Composition of Being a Coach (8 refined articles)
2023-08-10 04:16:12
Grade 6

Composition of Being a Coach (1)

Since I was born 9 years ago, the most unforgettable thing for me is my first time as a vitality board coach. Whenever my friend Shen Libin comes to my house and I perform a vitality board for him, he is very envious, and finally decides to buy a vitality board to learn from me. The next day, Shen Libin came to my house with a 360 yuan vitality board. He knocked on the door and shouted, "Lin Yupeng, here I come!"

So, we took a pot of water and a vitality board and went to the Post Children's Center next door to slide the vitality board. I first taught Shen Libin to get on the board, and while demonstrating, I said, "Look, first put your left foot on the front board, and then put your right foot 5 to 8 cm below the axle, and then put your right foot gently on the ground, and slowly put your right foot on the back board." After that, I helped him balance on the board, and taught him to accelerate and turn when he could balance. I said, "When turning left, step forward with your right foot, and when turning right, step forward with your right foot." So I gave a demonstration, and I said, "Accelerate, move your right foot forward and backward, and quickly." I asked him to practice. When he fell, I helped him up again. I never tire of teaching him again and again. After practicing for a while, Shen Libin said that he would, so I "assessed" him. After passing the examination, he jumped three feet high with joy. When we are tired of practice, we will go home. Alas!

It's hard to be a successful coach!

It is unforgettable to have not only methods but also patience.

Composition of Being a Coach (2)

One summer afternoon, the weather was hot and the swimming was cool. I asked my father to take me to the gym to swim. My father didn't take me away and promised to take me swimming. I excitedly reached out the "V" sign and said, "Yeah!"

Dad drove straight to his destination. I changed my swimsuit and couldn't wait to get into the pool. I think it's too lonely to swim alone. It's better to find a partner to swim with. That's fun! So I kept looking around and around. People who didn't know what I was doing thought what I was doing! In the process of swimming, I have been watching a little girl who is about my age. Look at her swimming style, she should be learning backstroke!

I swam over and asked, "Do you want to learn backstroke?" She said "Hmm". I said, "Why don't I teach you?" Her mood immediately improved. "Good! Good! Quickly teach me! Quickly teach me!" Her excitement was all written on her face.

So I became a swimming coach. First, hold the inner wall of the swimming pool with both hands, bend the legs together, and reach the inner wall of the swimming pool with both feet. Then, with a sudden kick of both feet, the arms open, the legs keep pushing in the water in a small range, and the body will slowly move to the rear. After saying that, I demonstrated it once.

After the demonstration, I said, "Try it!" At first, she always held her nose in one hand for fear of choking on the water, and only extended her other arm. But I told her, "If you hold your nose in one hand, your body will sink easily!" I demonstrated again.

She also followed my example and did it again. Although it looked awkward, it was much better than before. She also felt that she could not swim well, so she practiced again and again.

Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, she learned backstroke. Ha ha, please praise me as a swimming coach!

Composition of Being a Coach (3)

First time as a coach Composition 1

We put on our sneakers and walked from home to the football field. It was not long before I arrived, and I asked him: "What do you want to learn first?" He said: "I want to be a striker, and I want to learn how to shoot." When I heard that, I knew it well, nodded and said: "OK."

I'm going to teach him how to shoot first. I asked him, "How about practicing penalty shooting today?" He said, "Good!" I said, "The penalty is shot on the white spot in front of the goal. Before you shoot, you should stand at the place where the ball forms an arc, and then hit hard. "I gave him a demonstration, and he began to practice. I asked him to play Buddhism first, and then hit the goalkeeper's door. He put the ball on the spot, and then formed an arc with the ball. Then he ran and hit with all his strength. I thought he was OK, and I was very excited.

"I will be the goalkeeper. Although I am a striker, I can also be a goalkeeper," I said. He put the ball in the right place as before, but he stood farther than before. He ran quickly and hit the ball directly into the door with a strong kick. The ball has speed and strength. It's great! My heart gave him a thumbs up. After several times of training, he mastered shooting skills, and I taught him.

The forward has many passing skills. I taught him some simple skills. First, I taught him to touch his right foot lightly with his left foot. I demonstrated it to him once, and he saw it. It seemed simple, but it was difficult to do. Because he would use too much force, he made several rounds. At first, as I thought, I said to him, "Use the force, but don't use too much, don't use too little, use it properly." He practiced for a while, and then learned.

It's late at night, and he and I are tired of practicing. We can only teach him here today. He learned to play football and looked very happy. As for me, I am also very happy to receive such a good disciple.

First time as a coach Composition 2

One afternoon during the summer vacation, the weather was hot and the swimming was cool. I asked my father to take me to the gym to swim. My father didn't withdraw me and allowed me to go swimming. I happily reached out the "V" sign and said, "Yeah!"

Dad drove straight to his destination. I changed my swimsuit and couldn't wait to get into the pool. I think it's too lonely to swim alone. It's better to find a partner to swim with. That's fun! So, I keep looking around, keep looking around, do not know what people still think I do! In the process of swimming, I have been paying attention to a little girl. Spring and Autumn are similar to me. Look at her swimming style, she should be learning backstroke!

I swam over and asked, "Do you want to learn backstroke?" She said "Hmm". I said, "Why don't I teach you?" Her mood immediately improved. "Good! Good! Quickly teach me! Quickly teach me!" Her happiness was all written on her face.

So I became a swimming coach. First, hold the inner wall of the swimming pool with both hands, bend the legs together, and reach the inner wall of the swimming pool with both feet. Then, with a sudden kick of both feet, the arms open, the legs keep pushing in the water in a small range, and the body will slowly move to the rear. After saying that, I demonstrated it once.

After the demonstration, I said, "Try it!" At first, she always held her nose in one hand for fear of choking on the water, and only extended her other arm. But I told her, "If you hold your nose with one hand, your body will sink easily!" I demonstrated again.

She also tried to imitate me. Although she looked a little awkward, she was much better than before. She also felt that she could not swim well, so she trained again and again.

Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, she learned backstroke. Ha ha, please praise me as a swimming coach!

First time as a coach Composition 3

Since I was born 9 years ago, the most unforgettable thing for me is my first time as a vitality board coach. Whenever my friend Shen Libin comes to my house and I perform a vitality board for him, he is very envious, and finally decides to buy a vitality board to learn from me. The next day, Shen Libin came to my house with a 360 yuan vitality board. He knocked on the door and shouted, "Lin Yupeng, here I come!"

So, we took a pot of water and a vitality board and went to the center of the Post children's next door to slide the vitality board. I first taught Shen Libin to get on the board. As I demonstrated, I said, "Look, first put your left foot on the front board, and then put your right foot 5 to 8 cm below the axle. Then put your right foot gently on the ground, and slowly put your right foot on the back board." After that, I helped him balance on the board, and taught him to accelerate and turn when he could balance. I said, "When turning left, step forward with your right foot, and when turning right, step forward with your right foot." So I gave a demonstration, and I said, "Accelerate, move your right foot forward and backward, and quickly." I asked him to train. When he fell, I helped him up again. I never tire of teaching him again and again. After practicing for a while, Shen Libin said that he would, so I "assessed" him. After passing the examination, he jumped three feet high with excitement. When we are tired of practice, we will go home. Alas!

It's hard to be a successful coach!

It is unforgettable to have not only methods but also patience.

Composition of Being a Coach (4)

I am a little fitness coach

In daily study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is my carefully written composition as a fitness trainer for your reference. I hope it can help those in need.

"Hmmm." From my home, there were bursts of shrieks at the top of my lungs. It turned out that I was working as a little fitness trainer!

When I got home, I quickly finished my homework. As a coach, I came to the first member - my father with a mysterious face. The smart dad suddenly saw that today was unusual, and immediately asked me about it. I specially raised my voice and said strangely, "Today we are going to do a new fitness exercise - lie down and lift up, but you feel good!"

But Dad was not afraid, as if he had a plan in mind: "Come on!" - he was full of determination and faith. As a little coach, I directed my father to put his hands behind his back and his feet together. Dad also made adequate preparations. His head was buried on the pillow, his body was as straight as a pine tree, and he had the appearance of a deputy soldier. Just look at your appearance. It depends on how many you can make in a minute. The stopwatch changes rapidly at the coach's command. In the first 20 seconds, my father seemed very relaxed. I didn't pay attention to this movement at all, but I thought to myself: "How long can you hold on!" Sure enough, after ten times of lying on his stomach and raising his head, my father acted like a video card, and slowed down significantly. The sweat on his head slowly seeped out, his face became red, and his mouth made a low snort. The movements were also significantly clumsy, and the body became stiff. It's like a swan with broken wings, struggling and making a unified gesture: lift up, get down, get up, get down for a rest... I also think it's the dancer's curtain call, until he became increasingly powerless, he wanted to renege on his debt, but was scared by the coach's authority, so I had to be obedient to arrest. I was very happy to see my father's sad appearance! Finally, a total of 31 were made.

Dad did quite a lot of prone lifting, looking forward to his mother to surpass him. I came to the second member - Mom. When my mother knew my father's achievements, she could not help worrying. Because my mother and my father were a pair of "sworn enemies", they always wanted to surpass each other. Then my mother obediently lay on the bed and posed as if determined to fight with my father. At the beginning of the one minute timer, my mother seemed to feel that the first few things were done with ease, and she immediately slackened off a little, but the good show had just begun. Soon mother began to wail. Her feet kept shaking, like a fish ready to be slaughtered jumping over a wall. Almost half a minute later, she began to scream: "Ah!" She stretched her neck hard, chin raised high, like a fat swan singing loudly. She buries herself in the pillow for the first time, which is really a standard "dog gnaws mud". At the last five seconds, she felt like giving up, lying on the bed, "snorting" and gasping, weakly wailing, "Is it a minute yet?"

"Hold on, it's fast, put your hands behind your back, don't loosen!" The coach scolded seriously. When I didn't notice that she put her hands on the bed, I quickly pressed her feet and "withdrew" her arms. "Ah --" Mom's shrill cry was eight degrees higher. Time is up, thirty-three. "Not bad - you can teach!" - the coach said happily. My mother looked at me and asked me to show her my hand.

I lowered my head, took a breath, and stretched my feet straight, waiting for my mother's order. "Start!" - Just after my mother's words fell, I quickly leaned up, "Bang, bang, bang!" - My head hit the bed violently, trying to use the gravity to lift me up quickly. By 30 seconds, my mother told me that I had done more than 20. But slowly, like my parents, I was a little powerless. My neck began to ache slightly, and my waist felt as if I had been anesthetized. The speed slowed down. Every time I lifted my body, I felt a force of gravity pressing me. Then I used my waist strength to tighten the muscles of my whole body, and suddenly lifted it. Ah ah! My backbone! ah My waist plate! When I did thirty or forty times, my whole body seemed paralyzed, my head was dizzy, my neck was stiff, and my legs were no longer flexible... I could not help but stop legally, when I suddenly thought: "I am a coach! How can I not compete with the students?" Thinking of this, I clenched my teeth and tried to tilt up. "One, two, three..." The cry in my heart beat my speed. It's over, wow! I have done more than 50, which is beyond my expectation. Mom and Dad bowed down and exclaimed: "The coach is so powerful!" When sorting out, they felt happy beyond words.

It seems that you must have perseverance to succeed in any sport! This prostration and lifting brought a lot of fun to our family.

Composition of Being a Coach (5)

Today, my sister came to my house. I was very happy. My sister heard that I have a pair of skates, so she asked me to teach her how to skate. I'd love to be her coach. When we came to the tennis court, my sister rushed to wear skates. I told my sister that I would slide for you first. My sister agreed. I put on my skates, and put on my hands and knees. I stood firm and quickly slid forward. My sister is fascinated. She also wants to try. My sister put on her skates. As soon as she stood up, she fell down. I lifted her up and encouraged him to say, "Be brave. She was very happy and said repeatedly, "Thank you, little coach!" She wrote 200 words as a coach for the first time

Composition of Being a Coach (6)

I have practiced table tennis for four months. In our team, I caught up with all my classmates who learned earlier than me. Today, my father gave me a task to coach my mother.

At the beginning, I was a little unsure. When I tried to practice for a while, the ball could hit every shot, and I was in high spirits. I said, "Mom, there are three tasks in our day: the first is to hit the wall, 20 of which are qualified; the second is forehand, 10; and the third is backhand, 10." Mom said seriously, "The students are determined to complete the task." After that, Mom practiced on the wall seriously. I saw that my mother's grip angle was incorrect, so I immediately corrected it and demonstrated it. My mother soon corrected it. I timely praise: "How nice."

Then I practiced forehand. I stood on the side and handed the ball to my mother. At this time, I found that passing the ball is very important, and the players must be in place to do a good job. I thought my mother practiced well and began to fight. My mother just finished the task. It seems that my coach's estimation is quite accurate.

The last level was backhand paddle. My mother couldn't feel it for a moment. I said, "Don't worry, look at my slow motion." I slowly broke down the motion and handed the ball to my mother. The effect was really good. Then my mother tried to pass the ball by herself, and this time she overfulfilled the task.

I gave a thumbs up and said, "You are great." My mother said, "You are a good coach." I was very happy to teach others.

Composition of Being a Coach (7)

Recently, my brother saw my superb skateboarding skills, envied me very much, and decided to let me be his coach.

So I thought happily: Hehe, I can finally become a coach this time, and then started training. At the beginning, I told them that the most important thing in skateboarding is to master balance, and then teach them how to step on the skateboard. First step on the side of the skateboard with your right foot, then slide for a while, and then step on the left foot quickly, and each foot must step on the center, After an hour of repeated training, my brother finally stepped on the skateboard, but within one second, he fell down and got a dog to eat. My brother cried, "This is not fun at all, I will not learn," and my brother swaggered away, and I hurried forward, Pulling his clothes, he said, "You should be patient when learning anything. It's not a matter of learning everything at once. Like learning English, can you master all the grammar knowledge as soon as you learn English? And there is a famous saying:" Failure is the mother of success, have you heard? "The younger brother nodded, we bought a Band Aid, stuck it on, and continued to practice, We continued to practice, and we learned the second part, which is to master balance. I took my younger brother to the balance beam first, and his younger brother asked without thinking, "Aren't we learning to skateboard? Why are we going to walk the balance beam?" I quickly told my younger brother the truth. My younger brother was very anxious to run on the balance beam, and I quickly pulled him down, Said: "We should learn from Kung Fu Panda. We should be calm and not impatient in everything we do. Otherwise, we will not be able to do everything well. My younger brother walked with a pattern. Then I taught him how to skate. With the force of shaking his back foot, I pushed the skateboard forward with his inertia. I held him with my hands carefully. He slipped and almost fell. Fortunately, I helped him steadily I was so shocked that my younger brother tried and was afraid of falling. We kept practicing every night. After a week of practice, my younger brother was finally able to slide by himself. I said, "Every day, you are so good, so I gave my younger brother the skateboard as a reward.

A few days later, we gathered in the old place again. He took a skateboard and played a few tricks for me. I clapped my hands and applauded. My brother made such great progress.

Although the teaching process was very hard and tiring, I was very happy because I learned a lot from it when I was a coach.

Composition of Being a Coach (8)

This time, I became a coach, but not to teach children, but to teach parents. I'm a competent little coach. I'm not fierce at all. I'll give them a demonstration.

At first, I swam for a while. When I saw my mother swimming (thinking), I found that she was swimming incorrectly, so I went to teach her how to float first, and she would float. But I didn't dare to let go of the railing. Even if I stepped back, I didn't dare to float. With my help (and encouragement), she finally let go of the railing. My father held his breath for a long time (in the water), but he couldn't float. He bent like a big shrimp. When I taught him how to float (told him how to float), he would float. It was great! When I taught him, I pulled his leg up (hard) and fell down as soon as I let go, which made me breathless. He (finally) can let go of the railing, but he just drifts back and instigates

Finally, under my guidance, my mother learned leg movements, (but still) could not swim breaststroke, but could only swim in the water like a fire arrow (hands crossed, feet swimming forward), which made my father and I laugh backwards and forwards; Dad will float forward

This happy day passed like this.