82 short customer greetings
Water billow
2023-06-29 01:28:25
SMS Collection

1、 I hope the clouds and bright sun will accompany you to the end of the expedition; Flowers and green grass accompany you to spread a long future.

2、 Happiness is a stone, trouble is a sand, time is a sieve. If you use a sieve to leak sand, the stone will accompany you for life!

3、 The weather has changed recently. Please pay attention to your health. May the warm sun in early summer accompany you to a relaxing weekend.

4、 Ideal is not an empty thing. It is neither fantasy nor ambition, but a consciousness of pursuing truth, goodness and beauty.

5、 Although separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, I can still see your soul like a mirror and feel your tender feelings.

6、 When you were born, you cried and everyone around you laughed; At the end of your life, you are smiling while others around you are crying.

7、 Positive people see an opportunity in every crisis, while negative people see some kind of crisis in every opportunity.

8、 A light rain, a dream, a happy, rainy day you must be more beautiful, always remember that health is the most important.

9、 It's my fault to miss you, waiting is a kind of helplessness. I was in your dream. I longed for your gentleness, even if it was teasing and almsgiving.

10、 My dear, I'm not with you. You should be good at home. If you have nothing to do, take more exercise and run more.

11、 One flower, one world; A cup of tea is full of true feelings; One message, one greeting; A feeling, a lifetime blessing.

12、 Life is a series of efforts and struggles. As long as you are determined and persistent, you will succeed. I wish you all the best.

13、 You are gone. In that long time, my heart is like an autumn tree. The leaves have no choice but to float on the ground, leaving loneliness hanging on the branches.

14、 Friendship is a light, the more you dial it, the brighter it is; Friendship is a river, which flows deeper and deeper; Friendship is a flower, which grows more beautiful; Friendship is wine, the more old, the more fragrant.

15、 Don't be full when eating, don't run when walking, don't make noise when talking, don't drink too much, go to bed early, don't worry when encountering an accident, and take a bath frequently, so you have the best health.

16、 In the morning every day, my blessing will accompany you to wake up slowly, realize slowly, and succeed slowly. I wish you a good mood every day!

17、 The fastest and surest way to conquer fear and build self-confidence is to do what you fear until you gain successful experience.

18、 My dear little cat, don't sleep so late at night. Go to bed early. Only when you sleep well, you will become more and more beautiful.

19、 There are too many happy things in life. Don't focus on those things that make you unhappy. Good morning, new day!

20、 Although white jade is beautiful after carving, it has lost its natural purity. May your natural posture, frankness and sincerity be as white as jade.

21、 Knowing each other is the will of heaven, knowing each other is the will of people, adding up is friendship, and feeling is the intention. We can get together because our hearts are connected.

22、 The autumn wind is blowing and the weather is dry. Drink more boiled water, drink less wine, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less meat, do more exercise, sit still less, and be broad-minded rather than angry.

23、 Although it will always be dark and people will always leave, the day will also be bright and people will always get together one day! I'm looking forward to that day!

24、 The butterfly has become a flower. It is no longer necessary to show your freedom by non-stop flying. It is also a kind of happy sadness to stay quietly.

25、 Gently I will leave you. Take care of yourself in the days without me. I will cherish myself more in the days without you.

26、 With your sincere love and versatility, even if you are far away from your hometown and wander around the world, why not find a bosom friend who is congenial to you?

27、 The setting sun sends you on your journey, the wind sends you on a long journey, leaving behind rosy clouds and evening sky. When will you come back, under the moon and in front of the window?

28、 The night was thick, I scooped up a sweet dream on the river of years; In this dream, it is your smile and your voice.

29、 A little is better than nothing, and a little is better than nothing. Your efforts may not succeed, but you will never succeed without them.

30、 Let go of your mood, your troubles, your body, your happiness and your sleep. Sleep well, good night, friend.

31、 Thank you for your message, thank you for your friendship, thank you for your greetings, thank you for your encouragement. I wish my friends always smile and good luck!

32、 May my card join the ranks of blessings, and may each beautiful petal symbolize your shining hope. Wish you a happy and happy New Year.

33、 We choose our own way, even if we kneel down, we will finish it; Because once you start, you can't stop. This is called true persistence.

34、 The days pass in different spaces and miss coming at different times. No matter how you feel, I wish you well.

35、 The spring breeze is triumphant. At the beginning of the new year, I wish you to ride the warm spring breeze and move forward towards the bright future without stopping!

36、 The reality is this bank, and success is the other bank. There is a swift river in the middle. Interest is a bridge on the river, which can be passed as long as actions are taken.

37、 The flowers bloom like a dream, the wind has no trace, and you accompany me along the way. I will cherish this sincere friendship all my life.

38、 When the frost comes, the temperature drops suddenly: good things come in pairs, good fortune comes in pairs, and good fortune comes in pairs. Let the frost fall more violently!

39、 The glow is a huge wing of a butterfly. Below is Changhong's hometown woven with songs. I wish you a fruitful journey.

40、 All the beauty comes from the morning. Although the years will not cycle, yesterday will not reappear. A sincere blessing will make you happy every day!

41、 Experts predict that such feelings will not turn cloudy until they see you! So please keep a happy attitude and keep in touch with each other!

42、 When we parted, we had no lingering tears, relative, speechless. Look at the setting sun shining through Wenfeng Tower and its afterglow on the bank of Xiqing River.

43、 It's the weekend again. You can have a rest after a busy week. May the warm sun in early summer accompany you to a relaxed and happy weekend!

44、 I hope your business trip is smooth and you can complete the task of this trip very well. I will wait for you here and meet you when you return.

45、 Sincere friendship is sent into your heart by the birthday candlelight, soaking your beating heart, lighting up the roots for you, and showing you flowers.

46、 There are many kinds of fallacies, but there is only one kind of correctness. That is why failure is easy to succeed, and miss is easy to hit.

47、 You should take good care of yourself in the distance. Don't have a cold and runny nose. You can sneeze occasionally, which means I miss you!

48、 The red leaves of Fragrant Hill are my heart, the Great Wall is my love, the Forbidden City is our history, and Tiananmen is your location. You know what?

49、 Don't forget to bring your keys when you go out. Don't forget to take more rest when you go home. Pay attention to health, smile more, and be carefree and happy. I wish you good health and laughter!

50、 Only when the mood is simple, can we have the mind to manage life; Only when life is simple can we have time to enjoy life! Good morning, dear.

51. The wind is cold and the snowflakes are fluttering. The cold wind brings happiness, and the snowflakes bring blessings. I wish you all the best in this cold winter season!

52. We must first understand the needs of the market and customers, and then find relevant technical solutions, so that the possibility of success will be greater.

53. I want to say a lot. But at such a moment and on such an occasion, all I can leave for you is my silent prayer: Take care, friend!

54. May your love be more beautiful than beauty; More fragrant than ointment; Sweeter than honey dripping from the hive; And more precious than extremely expensive treasures!

55. We have gone through countless days in the classroom. When we leave, we don't know how to thank you for your company. I hope everything is fine with you!

56. Meeting and parting, parting and gathering; The autumn wind blows in the wilderness. I will cherish your friendship and look forward to the meeting time.

Fifty seven, give you a beautiful starry sky! Happiness forever! If you are rich, it is also a mistake. Good luck comes from time to time, and many achievements are made every day.

58. Youth is a rush of ignorance, always leaving the wound of wandering. How I wish there would be the sun tomorrow, burning my rotten dream.

59. An entrepreneur with a sense of mission should strive to stick to the right path, so I believe that we can achieve different levels of success.

60. No matter how fertile the soil is, no crops can grow without plowing or sowing. No matter how beautiful the youth is, no great achievements can be made without striving or creating.

61. I hope that in a transparent world, our hearts are transparent, a guarantee of beautiful brilliance, and appear in our bright eyes at the same time.

62. Four no's for recuperating from illness: Do not worry silently, do not smoke or drink, do not exercise violently, and do not delete the blessing of this message. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Sixty three. There is a light poem in the long cloud, a continuous joy in the light poem, and a gentle blessing from me in the continuous joy. Happy birthday to you!

Sixty-four, chatting online, the line has run out, day and night off the street. If I had known the bitterness of online love, I would have shed tears. Only MM goes offline, can't take away tonight's sorrow.

65. The workplace is like a battlefield. It is also like sailing against the current. If you are satisfied with the status quo, you will eventually be eliminated from the workplace. People should continue to pursue progress and breakthroughs.

66. You poured out your own image in a large amount, without any whitewash or carving, but leaving the beauty of rough, simple and natural.

67. Happy every day! The cock crows on the pillow, and the night air just returns. Because I think about my life, it is prosperous and beautiful, and it is empty in the past. In the past 50 years, the assembly has been a dream. good morning!

68. The morning is full of rosy clouds. I wish you peace and security; At noon, the sun is scorching. I wish you luck all day; Sunset in the evening, I wish you happiness in your heart!

69. When the wind blows, it is my lingering concern; Clouds are my soft thoughts; When the rain comes, it is my gentle talk; Sunshine is my warm smile!

70. At a certain age, we should learn to be silent. Every word should be useful and weighty. Joy and anger are not visible, events are indifferent, and have their own bottom line.

Seventy one, the most true blessing does not lie in the beauty of the words or the touching words, but in the simple primitive hope from the deep heart: happiness!

Seventy two, please accept the wreath I woven with poems, which is a sweet praise of life and love. May your bright eyes sparkle with joy and joy.

Seventy three, young people, what is more important is to see tomorrow, seize today, and forge ahead in peace. Maybe you have created a miracle before tomorrow's sunrise!

Seventy four. In one's life, there are many things that cannot be stopped, just as there is no way to stop the pace of time. What cannot be stopped is the upcoming departure and reluctance.

Seventy five, you should take care of your health. I heard you said that your health is so bad. It's really worrying. Have time to participate in exercise, play mahjong less, I wish you good health every day!

Seventy six, I just want to let you realize my deepest love for you in this limited day, and leave me a beautiful and sad memory!

Seventy seven. The blue sky and the magnificent ocean bring warm memories of the past; Riding the wind and waves, let us master the rudder of our own life and open up a great future!

78. Only those who know how to live can appreciate the beauty of flowers. Only those who know how to love can appreciate the fragrance in their hearts. I wish you a special birthday!

Seventy nine, coffee, the warmth of a ray of sunshine, bread, a greeting baked sweet, jam, a morning full of fragrance, baby, good morning, miss you.

80. The morning light is the theme of my greetings. May you be happy and colorful today; The rising sun is the carrier of my wishes. May your mission rise step by step! good morning!

81. The earth is so vast, and the morning light is so bright! Who can not cherish such sweet years! Let's live - this is my wish for you.

82. Good morning. I wish you a "Budweiser", a "Heineken", a "Heineken" mood and a "good world" today. You will be fresh and happy every day!