My little friend's composition 200 (17 required)
Chasing the wind on rainy nights
2023-10-20 03:01:26
primary school

My little friend's composition 200 (1)

A small village is hidden in the green sky and lush forest. There is a girl in the village, Le Er, who is a tea flower girl and picks tea day and night.

She was at most fourteen years old, but her big watery eyes had lost their light, her face had turned gray, her hands had cracked, and her body was worse than that of an eighty year old grandmother.

That was when my uncle went to be an educated youth. I was lucky to meet her when he took me with him.

When I saw her, she was not shy and looked like a generous Northeast person. When I saw her, I made a fuss: Mom! This old man, Lord Yan must be scared to death!

It's not surprising that I have a small cherry mouth and small but shining eyes, which are really rare among them. It's just strange why she calls me an old man. I asked: Why do you call me an old man?

She answered slowly and calmly: I heard your uncle say that you are the oldest child in the family, and naturally you are the leader. You are your father's eldest son, so you have to be an old man.

I burst into laughter. Luer called me 'old man', but Leer also called me 'old man'. I met two bosom friends in a row, which was really a strange thing.

She is Le Er, a playmate when she was a child. I have been separated for a long time. I don't know whether she is happy or not. Remember me, rural life is the happiest. She is my companion.

My little friend's composition 200 (2)

My little partner is Wen Yaolong, about the same size as me. He is eight years old this year. He also goes to school in Zheng Shanglu and is a partner in playing football.

Usually we both play together and always have a good time. Sometimes he comes to my house and plays skateboard with me. His skateboarding skills are very good, and he often teaches me some difficult movements. He has been skating for nearly five years, and has lost two skateboards. He usually has the problem of losing three or four, so children often call him Xiaomuda.

Sometimes I go to his home to play with him, and often play some computer games at his home. The two of us can cooperate with each other. Sometimes, because of some mistakes, we would shoot each other, both of us would lose, and then we would leave in bad mood. Go home separately.

But we soon made up and played together again. This is my good partner. We grow together and we are happy together.

My little friend's composition 200 (3)

My little partner is Wang Yifei. He is a girl who is excellent in both character and study, serious in work, beautiful and lovely, and pleasing.

He is small and exquisite. His long hair is a ponytail. His rich eyebrows set off his big eyes like black grapes. His long, curly eyelashes make these big eyes more attractive. Cherry's small mouth smiled and squeezed out two small dimples, which made her more attractive.

He works carefully and carefully, never makes mistakes, and is deeply loved by teachers and students. He is serious but decisive and straightforward, bold but not calm. He is almost a synonym for excellence.

She is almost the happiest in the world. His family condition is superior, his academic performance is excellent, and he is obedient and obedient. But he doesn't think so, so everyone envies her.

Now, she is a star of grade and a little guard of civilization. She is my goal. I want to refuel and surpass her.

My little friend's composition 200 (4)

My little partner is Wen Siyi. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, her hair is black and shiny, and her body is thin.

She likes reading very much. Once after class, I wanted to play with her, so I said to her, "Can you play with me?" She said, "No," and I asked her why? This time, she ignored me. She was absorbed in reading and was involved in the plot. She didn't hear me at all.

She not only likes reading, but also helps others. Once, when several of my classmates were running in a race, one of them accidentally bumped into a little brother in the process of running. She immediately signaled to stop the game with her hand. I also stopped and helped him up with her. He asked his little brother to go to the water pipe and wash it, and finally sent him to the teacher for treatment.

Look, this is my little friend. Do you like it?

My little friend's composition 200 (5)

Composition 1: My little friend

My partner is Qi Jun. He is not tall, but he has great strength. He was wearing a pair of big eyes, and his glasses pressed the bridge of his nose flat.

Once I couldn't open the water cup with all my strength, so I asked Qi Jun to open it for me. He gently twisted it and opened it. Today, Xiao Zhiyu, Liu Zhenpu and Juhong came together to shout at me, so I went to find Qi Jun. I told him, "Xiao Zhiyu, Liu Zhenpu and Ju Hong came together and shouted at me, which scared me." Qi Jun said, "I'll teach them a lesson." I took him to that place. When they saw him, the three of them ran away. Qi Jun said, "If you three dare to bully Li Ting again, don't blame me for being rude."

This is my partner, Qi Jun.

Composition 2: My little friend 200 words

After I went to school, I made many good friends, and the closest one was Zhao * *.

She is a beautiful and lovely little girl. Her round face has a bright smile every day. A pair of big black eyes look bright.

Zhao * * has a wide range of hobbies. She likes not only singing and dancing, but also painting. We often discuss drawing skills between classes.

Zhao * * is also a small speaker. She often used the break to give us some cartoons. Her vivid language and rich expression soon attracted many students to sit around her.

This is my close partner Zhao * *.

Composition 3: My little friend

I have a little partner.

This little partner is with me every day.

Once, I kicked him with my foot. The classmate saw it and said, "He is your little friend. How can you kick him?" Another time, I accidentally dropped ink on his face. I was very worried and hurriedly wiped him with paper. However, no matter how hard you wipe it, it has become a "big face". The students looked at it and took out the "must kill skill" to paint on his face, but nothing was left. Another time, my draft book was missing. At this time, my partner took out my draft book. It was in his place!

Do you know who my little friend is? It doesn't scare you to death - small desk!

Grade 3: Huang Enqi

Composition 4: My little friend's composition is 200 words

I think friends are not just a name, they are a group of partners who accompany us. Although friends will leave sooner or later, they will still give you a smile from their heart in the distance; With you!

Every friend of mine is silently supporting me and fighting side by side with me. That's it. A group of friends helped me regain my confidence. Go on fighting tenaciously!

In the eyes of many people, friends may be just a group of people who eat, drink and play with you. But I am different from them! I think friends are the people who accompany you through this life and share happiness with you; Share the sorrow with you!

Here, I want to say to you - "Thank you!"

Composition 5: My little friend is about 200 words

This afternoon, I was doing my homework on the balcony. The sun was shining on me. I felt warm. I sat beside the bird cage, where two birds chirped as if to say: "My little master, don't worry, we will accompany you." I settled down and began to do my homework carefully. After a while, my homework was finished, and my mother checked it, and there were no mistakes. I was very happy, so I said to the bird, "OK, my task is finished, let's play together!" The bird chirped again, as if to say, "OK, OK!" I had fun with them. I like these two birds very much. Every day when I go home from school, I will play with them for a while, because they are my good learning partners.

Grade 3: Little Lazy Cat

My little friend's composition 200 (6)

After school this afternoon, I thought it was still early, so I asked my friends to go downstairs to play with me.

There is a park downstairs at my home. There is an outdoor table tennis table in the park. We took out a table tennis ball and a table tennis racket and began to play there. I don't know how to play table tennis, but my friends can, so they patiently taught me how to play. After listening to my friends' instructions, I soon began to practice, and soon played very well, and we started the game.

But I am a novice after all. I was beaten to pieces in only a few games, and my partners are highly skilled. They can win me in every game.

Later, it was late and it was getting dark. We had to say goodbye and go home. I hope we can have more time to play table tennis here with my friends in the future.

My little friend's composition 200 (7)

My little partner is Liu Xinyu. He is a boy. He is in Class 2 (3) of Cangwu Primary School, and I am in Class 2 (5). There is only one class between us. I always look in the corridor after class. Several times, I saw each other with him.

He especially likes the King's Glory Bookmark. When he gets together with me, he will talk for a few minutes. I am half a head taller than him. He is as fat as me and shorter than me. The eyes are a little big. Wearing a pair of glasses seems to be very knowledgeable. He has a big mushroom head.

He is very talkative. Once I traveled with him and Fan Xiwen. At the beginning, I talked with him fiercely. After two hours, there were still three hours left. My mother fell asleep and said, "I'm so sleepy." I almost fell asleep, but he kept talking. I can only say: "Hmm, oh" to deal with him.

I like this special boy - Liu Xinyu.

My little friend's composition 200 (8)

My dearest friend is Zhang Haoran. He is a lively boy. We met in the first semester of the second grade. He and I are classmates in the same school.

He has a pair of "talking" eyes. When he smiled, his eyes looked like crescent moon, as if he were saying, "I'm so happy." He was neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin. The hair is black, like a "pot head". He likes the school bag with racing design, which is red. He is very careful in class. I want to learn from him.

Zhang Haoran likes reading. In the self-study class, all the children were talking, and only he was reading. I heard other children say: "Once, Zhang Haoran was fascinated by reading at home. His mother could not hear him. His mother pushed him, and he came back to his senses."

Zhang Haoran and I played the game of "Police Catch Thieves" the other day. Zhang Haoran and Liu Shanwen became "thieves". Lin Xijun and I became "policemen". In the end, the thief lost.

This little buddy is really good!

My little friend's composition 200 (9)

My partner Chen Yanzhang is a little boy who loves learning. I have known him since I was in a small class in kindergarten. He and I are from the same school. He is next to our class.

Chen Yanzhang is a thin man. He is about the same size as me. His hair is short, like a treasure head. He is a double eyelid. He smiles like a smiling doll. When he is angry, his eyes stare wide, like a terrible monster! Running legs are like hot wheels, walking like handsome models.

Chen Yanzhang studies hard. Once, we were in the classroom, laughing and quarreling all the time, but he did his homework carefully in his seat. Wow, he is really a serious little boy!

Chen Yanzhang runs very fast. Every time I run 5 meters against him, he always runs very fast and wins me. His speed can be called "lightning speed".

He is really a good partner!

My little friend's composition 200 (10)

My friend is 8 years old this year. Like me, he is studying in Class 2 (4) of West Campus of Cangwu Primary School. She is very short, the shortest one in our class; Moreover, she is very thin.

When she was angry, her eyes were round and frightening. However, she was very cute when she was happy, and her eyes were like a crescent moon.

Her mouth is so cute that she can talk every day. Even in class, she can talk. After class, she doesn't play. Whenever she said she didn't play, I would be very upset, but what can I do? Who made her my friend.

She is very bold. Once, she was standing on the windowsill to clean the window. We called her hard, but she said, "It's OK, I'm fine!" She didn't "thump" down from the top until the teacher came.

She is very naughty. Once, she hid my book in her desk, so I didn't find it. After school, I found my book again, and then I knew it was hers.

She runs the slowest and has the shortest legs in our class. Every time I leave her far away, I'm so happy.

I like He Yixuan very much, and hope to be a forever partner with her!

My little friend's composition 200 (11)

I have many friends, among which my brother is my best. He plays with me every day, reads with me, runs with me

My brother is 13 years old. He belongs to my aunt's family. His eyes are big, his mouth is big, his nose is small and not small, his face is oval, he is very handsome, in my mind, he may be one of the top 100 in the country.

My home is very close to his home, which is only 2 kilometers away. I can go to his home at any time. My brother also has a sister, who is 5 years old. Every time I go to their home, the three of us play hide and seek.

My brother has a lot of homework. Usually I can't go to their home to play. I really want to be with him every day. But my mother said that I can only go there once a week at most, and sometimes I go there zero times. I am disappointed every week.

I hope my brother can play with me every day.

My little friend's composition 200 (12)

I have many friends, among whom Jiang Xinlian is my dearest. After class, he played games with me.

Jiang Xinlian is 9 years old and in my class. His skin is white, his eyes are small and bright. He is thin and only weighs over 60 kg. We met in the first grade. He likes me very much. He misses me every weekend and is eager to see me soon.

He studied hard, listened attentively, spoke actively, and raised his hand in every class. He likes painting, and his works are on the blackboard newspaper of the class.

Once after school in the afternoon, I just walked out of the school gate, my colored clay fell on the ground, and a dozen boxes rolled all over the ground like balls. At that time, I panicked and was ready to pick up colored clay. At this time, Jiang Xinlian bent down and helped me pick up boxes one by one. I said, "Thank you!" He smiled and said, "We are good partners." At that time, my heart was warm and I was proud of this good friend!

Once, when I was playing during the break, I fell down accidentally when I ran too fast. He helped me to get up and asked me if it hurt, and if he wanted to send me home. How kind he was to me!

Therefore, he is my favorite friend and my closest friend!

My little friend's composition 200 (13)

My best friend is Xiao Mengfan. She is a girl. She was in the same class in the same school as me. I met her in the first grade.

She is a lovely girl. Her hair is as long as mine. She has a pair of big eyes. When she smiles, her big eyes turn into small eyes, like a curved crescent moon. There are several dimples. She is a little shorter than me. Her teeth are very white and neat, and her face is long, like melon seeds!

Her personality is very cheerful and humorous. She is also a craftsman. She can do anything and is very powerful. She works with me at every break. Once she worked with me to make a manual art book. It felt that there was something missing. It was Xiao Mengfan who kicked the decorations on the floor, scattered them all over the floor, and finally picked them up. But I can't do it after class. By the way, she also has a nickname called Xiaozi Pen!

She is my good friend Xiao Mengfan. Besides, she goes home with me every day!

My little friend's composition 200 (14)

With brown soft curly hair, round big eyes, two big ears drooping on both sides of the face, and a sensitive and small nose, it is my smart and lovely good partner, the dog "Lala".

Although Lala is just a puppy, it has a big appetite. Once, I wanted to take a nap after dinner. Suddenly, Lala rushed in front of me. Waving my tail, "Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, From time to time, I wagged my tail as if to say, "Thank you, little master." I smiled and gently put Lala on the ground. But the little guy still walked around beside me, looked up at me with his eyes, as if he were still saying, "I'm not full, I'm not full." So I took some bones to Lela to eat. This guy ate all the bones in less than a minute! I was dumbfounded by the speed. What a big appetite!

Lala not only can eat, but also has a very sensitive sense of smell. Once, I couldn't find my ball, so I was in a hurry. "Lala, come here quickly. Let's go and help me find the ball." Lala sniffed and finally found it in a corner. It turned out that when I was playing there with Lala, we accidentally fell down. When I found the ball, I cheered around for two times.

Look, this is my good partner - Lala, do you like it?

My little friend's composition 200 (15)

With a small head, a pair of almond shaped eyes, and two triangular ears, he is my smart and lovely little partner - Husky. My mother and I went to the pet market to buy it. I named it "Seventeen".

My seventeen favorite food. When I went to feed it, the smart one flew towards me like an arrow off the string. If I didn't give it, it would obediently lie on the ground and look at me pitifully. At that time, it would do whatever I asked it to do, but it obeyed. It was like a fish can't live without water. Sometimes it would remind me with its "hands", "How long will it take you to give me food?" In fact, I'm teasing you. I like you so much. How can I not give you food?

My 17 likes to play like me? When playing the game, I take a handsome car to tease it, and it will hide in a safe place immediately, just like a lion preys on it. The car is a lion, and it is food. If the car doesn't run away, it will bite the car back. I take a ping-pong ball to tease it, and it will treat the ping-pong ball as another small partner, and it will run to it quickly first, Then he jumped quickly, then pounced, grabbed the ping-pong ball and held it in front of me, put it down, looked at me proudly with his tail wagging, as if to say to me, "I was just fierce!" I said, "I was fierce."

Look, this is my smart and lovely good partner - Seventeen, my inseparable good partner, do you like him?

My little friend's composition 200 (16)

That time, I went to climb the mountain behind Dongting Garden with my friends. The mountain was steep, the mountain road was rugged, and the cliffs were steep. A tree is connected to a tree. The trees are getting denser and denser, the mountain is getting steeper and the foot is getting more and more uneven, and it is often impossible to go up and down. At this time, my partner handed me a stick, and the two ends of the stick were held by me and my partner. In this way, my partner beat the "pioneer" and I was behind him. After crossing all the difficulties and obstacles, I was stunned as I walked, "Ah, what a steep mountain! If I didn't pay attention, I would fall off the cliff!" I looked at my little partner quietly, holding the stick tightly in my hand, and I didn't know what to say. He smiled at me. Every time, he jumped down first and made his way ahead. Whenever I couldn't move, he came to help me and pulled me out of danger.

Finally, under the guidance of our partners, we successfully walked out of the mountain. Suddenly, the whole body relaxed, and a hanging heart relaxed. This is my little partner. He has the good qualities of being resourceful, brave and helpful, and is always worth learning from.

My little friend's composition 200 (17)

She is a good student with excellent character and learning. Work actively and seriously, and also actively help students with learning difficulties. What I most appreciate about her is that she speaks softly, recognizes the strengths of her classmates, and sometimes puts forward some valuable suggestions to them, which will make them comfortable to accept and actively correct.

She often does good deeds in silence. Once, when I saw her passing by the location of Luosheng Youran, I found some stationery she dropped under the table, so I picked it up silently and put it on the table of Luosheng Youran.

How good are you! I want to learn from you.