A quarrel (15 compilations)
A lover fails to return
2023-11-16 03:57:31
primary school

A quarrel (1)

I am a lively, cheerful, outgoing girl. I have many friends in my class, but few of them are like inseparable friends. Yuan Nijia is one of them.

She is a very good friend of mine. When we play together at ordinary times, we always help each other when we encounter something. But I didn't expect that it was the first time I quarreled with a good friend and was beaten by her, and it was her, which I will never forget!

Du Yi and I talked at random in class. After school, Mr. Song stayed behind to help us. But because Mr. Song was going to a meeting, we were only allowed to clean the floor and leave. Because Yuan Nijia waited for Du Yi, she swept away quickly. When I saw this scene, I thought to myself: Why did you leave without sweeping the floor and everyone is good friends? Why did you leave. A little jealous, they shouted: "Come back, why didn't you sweep the floor together and leave? Yuan Nijia, what qualifications do you have to call Du Yi away?" The two men turned around, and Yuan Nijia hurried into the classroom in anger, He said to me, "Why do you want to yell at me? What's wrong with me? I tell you, I have endured you for a long time. I always let you have a fight, but this time, why do you yell at me, I felt my eyes warm and buried my head in tears. At that time, apart from my crying, Wenhao was talking in the classroom; "He is pretending to cry. He can't cry." I cried even more after hearing his words. When I cried in the past, Yuan Nijia and Du Yi would come to me to persuade me to care about me. This is the first time I cried so lonely and lonely.

My eyes were red with tears. In the face of all this, I couldn't believe that Yuan Nijia was reading and chatting there.

I was even more angry. The oral war started again. Yuan Nijia said, "What are you going to do? It's annoying you again." She seemed crazy. She picked up a book that everyone had collected and donated and threw it at me. I dodged. The second book was thrown again. Whew, hit, and hit my arm. I also wanted to anger her. I stopped and started scolding again, Later, the war became more and more fierce. I could not bear to say that my parents were my parents. He picked up a book and threw it at her, hitting her on the shoulder. She was so angry that she pushed all the books to the ground at once. I sympathized with Tan Xue and them, but Yuan Nijia didn't care at all. She said to me, "How can you be happy on earth?" I said casually, "Not really." She couldn't stand my encouragement and burst into tears.

I didn't pay any attention to her. She cried and walked away. The classroom seemed much quieter. Those who witnessed the "war" also walked away silently.

I don't know what happened. I have no spirit at all. After carefully reviewing the previous war, I felt that I was wrong. This experience is still fresh in my memory and unforgettable. I believe this is the first time to have a conflict with a friend and the last time!

A quarrel (2)

Whenever I see the slide model in the drawer, I will think of my good partner.

The day was like this: I used to slide with him, but we had to queue up because of the huge number of people on the slide. When I was sliding the slide, I only rowed halfway, and he slipped down. As a result, we fell together. He shouted, "Why did you slide so slowly? It's your fault that I fell down. Please apologize to me!" I immediately went back and said, "It's your fault that you slipped down when I was only halfway through the row. You should apologize to me!" So we started talking about it. As a result, the two sides also moved their hands. He hit me, and I immediately kicked him back. Just when we had a hard fight, the security guard of the community came, and we ran away immediately. Before we left, he pushed me. I really wanted to hit him again, but seeing the security guards coming, I had to run back in embarrassment. We haven't met for several months. I really want to apologize to him, but I'm not reconciled, so I put this idea down. In the final exam, he walked ahead and I was behind. Suddenly, he stopped walking and turned around and ran over. He said, "I'm sorry that it was my fault that day. I'm going to leave this slide model for you as a souvenir." I was moved to tears and said to him, "No, no, no, it was my fault that day and I hit you." So we made up again.

On the day when he was leaving, I sent him a model I liked best, so that he could remember me forever. He got on the bus, he was leaving, so we waved goodbye.

A quarrel (3)

In everyone's mind, I have always been a quiet girl. When I was free, I would draw a little, look at the scenery, and do what I like. I was called "Buddhist girl" by everyone. How could it not be associated with quarrels and rudeness.

In the fifth grade, it was popular to do manual accounts in the class. Gradually, I also became a fan of hand accounts. I couldn't help but focus on one break for each poster. Even I was absent-minded in class, and my grades also declined significantly. All this was seen by my mother and worried in my heart.

My homework is gradually increasing, but I have little time to play. My mother always tells me to do my homework first and then play. For this reason, I had a big fight with my mother.

In order to resist, I took the lead in speaking: "I think I have too little free time. What's the big deal of playing for a while? I am no longer a child. I hate that you always arrange my life! "

After saying that, I felt unprecedentedly cheerful and satisfied, but then I felt panic. I nervously closed my eyes and waited for the criticism. However, for one second, two seconds... nothing happened. I opened my eyes carefully, but found that two tears fell from my mother's eyes and fell on the table. The sound of "Pa" seemed like something was broken.

Later, I realized that I was wrong and apologized to my mother, who said she had forgiven me. But I know that my words are as sharp as a knife, leaving scars on my mother's heart, which cannot be healed.

A quarrel (4)

Since rhubarb came to my house, we have become good friends. Every day, when I come home from school, it always haunts me.
I remember one day when I was 6 years old, in the parking lot of the park near my home, rhubarb barked at me for a long time. Oh, I see. It smells the sausage in my hand. Dogs love meat products. I understand it. So he immediately broke off half of them and gave them to him. Who would have thought that it swallowed it in one mouthful, but it didn't seem to chew it, and immediately barked at me "woof woof". Alas, that half sausage lifted his appetite, and he became greedy!
I said angrily, "Are you hungry after eating half of my sausage? I won't give it to you. I'm hungry to death!" The originally docile rhubarb suddenly became fierce and horrible. He bared his teeth and yelled at me "woof woof woof woof woof" several times. I seemed to understand that he was scolding me, so I fought with him: "Why give it to you? If you don't give it to me, I will eat it all up!" I firmly put the sausage in my mouth. As soon as I took a bite, rhubarb became angry. It was really worried. I heard him say, "Thanks to me, I treat you as a good friend. If you have something good to share with me, what kind of friend is it?" I was also very angry: "I would like to share it with you, but you can't eat it alone. Don't give it!" Rhubarb screamed again, and I thought, How can people lose to dogs? So I rolled up my sleeves and decided to fight. My mouth never stops, and my feet are not idle. When I move forward, it moves forward, when I move backward, it also moves backward. Rhubarb seems to be firmer than me! Passers by came and went, pointing and whispering to me. There was even a child who said to his mother, "Mom, look! There was a fool who quarreled with the dog!" My face suddenly became black. Maybe everyone thought I was crazy? But I can't manage so much. I have to win!
I don't know when the rhubarb became quiet. It squatted down and closed its mouth, "Wuwuwuwu" and whispered. Are you tired? I won. But at this time, there was no joy of victory, but what I thought of was that every day when I came home from school, it would meet me at the door, and I could not live up to the sincere friendship. Ha ha, it looks like it is drooling. I spit out the part I just put in my mouth and gave it to him... This time it ate much slower, as if I knew I had no more. Watching him enjoying the delicious sausage, I was even happier than him, although I swallowed several mouthfuls of water.
After eating, he squatted down, scratched my leg with his front foot and barked twice, as if to say: "Thank you, my good friend!" I also squatted down and held him.
Later, when I went to Xiaojiang to study, my grandmother gave the dog to relatives. But every time I go home on holiday, it suddenly rushes to me, barking and twining - how did it hear that I went home?
Mom said that dogs are very human, and they are good friends of human beings!
Summer vacation is coming, I can play with my good friends again.

A quarrel (5)

Today, before lunch, there was the first quarrel that upset the whole family.

The reason for the quarrel was this: I got up early in the morning and wanted to watch TV for a while. When I turned on the TV, my father came out of the room with a book and sat on the sofa to read. "Turn it down, Dad wants to read!" Dad said while reading.

After listening to my father, I turned off the TV. Then Grandpa came out of the room and turned on the TV. Dad also said, "Turn it down!" Grandpa picked up the remote control and turned it down.

When it was almost time for dinner, grandpa said, "Hey, I wanted to watch TV this morning, but my son said not to watch it!" "I don't want you to watch it. I want you to turn down your voice!" Dad objected. "The old man said again, and the young one said again. If one person didn't say anything, let him alone!" Grandma said.

"This is news. Why don't you let people see it? It's half past nine when I saw it. What's the early morning?" Grandpa said viciously. "I'm reading a book, besides, I read it yesterday!" Dad said angrily. "Review the past and learn the new. Your daughter watched TV so early and you didn't say, and I watched TV at 9:30 and you were nagging!" Grandpa said like a lion.

"I told my daughter not to watch TV anymore. I didn't control your TV for 24 hours or more." Dad said more fiercely.

Mother covered her father's mouth and told him not to say any more. Dad shook off his mother's hands, Grandma covered Dad's mouth, and Dad shook off! The father picked up the book on the sofa and went into the room without eating.

This quarrel is the first time for Grandpa and Dad to quarrel, which makes the whole family uneasy! From then on, I will make the family peaceful and not quarrel!

A quarrel (6)

Two pairs of ferocious eyes looked at me face to face, with sparks still in their eyes and frowning. All the students nearby were watching the fierce quarrel between me and my classmates, which was so powerful.

It was a sunny afternoon, my sister and I agreed to come to my classroom to find me. At the beginning, my sister didn't find me in the classroom. She looked at the front door and the back door, but saw Xiao Gaogao, so she patted her. As a result, they both chased the whole classroom and ran to the corridor after the classroom ran. Xiaogaogao chased and shouted, "Stop!" My sister ran faster, and they were both endless.

But this is not enough. Another sister Chen was added.

When Xiao Gaogao was chasing her sister, Sister Chen accidentally saw her and chased her with Xiao Gaogao. With the addition of Chen Xiaomei, he ran faster and faster, like being blown by a gust of wind.

With my sister's physical strength, Xiao Gaogao and Chen Mei still won over me. In order to "avenge" Xiao Gaogao, Mei Chen threatened her sister. Unexpectedly, her sister was not afraid, but she also scared Mei Chen. They both scared her away. They never stopped. Xiao Gaogao was stunned when he saw it. The students nearby also followed Xiao Gaogao and were stunned. In a moment, I felt that there was magic, and I could keep the students standing at attention.

However, these two frightened people still had an end.

One of the students saw them there, frightened the students next to them and froze, so he had to take a picture of Sister Chen and her sister. So my sister was patted by the classmate and came to me. I was doing my homework at that time. I was in no mood to listen to her, so I ignored it. But when I heard my sister said that a classmate had patted her, I asked her: "Who hit you?" My sister took me to point out the classmate, and I called her out.

As soon as she came out, I asked, "Why did you shoot my sister?"

"At that time, they were both fighting back and forth, so I wanted them to stop and take a picture of them, which was fair!" said the student with reason and anger.

"Besides, this is the fourth grade's territory. It's not a third grade's turn to play!"

"But when we go down, we don't have to pass the third grade's territory. They didn't say it was the third grade's territory. The fourth grade is not allowed to go!"

"Well, from now on, we will never have any contact again."

When she said this, we both looked at each other face to face, and the students beside us kept looking at us silently.

A quarrel (7)

On that day, it was sunny and sunny. My mother went out because of work, and my father also answered the phone later. He went out and left me alone at home. "It's twelve o'clock now." With the time reported by my mobile phone, my stomach cried out. I thought, "Why don't Mom and Dad come back? Why don't I cook by myself? Even if it's disgusting, it's not poison!" Okay, it's settled! I made rice porridge like my mother. Put some water in the pot, put it on the fire and start to boil. When the water boils, put rice, and then wait until the meal is finished. While waiting for dinner, I saw that there were cucumbers, meat fillings and eggs in the refrigerator, so I wanted to make two dishes. I washed and peeled the cucumbers, dug out the cucumber core with a spoon, unfrozen the meat fillings, broke the eggs, left the egg white in the bowl, balled the meat fillings, clamped them with chopsticks, dipped them in chicken egg white, stuffed them into cucumbers, put them on the pot, steamed them, and counted them as a dish here. I began to prepare the second dish. I took out the frying pan, stirred the egg yolks, poured oil into the pan, and fried the eggs. This is another dish. After the eggs were fried, they were put out. I accidentally broke the plate when I took the plate. I was very nervous at that time. I carefully put the plate into the garbage can, and my heart was pounding. I carefully put the eggs out. When I put the eggs in, the rice porridge and vegetables were ready. I scooped up the rice myself and ate quickly. When I was ready to wash the dishes, my father came back, When I saw that I was going to wash the dishes, I asked me if I had cooked the food. I said yes, so I hurried to scoop up the food. Later, my mother came back. When she saw the food, she probably thought it was made by my father. There was no surprise, so she went to the kitchen to scoop up the food. I went to the kitchen to take the food out. Mom and Mom also came to help. Suddenly, she saw the broken dishes in the garbage can, and her face changed, I followed her eyes and saw my broken plate. My mother asked me to call my father, and I went to call him. After my father came, I didn't know what was going on, nor did I speak. When my mother began to ask, she wasn't very angry: "Did you break it?" "What can't be broken?" Mother got angry and said, "Why don't you admit it?" Dad looked blank, After a fierce ideological struggle, I said to my mother, "I accidentally broke it when I was cooking." My mother was a little surprised, and later was gratified, "You are honest and capable." My mother and I laughed, but my poor father didn't know what was going on. Honesty has resolved a quarrel in our family. I will be honest in the future! This is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation!

A quarrel (8)

After school, I hurried home. After returning home, I went back to my bedroom, put down my schoolbag, took out the homework assigned by today's English, Chinese and math teachers, picked up my pen and began to write homework. My handwriting is sloppy and oblique, because I want to watch TV.

I have been writing for almost two hours. Finally, I finished my homework. My head is covered with sweat and my hands are numb. Anyway, I don't care about anything now, just watch TV. However, watching TV must be approved by my mother. At this time, a faint fragrance rushed into my nose. It was my mother who was cooking, that is to say, my mother was in the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen and my mother was really in the kitchen. If you want to watch TV, you must speak well about one of my mother's specialties before you can pass. "Mom! The food you cooked is delicious! I think your food is the first in the country!" This is my chance to watch TV! Mother smiled and said, "Oh? Really?" Her mother's face was red and two dimples appeared. "Mom, actually..." I can't say. Mother asked strangely: "What actually?" "Mom, I did... I finished... my homework, I... can't... watch for a while... electricity... TV?" I spoke intermittently, as if eating sugar cane while talking. "What? Son, I can't hear what you are talking about?" I said hesitantly, but my mother could not hear clearly. I was a little angry, and I said loudly to my mother: "I said I would watch TV! Hear that?" My son was almost hoarse, and my mother could hear: "No, what TV should I watch when I am about to eat?" "Why?" I almost cried.

Mom can't fight me. I began to fight back, pointing to the TV with my forefinger and saying, "Don't you know that there is a lot of new knowledge you can learn on TV?" My mother would not give in to me, saying, "You see you learned to make excuses for watching TV." My mother's voice was a little angry. I was very sad, but I insisted that I would not retreat: "You just let me learn, never care about my happiness, I don't want you as a mother!" I know, this time I said this sentence is too serious, but already said, the consequences must be very painful.

The mother was so angry that her voice became rougher and rougher: "You child, I am so angry! You are more and more naughty! Today I have to put you..." At this time, the door opened, and my father heard, and said: "What are you doing? You are a mother. It is not OK to watch TV for your child!" "I...... I" Mother ran back to the room. At home, I watch TV at night and watch the wonderful programs with my father.

However, on the second day of the day after the quarrel, various teachers will give "rewards". Since then, I will never do these stupid things again, and I will never quarrel with my mother again.

oh by the way! As for the word "reward"! It means punishment! If the writing is still so ugly, it is double punishment, which may be very painful! I hope readers don't do like me!

A quarrel (9)

There is a neighbor next to my house. It turns out that he and my father also quarreled once. No, they quarreled again the day before yesterday.

One quiet evening, when I just came back from school, I heard bursts of roars from a long distance. I thought to myself: Who is roaring here again? It's not a serious harassment to the residents, so I went to have a look.

"Wow, why did Dad quarrel with his neighbors again?". I was surprised to say that when my mother came out, I asked my mother: "Mom, why did Dad quarrel with the neighbors again?" My mother angrily said: "It's not because the neighbors are stingy. We had a hard time cleaning up, but the neighbors said that we don't have public morality"!

At this time, Mr. Ding passed by on his motorcycle. He saw his father quarreling, so he quickly stopped the car. After his mother told Mr. Ding what had happened, Mr. Ding hurried to persuade him. After a hundred persuasions from Mr. Ding, the "war" finally ended.

After this incident, I understand the harmony between neighbors.

A quarrel (10)

I like the life in school, because I can chat with my good friends and tell about my good mood and bad mood. Of course, there are also times when I quarrel with my good friends. One quarrel with Yang Chenxi always lingered in my mind.

I clearly remember that my intimate friend Yang Chenxi sent me a message that night: I don't belong to the same world as Xie. If you want to play with me, you will break off the relationship with her. If you choose to play with her, I will ignore you in the future. After receiving this message, I felt very sad and at a loss. On the one hand, I was a good friend. I usually play with her and tell her everything I have. The other is to let my friends know no matter what happens. That time, we were discussing things, but there was not enough room to sit down. Xie Mengshan took the initiative to stand up and let me sit down. Another time, I went to buy books. The teacher definitely asked us to buy them. I forgot to bring my wallet, and she took the initiative to help me buy the books as gifts! I am in a dilemma. In terms of friendship, both of them are good to me. If I choose Xie Mengshan, Yang Chenxi will be careful and ignore me no longer. Xie Mengshan has a generous mind. I reluctantly and painfully return to her: I'd rather choose you.

At noon the next day, Xie Mengshan asked me to accompany her to check her lunch. Later, we came to the canteen to stand guard. She and I talked and laughed in it. Yang Chenxi heard that, the petite girl "dragged" me to the playground, glared angrily, with a black face, pointed angrily at my nose, and said angrily, "You... You said you wouldn't play with her. Why... How can you be so close?", She hurriedly found an excuse and said to her, "Sorry, this is what the teacher said!" She might want to take advantage of my weakest moment to relieve her anger! Still yelling loudly, "Don't quibble. The more you quibble, the more you cover up." I couldn't stand it any longer. I shouted at her, "Goodbye, I don't want to do that anymore." Then I turned around and left.

In the afternoon class, I glanced at her with my eyes. She was vomiting all the time and vomited badly. I was very worried about her, but we were not friends after all. Why should I care about her? I was determined to ignore her and pretended not to see her. I thought: Is she too disappointed with me, and today's quarrel made her vomit because she was too sad? I guess with trepidation.

After school, I was still worried about her and blamed myself for being too excited and losing a good friend. I really shouldn't!

I decided to call her and apologize to her... I saved a good friend

I will never forget this quarrel. Only then did I know that friendship is precious. It's easy to lose friendship, but it's hard to get it

A quarrel (11)

Whenever I see this brand new sweater, the scene at that time will come to my mind.

That time was in February 2014. At that time, the temperature was less than 5 degrees. The north wind whistles the doors and windows of the room, as if to blow them out. And I just stay in the warm and comfortable bed. It's already 8 o'clock. My mother specially wakes me up before going to work. When I refused, my mother rushed in, pulled me up and said to me, "Wake up quickly! It's 8:00 already! Almost everyone has got up! After waking up, brush your teeth and wash your face quickly..." "I know! I know! Don't bother me anymore! I will do it right away! OK!" I said angrily! Then I went to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I only wore a long sleeved shirt and a sweater to Grandma's house. But my mother looked at me blankly and went away step by step······

As usual, I took Gui08 from Jiye Garden to Pingzhou. By the time my mother had rushed out of the gate of the community, Gui08 was far away, and I could only see my mother's back.

When I arrived at Pingzhou, I had breakfast and went to my grandma's house. Just entering the door, Grandma took out a sweater and said to me: "It's still cold, kid! Put on an extra coat quickly!" "Grandma, I'm not afraid of cold. Now it's only 13 degrees inside! It's much warmer than outside! It will be very hot to wear it again." I said. "Silly child! Where is the high temperature in the room? Just now your mother called me and said she would give you a sweater, keep it and put it on at once! If you don't put it on, you will feel colder and colder!" Grandma said to me painstakingly.

Suddenly, two bright and transparent tears popped out of my eyes

Grade 5: Guo Jundong

A quarrel (12)

"Well, don't say any more!" "I'm doing it for him too!" Qiqi and I are not willing to let go, and each insists on his own words.

The day before yesterday, our class was having a PE class. When Qiqi and I were playing, we saw Huanhuan kicking the football "Dong" on Xiaodong's head. Xiaodong was frightened by this unexpected disaster. He hugged his head and squatted on the ground. When we saw this scene, we just wanted to go to comfort Xiaodong, but Huanhuan was ready to go as if nothing had happened. I was very angry and wanted to ask him to apologize to Xiaodong, but Qiqi ran to Xiaodong first and said loudly, "Huanhuan, apologize to Xiaodong quickly!" I thought Qiqi's voice was too loud, so everyone could hear her, and Huanhuan would be even more deaf. I said: "Qiqi, don't yell at him!" Qiqi said angrily; "Who told him not to apologize to Xiao Dong?" I hesitated for a moment and said, "OK, don't say any more." "I'm also for Li Baidong!" "Can you keep your voice down?" "Xiao Dong is still squatting there, how can I keep my voice down? Why don't you take care of it?" "Who said I don't want to help Xiao Dong?"

We began to argue like this, and both of us thought we were right. A lot of students came around. Everyone said, "Huanhuan, go and apologize. Xiaoyu and Qiqi quarreled." "That is, if you make a mistake, don't apologize." At this time, Huanhuan came to us and said, "OK, stop quarreling.". "Sorry, Xiaodong, let me take you to the infirmary." He reached out to pull Xiaodong. Xiaodong said, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt anymore."

At this time, Xiaodong came to us and said, "Thank you!" We both looked at each other and suddenly laughed again.

A quarrel (13)

Mom and Dad quarreled for the first time

Today is Thursday. My mother and my father quarreled for the first time. They quarreled at 7:25. I was too noisy when I was doing my homework. I said they would not quarrel after that. I was very happy.

A quarrel (14)

Today, I have been deeply educated.

In the morning, I went to the balcony to play with my uncle. When I went to the balcony, I had to pass my grandpa's room. I saw that grandpa was asleep again for no reason, so I wanted to frighten him.

I walked over quietly and suddenly shouted: "Ah!" Grandpa also shouted: "Ah!" I walked over secretly with a bad smile. But I went to the balcony for only 2 seconds, and heard my grandfather's thunderous snoring again. It was really "open or closed". I slowly turned my head and imitated the cock crowing in front of him. Grandpa woke up completely this time.

I said, "When you sleep, you will know how to sleep and exercise. (Note: My grandfather is a bit dementia)" My grandfather glared, his beard was so angry that he could not speak quickly. Then a "scatter saliva bullet" hit me. After receiving his "grand prize", I quickly went to the bathroom to "clean up". First I wash my face, then I wash my mouth against the faucet. I went back and forth for countless times in this way. I still couldn't breathe, so I went to tell Grandma that Grandma gave Grandpa a scolding, but I still "had to ignore people". I poured a big mouthful of water in my mouth, walked to Grandpa's room three steps at a time, and spit a big mouthful of water on Grandpa's face. This time, I finally got my breath.

However, grandpa was very upset and kept sighing with his head down. I saw that Grandpa was suffering. He was not ashamed, and he kept on telling off.

After my mother came home, I reported this to my mother. I thought my mother would also say grandpa, but my mother scolded me first: "Your grandpa is not a normal person, and he didn't mean it. Besides, your grandpa is your elder. Your school's student manual says that you should respect the old and love the young in winter vacation, and help your grandparents wash their feet. Did you do it?"

At first, I was very angry. After a mental struggle, I figured it out and apologized to my grandfather without hesitation.

This quarrel made me understand that no matter what happened with the elders, we should respect them, especially the seriously ill and abnormal elderly, and we should respect them and be especially considerate of them.

Now, when I think about this quarrel, I am very ashamed.

A quarrel (15)

On Mother's Day this year, my mother and I had a quarrel, which was the fiercest and most regrettable quarrel in my life.

The reason for the quarrel is simple, even absurd. This year's Mother's Day is on a Sunday, and the sun outside the window is very high. This weather makes people sleepy when they lie down, so I sleep comfortably in bed. But at that moment, my mother rushed into the room and woke me up. I looked at my watch drowsily and said, "buzz!" It was not 8 o'clock, too early. So I lay down again. But my mother's loud speaker woke me up again. I was worried and said, "What's so urgent? It's not so early to be reincarnated!" My mother said angrily: "Get up quickly and go to see grandma." I was attached to the bed and "vowed to fight". My mother was worried, and I was also angry. We were really machetes and axes - neither could give way to the other, and at the same time, we were like machine guns to cannons - impatient and impatient. At this time, the other party's anger rose to "1000 degrees Celsius", which was about to catch up with the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord Lao Jun. In terms of quarrels, I was better than my mother. As long as my mother said one word, I would have enough reasons to top nine words, so that I could truly "top nine words".

The rabbit is worried and noisy! My mother finally couldn't stand it, and said angrily, "Tomorrow is the day of renaming. Tomorrow is so many. According to your logic, it's not that I will never look at my grandmother, but you are her grandson. It's so unfilial!" After that, my mother gave me two "Five Finger Mountains", and my face suddenly burned. I gritted my teeth and endured the fire. Then I walked into the door and locked it. I don't know when two drops of crystal tears come out of my eyes. I don't know when I glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall, oh! It turned out that today was Mother's Day, and I suddenly realized that no wonder my mother asked me to go to Grandma's house so early. I thought: admit it! But I don't have the courage: hold it! I can't get through my conscience. My heart is struggling, which really makes me in a dilemma. Then my mother knocked on the door of my room and said to me, "Son, my attitude was a little extreme just now, but I was angry for my grandma and sad for you! You don't know that Grandma has four children. Your two aunts are out of town, your uncle's son is going to school again, and your father is working again. If we don't go to see them, who cares about them? Have you thought about this? If no grandma, where did you come from? Don't you even understand this question? " My tears flow down again, and they contain regret, guilt, and I really feel unfilial!