Full score composition for grade 7 (17 high-quality compositions)
On the water side
2024-05-15 06:10:35
Junior two

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (1)

My grandmother's home is in Handan City. Every time I go to see her, sometimes I go by car, sometimes I go by train. I know that the road is paved with sand, stone, cement and asphalt. Take the train to take the railway, but how was the railway built? I don't know. In order to know more about the railway, I begged my father to take me to the railway.

One Sunday morning, my father took me to the railway. Since the modern railway is completely closed, I can only see the railway through the protective net, which gives me the impression that; High subgrade, long rails, heavy sleepers, and large pieces of paving sand and gravel. I think the railway is like this.

When I saw the railway, I was very happy, so I picked up a piece of roadbed sand and threw it into the grass. My father immediately became serious and asked me to pick up the sand and put it back.

At this time, I saw a worker uncle carrying a work bag, holding a small hammer in his hand, while walking, he knocked on the rails. I asked my father what the workers and uncles were doing. My father told me that the workers and uncles were inspecting and repairing the railway. They would spare no effort to maintain the railway every day to ensure the safe operation of the train.

My father told me that the railway is the artery of the national economy and plays an important role in the construction of the country. Our clothing, food, housing and transportation are inseparable from the railway. The railway is closely related to our life. We should love and protect the railway, ranging from a roadbed gravel and a rail screw to every rail and sleeper.

Some time ago, I watched a TV play called "Snow Land Road". I learned about the difficulty of railway construction, which made me more aware that it is our responsibility to protect the railway.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (2)

Some people say that life is a process of constant searching. We may all have feared, lost, or retreated. There is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people. As long as you step forward, you can always reach!

Once, Mr. Chen solemnly called me to the office and said, "This time in the open class, I decided to let my classmates show on the stage! I want you to command everyone to recite ancient Chinese!"

When I heard this, I felt a long sigh of relief in my heart. Isn't it to lead everyone to read aloud? This is not easy! But just as I was relieved, I was shocked by a sentence from Mr. Chen, who said, "You should not only lead everyone to read, but also conduct like a conductor with your hands!" Without a clatter in my heart, I have seen music and can conduct, but I have never seen recitation and command! I was puzzled. Teacher Chen seemed to be able to read minds and immediately pointed out the "way" for me. It's based on the phonetic symbols of the characters!

In Chinese class, I led you to recite ancient Chinese in this way for the first time. I walked up to the platform nervously. On the surface, I looked calm and said, "Nuwa mends the sky, start!" After that, I commanded stiffly.

When my classmates met me, they all looked at me with surprised eyes. I didn't get hot with my face. They covered their mouths and asked, "Siyuan, why did you do this?" I listened and said intermittently, "Yes... it's because... I want to instruct you to recite ancient Chinese in open class!" After that, I walked off the platform embarrassed.

After the first command failure, I became a little less confident. However, after some consideration, I decided to "work hard" and practice hard so as not to lose face in the open class and no longer lose confidence.

After a pre class practice and repeated efforts at home, I command more smoothly!

The day of open class came as scheduled. I sat in my seat and practiced nervously, silently, and silently, with my palms sweating cold.

Soon the performance of the students in front ended. I stood on the side of the platform, took a deep breath, and got up the courage to walk onto the platform.

At first, my eyes were always afraid to look directly at the audience, my mouth seemed to be out of control, and I was afraid to make a sound. My heart was constantly inspiring and inspiring myself: Wu Siyuan! Come on! Muster up courage and defeat yourself, you must do it!

I gritted my teeth, mustered up courage and showed a confident smile! I said loudly: "Please recite" Nuwa Mending the Sky "with me, get up!" Lang Lang's voice filled the whole meeting room, reverberating for a long time

This experience made me feel a lot. I was afraid, I was not confident, but I mustered courage! Step forward, overcome the difficulties, but also overcome their own, to find their own share of courage!

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (3)

Beethoven's Symphony of Destiny is the fruit of his courage to face the bleak life. One setback after another failed to defeat him. He bravely faced one setback after another and opened up the road of life. His life gives us a profound enlightenment: to face setbacks bravely is the beginning of success and the turning point of life.

At all times and in all countries, people who have made achievements dare to face setbacks and face life directly. Xian Xinghai said: A successful flower is cultivated in the environment of many bitter rain, snow, mud and strong storms. Indeed, the foundation of success is to dare to face setbacks, and the harvest of daring to face setbacks is success. Li Qingzhao has experienced a split between the North and the South, and her country has broken down and her family has died. Her life has been rough and turbulent.

But she dared to face the painful life and insisted on writing. She was not only a female writer in the Song Dynasty who had achievements in poetry, ci poetry and prose, but also a representative poet of the "graceful school". Some fragments of life in adversity may appear at any time. If Li Qingzhao can't face those adversities, she will never recover from setbacks and give up writing, then does she have such high attainments in literature? Her life tells us that if we want to achieve something, we must dare to face setbacks.

Time flies without leaving a trace, but the spirit of our predecessors to face setbacks courageously has passed from generation to generation. We don't say how Tong Dizhou and his wife insisted on scientific research in the absence of material life. It doesn't say how Hua Luogeng studied mathematics in adversity. Not to mention how Ostrovsky finished How Steel Was Tempered when he was paralyzed and blind. Wang Renzhi, a rocket expert, became an orphan at the age of 9. She endured her sister-in-law's accusation, and was under the heavy pressure of cutting firewood and grass every day... She grew up tenaciously. She participated in the anti Japanese struggle while studying, joined the Party, and went to the Soviet Union to study... Finally, she became an outstanding female scientist. Just imagine, without Wang Renzhi's courage to face adversity, how could China have such an excellent female scientist?

But today in the 21st century, some people are killed because of some small setbacks and life is not as they wish. The student of a key university, who was rejected by the girl she liked, fell back in learning and jumped down from a tall building, ending his young life. In the 20xx snow disaster, pieces of sugar oranges were frozen, and some fruit farmers killed themselves by drinking pesticides because they could not face heavy losses. If they can face these unpleasant things bravely and cheer up, they will still succeed. It's sad not to be able to face the setbacks of life. It can be seen from this that how important it is to face the setbacks of life bravely!

Face setbacks bravely! Play a Symphony of Destiny for your life.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (4)

The colorful campus life is full of vitality. In the golden years, my classmates and I studied together, talked together, played games together, imagined the future together, and established sincere friendship with each other.

In class, so and so are a pair of close friends. In learning, we discussed learning problems with each other. We always catch up with each other in exam results for fear of catching up with each other. In learning, we are a pair of hard to beat rivals, and because of this, our scores are among the best in the class. During the break, we always play games and participate in extracurricular activities together. We play badminton together. We are a pair of sister athletes. As long as we are there, we are always invincible. The teacher is also very proud of our sister flowers in the class! Because of our sister flowers, the class has a good learning atmosphere.

However, although we are so good, there will also be minor contradictions. One day in English class, in order to let their Apple team win, she complained during the game that she wronged our team's XX for not finishing his English homework, which made XX cry. Because of this, I was very excited and quarreled with her. I think that sincere friendship should not be like this. It should not be unscrupulous because of personal interests. Instead, it should respect each other, be honest and relative. If there are difficulties, it should be solved together, and if there are contradictions, it should be solved together.

Only in this way can we be like a pair of true friends, and the flowers of friendship will become more and more prosperous and beautiful. But I also made mistakes. I shouldn't criticize her in front of everyone. Finally, I took the initiative to apologize to her: "I'm sorry, I was too excited that day, and you were very unhappy because of this. Think about it, all our classmates should be friends, and we can't harm our good friends for the sake of interests. You are my good friend, and I don't want to hurt you. I hope you also understand how Siyuan feels."

She was also embarrassed and said to me, "Sorry, I was wrong that day. I was too competitive to take into account everyone's feelings. Now can you accompany me to apologize to so and so?

"Of course. I was not good at dealing with the problem that way. Let's go. I'll accompany you to apologize to her." I happily agreed to take her hand and walk to XXX together. So and so happily forgave her and became good friends with us.

After this event, the most important thing between students is to know each other and cherish each other. When we get along, we should also learn to communicate. Only in this way can our friendship blossom more and more brightly. May the friendship of friends in the world last forever!

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (5)

After that important quiz, my heart was like a duckweed in the water, floating from top to bottom, from left to right.

As it was a very important language test, I had carefully prepared the test for a long time, and I was satisfied with the answers to the previous questions. It's that damned composition that makes me scratch my head and not just how to write. After a lot of trouble, I finally knew how to write. I picked up the lovely pen and finished it with confidence. It's time to collect the paper. I've just finished it. Integrate my mind and take it. After the teacher left, the students talked about it, and I got a share. I talked happily all the time. I proudly told them how to write the composition I held, just as I was talking. When I finished my composition with confidence, a harsh word beat my happiness from heaven to hell. If that classmate said something unreasonable, my mood would not change so quickly and obviously. I also think my dear composition is really, as if, really 'off topic'. These days, my thoughts and mood are all tied up by this matter. My soul seems to be gone, because I really care about this test. After all, so many days of efforts do not want to be wasted. Why haven't the test papers been handed out for so many days? Do you know how painful this is? This makes my heart deeply sad. Every day when I saw the Chinese teacher enter the classroom, I would stare at her hand, and I would like to stare out the torture paper. A few days later, finally, the teacher had a stack of white paper in his hand, and I finally, finally looked forward to it. The teacher's words were even more painful. She said: "In this test, some students even wrote essays that were off the topic..." The teacher's words were really sad. My head span has no courage to lift it. What should I do? Did you really fail this time?? I asked myself. "But some students still write well, especially a female student." The teacher's words rang again, softly and sweetly. When the team leader handed me the test paper, he immediately turned to the back. I got the highest score ever. "Ha ha..." I smiled knowingly. The students nearby thought I was stupid.

This test was a surprise. The word "surprise" made me deeply understand its meaning. Surprised and pleased, I value the word "surprised" more, which can let you grow from pessimism and disappointment, and let you get reflection from blame. Let you grow, let you helpless. However, there are surprises and joys in life. Joy will buffer all the uneasiness. Only in this way can life be interesting.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (6)

I find that I am very associative. The first lesson of this semester is From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore. So I thought of Lu Xun and his famous saying: "There is no way in the world, and if there are many people, there will be a way." So I thought of that "adventure" experience.

It was another season when the cherries were ripe. It was still at Grandma's house. Fourteen members of our family arrived, so we discussed where to play. After discussing for a long time, we decided that we had to go to Jinfeng Temple, a place that was too old to grow old. Because the scenery there is beautiful and near, and the tickets are cheap.

Of course, our four children are happy because they can stop doing homework again. So we took the lead to the double-layer pavilion on the top of the mountain and stood there to have a bird's eye view of Ya'an City: the Qingyi River passes through Ya'an City, separating the dam in the river (place name) from the downtown area of Ya'an, like a white dragon running across Ya'an.

Now let's get to the point. When they came to the gate of the temple, everyone thought that there was no trickery in the temple and they were unwilling to enter. So the adventurous grandmother said, "There is a path behind the temple. Where is good, we'd better go." Everyone agreed. It turned out that the path was also the way to the temple. Because the temple wanted to collect money, the road was closed. The so-called road closure is actually planting some thorny plants on the road.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (7)

Since the reform and opening up, my hometown has undergone earth shaking changes.

People in my hometown have changed their clothes. In the past, people used to wear mostly old coarse cloth, which was gray, white and black. Men's clothes were Zhongshan suits, and women's clothes looked very dull. Now it is different. People wear sheep, chemical fiber, silk, and rayon clothes... The colors are red, yellow, white, green, and blue, and the appearance is also varied. There are jeans, suits, and sportswear, which are beautiful.

People in my hometown have changed their food. In the past, people used to eat Wowotou and their own vegetables. In winter, they could only eat turnips and cabbages. During the Spring Festival, they could only eat some pork and chicken. Now people eat steamed bread and cakes, and all kinds of vegetables are fresh all year round.

The houses where people live in their hometown have changed. In the past, they lived in a small mud hut with windows made of wood and pasted with white paper. The house was small, short, damp and dark. Now people live in tall and large houses with large tiles. The windows are made of aluminum alloy and are glazed. The house is spacious and bright, and it is not wet at all. Some families have also built two-story small western-style buildings.

The means of transportation in my hometown has changed. In the past, people used bullock carts, horse drawn carriages, and handcarts. At that time, everyone in the village had a bicycle. Now, not only every family has bicycles, but also every family has motorcycles, tricycles, some tractors, and even some people have bought a van or a car. Now people in my hometown can travel easily.

The road home has changed. Every time we go back to our hometown, we have to pass a road in the village. In the past, this road was difficult to walk. The roadside was also dirty and overgrown with weeds. When it rained, it was very muddy. The car was very bumpy. If the tractor walked on it slowly, it would get stuck in the mud. Now, this road has been paved into a cement road, and the car can walk smoothly on it. It will never bump or get stuck again. There are also electric lights on the roadside!

There are still many changes in my hometown, and people's life is getting better and better.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (8)

In this Chinese class, the teacher showed us two cartoons, one of which was simple and clear, but it made me feel the most deeply.

In the cartoon, a man planted a tree. There were few leaves on the branches, and the trunk was thin. When he was preparing to water the tree, he suddenly found a man, wearing a cap and a pair of glasses, leaning against the trunk, holding his legs. He shouted to the man with glasses: "This is the tree I just planted. It is not very strong. You will bend the trunk if you sit here. Go away quickly!" The man turned his head and said: "When your little tree grows up, I can enjoy the cool here."

Seeing this, I feel that the man is very shameful. He only knows to enjoy the fruits of others' labor. It's ridiculous that such a lazy person gets something for nothing.

In fact, there are many such people in real life. Like those rich second generation, they live a luxurious life every day. They have never made money. When money is gone, they ask their parents for it; For example, some students do not work hard or study, they just wait for the teacher to send out the answers and then copy them; For example, some people who love to buy lottery tickets do not pay their own labor, just want to win the lottery and become rich one day; Some people find some ways to escape from work when they are cleaning up. They do nothing but squat and drag around to kill time. When others are almost finished, they pretend to set up a table and chair cleaning action. There are still many people who expect to get something for nothing.

This cartoon satirizes those who only know how to enjoy themselves, just as the saying goes: No pains, no gains. We should be diligent and know how to work hard.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (9)

Today, I saw a group of interesting comics in a Chinese book, which deeply inspired me.

This group of cartoons consists of four groups of cartoons, the main idea of which is that a female classmate and a male classmate are walking on a busy street. As I walked, a disgusting stench came towards me. It turned out that the garbage can was full of garbage. So the girl went forward and picked up the garbage. The male student pondered: How can we convince others not to dump garbage outside? He came up with a golden idea. The words "Civilization - Just One Step Away" were written on the paper, and then pasted on the trash can, warning us to dump the garbage inside, not outside, and keep clean.

After reading this group of cartoons, I thought a lot. Yes, civilization is only one step away. Sometimes, we cross the road for convenience, so many traffic accidents occur. In fact, the crosswalk line is just a few steps away. Just lift your feet a few times to ensure that you can cross the road safely. Sometimes, in the crowded station and wharf, some people will puff as if nobody is watching. Just a few steps away, there is a rest place with the words "smoking room" written on it. As long as you take a small step, you will not hinder others. For example, it is also a virtue to give way on a crowded bus.

Sometimes, we feel that civilization seems far away, but in fact, civilization is often only one step away from us. The two students in the cartoon make us learn from the example. As long as everyone takes a small step, the world will take a big step. Start from yourself and the little things around you. Then I firmly believe that the world will become a harmony? A peaceful world.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (10)

I read a thought-provoking cartoon, and I like it very much because it lets me know how far civilization is from us.

There are only four cartoons, and the general content is as follows: On a sunny day, two children were walking at home. At the beginning, they talked and laughed. When passing the trash can, the careful girl found that there was garbage all over the city, including fruit skins, cans, and some waste paper and leftovers. The smell of smell came from the trash can. The little girl could not help pinching her nose and saying, "It's really dirty here. It's not just someone who is so immoral, and won't pick it up until one step!" After saying that, she asked the little boy to help. The little boy mysteriously shook his head and said, "I have a good idea, you can clean it up!" After the division of labor, the little girl quickly started to work, and she first piled up the garbage together, Then he shoveled the cardboard into the trash can bit by bit. At this time, the little boy was not idle. His words were also written and pasted on the trash can. It said: Civilization - "Just one step away, the little girl gave a thumbs up in admiration, and the grass on the lawn was greener.

After reading this cartoon, a question pops up in my mind: Is civilization really one step away in life? Indeed, in life, civilization is really one step away. If you take this step, you will be famous. Not only that, walking on the sidewalk and abiding by the traffic laws are civilizations. In fact, civilization is very close to us. There is a saying in the cartoon that civilization is only one step away, but this step is often impossible because of laziness. We should take that step, so that we can become civilized!

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (11)

The earth is a piece of natural green that has disappeared hundreds of years ago, and human beings do not pay much attention to environmental issues. If this continues, in the next few years, indeed, it may occasionally become a mess.

The year 20XX has come, and it is expected that in this year, people will attach importance to the love of nature and human homes.

At this moment, the world has gradually lost its green forests, gurgling streams and blue sky. Maybe in the future, even a flower or a weed will not be seen; At that time, people will find the world boring and self stupidity, and will regret the irreversible consequences of what they have done to the world at this moment.

A wish is just a wish. It may come true, or it may just be a luxury requirement. But if everyone acts together, and each person picks up a piece of garbage every day, and each person picks up a small tree every year, what he gains is not only a piece of nature, but also a piece of prosperity after the continuation of life.

My wish of 20XX years, if it can come true, then the earth will reappear the beautiful scene hundreds of years ago in the future; The home of true love is the life of true love, hoping that she will come true.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (12)

Every August 15 is known as the Mid Autumn Festival. Every year, people spend the Mid Autumn Festival with their families. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival also leads to a beautiful legend——

When we look up at the moon, we can see some shadows. In our country, it is said that Wu Gang is cutting Guangxi. In the Tang Dynasty, the myth of Wu Gang's attack on osmanthus was deduced. It is said that the mid month osmanthus tree is as high as 500 zhang. This osmanthus tree is not only tall, but also has a magical function of self-healing.

There was a man named Wu Gang who was a woodcutter in Xihe. He was obsessed with immortality, but he was unwilling to concentrate on learning. So the Emperor of Heaven was angry, and he stayed in the Moon Palace. He ordered him to cut osmanthus trees in the Moon Palace. He said, "If you cut down the osmanthus trees, you can get magic." But every time Wu Gang cut an axe, the wound of the tree healed immediately. Day after day, Wu Gang's desire to cut osmanthus trees still did not come true, Therefore, Wu Gang cut down the tree in the Moon Palace all the year round. He could not cut down the tree all the time.

Today is August 15, also known as the Mid Autumn Festival. This year's Mid Autumn Festival seems to be happier than any other year. We eat and watch TV as usual, but today, many relatives come to our house for dinner. After dinner, we didn't watch TV as usual. Instead, we moved small chairs to the balcony to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes.

In a short time, the moon suddenly appeared. As soon as the moon came out, the earth suddenly seemed to be covered with a silver quilt and sent out a powerful light. The moon just came out just like a shy girl who dared not show her face. "One, two, three" I counted excitedly, but the good times didn't last long. Suddenly, a dark cloud came to cover the moon. The moon disappeared and rain took its place. The moon disappeared in this way. It was raining in the sky. The rain swam around like a small fish. Soon, it floated into the room.

With the drizzle, we didn't stop eating moon cakes. Those drizzles won't dampen our activities. Looking at the rain, I couldn't help but think of my parents. It seems that the rain is just my parents watering my heart and accompanying me to spend this Mid Autumn Festival. Mom and Dad, although you are not with me, you are always in my heart.

I looked at the drizzle, tasted all kinds of delicious food, and thought of my parents. Isn't it time for me to miss my parents every holiday? Where are the children who are suffering from disasters celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival? Are they not accompanied by their parents? In this rainy Mid Autumn Festival, I wish people all over the world a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (13)

On Wednesday, I went to my grandfather's house. When I left, I also brought three puppies with only a few days after the full moon back to my grandpa's house.

When I arrived at my grandpa's house, I found that many animals had been added to my grandpa's house. There was only one rabbit, one cat, two of the three puppies I packed in boxes, and two chickens in my grandpa's house. There were only six animals in all, not many. But when I got home, I found three cats, one rabbit, three dogs, four sheep, a calf and two chickens. What the hell is going on here? The two extra cats came from this way: the female cat gave birth to four kittens, and people nearby took away two.

In this way, there are two more kittens. Grandpa didn't sell all the cattle when he exchanged money with others. But because there was no cow to give to grandpa, she gave him a ewe. The ewe had just arrived at grandpa's house and gave birth to three lambs a few days ago. The extra dog was brought to my house by Zhu Han.

Let's start with the rabbit. It is gray all over, has a large appetite, and has no name yet. Big cats are called naughty ghosts. The reason why they are called naughty ghosts is that they are very naughty. How naughty they are was written in the previous blog post Cat. The two kittens looked very similar, almost no difference, so they didn't name them.

The oldest of the three puppies is Xiaohui (in fact, Xiaohei is only a few minutes older than Dugoulu is only a few days older). His whole body is mainly gray, so he is called Xiaohui. Then there was Xiaohei. In addition to being thinner, Xiaohei's hair was black, no different from that of Xiaohui. The last one is Dugulu. Dugulu has a gorilla face, named after Zhu Han.

Cattle, sheep and chickens are no different from other cattle, sheep and chickens.

In this "zoo", I am a free tourist, playing with animals.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (14)

My grandpa is very thrifty. He is the most thrifty person in our family. Whatever it is, save it.

Once, our family prepared to eat steamed stuffed buns in the evening. When I just came home after swimming, I collapsed on the sofa and smelled steamed buns on the table. My mouth watered immediately.

Later, Grandma asked us to have dinner. As everyone sat down, I wondered where Grandpa had gone? I asked my grandma, and she said, "Go back to the steamed bun shop and ask for steamed buns."

Hearing this, my face changed greatly. Before Grandma finished speaking, I ran to the phone. I didn't care about my oily hands, so I called Grandpa quickly. Grandpa answered the phone and said breathlessly, "What's the matter?" I said hurriedly, "Wait a minute, Grandpa! I ate the three steamed buns." Hearing this, Grandpa suddenly realized and said, "Well, I'll go home right away."

In this way, the money saving grandfather saved one thing for the store staff.

Another time, the school food was very delicious, and I added another meal. I'm full. After school, when I got home, my grandpa asked me to have dinner. I said to my grandpa, "I won't eat dinner today. I'm full at school at noon." My grandpa, who had welcomed me home with a smile on his face, immediately changed his face and angrily said to me, "This is no good. You have cooked your meal, and it will be a waste." I said, "I'll eat later. Let's put it in the refrigerator first." "That's right. We need to save food." Although it is a small matter, From then on, I understood that we should cherish food and reduce waste.

This is my grandfather, a thrifty man.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (15)

Today, I went to the zoo with my mother. I don't need to say that you should know about zoos. By the way, zoos are called zoos because they have many animals.

After we bought the tickets, we entered the Panda House. As we all know, pandas are cute in one word. If you take a closer look, you can see that the black eye circles embedded in its white face are oblique rectangular, and the black eyes are rolling. Don't think that it is a black eye circle, so it has no spirit! There are a pair of black ears on the head, the body is white, and there is a ring of thick and black hair on the neck, like a necklace, like a black towel, really cute.

After watching the pandas, we came to the giraffe's home again. The giraffe is a kind of gentle animal. It has a beautiful mottle, a long neck, a tall stature, but a short tail. How incongruous! A pair of big and sharp eyes, rolling straight, really like a shy girl. It sometimes looks at the audience's dress, as if all the people around are wearing less beautiful clothes than it. Sometimes it raises its head, as if it is showing its beautiful body. When we fed him, he had to take back his eyes and eat the food in our hands!

We just walked around carelessly and saw many animals along the way, such as peacock, lion, tiger, elephant, bird, golden monkey, penguin house, snake, fish. We are very happy.

But the good times are always short, and one day has passed. We should seize the opportunity and work hard to do other things. That's right. It's time to go home. Go home and think about what you want to do. Come here!

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (16)

Summer vacation, my mother took me to the zoo to visit the animals. When I came to the zoo, I saw many animals, including tigers, lions, elephants, camels and eagles

Because of the weather, the animals need to cool down, and the staff use artificial rain to help the animals cool down. Some animals eat while taking a cool bath. It seems that I am very happy. The monkeys are very happy, too. They ate the fruits given to them by tourists with great relish. The tourists laughed as they watched the monkeys eat. Next is the fawn. You can see that this fawn is really cute. Its smooth hair is like a quilt, bright eyes are like jewels, and small legs are like sticks.

I am looking at an elephant. It has a long nose. No matter what it is, the elephant can pick it up. My mother took a picture of me and the elephant together. I am very happy. The birds in the zoo are also very cute. It seemed to be playing with other birds, but this was not an ordinary bird. There are very few birds. But our hippo brother is not vegetarian. They are not easy to bully. They are soaking in their bathhouse. Look, they are still eating while taking a bath. The manager is feeding them. It ate a piece of mutton in one bite. It's really harmful.

Today, I had a good time. I also saw the life of animals. Because it is our good friend, let's love them together.

Grade 7 Full Score Composition (17)

I Laugh My Composition Grade 3 Part 1: I Laugh

Hey, everybody! My name is Li Wenhao. I am 9 years old this year. I am medium height, have short, energetic hair, and my eyes are not big, but they are full of energy. When I smile, I narrow into a crack.

Once, my sister wanted to buy books with money, but she forgot where the money was. When I saw it, I smiled and thought: It's funny that I forgot where to put my money. They giggled. Who knows, when my sister saw me laughing, she thought I had hidden the money. So he shouted at me indiscriminately: "Did you hide the money? Please hand it over.". I thought again: It's over. I've become the object of suspicion. Now I can't wash myself when I jump into the Yellow River. I shook my hand and hurriedly said: "I didn't take it. You are looking for it. My sister glanced at me and went to find the money. Later, she found it in a book. Seeing it, I couldn't help laughing again.

Another time, when I came home from school, I saw my mother sulking alone in the room. I asked my sister before I knew that my father had gone out to eat again. I tried my best, and finally came up with a good idea. I rushed into my mother's room and laughed at him. When my mother saw me laughing, she laughed too.

This is the smiling me.

I Laugh My Composition Grade 3 Part 2: I Laugh

I have a pair of big eyes, a unique yellow skin of Chinese people, a high bridge of the nose, and I always have a smile on my face, so I love to laugh. Many small things that are not enough to laugh will make me laugh.

I remember one time, my sister told me a cold joke, which made me laugh for a long time. When my sister came back from school, I remembered a joke, but after she knew it, she said with a sneer, "It's a cold joke, how could you be happy so long after hearing it!" Until now, when I think of a cold joke, I can't help laughing.

Another time, I helped my sister tidy up the room. When I was about to finish it, my sister came and screamed. I thought to myself: I helped my sister, why did she scream? You know, is it a good thing or a bad thing for my sister to scream? My sister walked up to me with a straight face and said, "Who asked you to tidy up my room?" I said happily, "I want to help you myself." My sister looked at me and said unhappily, "Thank you!" I have been happy until now and will smile when I think of it! Maybe it's the reason to help others and be happy!

This is me, an innocent and smiling me.

I Love Laughing Composition Grade 3 Article 3: I Love Laughing and Crying

I'm beautiful. A pair of small eyes, like the curved moon; A small, eloquent cherry mouth; With black hair like a waterfall. My uncle and aunt said I was cute when they saw me. Although I am beautiful, I have a strange temper. I like to cry and laugh.

At home, my mother said that my face is sunny and cloudy, and I can cry and laugh whenever I move. At home, I don't often laugh. I usually laugh at funny things at school. I remember one time, during the break, Feng Chenyu looked back, took out a joke book, and told me a joke. I heard the joke, so I laughed that my tears came out. When I help my classmates, when I hear a word of thanks, I will also smile.

I often cry. I remember one time, I said to my mother, "Mom, let Li Ziyu come to our house to play!" My mother disagreed, so angry that I cried loudly. When I watch TV at home and see those children in the mountains who can't afford to go to school, my tears will fall down. I also know this is not good, do not know why, tears always can not help flowing down.

This is me, a little girl who likes crying and laughing. Do you think I'm cute?

I Love Laughing Composition Grade 3 Article 4: I Love Laughing

I really hope to be good friends with you. To be good friends, you need to get to know each other first. Now I would like to introduce myself. I am in Grade 5 this year. My name is Lin Hua. I am a girl. I like painting, but I don't paint well. I live a full and happy life every day.

I will smile every day. Laughing is also good. Smile every day. There is no trouble in life! So I hope everyone can smile every day, and life is free of troubles! I remember once I played at my grandma's house. My aunts, uncles and aunts also came to play. I played there all morning and was very happy. However, in the blink of an eye, it was noon. I was the youngest, but with my brother, I was not the youngest. But adults still like me very much. They like me very much. When they see me, they ask me, where are you going? Have you had enough? Wait for some questions, but I can't answer some questions. If I don't answer, I will smile at them, so adults all say: 'Laugh, laugh, you always laugh!' ' At that time, I was like Xu Shu entering the camp without saying a word, but I laughed even more. Adults also said to my mother, 'Look at your daughter, she always smiles all the time!' ' I was helpless.

I hope everyone can smile every day, and life is free from troubles!

I Love Laughing Composition Grade 3 Article 5: I Love Laughing

Standing in front of the mirror, I saw a lovely face smiling sweetly at me. He was me, a smiling boy.

My family moved to a new house, and I smiled happily; I smiled proudly when I took the lead in the exam; Beijing won the right to host the 20xx Olympic Games. I smiled proudly... In the morning, I giggled in the mirror; After school at noon, I giggled with my classmates in the corridor; In the evening, when watching TV, I often laugh.

On campus, on the street and in shops, people often look at me and say, "Look at this guy, how cute he is when he smiles!" In life, I have won everyone's love by laughing.

On that day, a new girl with pigtails came to the calligraphy class. As soon as she entered the classroom, she was in a hurry to find something. Accidentally, she stepped on my foot, which made me feel painful. Seeing this, she hurriedly made up for the mistake, but I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter." When I knew that she was looking for a brush, I didn't hesitate to give her one, and she repeatedly said, "Thank you!" From then on, we talked about everything. Look, I have made a new friend with laughter.

Laughter gave me a happy childhood. In life, I would like to send my brilliant smile to my family, my teachers, my classmates, and all people.