My deskmate primary school (collection of 18 articles)
Heaven rewards diligence
2023-12-12 08:12:45

My deskmate primary school (1)

My deskmate is Zeng Dixin. He is half a head shorter than me. When angry, the coarse eyebrows are wrinkled like a hook made by the teacher; When happy, the eyebrows bend like crescent moon. The big eyes often turn noisily. My friendship with you is very deep. But the teacher said to you one day that you would transfer to a small school. I know how hurt you were at that time, although you told me when you looked very calm. I can't figure out why the teacher transferred you. Is it because of poor performance? No, your grades are among the best in the class (except English). It must be your home in a small school district.

You are good at both Chinese and math, but poor at English. Would you hibernate in English class like you did here if you went for a short time. Every time you steal your dream, it is not the teacher you scold her for thousands of times, but the one who promises to help you keep the wind. Every time in English class, when your upper and lower eyelids are so close that you don't want to separate, my eyes move between you and the blackboard at the speed of three seconds. This is why you are often given a yellow card by Teacher.

And whenever I am depressed, you amuse me. Who amused me when I was depressed after you left. When I am depressed, you always tell me some jokes of your own, for example; In the morning, you use shoe polish as toothpaste when your eyes are dim; When you want to use a pen, you can't find it from left to right. Later, you found that the pen was on your ear; You will also rewrite the dream like order of Li Qingzhao, the great poet, as follows: he drank too much last night, was so drunk that he did not know where to go, was so happy to go home at night, and went into the park by mistake. He vomited, vomited, and started countless mandarin ducks. Although I can't keep you around, I will keep my friendship with you in my heart.

My deskmate primary school (2)

I think everyone has their own deskmate. I also have a good deskmate - Luo Jing.

She has long black hair, big jewel like eyes and a small cherry mouth. She seems to be a weak girl in our class, but her sports cells are incredibly developed. She is the second place in women's long jump, the third place in women's 800m long jump, and the second place in women's 60m long jump.

She is a two faced person, one is domineering. Let's just say that time. We were playing the game of attacking the city. Someone wanted to attack our city. We discussed for a while and said, "If we have the ability, let's play a game of guessing, dare we?" They said arrogantly, "We are afraid you won't succeed!" At the beginning, we "beat" Huang Zhijia, who is smart in our class. She defeated two people and defeated the third one, The second one was also defeated. The fourth, fifth and sixth people were all defeated. I won four people, and the fifth one was defeated. When she got to Luo Jing, she won one from behind and seven people in a row. Finally, she gave the cloth and the man gave the stone, yes.

The other side of her is gentle. Once she finished writing her notebook, "Can you lend me a notebook?" She said while shaking my shoulder. I have to agree. Because I was afraid she would shake my shoulders.

This is my deskmate, Luo Jing.

Comment: Good material selection. If the specific case is more typical, it will be better.

My deskmate primary school (3)

My deskmate, Wei Ran, is a fat boy with personality. He has light eyebrows and a pair of small and bright eyes. At any time, his eyes showed a trace of depression and maturity. This may be related to his specialty.

Wei Ran has a natural talent for acting, which makes him a little actor. Now he is quite famous! House and Family is Wei Haoran's "masterpiece". In the play, he plays Zhou Zaiming, and Wei Ran portrays the characters vividly. In addition to making TV plays, Wei Haoran often performs some sketches. Those sketches often make us laugh, but most of them are the unspeakable feelings that are both familiar and strange.

In life, Wei Ran is very individual. Whether his personality is humorous, mature or his specialty, no one can say clearly, but he just feels that he is different from ordinary people.

Often, when we are bored, Wei Ran will find some ideas to let us laugh. On one occasion, we all sat in our seats in the last generation management class and seemed to have nothing to do. At this time, Wei Ran said to me, "Do you want to hear a joke?" I was not interested in this at all, but in order to show respect to him, I said to him, "OK, listen to you." So he began to dance. As a result, I laughed my head off after hearing his joke. The atmosphere became active at once. A full day, so happy to end.

I really want to be Wei Haoran's deskmate forever and enjoy happiness with him forever!

My deskmate primary school (4)

In the past three years of high school, I have sat at a table with many people, who are quiet, naughty, lively, brave... What impressed me most is my current table mate, Huang Zhen.

He is 13 years old. He is tall and thin, and his facial features are fairly straight. However, there is a flaw in his forehead. It is said that he fell down accidentally when he was a child playing a prank. Alas, there are quite a few problems with my deskmate: I love talking in class, I love fighting, I love playing after class, I come back covered in ashes and sweating, and then I sit beside me recklessly.

After reading my narration, don't think he is a bore. On the contrary, I like my deskmate because he has many advantages. My deskmate is not only helpful, but also very humorous. I remember that one day after school, it began to rain heavily, and a dozen of our classmates without umbrellas had to gather at the entrance of the stairs. Everyone was very upset. At this time, my deskmate swaggered up to the students and said, "Please pay attention, I'm going to work out an intelligence question now. There are three people. Their names are Duo, Lei and Mi. They are walking on the road. Suddenly, one of them falls. This person is neither Duo nor Lei. Who is that? "After listening to this, no one said that Mi (Me, I mean) fell down, but in order not to lose face, we almost said with one voice:" You fell down. "" The answer is correct. "After hearing the answer from the table, everyone burst into laughter. At this time, my deskmate walked up to me and whispered to me: "How about I play dumb and amuse more than ten people? Is it charming?" Oh, he had expected that no one would fall into the trap.

After laughing, I really appreciate my deskmate and make the boring time full of happiness. My deskmate is like this. He is willing to help others sincerely, to drive away the silence with humor and even mischief, and to bring laughter around. Sitting with him, I also became frank and learned to use laughter to fill in every frustrations in life.

My deskmate primary school (5)

God! What evil did I make in my previous life? Why call him my deskmate!

You must ask me why I always sigh like this, right? Alas... In the new semester, the teacher arranged a male deskmate for me. The boys and girls in our class don't get along well, and "standing" often happens. Therefore, I regard boys as eyesore. However, I gradually found that my new deskmate is not as bad as I thought, but rather very good.

His name is Fang Jialong. I call him "Diao". He is even more powerful. He calls me "Mosquito", which makes me angry! He has a clear face: a white melon seed face is inlaid with a pair of bright big eyes, a straight nose, and a small mouth. Although he is so handsome, it seems that he is not easy to bully, no! No! He is actually very easy to bully. Once, the square tried to make trouble when we jumped to the most critical point. My friends scolded him for many unpleasant words, but I kept my head down. Diamonds said to his friends gratefully, "Oh, I am really my deskmate, so considerate! You all learn from her! "Suddenly, he suddenly noticed my" ferocious "eyes and whispered," Mosquito, don't look at me with such eyes, I'm afraid... "I was angry at him. I just heard him call me" Mosquito ", and became more angry, without saying anything." Glory "gave him a set of" eighteen dragon subduing palms "and a set of" nine yin white bone claws ". When friends saw it, they all said," You asked us to learn from her, Good! Let's learn from her! "Just then, I threw myself at him. Poor diamond! Until now, I'm still proud of myself, ha ha!

He is not only bullying, but also helpful. Once in an art class, the teacher asked us to take out glue sticks and colored paper. I soon found out the colored paper, but the naughty glue stick played hide and seek with me. I was worried: last week, the art teacher told us to take glue sticks and colored paper. Today, if we didn't take them, we would be punished. What should we do? The box seemed to be able to understand my heart, so it gave me its own glue stick and said, "I have another one. Let me borrow it first. "I was so excited that I couldn't speak. My throat seemed to be blocked by something.

This is him, a bully who is willing to help others.

My deskmate primary school (6)

Although my deskmate is a girl, many things have happened.


Although my deskmate is a weak girl, she has plenty of snacks.

In the morning, when I first arrived at school, I saw her holding a French bun in her left hand and a cup of cereal soymilk in her right hand. She was enjoying herself. I combed my hair at random, and there were some grains of "food" on my eyes. Just after class, she took out a packet of yolk pie and ate it. Within a few minutes, the yolk pie was completely reimbursed by her. Basically, she can find food, snacks and other debris from her hands, pockets and corners of her mouth all the time. What a good appetite!

Comic fans

One afternoon, when I just arrived at school, I saw her holding a book. When I looked at the title of the book, it turned out to be "Man P", which is the name of a comic book. Both boys and girls like it. Go back to my seat and have a look, ah! Several copies of "Man P" (more than a dozen, exactly) are on her desk. She has a lot of pocket money! No wonder I bought so many!


"I forgot my homework..." I knew she was making excuses. Alas, who let me be the class representative. Let it go. If the homework is not collected completely, it will be criticized by the teacher; Don't let it go, will my "Bodhisattva" of these years be destroyed today? I said, "Take it in the afternoon!"

In the afternoon, after finishing the exercises in math class, my deskmates checked each other's homework. She took out her homework, but she didn't let me see it for a long time. I guessed that she hadn't finished it. After I asked her to check her homework, I wanted to check her. She said, "I haven't finished..." When I saw it, there were still several unfinished lines. She thought I could let her go. I said, "I read, you write!" After finishing, I finally felt relieved.

Hi, This is my interesting deskmate!

My deskmate primary school (7)

I hate my deskmate Ye Enze. He likes to brag and beat me. He is not very serious in class. Sometimes he has to wander. He also does his homework slowly and is very lazy. So I don't like to sit at his desk with him. Sometimes I scold him for being stupid. But twice I changed my opinion of him.

Once, when I was playing with him, my fingernail was accidentally touched by him. This nail loosened, and I cried there. He knew that he had caused trouble, and became very gentle. He kept whispering in my ear: "Sorry, I'm not young, I was careless..." He also blew his hands for me like his mother, rubbed and rubbed again, Wrap my hand in a napkin and say "No pain, no pain" to comfort me. Suddenly, I burst into tears and smiled, and said, "Will it still hurt? It's all my fault. I shouldn't hurt you..." Then I said to him, "It's OK!" He also smiled. I never thought he would hurt people.

Another time, I remember that it was the final exam of last semester. I forgot to bring the single-sided adhesive tape and was anxiously borrowing it from my classmates. But they all said that there was only one. I went back to my seat dejectedly and waited for my "death". But my deskmate Ye Enze asked with concern, "Why are you so dejected? Is there anything I can do for you?" I replied, "I forgot to bring the glue on one side. It's terrible to wait." "I only have one glue on one side," he said. After a while, he patted his forehead and suddenly realized, saying, "Oh! I have a correction tape, let me borrow it!" He smiled and handed it to me. "What are you going to use later?" "I still have one side glue, don't I?" I smiled, and so did he. I held the correction tape tightly, my heart was full of warmth, and I arrived at the examination room with confidence.

My deskmate fills my heart with selfless warmth and makes me feel his friendliness.

My deskmate primary school (8)

My deskmate, Guo Yanjun, is not fat or thin. She has a standard oval face and big bright eyes like a beautiful black pearl. He often wears a high ponytail and shakes it when walking. She is usually very gentle, but if you are not careful to make her angry, you are still very serious.

She did well in all subjects, studied hard, and especially liked drawing. She can always draw the people and things she sees on her sketch book in time. Sometimes when interest comes, textbooks, exercise books... will become her temporary sketch book. No matter the characters or animals she paints, they are vivid and lifelike.

However, she is good at drawing animals. I like her cats best. They are just like real cats. She also told me quietly that most of her pocket money was used to buy painting tools. It can be said that there is a reward for her efforts. No wonder she has today's level.

She was very warm-hearted and helpful. One time in a math exam, I forgot to bring a ruler, and was in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot. She gently patted me thoughtfully: "Here you are, ruler!" I nodded gratefully to express my gratitude. Not only me, but also the students around her will actively lend a helping hand when they encounter problems.

This is my perfect deskmate, a positive, enthusiastic and hard working girl. I want to learn from her to be the most perfect self.

My deskmate primary school (9)

I have many deskmates, such as Zhang Fenglan, Tang Yaokun, Tang Xueqin... They are constantly changing, but I am most impressed by Zhang Shijie.

Zhang Shijie, with a melon seed face, a small cherry mouth, and big watery eyes, looks very naughty. The nose is straight like a hill hanging halfway up the mountain. He is not only good-looking, but also smart and brave.

Once, when he heard someone knocking at the door, he put on a small stool and leaned over the door to look out. No, someone was knocking at the door, he thought, it must be a bad man! Zhang Shijie gently got down from the stool, straightened up, glared at his eyes and shouted, "Dad, open the door quickly, someone is coming." The man who broke the door climbed down the stairs in fright.

Zhang Shijie is very interesting. He spoke at a very fast speed, chirping like a foreigner, and could not understand what he was saying. He also walked very fast, just like a fly. He said, "I am Nezha alive, and I walk on the wheel of wind and fire." He wrote very fast and beautifully, and was often praised by the teacher. We all call him "the King of Three Rapids!"

His love is like the stars in the sky, countless. Playing games, playing football, reading books, singing... He danced hip-hop very well, which shocked the whole audience with constant applause and was enviable.

He is very kind. I often see him donating his pocket money to the disabled. Is he very kind!

He is also very filial. Once, the teacher sent us longans. He ate only one and brought the rest back to his mother. I think he is very sensible, don't you think?

Zhang Shijie is not only a hip-hop lover, "the king of three fast", but also a smart and brave man.

My deskmate primary school (10)

My deskmate has small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. It was supposed to be ugly, but it looked very cute on his round face, with a pair of dimples when he smiled! He is Li xx, the famous monitor of our class!

My deskmate deserves to be the monitor. Every time he answers questions, he answers them in order and focuses on the key points. The art homework was also done perfectly.

He is really a strange deskmate, because he has a strange hobby: doing homework! During the big break, I went to play with my friends and saw Yan Junxiang sitting with him doing his homework. I came back from playing and sat down. He shouted "nonsense": "How nice it feels to write!"

My deskmate is different from other boys. Other boys are only chased by girls. He is different. It can be said that "revenge is inevitable." If someone beats him, he must return it. However, it generally does not provoke others. His main idea is: "If people do not offend me, I will not offend; if people offend me, I will!"

Maybe we are the only two Aquarians in the class, so our thinking and logic are similar. That is, we can talk very well. What kind of poem, what kind of thing, we can turn it into something very interesting!

As the leader of our group, he is very good at organization and eloquence, and likes to help people!

This is my deskmate: helpful, eloquent and well written, lovely monitor deskmate!

My deskmate primary school (11)

My deskmate is tall, with long black hair, a pair of bright eyes like two black gemstones, a plump cherry mouth, very beautiful.

She likes reading very much. Once, she was fascinated by reading, so I sat quietly aside for fear of disturbing her. Suddenly, she burst out laughing, which made me jump. I couldn't help but want to see what it was. Oh, it's really funny! She was silent again, thinking quietly, as if she was trying to find a way for the problem the hero encountered; After a while, he smiled and felt happy, as if cheering for the hero's victory. Ten minutes later, half an hour later, the more she watched, the more fascinated she became, the more energetic she became. The whole world seemed to her to have disappeared and replaced by a world full of innocence. When the bell rang, she reluctantly put down her book.

Another time, a classmate could not ask her a math problem. She helped her classmates to solve the problem enthusiastically and patiently, only to see her draw a picture and write a formula on the draft. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her face, and then she wrote several arithmetic expressions. She became more excited and seemed to have overcome the problem. A few minutes later, a bright smile appeared on her face.

She loves reading and is willing to help others, which is a good example for me to learn.

My deskmate primary school (12)

In school, everyone has a deskmate. They may become bosom friends, or they may become deskmates who often quarrel. My deskmate Song Yiyun is special. When she is happy, she is like a gentle lamb, but when she is angry, she is like an angry lion. I live in fear that I will suffer if I accidentally offend her.

In addition, she will be angry about some trivial things. Once I make a mistake, she will use her trump card to tell the teacher, let the trivial things become as big as watermelons... These things are countless. I always wanted to tell her in public, but I was afraid of hurting her self-esteem, so I forbore it.

However, one day I finally couldn't help it. My deskmate borrowed a pen from Qiu Ranyang to do his homework that day. I was reading a book when Qiu Ranyang said to me, "Zhong Huanyu, give me my pen cap!". But I don't know anything. Now I really can't wash myself in the Yellow River. Moreover, Song Yiyun added a box to the snow and said to Qiu Ranyang, "He took it, but I didn't take it at all, She also angrily revealed all the mistakes she thought I had made and repeatedly said that I was wrong. To deal with such people, I'm really dumb and eat coptis - I can't tell the bitterness.

Alas, my deskmate, please don't be angry about those trifles, ok?

My deskmate primary school (13)

One student I admire is Zhang Ruijie, who is generally strong in our class.

Xiao Jie (my nickname for him) has a lot of muscles. We played basketball together in PE class. At that time, the weather was very hot, and the students were sweating one by one. Some sneaked to sit under a pavilion to rest. However, Xiao Jie and three or four classmates continued to play. On such a hot day, he didn't care. First, he took a few shots of the consistent movement, then ran to the basket, "whooshed" the ball into the basket, and we cheered for him. He shook his head freely, his face was full of joy, and the sweat on his face was shining in the sun. Returning to the classroom after class, the students praised Jay's good football skills, just like a reporter interviewing a big star. I walked up to him and asked, "Don't you feel tired on such a hot day?"

Once, I, Xiao Zheng (another classmate's nickname) and Xiao Jie went to play basketball. At that time, because Xiao Jie had taught me before, I am also very good now. "Let's gamble, and the loser will be fined 20 sit ups," I said. Xiaojie said, "Good!" He was full of confidence and looked as if he was sure of winning. He must have thought in his heart: "Hee hee, you just wait to do sit ups. The victory belongs to me. I just dribble the ball and shoot forward, or grab the ball and shoot forward. Finally, I won. Xiao Jie came up to me and patted me on the shoulder and said:" I lost. You are so powerful. You are really "better than blue". If I hadn't lost, I would have won. "What he said shows how graceful he is!

I admire our class's strong and elegant Xiaojie.

My deskmate primary school (14)

My deskmate is Wen Runan. She has long black hair. Beautiful appearance: small mouth, high nose, bright eyes. But she is "hateful".

Wen Runan has many detestable places. Last time, I was doing my math homework, and my deskmate, Wen Runan, was also doing it. From time to time, I looked over my head to see my answers. Wen Runan only knows my answer, but he doesn't think about it. I won't show Wen Runan my answer. However, Wen Runan threatened me: "If you don't give me the answer to learn the method, I will remember your name first when doing eye exercises." Alas, I can't help it. Who told her to manage eye exercises?

What's more, I obviously brought a health book. I didn't find it in class. When teacher Shengjian came in, the first thing was to find out who hadn't brought books. I was found by teacher Shengjian, and then teacher Shengjian said to us: "Follow me after class." At this time, my deskmate storyteller lent me a look. He said the book was mine and asked me to go to the health teacher for her. When she saw that I didn't agree, she lied and said that she actually had two books in her family, one of which was her own and the other was her brother's. I took the book and read it from side to side, finally knowing that it was my own. It turned out that when I went out to play after class, she secretly took my handwriting and wrote her name on it. After class, I still followed the teacher Shengjian to be punished. Who told me that I didn't write my name in the book.

This is my "hateful" deskmate Wen Runan.

My deskmate primary school (15)

When I mentioned my deskmate, I would think of his round eyes. If he opened them wider, maybe they would fall off!

He is a male classmate, but he talks like a sissy with a smell on his body. He likes cleaning, even cleaner than the girls in our class. Because he always has a fragrance, his classmates nicknamed him "Xiangxiang Young Master".

He is very interesting. Whenever I am unhappy, he always tries to amuse me. As soon as I see his funny appearance, I can't help laughing, and all of a sudden I forget my troubles.

My deskmate is a famous naughty boy in the class. Even the teacher can't help him. Although he is very naughty, he is very smart, and he studies well. Every time, he is the top three in the class.

The greatest advantage of my deskmate is caring for others and helping others. If the students turn to him for help when they have difficulties, he is always eager to help. If anyone forgets to bring something, he will generously lend it to others as long as he has it. Sometimes, in order to help others, he does not hesitate to suffer losses.

Once in an exam, the teacher was afraid that the students would write short notes, and stipulated that each person was allowed to bring only one pen. The exam began, and he answered it carefully. When the exam was almost over, Saman, who was sitting beside him, whispered to himself: "What should I do? What should I do?" He hurriedly asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?" Saman said: "My neutral pen doesn't go into the water. Obviously there is a lot of oil, but I can't write. It's really urgent." Hearing this, he pondered for a while, and then handed his pen over without hesitation.

"How can this work? You won't write?"

"I will write after you finish."

"But there's no time."

"Don't say so much, write quickly, or you won't finish......"

When the time came, the paper was taken away. As a result, he missed a 5 point question. However, he did not regret that he helped his classmates at the critical moment, and he felt very happy.

This time, Xiao Fang scored 100 points, ranking first in the class. When the teacher announced the results, Xiao Fang was not happy. She gave him a grateful look

I don't know how many such things happened to him. His spirit of helping others left a deep impression on the students.

This is my 'good deskmate'. His name is Xiao Dong.

She is tall and has nothing noticeable, but she has a heart like gold. She is my deskmate, Li Yan.

On the second day of the semester, the teacher asked me to sit at the same table with her. At first I didn't care. A yellow haired girl can't compare with me.

The next day, after school in the afternoon, I lost my Chinese book because I was playing on the playground. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, because one third of a semester is a Chinese class. Now I have lost my Chinese book, but what can I do?

I stood in front of the desk, staring blankly at the blackboard. At this time, my deskmate seemed to find something. He extended his hand to friendship and asked with concern, "What's wrong?" Tell me? A tough man, lose face! Don't tell me? And I was stuffy in my heart. Forget it! As a member of the brigade, she reported that she thought: "Nothing, the Chinese book is lost!" "Nothing?" The other party looked surprised. Then she picked up the textbook and put it down again and again. Who knows what medicine is sold in the gourd. She hesitated for a moment and handed me the book: "Here you are. Don't be careless in the future." What, give it to me? I can't believe my ears. The yellow haired girl I always despised could say this. "What... what? Give it to me. How can you... what should you do?" I stammered out a few words after a long time. " "Never mind, I have a way." "What should I do today?" "Let's see." So we began to read early seriously.

After the last class, I slipped my books into her bag. However, when I got home, I opened my schoolbag, and the Chinese book was lying in it, my eyes were wet.

The next morning, she was reading with an old book. After class, I opened the old book and found that the cover had been torn, the upper corners of the pages turned inward, the spine line was broken, and two pages were missing. After class, I took my new book and changed it with her, but she didn't agree.

At noon, I found her copying something on the desk. Strange, no homework this morning? She does nothing but ghosts. I walked past, ah! She is copying two missing texts there. She read a sentence on the book and copied it on white paper the size of the page. The sound of "rustling" writing came to my ears, and the neat and beautiful words appeared in front of me. When she was tired, she shook her arms and then concentrated on copying. I was a little upset and decided to take it for copying, but she declined politely. After copying, she took out the paste and stuck the paper on it, and then sewed it with great effort.

"Ding Lingling..." After class, she picked up the old book and listened carefully. In an instant, my throat was blocked by the strong feelings aroused in my heart. I was moved by the love of this classmate, and burst into tears of happiness and pride.

My deskmate primary school (16)

When I mentioned my deskmate, I would think of his round eyes. If he opened them wider, maybe they would fall off!

He is a male classmate, but he talks like a sissy with a smell on his body. He likes cleaning, even cleaner than the girls in our class. Because he always has a fragrance, his classmates nicknamed him "Xiangxiang Young Master".

He is very interesting. Whenever I am unhappy, he always tries to amuse me. As soon as I see his funny appearance, I can't help laughing, and all of a sudden I forget my troubles.

My deskmate is a famous naughty boy in the class. Even the teacher can't help him. Although he is very naughty, he is very smart, and he studies well. Every time, he is in the top three of the class.

The greatest advantage of my deskmate is caring for others and helping others. If the students turn to him for help when they have difficulties, he is always eager to help. If anyone forgets to bring something, he will generously lend it to others as long as he has it. Sometimes, in order to help others, he does not hesitate to suffer losses.

Once in an exam, the teacher was afraid that the students would write short notes, and stipulated that each person was allowed to bring only one pen. The exam began, and he answered it carefully. When the exam was almost over, Saman, who was sitting beside him, whispered to himself: "What should I do? What should I do?" He hurriedly asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?" Saman said: "My neutral pen doesn't go into the water. Obviously there is a lot of oil, but I can't write. It's really urgent." Hearing this, he pondered for a while, and then handed his pen over without hesitation.

"How can this work? You won't write?"

"I will write after you finish."

"But there's no time."

"Don't say so much, write quickly, or you won't finish......"

When the time came, the paper was taken away. As a result, he missed a 5 point question. However, he did not regret that he helped his classmates at the critical moment, and he felt very happy.

This time, Xiao Fang scored 100 points, ranking first in the class. When the teacher announced the results, Xiao Fang was not happy. She gave him a grateful look

I don't know how many such things happened to him. His spirit of helping others left a deep impression on the students.

This is my good deskmate. His name is Xiao Dong.

She is tall and has nothing noticeable, but she has a heart like gold. She is my deskmate, Li Yan.

On the second day of the semester, the teacher asked me to sit at the same table with her. At first I didn't care. A yellow haired girl can't compare with me.

The next day, after school in the afternoon, I lost my Chinese book because I was playing on the playground. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, because one third of a semester is a Chinese class. Now I have lost my Chinese book, but what can I do?

I stood in front of the desk, staring blankly at the blackboard. At this time, my deskmate seemed to find something. He extended his hand to friendship and asked with concern, "What's wrong?" Tell me? A tough man, lose face! Don't tell me? And I was stuffy in my heart. Forget it! As a member of the brigade, she reported that she thought: "Nothing, the Chinese book is lost!" "Nothing?" The other party looked surprised. Then she picked up the textbook and put it down again and again. Who knows what medicine is sold in the gourd. She hesitated for a moment and handed me the book: "Here you are. Don't be careless in the future." What, give it to me? I can't believe my ears. The yellow haired girl I always despised could say this. "What... what? Give it to me. How can you... what should you do?" I stammered out a few words after a long time. " "Never mind, I have a way." "What should I do today?" "Let's see." So we began to read early seriously.

After the last class, I slipped my books into her bag. However, when I got home, I opened my schoolbag, and the Chinese book was lying in it, my eyes were wet.

The next morning, she was reading with an old book. After class, I opened the old book and found that the cover had been torn, the upper corners of the pages turned inward, the spine line was broken, and two pages were missing. After class, I took my new book and changed it with her, but she didn't agree.

At noon, I found her copying something on the desk. Strange, no homework this morning? She does nothing but ghosts. I walked past, ah! She is copying two missing texts there. She read a sentence on the book and copied it on white paper the size of the page. The sound of "rustling" writing came to my ears, and the neat and beautiful words appeared in front of me. When she was tired, she shook her arms and then concentrated on copying. I was a little upset and decided to take it for copying, but she declined politely. After copying, she took out the paste and stuck the paper on it, and then sewed it with great effort.

"Ding Lingling..." After class, she picked up the old book and listened carefully. In an instant, my throat was blocked by the strong feelings aroused in my heart. I was moved by the love of this classmate, and burst into tears of happiness and pride.

My deskmate primary school (17)

When I was in the first grade, I had a close friend - Song Hua. She is very beautiful, her cheeks are red, like rose petals, and there are a pair of deep dimples on it, beating with her never stop smile. Her willow eyebrows are thin and long, and her big bright eyes sparkle with happiness like they can speak. Her hair is black and shiny, combed into two short braids, hanging down beside her ears, and also tied with two big red bows, like two beautiful butterflies flying in the flowers. She is good at singing and dancing. When she dances, she is as light as a swallow. When she sings, she is as gentle as a piano. She is still my deskmate.

Our homes are very close. We often review our lessons together, go to school together, and go home together.

Once when Song Hua and I were doing our homework, we accidentally found a color painting she had painted in the art group, so we picked it up and looked carefully: there was a dragon head on the picture, with its mouth open, eyes staring, horns sticking out, tongue sticking out. It was awe inspiring, murderous, not bad. It's so lifelike! Song Hua then found that I was looking at her paintings. Maybe she was a little shy, so she reached for them. I didn't respond at the moment. I was still holding the picture tightly, and only heard a sound of "Chi La". The picture was torn to pieces. I looked at the torn picture and said apologetically, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to draw another picture, OK?" Song Hua's face sank, his mouth pursed like a peg, and his mouth turned like a ladle in a water tank. She said angrily, "It's easy to say. This picture was drawn by me with difficulty. You still don't know what you painted!" Song Hua grabbed his bag and walked away without looking back. When I looked at her figure, I was so angry that I could not speak. From then on, neither of us called the other at school, and neither of us paid any attention to the other at school.

Soon, the school held a sports meeting, and there was my project in the morning, but it happened that I forgot to wear my sneakers. I was so anxious that I looked like ants on a hot pan. Oh, yes, Song Hua's feet were about the same size as mine. Ask her to borrow them. On second thought, I wouldn't do it!

Then a familiar face appeared in front of me. It was her! Song Hua said softly, "Hey, I'll change shoes with you." "Change shoes with you unless the sun comes out from the west." I said stubbornly. After listening to my words, she said to me: "I was bad last time, and I shouldn't have said those words. You can forgive me. You'd better change your shoes quickly, so as to give our class a good result." Thinking about what happened that day, it was my fault. I was a class leader, and I should be better than others everywhere, but I'm not as good as Peihua in this regard! I looked at those excited eyes and could not say a word.

I ran on the silver track and thought: I must run well! Because I tasted the sweet taste of solidarity and friendship between classmates.

My deskmate primary school (18)

Wearing ponytail, square glasses, neat teeth, a pair of grape like eyes embedded under sparse eyebrows, and pure yellow skin. Yes, she is my deskmate Yi Yuqing.

Speaking of our deskmates, they really match. In the three subjects of language, math and English, she is better at math, but I am better at Chinese and English. Now we are both tutors and tutors. I teach her if she can't understand in Chinese or English class, and she teaches me if I can't understand in math class. We complement each other and help each other.

She is particularly helpful. Once in an art class, I forgot to bring drawing paper, so I came to Yi Yuqing and said, "Yi Yuqing, I forgot to bring paper, can you borrow one?" She took a piece of paper out of the drawer for me without saying a word. Painting I found that he was punished by the art teacher for standing. He had only one piece of drawing paper and lent it to me, but he was punished himself. I felt sorry to see him talking.

Another time, I ate too many oranges and my nose bleeds. Yi Yuqing asked me enthusiastically, "Are you all right? Let me take you to the infirmary." After that, he helped me to the infirmary on the third floor. Doctor Zhou wiped my nose bleeds with paper, and then put a little "pain cream" on my wound. Later, the nosebleed stopped, and I thank him very much.

My deskmate is a kind, generous and helpful girl. I like to sit with her!