Cute Animal Composition (17 recommended)
Drowning in the deep sea
2023-11-14 05:35:23
Grade 3

Cute Animal Composition (1)

In the first grade, Grandpa fed a white rabbit. I can't put it down because I finally have a partner. Its hair is thin and dense. Holding it, you will feel like holding a soft cotton ball. It has a pair of ruby like eyes, always dribbling around. Its three flap mouth always moves, as if to say something. Its two ears are very long, so as long as there is a little movement around, it can hear clearly. The most lovely thing is its small and short tail, which is like a ball hanging behind its buttocks. Because the rabbit's hair is very white, I gave it a name - Xiaobai.

In order to make Xiaobai eat better, I get up very early every day, go to the backyard to pick some grass, and then go home to take some cabbages and carrots as breakfast for him. When I quietly walked into Xiaobai, it had already woken up. When it saw that I came to see it with its breakfast, its three valves moved, as if singing a welcome song! I am afraid it is hungry, and I always give it a lot of grass. Xiaobai jumps happily every morning when he sees me.

Xiaobai finished his breakfast, so I let him out to play. Maybe it is to express gratitude. Before going out, it always makes out with me. Once, it jumped on my shoulder, and I thought it would stick to my face. I was very happy. I didn't know it was going to pick up the "grass" on my head and bite off some of my hair.

After my careful feeding, Xiaobai grows up day by day. Now that I have moved, I can't look after Xiaobai every day. How are you, Xiaobai? Are you full every morning?

Cute Animal Composition (2)

My family has a white rabbit. Its fur is snow-white, really like a ball of white cotton. The eyes are very beautiful, just like two rubies inlaid on the white face. The ears are very long and stand up very cleverly. Its front legs are short and small, and its back legs are fat and strong, so it can only jump, not run. The tail is too small to be seen. It stands like a person while eating.

I remember one time I pulled a radish out of the yard, and it bounced in front of me and took away the radish with mud when I didn't notice. I have always been unwilling to let him eat anything unclean. This time, as usual, we made another fierce "struggle". Of course, I would win. When I put the cleaned radish in front of him, he thought I had given up and ate it proudly.

How lovely my little white rabbit is!

Cute Animal Composition (3)

I have three lovely Brazilian turtles at my grandfather's house.

They always like to lie under the washbasin and never move, as if they were dead. When I fed them, I found that they did not eat at once when I gave them food, but enjoyed their food slowly after I left. They were really wary!

Sometimes, they will slowly climb up to their companions' backs and stay on them for a long time, as if they are looking into the distance. In fact, they are still at the bottom of the basin. Even if they stand high, they still can't see anything. ha-ha! I laughed at it.

Is the little turtle cute? Welcome to my home to see the little turtle.

Cute Animal Composition (4)

My family has a cute little snail.

The little snail has long antennae. When I touch it gently with my hand, it quickly retracts its antennae. I put some leaves on it, and it slowly climbed up to move its mouth and bit holes in the leaves. The little snail also has a big shell, which is its home. It carries its home on its back at any time and walks slowly. If it encounters danger, it will roll its whole body into the shell. When the danger passes, it will stick out its head and carefully check whether it is safe around.

Once, I put the snail on the art knife, and it slowly wriggled on it, as if it was not hurt at all. Why is this? It turns out that the snail's body can secrete a kind of mucus, which can repair its skin from damage.

It turns out that a small snail also has so many body structures. It's amazing!

Cute Animal Composition (5)

There is a cute teddy dog in my family. "cute" really deserves the name.

It has a round body, two big eyes like two black glass balls, and two white teeth hidden in its big mouth. Look at its shape, it seems that its teeth have worked like snow for a long time, but it is still very young. Meet acquaintances, it will greet you with a smile; When encountering strangers, he will relentlessly shout. He is our "little security guard"!

My Teddy is not only smart, but also naughty.

One night, after eating his "sausage dinner", he became impolite. Because it is fat, people can't help touching it. When I was about to wipe his mouth with a towel, he bit me mercilessly as if he didn't know me.

"Ah -" I shouted, unexpectedly, my parents were watching TV in the living room. They stood there dumbfounded, looking at my bright red hands in bewilderment. A second later, they took the medical bag from the cabinet to bind me like an electric shock, while dressing and scolding Teddy.

Teddy seemed to know that he was in trouble, so he deliberately made some funny moves on the ground to make me happy. However, his performance did not succeed, so he had to run to me and looked at me pitifully. Seeing it like this, I couldn't help laughing.

Look, I have a lovely Teddy. Do you want to make friends with it?

Cute Animal Composition (6)

Today, my mother took me to Wangcheng Park to play. I was so happy that I put on my clothes and ran to the station.

After an hour's rush, I finally arrived in Luoyang. I couldn't wait to say, "Go to the Wangcheng Park. 1 minute. 2 minutes... finally arrived.

We bought tickets and walked to the Wangcheng Park through the ticket gate. Just when I came to the place where I saw the monkey, an uncle asked me, "Children, do you want to feed the little monkey food?" I said yes, and then I bought a bag of peanuts and walked to the little monkey. I threw a peanut first, which was eaten by a monkey. I threw two peanuts, one of which was eaten by a little monkey, Another one was eaten by a little monkey who jumped very high. Then I deliberately refused to give it to them. They stared at me blankly as if they still wanted to eat. Finally, I simply threw all peanuts into the air for them to grab.

"It's time to go," my mother said. I stared at them blankly, and they also looked at me blankly, as if to say, "Don't go". I thought to myself, "You must come back to Wangcheng Park to see these lovely monkeys".

Cute Animal Composition (7)

Look! The fluffy white hair makes people want to touch it at first sight. The black eyes are set on the white hair, which is very conspicuous. The pink mouth is small and exquisite. The claws are sharp! It's killing me to scratch.

They live in a "luxury apartment": there is a slide in it, and when they slide down, they are like small snowballs, "whoosh", interesting! There is also a treadmill. Two lazy hamsters don't like sports. If you can see it running, you will win the prize! There is also a small house on the second floor. In winter, they live in it.

The most interesting thing is the way they eat. I peeled off a melon kernel and put it into the cage. They immediately rushed over. Ha! The big hamster grabbed the melon seeds, held them in his front paw, chewed them with relish, and ate them with Zabazaba's mouth. I peeled another kernel. This time, the hamster grabbed the kernel. He glanced sideways at the big hamster with his proud eyes and ate happily. I tease them to play, so I don't peel the shell of the melon kernel, but throw it directly into it. The big hamster rushed over, took it carefully as if it were a rare treasure, and put it in its mouth to bite. After a long time, it found that something was wrong. It picked it up and looked carefully. It found that the seeds were not shelled! This time, he was so angry that he threw the melon seeds and glared at me angrily. Alas! What a spoiled brat!

Delicate hamsters, smart hamsters, lazy hamsters, they are all cute hamsters!

Cute Animal Composition (8)

My family used to keep three small goldfish, which circled in the aquarium all day long.

Among the three goldfish, my favorite is a golden one. The little fish's whole body is golden, like wearing a golden armor, shining in the sun. Its eyes were dark, like staring at the scenery outside, as if curiosity could never be satisfied. Its mouth is round, like the pinyin letter O, and it spits out strings of pearls from time to time. I especially like the 'tail' of the small goldfish. It looks like a beautiful fan at close sight, but it looks like yellow gauze at a distance.

Feeding goldfish is the most interesting thing. One day, I spilled fish food in the aquarium, and the fish food floated on the water. The goldfish can't wait to swim to the fish food when they see the wagging tail. Then they open their mouths wide and eat the fish food into their stomachs. After eating, he still wagged his tail and refused to leave, as if to say: Master, there are too few. I'm not full yet! So I scattered some fish food, and they scrambled to eat. Goldfish not only eat cute, but also play music!

When it emits bubbles, it seems to say: Master, is my bubble beautiful? Sometimes the little goldfish will jump out of the water and make a plop, as if to say: Am I playing wonderful acrobatics?

What a lovely little goldfish! It brought me endless fun and happy laughter. Students, after listening to my introduction, do you also like them?

Cute Animal Composition (9)

Grandma raised four lovely Hu sheep, three little sheep and a big ewe. I named them according to their different characteristics.

One was named Tiaotiao, because when I went to feed them that day, it made a great leap and jumped to the second sheepfold, which surprised me. He also bleated a few times, as if to say, "I succeeded!" The second one, Xiao Xiao, was afraid of everything because he jumped from the same sheepfold to another. The last lamb is a complete food. Whenever there are camphor leaves, it is always the first one to rush up to eat. Did you guess its name? I won't tell you about the big ewe. Now let's listen to the interesting story!

Once, I went to feed the sheep and put the leaves in the basin. They quickly ate in two sheep pens. After a while, they cleaned up the sheep and the ewe. They chewed and started barking as if they were saying, "Yeah! We won!" After a while, they started barking again after eating. The imitated Buddha said, "Why don't we add more when we have finished eating?" So, I immediately brought them another handful of camphor leaves. I ran around all morning and finally had lunch. I didn't need to feed them. It was time for me to have a rest.

Animals are our friends. Don't hurt them!

Cute Animal Composition (10)

One day, I was playing in the animal supermarket. In the basket, I saw that the rabbit's body was white and felt like a ball of fur. Its ears were very long, and it could hear the movement outside quickly. Its tail was round and its fur was white, as if it was wearing a white fur coat. The rabbit wagged its tail as if to say, "I'm going out." I asked my mother, "Mom, the rabbit is so cute, can I buy a rabbit to go home?" My mother said, "Yes!" So I took the rabbit home.

The next day, I fed the rabbit breakfast. I gave him his favorite carrots and cabbage. After breakfast, I took him to the yard to play. Look, I'm training the rabbit to "exercise" with me. The rabbit runs fast and soon catches up with me.

At noon, I had a good meal, and it was time for the rabbit to have a meal. I brought his favorite cabbage, and the rabbit ate it with a big mouthful. At this time, I suddenly thought of a question: When it finished eating, where should I take it to play? So I took it to my garden. I had a good time with the rabbit. The rabbit was also very docile. I really like my rabbit!

Cute Animal Composition (11)

My favorite animal is the dog. It is so cute. It runs with me, plays in the car, eats together... From these days, I think the dog is my friend. I remember having three dogs. They all like to lick me. Sometimes they lick my face, sometimes they lick my feet, sometimes they lick my hands... After that, I think dogs are very cute.

When I bought the dog, it was in our car. Because it was only a few months old at that time, it had been running around in the narrow carton. When I picked it up, it kept licking my hand. Suddenly, my father said, "Can the dog poop in the car?" I definitely said, "No." As soon as I finished, the dog ran to the window to see the scenery.

Several days later, I went to one of my grandfather's houses to have a drink, and I took my side dog with me. I thought it would be very attractive, but my guess failed. I ran with the dog there. Unexpectedly, he ran faster than the car and almost disappeared. I trained the dog there. As soon as I raised his hand, he stood up and sat down. Unexpectedly, he was so smart!

One day, the Spring Festival finally came. I'm so happy. This is my first year of raising a puppy. Unexpectedly, my father took the dog out to pee. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers outside. As a result, the dog ran away and could not be found. My father said, "I must have been carried away." I was so sad.

Now, when I think of that cute puppy, I want to cry.

Cute Animal Composition (12)

That autumn, I visited Xiangyu.

The car stopped in front of a persimmon forest. I went deep and found a clearing, beside the weeds and waves, there were clumps full of wild chrysanthemums. They hold their heads high, face the high sky, and look at the red sun. From a distance, chrysanthemums are like little suns.

When I walked nearby, I suddenly found a black, white and red butterfly on the weed at my feet. Its wings are black and white, intertwined with each other. Under the petal shaped wings, there are ruby like "tears" flowing. It's autumn, and butterflies should be stiff. Indeed, it was dying, its black tentacles moved slightly, and its straw shaped mouth curled up in a ball.

Suddenly, it took the wind to fly - apparently unstable, like a flying cloud, its golden red wings shining in the sun. It flew to the chrysanthemum by the wind. But it failed to reach there in the end, and it floated down again.

I gently picked it up and caressed it. Its wings are as delicate as the feather yarn and the bright silk; The body is long and slender, like a uniform black line, which runs through the four wings. I don't know why it flew to the wild chrysanthemum, only to see its wings gently flapping, its mouth trembling - it has no strength.

I gently put it on a chrysanthemum in full bloom. Its mouth stretched hard, and it never moved again.

It stiffened, facing the sun.

I stood aside. Suddenly, I felt that, in my eyes and in my heart, it had merged with the wild chrysanthemum and the sunshine - what a lovely little creature! For their dreams, nine dead without regret! Although the sun is so far away from him, it still tries to pursue until the last moment of life!

That piece of chrysanthemum is still open against the sun, as if telling all this. I saw that the sun was also shedding ruby like tears.

Cute Animal Composition (13)

In my home, I have a lovely dog called Grey Grey. It is one year old this year. It is not an ordinary dog. It is my parents' encouragement and care for me.

Ash is an Akita dog, which my parents bought in Zunyi Dog Market to encourage me to get a good score. When it was just bought back, it was only three months old, covered with gray fur, a small tail lying on its round buttocks like a leaf, and a pair of big black eyes showed timid clarity. When it saw a stranger, it hid in the haystack and could not be called out. The little friends said that it was cute, and everyone liked to chase it! Gradually, it grew up, lost its fur and replaced it with long yellow and gray hair. Its two big eyes looked like two watery grapes. When it was naughty, it would show a trace of cunning. When it was happy, it looked like a bright crescent moon. The most amazing thing was his sense of smell. He often found bones in a piece of grass and dug them out. Its courage has also become bigger. Every time I go home, it will cry, wagging its tail, and run to climb on me; If you see other dogs outside, they will run crazy and play; It will also take the initiative to chase with its friends and play guerrilla tactics. We run. It runs faster than us. We stop. It stops every 5 meters to rest. How can it be caught? Every time we catch it, it wins, and we lose! At home, it also makes troubles everywhere. If you bite the paper, it will smile when you shout at it! When you are really angry and ignore it, it will shake a big tail like a broom to come over, rub your head and lick you with its tongue, so that you can't continue to be angry. When I learned to be lazy, when I saw the cute puppy, I was filled with my parents' concern for me, reminding me to study hard.

This is my lovely puppy. It brings me endless happiness and good memories. Whenever I relax in my study, I will look at the puppy. It carries the love of my parents and encourages me to study hard!

Cute Animal Composition (14)

My "potato chips" are a kind of pistachio in life. Every time when "potato chips" eat, when "potato chips" smell the fragrance, they are like runaway wild horses, rushing towards the "terminal" of the aroma - the kitchen. Once you get to the kitchen, you can jump higher than the sky, and you can eat the attractive chicken legs, prawns and fish in one jump. We are all vegetarian, but we eat French fries with relish. How hateful!

"French fries" sleep like a pig. Once, when I just got up, I saw that the sun was like a fire, and the ground was a big steamer, and we were the steamed buns that were almost ripe in the steamer. Although we stayed at home, we could still feel the heat. I think it's so hot, "French fries" should have been hot all over the place! But after I went upstairs, he even slept comfortably in bed. It seemed that he would have to sleep a little more, but now it's 9:30. This is too sleepy!

"French fries" is also a famous game player. Once, I took it to the Game City to play. Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the Game City, "French fries" ran to the dancing place, and both left and right feet jumped up. It seems that he has been hit with stimulants. The jump of "French fries" has attracted many people. They are clapping their hands while jumping. It's really interesting!

I have a lot of love for "French fries". Because every time the "potato chips" are not full and warm, I will give them timely help. Every time, I will play with it.

Such an interesting dog, do you want to take it home too!

At my strong request, my father added three beautiful peacock tail fish and a naughty fighting fish to the small fish tank in my room.

I took my beloved fish home, changed the water in the aquarium and put them in. Mother has good taste. She inserted several seedlings of green apples into the upper mouth of the fish tank. They look beautiful and can let green apples take root and grow in the water. Putting small fish in the tank adds some vitality. I promised my father that I would take good care of the fish.

The good times are not long. The next day when I got up, I found a peacock floating on the water with its tail turned upside down. What's the matter? Come closer and see that it has been covered in bruises and no breathing. I hurried to ask my father, who wondered what was going on? I asked my father to prepare a small fish tank to raise two kinds of fish separately. My father praised me as a careful child and said that he would bring back a fish tank when he came home in the afternoon.

I feel relieved to practice calligraphy. To tell you the truth, I haven't practiced my lesson well today. My mind is on fish. Finally, when I got home in the afternoon, I burst into my room to watch fish. At the sight of the aquarium, my tears welled up. The two peacock tails were also unlucky and floated on the water to stop breathing. Only the fighting fish swam happily in the aquarium, and when I saw its dazzling appearance, I suddenly didn't like it. It must be his fault! I checked on the Internet, and sure enough, this kind of fighting fish is small and beautiful, but if it is put together with fish of the same size, it will bully them, and even weaker fish will die. This space is only for it to exist.

I don't like the bully of fighting fish. I also took three innocent lives. If we can understand such knowledge early, we will not let three lovely little lives die in vain. What can you do? You can stay in this space and survive without feeling lonely. May the three little lives be happy in heaven!

There are a lot of sparrows in our community. If these sparrows and those sparrows chirp together, they really look like a growing symphony!

The sparrow has a beautiful appearance. It is yellow with a waxed small mouth and a sharp point. It is lined with a pair of small black eyes. The brown feather with light patterns is like a beautiful flower dress.

The little sparrows are like little round balls, so cute! There are several pots of plants on my balcony. Occasionally, they will stand on the branches and leaves of the hanging orchids like slides. Their bright eyes will look up and down curiously, and then they will secretly jump on the branches of the hanging orchids, peck the long leaves twice, and then shout happily, as if saying, "Yummy! Yummy!"

They are also very greedy sometimes. Last year I planted a pot of green beans, watered and fertilized them, and turned over the soil every other day or two. I loved it like "jewels", stroking its purple porcelain flowerpot. After a few weeks, it finally lived up to expectations, and grew green and hairy little green beans! I often watered and fertilized it with laughter. No, I just finished "lyricism", The "little round balls" who had been greedy for a long time on the eaves flew over eagerly. Of course, its companions also flew in, three or four sparrows cheerfully ate while shouting, and pulled out the silk of the green beans.

I happened to turn around and saw several sparrows eating my "big jewels". I was very angry. I walked to the window three steps at a time, opened the window suddenly, and shouted in a hurry: "Hey, you don't care so much for such a weak plant..." The little sparrows were dissatisfied and flying in my chatter, It seems to be saying: "Alas, it's delicious. I can't eat half of it. It's a waste of my saliva!"

Even so, I still like the little round sparrows outside the window best. They are my most lovely friends! I really hope to see their lovely appearance every day.

My good friend has a Labrador dog at home. We all call it Duoduo. Duoduo is over one year old now. I watched it grow up. It was very small when it was just bought back, and it can almost be put into my mother's handbag. A few months later, it grew tall and strong. Now, he raises his front foot, which is as tall as me.

Duo Duo is a very active dog. As soon as we loosen its chain, it will run like an arrow leaving the string. Sometimes it will roll in the grass, sometimes it will sprint along the road for a hundred meters, and then it will roar up to the sky, as if celebrating its freedom. He ran very fast, breathing heavily as he ran. He was not tired, but excited. As soon as you see a person, you will jump on it, which usually makes people cry out in a panic. But don't be afraid. It never bites. It may express its affection to you in this way, right?

Labrador dogs have a high IQ and are very brave. They are usually used as guide dogs or search and rescue dogs. A few days ago, we took him to the wheat field to let out the wind. There was a stinky ditch near the wheat field, and there was a lot of mud in it. Duoduo didn't know what it was, so he jumped in at once, and immediately became black. It happened that it was not far from the Qinhe River, so we decided to take it to take a bath. It was late autumn and the water was very cold. As soon as it went in, it quickly retreated back and never went down again. At this time, my good friend thought of a good idea. He took a long stick and threw it into the river at a distance. At his command, Dou Dou didn't care about the cold water anymore. He jumped into the water at all costs, swam quickly, and then took the stick in his mouth and sent it back to the bank. Everyone clapped for it.

Duoduo has the cutest way to eat. Every time we have a meal, we deliberately tease him. We put the bowl in front of him, but we don't let him eat. We said, "Sit down!" He sat obediently, staring at the bowl, his tongue stretched out long, and soon his saliva began to flow down. When we had played enough with it, it was already wet in front of him, We said to him, "Eat!" He quickly ate up. His whole head almost got into the bowl. He ate a bowl of rice after three times, five times and two times. Then he licked around the bowl with his long tongue. The bowl didn't need to be washed.

Duoduo is really a obedient and lovely dog. Do you like it? How I wish I had such a puppy!

Someone said well, "No matter how much money you have, owning a dog will make you richer."

"It may only take a part of your time to be good to a dog, but it will repay you all its life. If you are willing, the dog must know how to move your heart."

My family also has a dog called "Egg". I brought it from my grandmother's house in November 2019. Coincidentally, this day is also my mother's birthday.

Dandan is a noble soldier dog. He is black and looks like a ball of black fur from a distance. He has a pair of bright eyes, a body of shiny black hair, and two big ears hidden on both sides of the head. With a small wet nose and the plum blossom paw print, who is it? oh It's eggs. It is really loved by everyone.

Eggs have strong feelings for me. Every day when I came downstairs after school, I looked up and saw the black head of the egg sticking out looking at me. I called "Egg" and it immediately ran to the living room and barked, as if to remind the grandma at home to open the door. Do you think it is very spiritual? When I entered the house, it immediately ran to me, circled around me and wagged its tail.

Sometimes eggs are also very lazy. From Monday to Friday, we all went out. There was only Grandma at home. Seeing no one playing with him, he went back to his nest and slept until we got home. Grandma walked past it many times, but it didn't look. What a lazy egg!

The egg is also very good sometimes. For example, when we eat, it will run to us and sit down, motionless, like a sentry. It seems to be saying, "I'll sit down and give me something to eat." We have to give it a bone. When it sees a bone, it makes people laugh. It holds the bone with two front paws, backs up to support it, and chews the bone with relish. When it eats the bone, I pour water for it, and it thinks I'm going to grab food from it, so it makes a "purr" sound, It seems to warn me: "Stay away from me."

Another advantage of eggs is that they come up at 6:00 every morning to wake us up. In fact, it needs to go out for convenience!

This is our egg! A sentimental, lazy and gluttonous egg, it is also our little alarm clock.

Cute Animal Composition (15)

Its whole body is snow-white, with several black stripes, it looks particularly beautiful. During the day, its ears drooped, its eyes narrowed into a seam, and it slept soundly. At night, two ears stand up, and one pair of eyes stare round, like two glowing copper bells. It's scary to see.

It is like a follower, so we call it "follow". For example, last time, I played with him at my grandmother's house for a long time, and he followed me all the time, eating, watching TV, playing computer, and even going home. When I saw his shadow at my grandmother's house in the future, I had to hurry.

Although the follower is very clingy, he is dutiful when it comes to his post. One night, I heard the sound of "Shuffling Shuffling Shuffling Shuffling Shuffling Shuffling Shuffling", which made me tremble. At this time, I came up with my heel with my head held high, as if to say, "Coward, is it just a mouse that is so terrible? Well, look at my cat Great Xia!" He ran again under the bed, squatting and scratching again, and his voice was so small that I really admired it. After a while, the follower caught me and seemed to say to me: "See, my cat Great Xia is awesome. If the tiger doesn't get angry, you should consider me a sick cat!"

It is also particularly stupid, but it is stupid cute. Once, I bought an eraser in the shop. It was a unique little goldfish. When it saw it and thought it was alive, it bit it to pieces, which made me angry. Its aggrieved eyes seemed to say; "If only you didn't buy it. I think you are so good to it. I want to eat it again and am jealous.

This is Hejin, a cat hero, a jealous cat, and a beloved kitten. Don't you know you remember it?

Since we had Laurie, we had a lot of fun, but my grandmother closed it on the balcony in order not to let it pee at home.

One Saturday, I was so bored at home that I let Little Laurie out and opened the door to the "Dog Paradise" for her; In front of the neighbor's door, there is a green carpet like grass, which is where Laurie often goes. As soon as it ran to the green carpet, it scraped with its paws. After rolling, it suddenly calmed down. When it left there, it often left behind either yellow 'liquid' or black or brown 'objects'.

When it was convenient, Laurie would slide down the stairs. I followed closely, holding milk and biscuits. If I couldn't catch up with it, I would take the elevator; In the garden in front of the community gate, the figure of Laurie lifting her feet often appears, but this is just her habitual action.

When she saw me, Laurie had to run away subconsciously. It seemed that she had not played enough; Of course, even if I don't have enough fun, I will come back. If the dog runs away, I can't afford it! The dog ran away from the community and came to a small shop. Fortunately, I am familiar with this road; There are two long haired big white dogs with their hair covering their eyes in the shop; When Laurie saw her compatriots, it was good that she ran to them like the reflection of time; But the white dog regards it as an enemy, roaring and barking at it; Now I am just like Little Laurie's life saving straw. It hides beside me, and the milk box biscuits in my hands are now Laurie's tranquilizer

After the patrol, Laurie seemed to have run half the world, and she was so tired that she gasped for breath; It's very unusual. At this time, Laurie didn't need us to remind her. As soon as she got home, she ran to the balcony and fell asleep.

This is my naughty little Laurie, unlike Laurie!

We have a little turtle, which is smart and cute.

The whole body of the little turtle is dark green. There are many patterns on its head, and two small and long orange stripes on both sides of its eyes. Its shell is divided into eighteen pieces. It is said that three hundred years ago, the tortoise ancestor immortal angered the Monkey King and Sun Dasheng, and beat the tortoise's shell into eighteen pieces. Each shell has a different picture. The largest shell in the middle has several green patterns, much like water plants. The turtle's belly is white. There are four short and agile legs on both sides of the shell, and the claws are very sharp. If it grabs you hard, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The little tortoise was named Silly, because as soon as it came to our house, it just stayed there. Foolish eating is the most interesting. I took a shrimp in my hand and shook it on the top of the aquarium. It seemed that Silly could smell the smell of food and wanted to escape from this predicament. It climbed and climbed in its aquarium, but the aquarium was too slippery and its sharp claws were useless. Then he thought of a clever plan: Silly suddenly stopped climbing and kept lying there. When I touched it, I saw that Silly snatched the shrimp from my hands with the speed of thunder. It turned out that its trick was to pretend to be dead. Silly people ate with relish, and still stared at me from time to time as if to say, "Why are you so gullible?"

What about? Are our fools very smart?

I remember in the third grade, teacher Qian gave me a Dutch mouse.

This dutch mouse is plump and clumsy. It looks like a small leather ball. It's slow and lovely. Its whole body is snow-white, with only a little black gold pattern on its ears, and the fluff is glossy and shiny, as soft as satin. After carefully observing the Dutch rat, I found that there were two thin and small ears on the triangular head of the Dutch rat, and even the small blood vessels on the head could be clearly seen. A pair of small pearl like eyes turned round and looked very smart and lively. There are also several white whiskers on both sides of the mouth. Four legs are short. The front foot has four toes, but the back foot has only three toes, all with sharp claws. I observed it carefully and found that it had no tail.

Dutch rats are not only cute, but also very interesting when eating. When I fed him, he leaned close to the cage, with his two claws lying on the cage, stood up as eagerly as a person, and shouted at me, apparently begging for food. At this time, I opened the cage, held it in my hand, put it on a newspaper, and handed it some fresh vegetable leaves. He immediately buried his head in eating. After eating the vegetables, I saw him holding his head up and refused to leave. I guessed that he must be hungry, so I brought him some cowpeas to eat. It was so delicious that even I wanted to taste it.

After eating, it wanted to sleep, so after taking a short walk, it slowly climbed into the cage and lay down to sleep. When I woke up, I saw it desperately holding the cage. I saw that he was also very sad in the small cage, so I opened the door of the cage. It rushed out in a flash. The playground I carefully prepared for it is no longer fun for it, but only that one ball has become its favorite. The Dutch mouse regarded the ball as his own treasure and was inseparable from it. It rolled with the ball and rushed into the living room. It pounced, the ball flew out like an arrow, and it chased after it.

Ha ha, is this clever Dutch mouse interesting? I really fell in love with it. It brought me happiness and made people forget their troubles.

My mother spent 50 yuan to buy my little dog Xiaobudian at the Huainan Dog Market. It was only one month old. Xiaopeidian is so beautiful! Black eyes, flat mouth, no bridge of nose. The whole body is white and flawless. It rolls like a small snowball.

Xiao Pi Dian likes to eat duck liver for cooking. Later, when he grew up, he also ate bean sprout soup for rice.

When he first came to our house, because he was not familiar with the environment, he urinated everywhere and made the room stinky. So his mother taught him how to go to the bathroom. The little one is really obedient. Since then, he will go to the bathroom when he has a bowel movement. Slowly it will be very clean.

Sometimes, his mother takes him out for a walk. He rushes out like an arrow. When he runs, he lifts his legs and urinates. He runs again before he finishes urinating. The dog is so playful that he has to pee again after running a few steps. However, Little Dot really likes to clean up. He will rub on the ground after relieving his stool.

Mother is very kind to Xiao Piao. She not only bathes him often, but also blows his hair. After blowing, she puts perfume on him! Sometimes my mother will make some jeans, skirts and other clothes for it. It's beautiful and clean.

Mother didn't waste her time. When I came back with my father, Xiaopun ignored me. As soon as his mother came back, he would lie on the door and look up at the sky, singing a song. It seems to welcome my mother back.

Our little boy is very smart. Give him fifty cents and put it in his mouth, and he will buy you a newspaper.

Later, my mother was too busy, so she gave him away. The house was always empty in those days, as if something was missing.

Cute Animal Composition (16)

My pet - toad

Everyone will have their favorite pets, ranging from high to low. Among them, my pet is super low, which is toad.

Every day, when I came home from school, some students would go to the pond to catch toads. With curiosity, I also went to catch some of them. I thought they would become little frogs, but no, they became dirty and poisonous toads.

Every day when I come home from school, I go to the small pond to catch tadpoles. When the water moves, there are hundreds of little tadpoles running around, but it is difficult to catch one. Every day when I pass the small pond, I will catch some. I just caught enough of a small bucket, and all of them were big.

My tadpole likes to eat vegetables and rice It's said that tadpoles are evolved from fierce predators. I'm more interested in tadpoles. They love living in dirty water. Every time they change water, they become listless. When the water gets dirty, they become lively and resourceful again. Once, I changed water for them, and they became listless again, and then they died one after another. I feel bad.

This is my pet. It's a toad.

My chicken

I have two chickens, one is yellow, the other is orange. They are very cute. I named them Cocoa and Love Orange.

Their bodies are hairy and feel like soft cotton. His mouth is small and sharp, but he is not polite when eating. The eyes are black and bright, like little black pearls. When I put them in a cage, they would chatter incessantly, as if to say, "Let us out quickly...". When I opened the cage, they rushed out of the cage and jumped left and right to the living room, stretching their necks, flapping their wings, looking east and west, as if they were doing aerobics.

A few days later, I found that the chicken could fly. One day at noon, I was having a meal when suddenly, Cocoa Cocoa flew into my bowl with a flutter of its wings! Before I knew it, it had robbed some of my food and flew to the ground again. This chicken is so awesome!

My chicks are so cute and bring me a lot of fun. I like them very much!

During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the zoo.

We visited many animals according to the plan of the zoo. There are about 200 kinds of small animals in the zoo. These animals come from all over the world, and some are very rare. But among so many animals, I like Swan Lake and Bird Talk Forest best, followed by Flamingo Pavilion, but the Panda Pavilion is also very interesting.

There are very noble white swans in Swan Lake. Its beautiful body is clearly reflected in the lake. Sometimes they swim to the shore to find something to eat, sometimes they swim in the water, and sometimes they flutter their wings on the shore, probably to dry the water on their bodies!

There are many birds in the birdsong forest, some of which are very precious! There are several big tree models hung with small houses. Some birds went into the small houses to take care of their children. Some birds flew up and picked up some worms from the small boxes for lunch. Some birds without small houses flew to the ground and picked up hay, branches and stones to make nests.

There are many flamingos in the Flamingo Pavilion. Their legs are long and their bodies are red. It seems that there is fire burning on their bodies, so their names come from them.

There are red pandas in the Panda House. The tail of the red panda is thick and long, and there are nine brown red and brown black patterns on its body.

After a day of play, I learned about the habits of many animals and learned that many rare animals should be protected.

Cute Animal Composition (17)

From: 1219594102<>

Hou Jiaxin, Grade 2

Dog is one of my favorite animals. My dog's name is Tian Tian.

Its whole body is as white as cotton candy. It feels soft and comfortable.

The dog's ears are pointed like the letter A. Sweet eyes are black, like two little pearls. But it's strange that the eyes are oval! Come and have a look!

Its mouth is small, and its teeth are very sharp. When it eats bones, it will finish eating.

The dog has short limbs, is very strong, and is also very agile. It runs like a fire wheel, and runs away.

Sweet tail is thin and long, like a strong rope. My dog is beautiful!