The power of friendship 600 word composition (8 popular articles)
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-09-05 02:33:32
Junior 1

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (1)

The friendship between boys is always unpredictable, like a June day, a baby's face. One second it is cloudy, the next it is sunny. It is true love to fight and fight but never leave. They look like friends. My back table is called Xiaoyi. He is very kind. His mouth seems to never close. He always smiles. But his "enemy" - the tallest boy in the class, Big Dragon, was always serious, but he would make people laugh whenever he opened his mouth.

I thought they were enemies. In class, every time the teacher asked someone to answer a question, whether it was difficult or simple, in English or Chinese, Big Long immediately said, "Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi likes the color yellow. Big Dragon comes to make fun of him every time, which makes the whole class know. Dragon likes to play with others. Sometimes he teases Xiaoyi, but Xiaoyi ignores him. If he teases him again, Xiaoyi can't help but burst out.

At that time, I was foolishly worried about Xiao Yi: I was always bullied by the big dragon and suffered a lot! Later, it was gradually discovered that Big Dragon and Little Yi always ate together, just like the shadow. What moved me most was that time. That time, because Xiao Yi did something wrong, but it was not too big a mistake. Some of the boys are joking, some are not happy with him, and some are partaking in the fun.

They all said that they would beat him. At that time, Xiao Yi looked nervous and said, "Oh, no, what should we do?" A boy asked Big Dragon, "Big Dragon, let's go and" beat "him tonight! "Big Dragon broke away from his funny and unorthodox tone and said," No, I'm a couple with Xiao Yi! "

Xiao Yi looks at Big Dragon with some gratitude and happiness in his eyes. Big Dragon just looked at Xiao Yi smartly, shook his fist and knocked on his chest, as if to say, "It's OK if I'm here!" After that, they were always bored with each other, sometimes fighting, sometimes warm.

The ancients often said: "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while that between villains is as sweet as honey." The friendship between them is as cool as a gust of wind in summer, and as warm as the sun in winter.

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (2)

"Wow! It's killing me!"

Sobbing... This time, it was not others who bullied me, but I hurt myself. I had a good time with my classmates, but I didn't know how. I shook my hand and scratched the door lock. Even the skin was wiped off and blood flowed. Just as I was in mourning and was about to hang "Jindoudou" all over my face, my good friend strontium hui suddenly cried out, looking more nervous than me: "Hurry up! Go to the office and apply disinfectant, or you will be infected!"

Before I heard the words, I was dragged out by a hand before I could respond. I quickly looked back, hey, it was my fake boy and old friend Yi Yi! She grabbed me and ran out of the classroom, then dragged me into the office in another sharp left turn, and almost knocked me to death on the office wall. After entering the office, Yi seems to have changed into a person, and become light handed.

Yi Yi and Strontium Hui comforted me while helping me apply red potion. I took a furtive look at Yi Yi and thought to myself, "It seems that Yi Yi is very gentle, like someone owes her a debt."! Although I have been disturbed by Yi Yi's artificial ten ring roller coaster just now, my heart is warm. When my hand has been pasted with a hemostatic sticker, I feel a little more ashamed: my hand is only bleeding from the door, and it is not broken. Why bother strong hui and yi to help

It didn't take long for my mind to be disturbed again. Strontium Hui and Yi Yi comforted me and asked me: "Xiaoyue, is your hand still sore?" "Xiaoyue, it's OK, be careful next time." When I heard these words from Strontium Hui and Yi Yi, my eyes wanted to flow a stream of heat to express my gratitude and feelings. At this time, I wanted to cry, but I also thought: Don't let Strontium Hui and Yi worry any more, so I took back the "string of grapes" that was about to roll out of my eyes.

At night, in the dead of night, I quietly closed my eyes and lay on my back with one hand gently stroking the haemostatic paste Yi Yi had put on for me. Strontium Hui's tense eyes and warm words came into my mind. My mood is very confused, and I feel a lot of touch points, but I know that this is not the most careful help in the world, but this is the friendship that moves me most; But I know: Strontium Hui and Yi Yi are my friends; But I know: This is the most precious friendship!

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (3)

Friendship, like a cup of wine, makes people have endless aftertaste; Friendship, like a compass, points out the direction for you when you are lost; Friendship is like the sunshine in winter.

Once, when I went to a tutorial class this summer vacation and finished school in the evening, "he helped me. That day, I happily walked out of the door of the tutorial class and waited for my parents in the place where my family has always been. I looked around and found it when I met Liu Hongyan who said to me," You are in the tutorial class here. "I said," Yes, I am in the tutorial class here. "He asked," Why don't you go home! "I said dejectedly," My parents didn't come to pick me up. "The gentle father beside him said," It's OK. Let me take you home! "I said," No. "After repeated persuasion from both of them, I got on their car. In their car, I stared at my parents with bright eyes, but there was still no sign of my parents, so I used his car to go home. When I got home, his father said," I will take you to the door of the unit! "I said excitedly," No, just these two steps. "It's all right," his father said politely Let you feel warm; Friendship, like a key to open your heart, makes you feel happy

Through this incident, we can intuitively see that the friendship between friends is a priceless treasure that cannot be measured with money, and friendship is also like an iron chain that will not be connected if it is broken. Friendship is a kind of help. Only when you help others, others will help you. I also learned that friendship is also great and strong.

Because of friendship, we are successful, but what makes us successful is friendship, effort and dedication. Perhaps tomorrow, we will be more successful, we will be more brilliant, but if there is no friendship, then we will be successful? Of course not.

Because of friendship, we grow; Because of friendship, we are happy; Because of friendship, we are happy; Because of friendship, we succeed; Because of friendship, we are brilliant. Let friendship accompany us until we are old, cherish forever, never give up!

First grade: Shi Yihan

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (4)

Friendship is the drizzle in spring, which makes the lonely people nourish their hearts; Friendship is a clear spring flowing in the rosy night, which makes the hot and restless people enjoy the poetic tranquility; Friendship is a small umbrella held up in the rainy night, so that people who wander abroad can get the 'shelter' of love.

On that day, I went to school happily. On the way, there were colorful flowers and tall tall trees, which made me feel very happy!

The first class was math. The teacher had to hand out math papers. Before class, Mr. Bu came to me and told me that my score was not as high as Qiao Yongze, who was the top ten in the final exam. I have been silent in the classroom all the time. The exam paper has been handed out. It can be said that every student has a score of no less than 90 points, but I never have a score of less than 90 points. Today, I only scored 87 points. I looked up at the ceiling, trying to stop the pain in my heart. Many students walked past me and said, "I got 100 points!" "I got 100 points, too." I was very upset when I heard that. At this time, my not so good friend came over. I thought he came to me to show off his 100 points, but he came up and said, "What's wrong with you? You didn't do well in a unit test. You can continue to work hard if you don't do well in the test. Look at me, sometimes I haven't got 80 points, but I'm not sad, because I'm a man, because I worked hard this time, so I did well in the exam. You should be like me. " With that, he left.

On the way out of school, I walked and thought: I scored 97 points that time, and he only scored 80 points, but I didn't cheer him on, and said you did a little too little! Many people are taller than you, ha... ha. However, he didn't laugh at me today.

I think maybe this is friendship! Although he is not my best friend, I will never forget the friendship between him and me.

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (5)

In the past, I thought that a friend is a person who is good to himself and doesn't do anything to himself. But when I grew up, I realized that I was wrong.

One of my classmates has a better relationship with me than ordinary classmates. Usually, I just say a few words. On the surface, they are very friendly. They always smile at each other, sometimes they care about each other a little, and they don't joke or act against each other. I feel that the other side treats me very well and seems to have become friends. However, when I encounter difficulties, it is not likely that he will come out to share with me. For example, when I asked him to go to the teacher's office with me to carry the exercise book, he waved his hand and said, "I haven't finished my homework yet." Or he asked him to call me and ask parents to send the exercise book that they didn't bring. He pretended not to hear it and hurried away.

Another classmate of mine, surnamed Chen. The relationship between him and me is not good, and sometimes it is noisy. But it is usually very good, joking, playing small games, on the surface, the relationship is worse than that of the above student. However, I can feel that my friendship with him is much more sincere. And this event, let me break through that layer of fog and see the friendship between us.

One day in PE class, the teacher asked us to run around the playground. We have been used to it, and have lined up to enter the runway to complete a circle of tasks. Because they are running in line, the distance between students is very close, and they will fall down if they are careless. Just thinking about being careful, I felt a tug on my heel and stumbled on the edge of the runway. I consider myself unlucky. Just lying on the ground to see who stepped on my foot, I saw several students coming, including the student surnamed Chen. He asked me about my health with concern, and I waved my hand: "Nothing." The palm became red because of intense friction, and the knee also felt pain, but it was not painful. With the help of Chen, I stood up. He accompanied me for a while, then ran to the team

If there is only a smile between friends, no discord, no noise, this is friendship with a false face. True friendship often extends a helping hand to you in times of difficulty

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (6)

On the eve of graduation, a friend gave me a gift from a philosopher: If you tell a friend about happiness, you will get two happiness; If you confide your sorrow to a friend, you will be divided in half. Yes, a true friend will always put a sincere heart in front of you. When you lift up the dark clouds in the sky with the encouragement of friendship, you will see the most beautiful Cangyu, and you will see unlimited scenery.

After reading Mr. Ba Jin's Friends, I was even more moved by the sincere friendship in the world. Indeed, in the dark, friends are bright lights, dispelling the fog on your way; Before strangers, friends are landmarks that point you in the right direction. In every moment, the hearts of friends are concerned about each other, because there is a bridge of true feelings between friends.

I have read many classical works, and once regarded my friends simply as chivalrous and courageous iron brothers. It is a sketch of friendship in my impression that we should spare no effort to help our friends and that our good friends should be loyal. After carefully reviewing the article "Friends", I came to realize that a true friend does not need sweet words or earth shaking feats, as long as he can reach out his hands when in trouble.

Like Mr. Ba Jin, I also have many sincere friends. From entering the school to sitting in the examination room today, my friends' true feelings accompany me. Their warm hearts always have a harbor where I park. I once asked myself whether I could live happily and have a wonderful life without the care of my friends?

When a friend passed a beautiful ball to my feet for the first time, when a friend put chocolate into my hand for the first time, when a friend walked through the dark forest side by side with me for the first time... My heart was surrounded by sweet friendship. My heart was shocked by the sincere friendship when my friends threw encouraging eyes to me again and again, and when my friends joined hands with me to face difficulties again and again. I firmly believe that friendship is an indispensable truth in the world.

Friend, let's plant a seed of friendship in our heart, it will bloom the most beautiful flowers. Cherish every friend, cherish every friendship, water the flower of friendship with sincerity, and enjoy the infinite scenery of friendship!

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (7)

A loving action, a caring word, and a caring look can make me feel your heart in a moment—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am a class change student. I came to Class 9 (6) last semester in Grade 9. At the beginning, I didn't know what to say to my classmates or how to communicate with them. So I kept a distance with my classmates. Until one day, I really had my first friend in class.

It was a rainy day, the weather was not very good, and because of the rain, the air became humid and hot, and dark gray clouds covered the sky, giving a depressing feeling.

After school, the students all walked to the dormitory in groups. Breezes blowing, blowing away a little hot, I went to the phone booth alone, want to call my mother. When I arrived, there were already several people in front of me, so I leaned against the wall alone, bored and looked at the rippling puddles at that time, and waited quietly.

I just waited for ten minutes, but at that time, I felt that it had been a century and it was my turn. I picked up the receiver and was about to start dialing when I saw a classmate coming this way. After seeing me, she said hello to me, and I also said hello to her. Then I asked her why she came out of the dormitory. He said, "Come to accompany you."

My dialing finger suddenly stopped, turned to look at her, and replied with a smile brighter than the sun. She said, "Come on, I'll wait for you." My heart suddenly beat violently, and a warm current surged in my heart. At that moment, I knew that I had my first friend in this class.

Because of this moment of moving, let me get a real friendship in this moment, my friend, thank you for what you have done for me.

I will always keep you in my heart.

The Power of Friendship 600 Word Composition (8)

I'm afraid few people really understand what friendship is. Some people say that friendship is the sunshine in winter, which warms our hearts; Some people say that the summer breeze of friendship makes us feel cool; Some people say that friendship is the moonlight in the dark night, and we find hope when we are helpless... I have no objection to their statement, but everyone has different views on things. I have a friend, who is the person I believe most.

Both teachers and students said that we are twins, twins in study, twins in life, goddess sisters in school, and petite little princess at home. She is mature and I am sweet; She is beautiful, I am cute, she can sing and dance, I am versatile; She draws a good picture, I write a good hand, I cry with her shoulder, I laugh with her company

At first, I didn't know him, and he didn't know me. The fifth grade was divided into classes. We shared the same table and bed, just as God had arranged. After some things, we gradually became familiar with each other and became inseparable good friends, sister flowers. We changed our name privately. Her name was Butterfly Yahan, my name was Butterfly Mengxin, and together we called Butterfly Charm. We were proud of the many female models.

Once, I was bullied by others, and I couldn't fight back. Then she appeared, and I told her not to come. She refused to listen, and brought her teacher. With a teacher, everything was easy. The teacher said jokingly, "Die Yahan, I order you to be Butterfly Mengxin's bodyguard, OK?" Later, I relied on her to call her husband, and she loved to call me my wife, It's like going home.

I said; Can we still be girlfriends in the next life. She said; Fool, you have asked in your last life, I smiled and asked again; Do you love me, she said, no, I said; A liar is a dog. She said; Bark, bark. Ha ha, we are not in the same class now. However, my love for him and his love for me remain unchanged. May the friendship last forever.