setbacks and failures, he will get closer to his dream.

Brief comment: The use of anthropomorphic techniques to write about the flight of eagles is full of innovation, and can also express profound meaning. I hope that the author can focus on describing the eagles fighting in rainy days, so that the article can be more detailed and more hierarchical.

3-year Composition (6)

"Come on! Come on! Come on..."

Where did the cheering sound come from? You will understand later. In the hall, our class is having a fierce match - playing the ball over the net.

Teacher Pan has selected the students who performed well in March and April to compete. I am very honored and one of them. At last, the game began. Two tall students pulled the rope. Teacher Pan threw the ball and we all blew hard. Fortunately, Lin Lan and Lin Siyu had great vital capacity. Both of them puffed their cheeks and blew furiously. They were all very happy. The boy also played hard, and Zhou Xinjia refused to be outdone. Although he was ill, he was very energetic in the process of blowing the ball across the net. He blew hard, but he couldn't blow it. The disobedient balloon fell on the boys' territory like a drunken man. "We won! Yeah..." The girls shouted. The second round of the game started, and we still blew the ball as before. At this time, the balloon fell to the middle of the boys' side. Zhou Xinjia suffered a setback and learned a lot. He quickly grabbed the ground and blew the ball with milk strength. Unfortunately, the red balloon still fell on the boys' territory. One game after another, we girls often win, but boys only win once.

"Come on! Come on! Come on..."

There was another match. Teacher Pan threw the balloon, and boys and girls fought again. This time, it was even more outrageous and often out of bounds, so it was tied several times in a row.

"Come on! Come on! Come on..."

The cheering sounded again in the hall, and you called me to answer. The cheering sound accompanied by the spring breeze has been far, far

3-year Composition (7)

Under the blue sky, I bathed in the sun and could not help sighing: "What a warm year!"

I can't wait to rush into the room and yell, "Get up! It's Spring Festival!" to wake everyone up, and the whole building is echoing my voice.

"Oh, I'm so bored. I finally had a lie in and woke up again." "Who got up so early?"...... I am indifferent to everyone's complaints. Just silently busy in the living room.

After a while, Cousin "GameKing" rolled outside the door, found a mobile phone and climbed into the living room. Immediately, he rolled again - there were four treasures of study that were not commonly used in the living room.

One after another, my sister "Little Top Scholar", my uncle "Big Writer", my cousin "School Flower" and my grandfather "Calligrapher" also came. When everyone was still asking me what kind of plane I was flying, my grandfather answered for me: "Why didn't you call me earlier when you wrote a couplet?" "It's not too late now..." Before the words were finished, my grandfather picked up a piece of red paper and began to show his skill. We are unwilling to fall behind.

Grandfather was indeed a calligrapher worthy of the name. He wrote words like a phoenix dancing and a dragon flying. Soon, his "Fu" was pasted on the gate. The "Good Luck" I wrote was also posted on the top of the door, which is really good luck. Everyone has various fonts, but they gather on several doors. Whenever I see these couplets, I feel extremely warm.

After a noon break, everyone began to work for the New Year's Eve dinner again, and the kitchen became lively in an instant.

We children were not idle, and we all got together to make dumplings under the guidance of our aunt. The dumplings made by everyone are strange in shape and have all kinds. My aunt also said to everyone mysteriously, "Look who is lucky tonight?"

It was not easy to arrive at night, and the moment that our children most expected - eating New Year's Eve dinner, finally began.

I saw that the table was filled with all kinds of dishes, which was almost a Manchu and Han banquet. Everyone is ready to fight with food.

The sound of "bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

"Dong --! Dong --! Dong --!"

The clock struck midnight. My uncle took out some bottles of wine and drinks and wished everyone: "I wish you all the children success in their studies, good health, and progress year by year, cheers!" "Bang" "I wish my parents (our grandparents) good health, long life, cheers!"

The thick flavor of New Year warms my heart.

3-year Composition (8)

Outside the window, the goose feather heavy snow is swirling. Looking at the white snowflakes, I can't help thinking of the touching things

It was also a cold and snowy day. Although the weather was cold, I still felt the warmth of my heart.

My mother's call to "sleep" was particularly sweet in the cold. Soon, it was dark and the whole room was quiet, as if I was the only person left in the world.

I used to feel very warm in this bed, but today is different. I feel very cold. Suddenly, my stomach turned upside down. I got out of bed with a "thump" and put on my shoes. I thought it would be better to run into the bathroom and spit in the pool, but I didn't expect to vomit out with a "thump" as soon as I got to the door. I stared at the vomit all over the floor and didn't know what to do.

I didn't want to disturb my parents, but this trouble had already awakened her. He was more anxious than I was. No matter what happened, she ran to me at the first time. She was wearing only a single coat, and now it was the winter of March and September. He also asked me from time to time: "Are you better?"

Outside the window, the snow was falling more and more heavily, my nose suddenly became sour, and the bean like tears lingered in my eyes. Although it was very cold that night, I felt extremely warm.

3-year Composition (9)

Rotation, fragmentary, time, six years, goodbye. As soon as I think of leaving my alma mater, which has been living for six years, my heart swells with regret. When I think of this, my tears will flow down

In the past six years, I have known my classmates who have been happy, happy and sad with me; We have known the teachers who care carefully and give us knowledge... They are so selfless and dedicated. They have soaked in our young minds every bit with their painstaking efforts. They have nurtured us with diligence and wisdom, persistence and patience. We have been educating us since we didn't understand, and we have been persistently educating us into big children, from a little child to a good student who is sensible and filial. They are just like "the silks of spring silkworm will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will start to dry."

In grade one, teacher Fang taught me when I was young. Teacher Li in grade two or three forged me into a pupil. But what I am most grateful for is Mr. Hao, our head teacher who carefully educated us in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades.

At this age, we all have our own thoughts and ideas, and almost no longer listen to teachers' opinions. This is the most difficult age to control. But Miss Hao nurtured us with her sincere sweat

I used to shout cheers for the class at the sports meeting. I used to fight back secretly because I was scolded bloody by the teacher. I used to make a noise for 40 minutes in PE class together... What we did together, songs we sang together, places we played together, they all went deep into my mind

I can't control the passage of time. I used to fantasize about catching them. I knelt on the ground, and my hands were so hard that I could not catch them... They are like air, even harder to touch than air. Then I realized that all the time we spent together could not come back

I turned around and looked back. There was no us in this classroom. But I know that this classroom will not be empty. Two months later, the school will be full again. Unfortunately, it will never be us again

3-year Composition (10)

Three years is a long time, 1095 days long. Three years is very short, short and fleeting.

In my eyes, three years is really short. Now I am sixteen years old, and I have experienced five or three years. In these five three years, it seems that I haven't really felt it.

After six years of primary school, I feel that it is a long time ago. In those two three years, I asked myself, what happened? I seriously thought about it and opened my mouth, but I really couldn't say anything. I seem to have made friends. I seem to have enjoyed myself. I don't seem to remember. Two three years passed in a flash.

In the three years of junior high school, it seems that it happened yesterday. In those three years, I still made friends and had a good time. I laughed with my friends every day. But what made me laugh? After thinking about it, I still can't remember. A three year period is fleeting.

The current high school is also three years old, and there are more than 160 days to go. But I remember, I remember that I made friends, I remember that I was happy because of who I saw, I remember that I quarreled because of a little useless trifle now, I remember that I was sad because of who left, I remember that I was happy because of who I hated, I remember that I was proud of who I bullied in good faith, I remember

Now I remember a lot, maybe I will forget again, maybe I will never forget. In the past three years, I have made many friends. So far, some of them have been in contact, and some of them have not. I want to remember every three years, but time seems not to allow.

When I was in primary school, I felt that my friends could accompany me all my life, and I felt that I could remember every second we played together. When I was in junior high school, I thought that my friends could become forever friends with me, but now we seem to have less and less contact. Now I'm in high school. I've been crazy with my friends, quarreled with them, laughed with them, stuck to something completely unworthy of people and things, and done something meaningless and ridiculous together. But these are still an indispensable part of the three years.

With the passage of time, I will forget many things in three years. But three years is still three years. What we have experienced is still experience.

Thank everyone in the three years, thank everything in the three years, thank you for coming.

3-year Composition (11)

In fact, sometimes I really think that even beautiful women are single, or those who can make me feel very beautiful, they belong to the situation of being abandoned or not particularly perfect on the other side, not to mention themselves. They are all beautiful women in their own eyes, which must be several times better than themselves, In my mind, they are more worthy of having a good love and being loved, but they have no way to manage a good relationship and seize the love they want, so what opportunities do they have, or what can they even make themselves sad.

Why do you want to say this all of a sudden? It's because you think of another friend. He is really good-looking and has many fans. Then he must be the type that many boys like. Even there is a kind of beauty that is elusive. Then you are actually in love with a friend and classmate I know, But it's also on and off. Now he has broken up again. Then he goes home and thinks about whether he will miss this person, because we are all in the same area. If he goes home, he should also go out to apply. Just like his current situation, he will miss this person when he gets home, He may have other attention to share at school, but it's really going home, and your yearning at school is even stronger.

Then I found out that he sent you a circle of friends and the news he sent. In fact, it means that the flowers will keep blooming, but those people are no longer those people. In fact, he is missing them, because he remembers that the picture they care about is when they go home to celebrate the New Year in winter, Then they set off fireworks and took a group photo together. Today, he should have gone to the old place, where he used to go. Then he just recorded a video and made progress. Then he went to match this kind of copy. More or less, it would make people have some imagination, and his look could actually be seen by himself, Because I am also a nostalgic person, and I am also a person who is living in the process of missing, I can actually see that he also misses him very much, and it is hard to let go. You said how lucky you must be to be able to catch a target. He is such a nice person, and he is so beautiful and has so many pursuers. Right, he still has no way to get a happy ending. And how can we really have him so good, and he also cherish it, right, he also knows that in fact, they can know and love his past, so trust this person is a very rare thing.

3-year Composition (12)

Time softened the midsummer night, and the cicadas in midsummer echoed in my heart for a long time. The bunch of stars picked by Xia Yi slept in the cupboard.

When I recall, Grandma is a different person. She seldom talks with people in the hospital about gossip. She always seems to be planting flowers. It seems that those colorful flowers are the only black and white smiles in her life.

The sun was close to the horizon unconsciously. Grandma and I were sitting in the yard blowing the evening wind and enjoying the sunset. From time to time, there are several crows of cocks and barks of dogs, which is quite pleasant and comfortable.

The cicadas on the trees are different from those at noon. There is less heat and more leisure. The music played by cicadas reverberates in the courtyard, carrying the fragrance of flowers everywhere. At this moment, the small courtyard becomes a sea of joy. Grandma raised her mouth slightly and smiled softly.

"Nanny, do you know why Grandma likes flowers so much?

"I don't know."

With Grandma's soft Southern dialect, I seemed to walk into Grandma's memory. When food was scarce, every family's fields were full of food. Only Grandma set aside a small piece of land for planting flowers. "I didn't understand why before, until one day when I came home late, there was a bright moonlight on the street corner. When the flowering time came, the fragrance filled the whole night. At that time, I understood why my mother planted flowers. She just left a clean and pure heart for herself and passers-by in her tiny daily life." Grandma came back from her memory and sighed, The sigh, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, is scattered gently in the wind.

At this moment, the scenery is unique and beautiful, the wind slowly blows the sunset, and comes to me with a sense of coolness. Cicadas sing in bursts, ringing through the sky, leaving their unique traces in summer. The curved bridge is reflected on the lake, gently rippling with the ripples of the microwave, as if telling people the story of time. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of me and listening to the songs my grandmother hummed, I felt drunk. Pick a bunch of stars in the sky and let them sleep between black and white paper and ink. They will never forget every year.

Yes, life is like this. It's noisy, but we still have to look up at the moonlight on the ground full of sixpence. Love rises in the east and falls in the west, and romance lasts till death. Love life, not too complicated, one flower, one person, one hospital, life. The small and beautiful life is often dusty when it comes, but it is still light when it stops.

The flowers sleeping in the cabinet may one day turn into wisps of flowers scattered in the time, but I will never forget the time I spent with my grandmother every year.

3-year Composition (13)

The year 20xx has come, that is to say, it is not far from the Lunar New Year. Look, in life, the flavor of Spring Festival is getting heavier and heavier unconsciously!

We must prepare the New Year goods before the New Year. This period of time, adults seem particularly busy. What kind of pickled duck legs and dried fish should be salted and dried. But what really makes me feel that the New Year is coming is to make sausage. At the same time, in the same place, with the same materials, and with the familiar taste, plus this year, our family has made sausage for three years. I can't be more skilled in the steps of making sausage. After filling the sausage, tie the sausage section by section with cotton thread, and then tie it with bamboo sticks to squeeze out the excess air. The last step is to dry sausages. It should be dried for a week, two days in the sun and a few days in the shade. My sausage also contains a proper amount of wine, and the faint smell of wine is mixed in the sausage. This is the real flavor of Spring Festival!

In addition to making me feel the approach of the New Year, there is also one thing that makes me feel the arrival of the New Year: the final exam! Isn't this semester the longest in 50 years? Why is the Spring Festival coming so soon? New Year does not mean... final exam! A month ago, the head teacher announced the time of the exam and sent out the winter vacation homework early. Now, the exam is only two or three weeks away, and the teachers always casually say in class, "There are still... weeks left before the final exam." It's really 'Yali is big'!

3-year Composition (14)

At the beginning, we were all children. Later, we were all eager to become angels. Singing fairy songs and chasing the shadow of fairy tales, we all grew up slowly. When I think of my own sky, I want to fly. So I stepped out of the kingdom of fairy tales and found that I missed the days before.

I still vaguely remember those years. At the back of the house is a small pond full of lotus flowers, and the fragrance around the whole village.

At noon or in the evening, there will be many dragonflies lingering in the lotus pond. They flew around in circles and refused to leave. Tired from flying, I rested on the newly emerging lotus tip. At this time, "the little lotus just showed its sharp angle, and dragonflies had already stood up", and then emerged from our cerebellum pouches.

On a hot day, my friends and I would row a small wooden boat in the water. One by one, naughty boys slipped down from the top. Sometimes they are indistinct in the water. Sometimes they learn from the ducks playing on the water. When they pinch their noses and lower their heads, they dive into the water. At this time, the girls are all clapping their hands on the shore! Sometimes we can't resist the temptation. The brave ones go into the water, and the timid ones laugh foolishly on the bank.

Once, several brave girls jumped into the water and played a water fight with them. Learn the way the children in Baiyangdian play devil, hold a lotus leaf, hold a branch in their hand, close one eye, take a look at it deliberately, hook your fingers, hit them one by one, and you will be happy in your mouth. At that time, my hands felt something soft and hard in the water. I thought I had caught a big fish. I shouted to my friends, "Come and see, I have touched a big fish!" I lifted my hand out of the water, and all the people looked at me with frightened eyes. I felt something was wrong and looked into my hand. "Ouch..." I screamed. This is not a fish, but a snake.

I panicked in the water, crying and screaming with my eyes closed. When I tried to open my eyes, the snake in front of me had disappeared from the water. Some of my friends laughed at me, and some of them stared as if they had not regained consciousness. Some taught me: "Fool, that's a water snake! It's harmless." I blushed and was held to the shore by several female companions.

Sitting on the slope of the bank, I also smiled foolishly for a while and touched my head and melon seeds from time to time.

Think of those friends, think of those happy, when we get together, my friends often talk about me. Talking about those years, talking about that section of their own disgraceful page. Whenever we come with our companions, the lotus leaves are still swinging in the water with graceful posture! Sometimes when I look back at the lotus pool, it seems that our footprints still remain on the ground.

3-year Composition (15)

The world of mortals is ten zhang long. There is such a confused young man in the vast world. There are two people living in his thin body, one is called Xin, the other is called Shen. Unfortunately, the heart is lost in the noise, and only stays in the crowd running in confusion.

The boy made a smart decision. He decided to sell the innocence to the devil to ask him for the boy called Xin, but the devil cheated him and trapped the soul full of innocence in the mirror. The boy regretted that he wanted to save his soul, but in great anxiety, he accidentally broke the mirror, But when the mirror was broken, it turned into fly ash. The boy found the devil again and begged the devil to return its soul to him. But the devil said: Let's make a deal. If you sell me your time, I will return your lost soul to you. In desperation, the boy agreed. The devil then said with a smile: Go back first, and I will tell you when the time comes. The boy just walked out of the door, but found that his body was slowly aging. The boy was so frightened that he shuttled between the jungle in fear. He ran hard, regardless of the sharpness of the branches and the beauty of the flowers. He just wanted to return to the safe home and stop the aging skin. Unfortunately, he stumbled over the gravel on the way, which caused a heavy blow to his fragile body. The black and red blood flowed quietly. He gasped in the gravel, and his voice gradually became smaller and smaller until the world became silent.

The reality and the story are so opposite, eyes? Ears? Which should we believe? Should we believe it? A careless child can go to a field where he cannot return to heaven. An innocent child yearns to become an adult. How can a child think of how much he needs to lose to become an adult? Is just one soul enough? I have too much confusion and helplessness about the world. I don't want to drift with the tide and be pushed away by money, but God will let me get what I want? The burden on me leaves me no choice. Unable to find the purpose of living, living like a withered flower that will wither at any time, an undead withered flower. Han Han once said: the more you know, the more you will be like an orphan in this world. The farther you go, the more you will understand that the world is an orphanage. Did I accidentally peep at the truth? Carelessly away from the world of mortals? Accidentally became an orphan?

Can anyone tell me? I have countless questions and endless loneliness. A cold wind is blowing outside again. Sorry, I begin to miss the boy who called my heart again. I miss the innocent soul, but it's a pity that I lost it in the world of mortals.

The boy running here, can you run slower? Maybe you didn't get lost, but went away with unruly.

3-year Composition (16)

Every time we celebrate the New Year, we are very excited because our family can take this opportunity to get together and have fun together. For a child like me, the Spring Festival is my happiest day.

Because I can not only meet my parents, because they work in other places, but also I go to school in my hometown. They are usually far away from me, so I can only be with them in the New Year. In addition, I can receive red envelopes from all my relatives, elders and friends during the New Year. This lucky money is enough for me to buy many toys.

But as I grew up, I felt that the Spring Festival was not as delicious as before, because I had come to school in my parents' city since the third grade, and I could see my parents every day. Now my parents will give me some pocket money, so I don't have to wait until the Spring Festival to buy the toys I want. As I grow up, I don't like buying toys very much.

It is often said that the older people are, the less interesting it is to celebrate the New Year. After thinking about it, there are still some reasons.

3-year Composition (17)

In 2050, I will be 55 years old. At this time, the earth is a high-tech era. Of course, when we study science, we also don't forget the green nature, which is surrounded by green, and we breathe fresh air, ah! It's really comfortable. It turns out that in their generation, they pay special attention to environmental protection, because they think that living in such an environment for a long time can lead to a long life!

Think of the environment in 2004, it's a world of difference! At that time, the forest area gradually decreased, and the forest at that time was one fourth of that before! What a terrible number! However, 10 years later, everyone began to pay attention to environmental protection, and green gradually expanded, more and more... Finally, green began to spread all over the world. The once endless Sahara Desert is now a green ocean! The stream began to flow freely. Now the stream has no garbage, and the fish swim happily. Now, they don't have to worry about people catching them, and human beings will not do such stupid things again. In this way, by 2050, there will be no yellow desert in the world, instead of green plants. Wild animals have become friends with humans, and animals facing extinction have been protected

However, everything will change. Only by working hard now can we create a beautiful tomorrow!

Instructor: Wu Gaofeng

350 Words of Earth Composition in 2050

3-year Composition (18)

On the morning of New Year's Day in the mountains, white clouds like deer's milk were shining in the sky, and the golden sun made the snow capped mountains and glaciers shine brightly. People in Ewenke Ethnic Village came to the old divine tree in groups wearing new robes and leather boots, with red silk drums and "Taren" auspicious colored scarves. Adults talk, laugh and say hello to the New Year. They all look very happy. The children chased each other with songs, happy like a group of sika deer.

The 300 year old divine tree stood proudly in the snow and ice, and its branches were covered with red, yellow, blue and green auspicious colored silk, bright and beautiful. Grandpa Cook, a drummer wearing a roe deer cap, asked people to place the big red drum just south of the old holy tree. He grabbed the drum stick tied with red silk and stood in front of the drum. This drum is ancestral. Around the drum band, there are carved patterns of A, deer and mountain, water, cloud and tree, which are particularly ancient and sacred. The children, like adults, face the rising sun and quietly wait for the sound of the New Year Drum.

Grandpa Cook played the New Year's Drum. The drum sounded loud and bright, and hit the mountains far and near. The children lined up with the adults, walked around the old god tree three times from left to right on the drums, threw dried milk, sugar, cheese, cream and other food, and prayed and blessed piously. After that, all the children picked up the willow branches that had been prepared for a long time, held them high above their heads, waved them up and down, and shouted, "Mengen (good), Mengen!" The first green branch in the mountains was the willow branches. Waving the willow branches showed that they were desperate for spring, and everyone was good.

Dongdong, Dongdong, Dongdong...... The drum sticks rise and fall, and the drum sounds loud continuously. The rhythm is fast and slow, the flowers are loose and tight, the rhythm is light and heavy, full of verve. Grandpa Cook shouted, "Jump in the spring!" The adults and children all left the stage and began to dance. In a group of two, they danced with each other, feeling as sweet and hot as boiled deer milk. People lean forward, put their hands on their knees, shake their heads and shoulders vigorously, and sometimes make a sound of "roaring, roaring". The onlookers sang to their hearts' content and kept singing: Zaheza, Zaheza, Spring Festival is coming

Suddenly, the New Year Drum sounded more enthusiastic and heroic. At this time, men and women, old and young, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, formed a queue, and began to walk the colorful road with the sound of drums. The multicolored road is a new road, which looks straight, wide and colorful under the sunshine and snow. People seem to walk together with spring, looking far away, and the sound of footsteps is surging with the power of harmony. Everyone sang the old New Year's song at the same time. The melody was bright, clear, beautiful, graceful and melodious. It was a scene of bustle and joy. The spring of Ewenki Ethnic Village started from this road in the sound of the drum in.

3-year Composition (19)

Time slipped through my fingernails, and I would like to recall the passing time.

I don't know what others will often recall, but the scene of my sister shuttling in the wheat field always comes to my mind, and the passage of time seems to have never gone.

I was born in the countryside. Wheat and wheat wave are common. There are no recreational facilities in the countryside, so wheat wave has become our playground.

The bright and crisp autumn is also the fruitful autumn. The golden wheat waves swing with the wind, like a girl writhing her figure, and the wheat grows unusually high. What we play most often is hide and seek.

"One, two, three, four..." My sister stood there with my back to count, and I hid at a flying speed. When my sister finished counting, she was confused. There was no trace of me, only the tall wheat. She began to run aimlessly, searching for my footprints. It's hard to move to another place after hiding from a place, because as long as there is any disturbance, the other party will be aware of it. Finally, my sister found out, and I lied and said, "Only if you catch me!" My sister did not resist, and rushed to me. Finally, I couldn't run. Then my sister jumped on me, "OK, I admit defeat." I smiled helplessly.

In the evening, the sky seems to be rendered by the red color in the palette. The warm evening wind blows through, which is extremely comfortable. It seems that there are bursts of birds singing. How beautiful! How beautiful the countryside is!

These are just memories. I have already left my hometown, but every tree and grass of my hometown are engraved in my mind. I miss the carefree life of my childhood. My sister's hearty laughter will always ring in my ears. I will always remember the time that passed away.