Tour of Farmhouse (5 in general)
Laugh over the past
2024-04-08 05:38:18
fourth grade

You Nongjiale (1)

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Spring is undoubtedly the beautiful scenery in the four seasons. The temperature is appropriate, and a piece of green can not help but make people feel relaxed and happy. The school held a spring outing in this fine weather.

On the bus, our guide sister led us to guess the name of the song. Our boring one hour drive ended in laughter, and our journey began.

We first came to the place where we counted the ducks. I thought to myself that the farm work was simple and rough? Besides, I have learned how to count ducks! We came to the pool and asked us to count the ducks. I was dazzled by the sight. Finally, I missed a duck. Alas! One cannot be proud.

Then, we went to the place of the upper toe board. I asked the guide why he wanted to play this game? Because this is an imitation of the old man, I walked hard on the sharp gravel road with a shoulder pole on my shoulder and bare feet. As soon as I took off my shoes, the teacher said that I was going to run. I ran to it hurriedly, but I didn't feel it just when I stepped on it. After two or three seconds, a pain that secreted into the heart and lungs continued, paralyzing the whole body, as if it had been electrified by "electricity". Next, I observed each person's expression in a variety of ways, each with its own characteristics. Zhao Sanle's movements after running are the most amusing, and his legs are raised and his face is covered. This activity tells us to cherish the shoes and socks, as well as many transportation tools, cherish food and carry forward science and technology, so that we can benefit mankind.

The most meaningful thing I said is the escape wall. This game is a test of teamwork and personal climbing ability. First of all, we only have half an hour to let everyone climb the wall about 3-4 meters high. Let the tall boy with strong strength act as the base first, and let the boy with slightly strong strength go up and pull people first. I stepped on it first, and then stepped on the shoulder with my foot on the leg of the base. At the same time, I asked the people above to pull me up. We have caught a trick. If you have already grabbed his hand, then grab his foot and get them up together. If one person suddenly lets go, he may fall down and hurt others, so you can't joke. At the last moment, there were still 8 minutes left for Grace and Wu Zijun, because we had to go up first, but we couldn't go up by ourselves, and they were sweating. After many attempts, they still couldn't climb up. They wanted to give up. But we never give up at the last moment and pull them up together. Through this game, we know how important it is to work together in life and not give up when facing difficulties bravely.

We also tried to drill wood to make fire, make bamboo rice and drive pigs!

Pig driving is the last project. We ran on the soil, in the sun and in the wind. We caught one pig after another. For the first time, we felt that pigs were so cute. How fun the group activities were!

At the best time of four seasons in spring, this spring outing has benefited me immensely.

You Nongjiale (2)

Recently, I went to a place called "Xiangqu Farmhouse" in Nanhui, which left me a very good memory.

My mother and I got up at 7:00 sharp, and then immediately rushed to my mother's colleague's house, and took his car to Xiangqu Farmhouse. We started fishing for lobster. I lost it for a long time, but only caught a few crayfish. I complained: "This lobster is so cunning, why don't we take the bait? Is it difficult to catch all the lobsters here? At this time, one of my mother's colleagues came over and saw my sad face, he knew that I must be" short of harvest "now. He taught me: "Lobsters like to move underwater, so they must first sink the bait to the bottom, and then pick it up when there is a vibration." So I followed his instructions and sank the line to the bottom. After waiting for a long time, I suddenly felt a slight vibration. "Lobster got hooked!" I responded in half a second: yanked up the line. Unexpectedly, he got off the hook. I was so angry that I wanted to throw the fishing rod away, and said: "Really, forget it, fish for another five minutes, if you still can't catch it, you will not catch it!"! Unexpectedly, another minute later, the lobster took the bait. I was satisfied with my loot, decided to continue fishing, and finally brought back a bucket of loot lobster. Later, we also picked watermelons, and finally made a delicious lunch with our booty.

I was deeply impressed by this rural fun trip. I hope I can have this opportunity to experience rural life next time.

You Nongjiale (3)

Today, two elder sisters and I went to Tengtou Village to have fun at the farmhouse. On the way, we talked and laughed. Soon, the big iron gate of the farmhouse appeared in front of us, and we couldn't wait to enter the gate.

The first stop is in front of the peacock cage. It's not the peacock family. Guess what? It was a male peacock and two hens. I think the administrator wants to highlight the beauty of peacocks through comparison. We used all kinds of bright things to lure the peacock and make it open, but it didn't work. The peacock would rather die than listen. We lost patience and went to the next stop.

The second station is a hand drawn water pump. There are water pumps used by farmers in ancient times, some are pedal driven, some are hand driven, and some are powered by cattle. We came to a hand pulled pump truck. My elder sister and I each took a bamboo pole with a hook, hooked a small hole in the pump truck, and the two people pulled it up with great effort. Ha ha, the water poured up along the wooden trough. Soon, a large bucket of water was pumped. I think the ancient working people were really smart!

Then, we came to the square of "Human Pigeon Phoenix Xiang" and asked a keeper uncle for half a barrel of corn. The two elder sisters were so brave. They put some corn on their palms and shouted "Come on... Come on...".

A large group of white pigeons flew from all over the place. Some stopped on the ground, some stopped on their hands, and some stopped on their heads. They also made a "coo coo" sound, as if saying, "I want to eat, I want to eat"

I'm not as bold as they are. I hide far away and look at them eagerly

Finally, we went to the paper mill, music fountain, pig race, sheep and bull fighting field, and stone windows

Today, how happy!

You Nongjiale (4)

On Sunday, Class 5 and Class 6 went to Jiuzhangdian, Yongjia, to have a family trip and experience the life and fun of farmers. My father and I came to the school. I, Qiqi, Zheng Meng and others were in a group. We took the No. 1 bus of Class 5 together. After all the people came, we set out for Yongjia in a big way. On the bus, because the journey was long, the guide gave us a chance to guess puzzles, tell jokes and sing songs for entertainment. I also performed a program - reading the children's poem "I want", which won the applause of everyone.

I don't know how long it took us to reach our destination: Yongjia Jiuzhang Garden. Everyone lined up and went in. Class Five of us first came to the ground where we grinded soybean milk, made dumplings, made dumplings and made straw sandals. Everyone can't wait to do some activities, especially the grinding of soybean milk. Because we haven't seen this water mill or ground it, we all rush to grind it. I also tried it. Put soybeans and water on it, and then push the water mill. The soymilk will flow out of the stone trough below and leak into the bucket. I went to make dumplings again. What's different from the past is that this dumpling skin has to be rolled by ourselves. The dumpling skin we made is all crooked and not very round. I made three rolls of dumplings, which were elaborately made. Dumplings are the easiest to make after making dumplings. Because there is no stuffing, it is easy to make. Just take some dough and knead it. At first, we made erasers that big, then we changed them to pearls that small. We went to see an old man knitting straw sandals. They looked very firm and acted very skillfully. It's time to exchange places with Class Six. They have activities like baking sweet potatoes, making big cakes and making rice cakes. Tamping rice cakes has been handed down from ancient times. First, steam the rice flour in the steamer, and then put it into a large mortar. Use a heavy hammer to tamp it. After tamping it together, take it out and print the mold for us. I took a large piece, and an uncle taught us to squeeze it hard until it was very soft, and then put it into the mold to print the pattern. After removing the more than part, it was finished. The rice cake I printed was beautiful, and it felt sweet when I took out the soft and fragrant rice cake.

After these activities, we go to have lunch and have a good rest. Lunch is very rich, all of which are local farmhouse dishes. After dinner, everyone went to the Shizi Beach to play with water. We all took off our shoes to play in the water. The water washes on the feet like ice, very comfortable. After the break, everyone went to the tug of war energetically! But tug of war in our class is really not good. In the first game, when our children pulled, everyone was red faced with anxiety, but it was still useless. After a few matches, I lost several matches. Who told me that the people in Class 6 are so strong. We came back after a big defeat, so we had to sigh. We also lost miserably before. After the tug of war, everyone went to pick strawberries and had a good fight. However, there was a funny episode on the way to pick strawberries, and everyone laughed until their stomachs ached. Some boys crossed the ditch on the road and walked into the field. Su Minghong said, "I dare not jump." Later, he saw Hu Haoran jump over and said, "He jumped over, I must do it!" Then he jumped over like a frog, and got into the field carelessly. I thought there was no water in the field, but there was water. When he came out, his face was black with water. It's funny to think of the way he went into the field.

We came to the greenhouse where we picked strawberries. Each of us took a plastic bowl and picked one. The first time I picked strawberries, I knew they were underground and very short. There is a kind of milk strawberry and milk flavor! I looked carefully for the bigger and redder strawberries. Come and go. Alas, I accidentally sat down on the strawberry, dizzy! Finally, I picked a big bowl full and went home. In the evening, we all had a drink at the Dongou Hotel. For the first time, we got together to have a drink. It was really interesting. We children have been playing with elevators. From the first floor to the 14th floor, the 13th floor is very gloomy and scary. This parent-child tour let us experience the fun of farmers and the joy of picking strawberries. What a joy and experience!

You Nongjiale (5)

On the bus, our guide sister led us to guess the name of the song. Our boring one hour drive ended in laughter, and our journey began.

We first came to the place where we counted the ducks. I thought to myself that the farm work was simple and rough? Besides, I have learned how to count ducks! We came to the pool and asked us to count the ducks. I was dazzled by the sight. Finally, I missed a duck. Alas! One cannot be proud.

Then, we went to the place of the upper toe board. I asked the guide why he wanted to play this game? Because this is an imitation of the old man, I walked hard on the sharp gravel road with a shoulder pole on my shoulder and bare feet. As soon as I took off my shoes, the teacher said that I was going to run. I ran to it hurriedly, but I didn't feel it just when I stepped on it. After two or three seconds, a pain that secreted into the heart and lungs continued, paralyzing the whole body, as if it had been electrified by "electricity". Next, I observed each person's expression in a variety of ways, each with its own characteristics. Zhao Sanle's movements after running are the most amusing, and his legs are raised and his face is covered. This activity tells us to cherish the shoes and socks, as well as many transportation tools, cherish food and carry forward science and technology, so that we can benefit mankind.

The most meaningful thing I said is the escape wall. This game is a test of teamwork and personal climbing ability. First of all, we only have half an hour to let everyone climb the wall about 3-4 meters high. Let the tall boy with strong strength act as the base first, and let the boy with slightly strong strength go up and pull people first. I stepped on it first, and then stepped on the shoulder with my foot on the leg of the base. At the same time, I asked the people above to pull me up. We have caught a trick. If you have already grabbed his hand, then grab his foot and get them up together. If one person suddenly lets go, he may fall down and hurt others, so you can't joke. At the last moment, there were still 8 minutes left for Grace and Wu Zijun, because we had to go up first, but we couldn't go up by ourselves, and they were sweating. After many attempts, they still couldn't climb up. They wanted to give up. But we never give up at the last moment and pull them up together. Through this game, we know how important it is to work together in life and not give up when facing difficulties bravely.

We also tried to drill wood to make fire, make bamboo rice and drive pigs!

Pig driving is the last project. We ran on the soil, in the sun and in the wind. We caught one pig after another. For the first time, we felt that pigs were so cute. How fun the group activities were!

At the best time of four seasons in spring, this spring outing has benefited me immensely.