Goodbye, students (Collection 16)
Dusty memory
2024-03-02 01:03:51

Goodbye, students (1)

Goodbye, my alma mater classmates. If I were a bee, I would remember the nest where I was born; If I were a small fish, I could not forget the sea that gave birth to me; If I were an eagle, the boundless blue sky would become a brand in my heart; When the phoenix flies, it will sing for the sky. At this moment when the sound of parting footsteps is getting closer and closer, I want to be grateful to the beautiful campus where I grew up. Thank you for everything here

I am grateful to my classmates, who have accompanied me through thousands of days and nights to help me pass one contest after another; Work with me to complete one task after another that seems difficult and unattainable. When I am confused, share with me the learning experience I only know; When I want to give up and cry, encourage me to comfort me and tell me that everything will pass... I remember that time, I went to take the exam in Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School with several classmates. Although we failed in the end, we were not discouraged, because we both thought it was a happy experience, no matter whether we were successful or not.

Before taking the exam, we agreed to meet at the school gate. Everyone encouraged each other, especially one of my classmates said to me, "Come on, let's enter Jiayi Middle School together." This made my heart warm and full of hope. After more than 3 hours of waiting, we finally started the 45 minute written examination.

After looking through the test questions, I found that the difficulty was very high, not only the Olympic math questions, but also the Chinese test papers were all extra-curricular knowledge. I confidently began to answer the question, but I was in trouble when I reached the second question. The following questions were even worse. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. At this time, I remembered everyone's agreement and the careful and earnest exhortation during the exam, "When encountering a problem that you can't do, calm down and think about it, there will be a breakthrough".

I stared at the test questions without blinking, "Yes, there is a breakthrough!" One or two... I finally conquered all the questions.

Finish the test paper and enter the interview stage. I am not nervous, because I know that only by keeping a cool head can I accurately answer questions and strive for success with my dear classmates. But at the beginning, I was dumbfounded. This question allowed me to add punctuation marks to a sentence to express different meanings in one minute. I finally came up with one kind of sentence, and the second kind of sentence had not yet come and thought, and the time was up... The interview was finally over. I walked to the door with light steps, and couldn't help but burst into a big smile on my face, Because I saw my classmates coming out of the opposite classroom, they talked and laughed all the way.

Because of everyone's encouragement, I can be so calm on the test ground. This article=From Education AbstractGoodbye, dear students, it has been six years. During this time, we have tasted the ups and downs of life together, left indelible memories, and forged a friendship with the world. Goodbye, my alma mater.

Time flies. Six years have passed. You have changed me from an innocent child to an idealistic and knowledgeable teenager. No matter where I go in the future, I will never forget my dear alma mater.

Goodbye, students (2)

Looking back on the past, everything is still fresh in my mind. The words of farewell are like a key that instantly opened all the sealed memories of six years. Students, do you remember so many ups and downs, so many jokes and curses?

Do you remember the sports meeting last school year? That was the last time our class took part in the school sports meeting. The athletes sprinted desperately on the track, made a great leap on the high jump field, and gritted their teeth in the shot put field... We never beat the parallel class in fighting against each other for this last chance. Even the students who did not participate in the competition cheered and shouted at each arena until they were exhausted. When the news of the final victory came, everyone hugged and cried with joy.

In the past six years, we have achieved many successes together, and the victory of that sports meeting was just a small fruit. When we taste the sweet fruits, we also know how to work hard. After parting, as you walk alone into the most glorious years of youth, while remembering our friendship, do not forget that the flowers of success should be watered with hard work, and the fruits of success should be fed with sweat. This is the truth we extracted in six years.

Boys and girls, do you still remember the disappointing test papers? In the face of the strange eyes of teachers and parents, we comforted each other, opened up each other, and dissipated all the negative emotions that poured into our hearts. Each time, we can get up from the fall, and re bloom a confident and brilliant smile.

In the past six years, we have experienced countless failures together, and those unsatisfactory test papers are just a small spray. When we fell and climbed up countless times, we learned to be strong. After leaving, when you step into the most magnificent stage alone, you should remember that our happy life will not be smooth on the road to youth, there will always be many thorns, but short-term failure is not always, as long as you start again, success will wait for you ahead. This is the belief we have adhered to for six years.

"Just as you are young, you are in your prime!" A broader stage awaits us. Dry your tears and write more beautiful poems with our youth. Goodbye, students!

Goodbye, students (3)

September of 20xx is the month of the year when we were destined to separate. In that month of the year, students who have been together for six years will be separated, and friends who have been classmates for six years will be gone. My dear students, let us be strong, let us say goodbye with a smile.

The first grade, because accidentally let us walk together, because fate let us meet. We walked into Class 2, Class 3 and School 3. Since then, we have been friends and brothers and sisters.

In the second grade, when we were one year old, we had a new understanding of primary school, but we were still ignorant, and time passed by.

In the third and fourth grades, we have a collective consciousness. In the annual school sports meeting, Class 2 always tops the list of activities again and again. It is precisely because of our efforts and our unity that we have achieved remarkable results again and again. Going out, we can proudly say that I am from Class Two!

The fifth grade is a very interesting stage. There are always several boys in the class who like to chat and play and tease female classmates. Girls always scold him angrily and beat him. The boys seem to have achieved their goals and the girls are happy to play.

In the sixth grade, we knew that we were going to graduate and separate. After class, there was no fighting. We just wrote student records and kept writing about numbness, because we had to keep their handwriting engraved on our books forever.

At the end of the final examination and the day when I received my graduation certificate, the students were very strong, but I couldn't do it. I sat in the classroom, pondering deeply, letting the tears flow. I didn't want to, I didn't want to leave, but this thought was just a delusion. So, let me sit down and recall every bit of the past six years??????

My dear students, goodbye. Let's remember the best memory of primary school in our hearts. Let's remember the day when grade one began, we carried our schoolbags and walked into Class 3 and Class 2.

Dear students, goodbye.

Goodbye, students (4)

Six years, long? Not long, short? It is not too short. It is enough to ferment the thoughts and make a cup of fragrant sake. In the past six years, there have been quarrels, calculations, suspicions, and... But now, all the unhappiness has turned into ashes, and has been gently blown away by the wind of time, leaving only beautiful and happy memories like pearls. Goodbye, my classmates.

Six years ago, we came to this class full of light and love. From strangers to acquaintances, from acquaintances to inseparable, it was a hard process, it was also beautiful, and it was unforgettable. Now, we have to wave goodbye with regret and blessing at the place where we met at the first time. Do not give up, yes, do not give up, except for not giving up, there is no other feeling in our heart.

When I was young, I didn't know how to cherish it. I thought that there was still a long time to study together. I always laughed at those who were sad because of leaving. Only when I experienced it personally, I knew how impressed I was!

Thinking about what kind of pen and ink should be used to write the beautiful time that has passed away, a few sighs, a few photos, a few interesting things, the young time, the simplest happiness, but the sweetest years, are framed in time to save the simplest smile. When you are young, you are innocent and carefree. When you listen to the wind and rain, you can only stay true.

Meditate, it seems that you can hear the groans of nostalgia when time goes by. The round and round dull, perhaps, always after the uproar, only know how to hide in the corner to miss those who used to feel, not to give up the time. Many memories have quietly disappeared. But there are always some pieces of scattered, quiet existence.

The scenery outside the window is still the same for several years. The plane trees that witnessed our six-year friendship with classmates have turned green and yellow, yellow and green... We played command for six years. In retrospect, we were criticized by teachers together, punished together, made trouble together, escaped together, escaped together from classes we didn't like, concealed together, pretended to be stupid together, and said bad things about others behind our backs together, Joking with each other, sharing the candy sent by the teacher... But all of them should be added with the word "Zeng". These precious moments, which are as dazzling as diamonds, have become the past, but they have left scores in my memory

Now, time is close, things are, people are not.

Close the curtain, maybe it can block the cloudy sky outside the window, but it can't stop my thoughts flying all over the sky. Since the fate can't let us continue to walk together, let me call again softly at the intersection of life: "Goodbye, my dear classmates"

Goodbye, students (5)

Students, four years of getting along with each other will be different again. I hope you can make progress in your study and remember me, because we used to study together; We once discussed topics together; We used to argue about a good thing, but then we made up. If it wasn't for the reunion, would it be ok?

I am very sad that my classmates who used to share weal and woe go their separate ways. But I know that people always have different times. Each parting is accompanied by tears, accompanied by reluctance, but there will always be a parting, hoping that one day we will meet.

Here, I want to thank you for taking care of me for four years. I used to be a shift boy, but you didn't laugh at me for being a shift boy, or a country bumpkin from the countryside. Sometimes I make some jokes, but you don't care. You will help me when I am in trouble; When I said something wrong, you didn't mind too much; You are helping me all the time.

Four years is neither too much nor too much. The students all hope that time can stop and stop flowing forward. However, time is still walking slowly, and it flows from our fingers like water, "ticking". When we find that we want to catch it, it has disappeared. Destiny brings us to the same sky, chasing together, growing up together, laughing together... countless happy days, countless confiding nights, countless gorgeous and simple moments... We create together, experience together, watch everything we have gone through together... In the familiar campus, slowly become eternal memories. This is the first time I cried when I left, the first time I cried because I left. I don't know how long the road is, but I know this is my first time to leave and say goodbye to my classmates. I cried so sad for the first time because my classmates and best friends were about to leave me.

When I was young, I didn't know what parting was, let alone the sadness of parting. Maybe, 10 years later today, we may meet in a street; Maybe I will know in a corner of the computer; Maybe I will work together in a company... Whatever happened before has turned into beautiful memories. I hope you can study and work hard!

I hope that time will stop, which is the common hope of all those who are about to part, but time does not understand us at all, and it is still passing by minute by second, slipping away from the pen; Slip away from the keyboard.

Farewell, how painful it is for me, a shift change student. I feel lonely alone, without the usual laughter and laughter, and without the usual lively atmosphere; There is no usual happy conversation. I always feel that there is something missing.

Goodbye, my alma mater. Goodbye, my classmates. Goodbye, my good friends from different classes!

Goodbye, students (6)

In a blink of an eye, time has slipped from my hands, and I will say goodbye to my alma mater, my classmates, and my teachers.

Six years ago, I was a child who could do nothing, but I never became able under the teacher's guidance. The teacher not only told me that I would never become able, but also taught us knowledge to make us the future of our country, ah! Teacher, you are the gardener on campus. I will never forget you. Goodbye, teacher.

Students, we have just arrived at school, and we don't know anyone. But, day by day, we begin to have feelings, that is friendship. We play together, go to school and finish school together. However, we are about to graduate and have to leave. I can't bear to part with everyone! However, I believe we will meet again. Goodbye, students.

And my alma mater, how beautiful you are! A beautiful flower bed contains chrysanthemums, lilies, roses... Especially in autumn, chrysanthemums are in full bloom. It's very comfortable to walk in the flower bed.

There are also mango books on both sides of the school road. In the spring, mango flowers bloom on the trees, which is very fragrant. Walking along the school road makes people reluctant to leave.

Although it is beautiful outside the classroom, it is also beautiful inside. After the classroom, there are beautiful pictures. The things on the platform are neat, the table is neat, and the table is clean, as if it has been wiped with oil

Although my alma mater is so beautiful, I still have to leave, because I will go to another school! Goodbye, my alma mater.

"Time flies like an arrow." Six years have passed. I want to say goodbye to my teachers, classmates and alma mater, but I will always remember you!

Goodbye, students (7)

"Students of Happy School, first of all, thank you and the teacher for taking care of me for many days, so that I can get today's results. Second, I want to tell you that we have started school, and I can only go to Happy School on vacation, unless I ask very important questions. So we have to say goodbye for a while. " I hope you can remember me and continue to vote for me after the holiday. bye.

Goodbye, students (8)

As I was about to enter junior high school, I felt very uncomfortable. Because we are going to say goodbye to the students who spend six years together. I'm not sure that we will meet again, but this is also a slim chance.

I remember that time, when I went downstairs, I didn't step on the stairs and fell heavily on them. Cause I can't stand up. At this time, one of my classmates saw me. Without saying a word, he took me to the infirmary. Finally, he sent me to the hospital. Accompanied me all the way. When I arrived at the hospital, I found that it was a fracture. After dressing, he sent me back home and held me up when I went up the stairs

How pure and kind the hearts of the students in primary school are. I really don't want to leave. I don't know what will happen in junior high school?

Goodbye, students (9)

Six years ago, we graduated.

The most unforgettable is the blackboard we learned; The most unforgettable, solidarity and mutual help students;

Once I could only rely on, now I must throw away my crutches and learn to walk by myself.

How can I forget.

In the morning, you greet me with the most innocent smile;

At dusk, say goodbye with the most sincere words;

Because of you, I have laughter in my life; Only then had the courage to face the setback.

Goodbye, dear students.

Although we cannot be together from today on, my heart will always stand with you;

Goodbye, dear students.

Although from today on, we can't have classes in the same class again, my heart will always belong to you.

Singing in the past, singing in the glory of tomorrow; The fragments of the past, I don't know where to scatter them!

We applaud for being classmates in this life!

Goodbye, students (10)

In the past, I always complained that graduation was far away from us, but in the blink of an eye, we had to go our separate ways. Somehow, we cried when we did well in the exam, and turned around to see that all the students' eyes were red!

For six years, we have experienced ups and downs along the way, with laughter and tears crying. Usually, our class fights and quarrels, but today we have so many beautiful memories

I remember that the day before the exam, I fought with Jin Jie, Xu Hangmin, Zhang Hangyu and Wang Yuhao; We also quarreled with Wang Ting, Chen Jing and Zhu Ting, but today we seem to have become much heavier

Little by little memories form a beautiful picture: we sit on the grass like grass, enjoying the warmth of the sun, talking about our feelings and our agreement.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, we are going to bid farewell to our alma mater, teachers and students who watched us grow up. Although we are full of reluctance, we are very clear that no one can grasp tomorrow. But we believe that we will meet at the end of the victory.

Goodbye, alma mater, I'm proud of you today; I believe that tomorrow, you will be proud of me!!!!

Goodbye, teacher, "the silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." You are the spring silkworm, teacher, and you are the candle. I will never forget your kindness to me! I will always remember you!!!!

Goodbye, students, park your heart in the harbor where the clouds rise, secretly carve friendship in your heart, and tie you and me tightly with a thread of friendship at the end of time!

Goodbye, students (11)

Goodbye, teacher. Students' composition 1

In the past, I always complained that graduation was far away from us, but in the blink of an eye, we had to go our separate ways. Somehow, we cried when we did well in the exam, and turned around to see that all the students' eyes were red!

For six years, we have experienced ups and downs along the way, including laughter, tears and tears. Usually, our class fights and quarrels, but today we have so many beautiful memories

I remember that the day before the exam, I fought with Jin Jie, Xu Hangmin, Zhang Hangyu and Wang Yuhao; We also quarreled with Wang Ting, Chen Jing and Zhu Ting, but today we seem to be feeling a lot heavier

Little by little memories form a beautiful picture: we sit on the grass like grass, enjoying the warmth of the sun, talking about our feelings and our agreement.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, we are going to leave the alma mater, teachers and students who are watching us grow. Although our hearts are full of reluctance, it is very clear that no one can grasp tomorrow. But we believe that we will meet at the end of the victory.

Goodbye, alma mater, I'm proud of you today; I believe that tomorrow, you will be proud of me!!!!

Goodbye, teacher, "the silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." Teacher, you are the spring silkworm, you are the candle torch, and I will never forget your kindness to me! I will always remember you!!!!

Goodbye, students, park your heart in the harbor where the clouds rise, secretly carve friendship in your heart, and bind you and me firmly with a thread of friendship at the end of time!

Goodbye, teacher. Students' composition 2

In a blink of an eye, time has slipped from my hands, and I will say goodbye to my alma mater, my classmates, and my teachers.

Six years ago, I was still a child who could do nothing, but I never became able under the teacher's guidance. The teacher not only told me that I would never become able, but also taught us knowledge to make us the future of our country, ah! Teacher, you are a gardener on campus. I will never forget you. Goodbye, teacher.

And my alma mater, how beautiful you are! There are chrysanthemums, lilies and roses in a beautiful flower bed. Especially in autumn, chrysanthemums are in full bloom. It's very pleasant to walk in the flower bed.

There are also mango books on both sides of the school road. In the spring, mango flowers bloom on the trees, which is very fragrant. Walking along the school road makes people reluctant to leave.

Of course, the outside of the classroom is beautiful, but the inside is also beautiful. The back of the classroom is covered with beautiful pictures, the things on the platform are neat, the table is neat, and the table is clean, as if it has been smeared with oil

Although my alma mater is so beautiful, I still have to leave, because I will go to another school! Goodbye, my alma mater.

"Time flies like an arrow." Six years have passed. I want to say goodbye to my teachers, classmates and alma mater, but I will always remember you!

Goodbye, students (12)

Six years of primary school, how many ups and downs, so that I know many students. They brought me countless joys and left countless beautiful memories in my mind. I want to say to my classmates: "My good friend! Goodbye!"

We are about to graduate from primary school, but in my opinion, their best friends are still:

girl student:

Jiajia, she is my good friend when I go to school and go home.

Yes, we used to be bosom friends.

Sunny, our happy friends playing.

Huihui, our good friend in class.

Xinxin, our joking friend.

Ningning is the most intimate and friendly friend up to now.


Feng Feng, a friend who used to like you.

Feifei, still like my friend.

Kui Kui, silently likes each other. Your voice and face, happiness with you, and consideration for each other. Your kindness, I will never forget. Every night, the stars in the sky, I think of your smile brighter than the stars. My joyful heart, once frozen by indifference, was dissolved by your smile. When playing, eating, sleeping, On holidays, when you are alone, when you are in a daze, when you are happy... I think of you... How are you today? I miss your heart dancing in the Haisi rain. When will it stop? I don't know? You know what? I really put it in your hands, please protect it, ok? Our best friend and favorite.

Cherish our friendship, diffuse our fantasy, let us never forget.

I wish you: peace forever! happy forever! Always happy!

Goodbye, students (13)

Flowers bloom and fall, time flies. Six years passed in a twinkling of an eye. We are about to leave. We all have too much reluctance in our hearts, but we still have to leave.

Our class is very different, because the people in our class are very personalized and optimistic. No matter where, when, no matter being criticized; It is because the exam is not good; Or job rewriting. None of them can affect our good mood. In the words of the Chinese teacher, we are "not seeking progress"

In our class, the psychological endurance should be strong. If the teacher doesn't come, the classroom is like a vegetable market. When you speak, I speak. It's really noisy; At noon, we made a scene, some people fought with brooms; Some people play ball games in the classroom; Some people even play cards. They are really all kinds of strange things; Pass notes under the teacher's eyes in class. In the words of the math teacher, it is "hopeless."

Don't think that if we enjoy ourselves, our study will be bad. We are in the top three in every Chinese exam, and our strength should not be underestimated!

Every time our teacher didn't come, we became more aggressive, and we stopped doing exercises during the break. We began to fight in groups in class. We girls are the most loyal. One girl was bullied and all the girls got together. The boy told the teacher that he came back and continued to fight. It was really "dumb people eat coptis - it's hard to say"!

All of this is over, let's fly our dreams and break our own sunny days! Let's fight! come on.

Goodbye, students (14)

Six years of ups and downs we face together, six years of ups and downs we walked hand in hand, more than two thousand days of laughter and laughter constitute our eternal memory, more than two thousand days of day and night together refined our eternal friendship, however, "there is no feast that never ends", and we have come to say goodbye. Goodbye, students. Looking back, I still remember everything. Farewell words like a key, instantly opened all the sealed memories of six years. Students, do you remember so many ups and downs, so many jokes and curses? Do you remember the sports meeting last school year? That was the last time our class took part in the school sports meeting. The athletes sprinted desperately on the track, made a great leap on the high jump field, and gritted their teeth in the shot put field... We never beat the parallel class in fighting against each other for this last chance. Even the students who did not participate in the competition cheered and shouted at each arena until they were exhausted. When the news of the final victory came, everyone hugged and cried with joy. In the past six years, we have achieved many successes together, and the victory of that sports meeting was just a small fruit. When we taste the sweet fruits, we also know how to work hard. After parting, as you walk alone into the most glorious years of youth, while remembering our friendship, do not forget that the flowers of success should be watered with hard work, and the fruits of success should be fed with sweat. This is the truth we extracted in six years. Boys and girls, do you still remember the disappointing test papers? In the face of the strange eyes of teachers and parents, we comforted each other, opened up each other, and dissipated all the negative emotions that poured into our hearts. Each time, we can get up from the fall, and re bloom a confident and brilliant smile. In the past six years, we have experienced countless failures together, and those unsatisfactory test papers are just a small spray. When we fell and climbed up countless times, we learned to be strong. After leaving, when you step into the most magnificent stage alone, you should remember that while we live happily, we should also remember that the road of youth will not be smooth, there will always be many thorns, but short-term failure is not always, as long as you start again, success will wait for you in the front. This is the belief we have adhered to for six years. Goodbye, class. Countless words want to tell, countless feelings want to tell, but in this "holding hands and looking at tears", it only turns into words of exhortation. Goodbye, students. "Just as you are young, you are in your prime!" A broader stage awaits us. Dry your tears and write more beautiful poems with our youth. Goodbye, students! Brief comment: Pieces of memory spell out unforgettable feelings, common growth and a new starting point of life.

Goodbye, students (15)

"Go as you go, come as you come. What a hurry it is in the middle of going?" The time of primary school is coming to an end in a twinkling of an eye, and we are going to say goodbye to our classmates and teachers.

The memory of primary school is indelible, such as throwing paper balls in class, chasing and beating after class, and being scolded by teachers.

I remember when we were in Grade One or Grade Two, we had PE class. We played eagle and chicken. We had a good time. The two eagles chased the chickens. I was a chicken. When the eagle was about to catch it, the mother chicken twisted her body with a brainwave and ran quickly with her calf. We held our clothes in hand and kept close to each other.

We are so innocent, but how can we graduate soon? Why can I graduate soon? Why don't I cherish the time. How did he go? It was like a drop of water on the tip of a needle, dripping into the ocean stream, without sound or shadow, and fleeting.

Six years in primary school, three years in junior high school, three years in senior high school, and four years in college. Primary school is the longest. Accompanied your crazy classmates for six years, a test paper scattered a group of people.

I cherish the last time and draw a perfect end to the primary school.

You know what? What impressed me most was when we went to Science and Technology and Wudian City, but the bus broke down, so we didn't go there. In the afternoon, we went to Wudian City, where we had food and drink. The house there is very traditional, and there is a commentator, which relieves us. Students from other schools also came. I still remember that time.

We are nearing graduation, but I cannot bear to part with you.

Goodbye to my classmates and teachers.

Goodbye, students (16)

The most unforgettable is the blackboard we learned; The most unforgettable, solidarity and mutual help students;

Once I could only rely on, now I must throw away my crutches and learn to walk by myself.

How can I forget.

In the morning, you greet me with the most innocent smile;

At dusk, say goodbye with the most sincere words;

Because of you, I have laughter in my life; Only then had the courage to face the setback.

Goodbye, dear students.

Although we cannot be together from today on, my heart will always stand with you;

Goodbye, dear students.

Although from today on, we can't have classes in the same class again, my heart will always belong to you.

Singing in the past, singing in the glory of tomorrow; The fragments of the past, I don't know where to scatter them!

We applaud for being classmates in this life!