86 moving sentences
Icebound sunset
2023-07-29 17:31:15
Complete sentences

1. From now on, let's go together. We have exquisite thoughts together.

2. I never like accommodating, but I have compromised for you for a long time with the cleanest sincerity.

3. I always want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

4. The worst way to lose someone is to be close to him as if he were far away.

5. The rain drenched air, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

6. Thank you for letting me meet you. Although the journey is far, it is not long. The time is very short. I will recall my life.

7. What I think is the deepest love is that after separation, I will live like you.

8. Marriage can never be used to save a broken love, broken love can only get broken marriage.

9. The furthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but when I'm by your side, you don't know I love you.

10. How many times have I wanted to see your happy smile, and how many times have I accompanied you to enjoy the beauty of relative whispering.

11. Don't always think that there is something better in the future. What you have now is the best. For love, the more simple the happier.

12. As long as you hold your hand, there is a dream in front of you, a poem in your ear, and a legend in the past and future.

13. I hope that when love fades away and returns to its plain body, we can still hold each other's hands and walk on.

14. Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who doesn't like you won't believe it.

15. It takes courage to love someone, because he needs a lifetime of waiting. I will bear your troubles and share my happiness.

16. No matter what you look like in the eyes of others, you will always be a silly girl in my eyes, and I only have to protect you.

17. Loneliness is the sin of being forgiven. Forgetting the sentence of which song, gorgeous sadness, and loving and being loved from beginning to end are injuries.

18. Missing is a season of flower fragrance, overflowing the valley, enveloping you and me; Blessing is boundless attention, overflowing from eyes to heart.

19. The closer you think, the farther you feel. You are in a foreign land, but the bright moon is always with me. When will we be reunited again?

20. It's really good to grow old with you. It's good to hold your hand and grow old with you!

21. I only ask you to say a sincere word to me, a word that can only be said once in a lifetime, and a word that only I can understand.

22. Love is precious only when it comes to points. Many people don't know how to cherish what they have. Only to lose to see, in fact, the most familiar is the most precious.

23. The same time flows, but different feelings are moved. This season, there is lovely sunshine and gentle breeze, just because I know you.

24. Go to a warm city, open a warm shop, and wait to meet some warm people. This should be the dream of many people!

25. Everyone will be tired, and no one can bear all the sadness and fatigue for you, so people always have a period of time to learn to grow up on their own.

26. If you think I'm a kite, you should either fly me or take me home. Don't tie me with an invisible emotion, which will hurt my heart.

27. We all have the right to be loved and the opportunity to be spoiled. But sometimes when we meet someone we really like, we can give up our dignity.

28. I would like to say to you that you are all to me in my heart. I do not ask you to love me with the same amount, but just want your comfort and understanding.

29. If you really love me, please call me as soon as possible, so that a person who loves you deeply will suffer less. I love you, involuntarily.

30. The space formed by singing is free to come and go in time, so the face of the person who is still protecting has never changed and there is a huge and endless hate.

31. You don't have to think so much. The future is not important. The important thing is that we are together at the moment. In the future, I will also be by your side.

32. I eat rice every day and all I think about is you! I never eat noodles. I want to see you every day! I just drink and don't eat food. I will blame you in this life!

33. When we meet you, we will be happy and congenial; Kiss you, soft and drunk; Hug your waist, happiness i want; And you hook hands, fate is fixed phase Si Shou!

34. Happiness is to live in the present and enjoy each other. Sweet yearning lingers day and night, belonging to each other, elegant in taste, carefree in the mountains, rivers and clouds, both don't hate each other.

35. It is because of love that we quietly dodge. What we dodge is the figure, but what we cannot dodge is the silent feelings; Today, I finally got up the courage to express my love to you.

36. We can't control the origin and extinction of causes. What we can do is to cherish the short time in the time of karma meeting.

37. You are happy and worry free. You are really infatuated with you, worried and distressed for you, and have been sad and heartbroken. You dare not change your heart. Don't be suspicious, and have been attracted to you!

38. Don't insist on your persistence. Don't let me wait indefinitely. Don't let me see your obsession. That will make my heart ache more because of your pain.

39. You smiled and my sky cleared up; You are angry, my sky is cloudy; Your every move affects my mood; Dear, I miss you in the honey pot!

40. I don't think whether I can win your joy or win your love. Since I have completely loved you, I should tell you the truth frankly.

41. I hide the storm like love in my heart, so as not to give the other party any psychological pressure. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love of others.

42. Once, when you said I was crying, you would feel distressed. You wanted to see my smile, but you knew that when you said goodbye, would I cry? Will you feel distressed when I cry?

43. Falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in this life. Missing you is my sweetest pain. Being with you is my pride. Without you, I am like a lost ship.

44. Please don't hold hands side by side when you can; Please don't hold hands when you can hug. When you can fall in love, please don't say goodbye; With love, please don't touch ambiguity.

45. I knew that I was destined to be endless melancholy with you, but I didn't know how to take back my mind. Can not tell the story, a beautiful encounter, love is a never regret intoxication.

46. Forget it before you finish talking about some things. Everyone is a king and domineering in his own world. Don't listen to me, but don't let me listen to you.

47. Love is different time, different place, different people. The same thing is only you and me. Time is changing, space is changing, and the same thing is the infinite yearning for you.

48. God gave me this fate, so I am in heaven every day. Life because of love, so I am surrounded by happiness. With you in my life, I am beautiful every day.

49. There is a back garden in my heart, full of colorful flowers, just to pick the most beautiful and fragrant one for you, let it represent me to say to you: I love you!

50. My growth experience and family background make me unable to believe the impulsive love. Those fools who blindly push people into marriage and think they are doing good things are the real evil forces.

51. Your smiling face makes my sad clouds disappear; Your happy heart makes me feel comfortable; Your happy smile makes me happy again and again! I want to give you happiness, not now, but forever!

52. Three thousand weak waters take you one scoop; Only one flower is picked in the garden; Many beauties only love one; Your smile is the beauty of my life. I don't want to be extravagant or greedy. I just want to wait for your happiness in the end!

53. All the time in my life is colorful because of you; All the troubles in my life disappear because of you; With you, there is happiness. You are so let me love!

54. Because of love, love, sweet words will never be pale, happy life will always be full of expectations, the heart of loving you will never deteriorate, and all troubles will be abandoned outside of you and me!

55. I wait for your heart with my infatuation. I will not give up. Don't make me sad. You are my sweetheart, which represents my sincerity. I hope to win your iron heart. I wish you happiness and die without conscience!

56. I love you all the time and never change. Even if time changes, even if time flows, even if the stars change, my deep feelings for you will only deepen and will not decrease. I love you until old!

57. The greatest happiness in my life is knowing you, but the greatest misfortune is not having you. Maybe you will meet the person you love deeply, but you won't meet the person who loves you as much as I do.

58. I think that birds can't fly over the sea because they have the courage to cross the sea. Ten years later, I found that it is not birds that can't fly over the sea, but the end of the sea has no waiting.

59. One always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery and listens to strange songs. Then one day, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

60. Happiness is not jewels, but sunny smiling faces, carefree smiling faces, and budding smiling faces. I wish you a happy smile. You are happy, so I am happy.

61. What else do you want? Why are you hesitating? Only one year left. Don't be picky any more. If I am so persistent and infatuated, and I swear to be good to you, just catch me! Love me! Time is pressing!

62. I am a small bird, and your heart is the top of a tree. I find you with deep feelings and would like to stop in your heart. Love you will never waver. It's wonderful to live with you. Stay with you until old. Sweet happiness will always surround you!

63. Those three or two lines of words in the time, a section of worries covered with paper, permeated with the faint ink fragrance, the familiar flavor, poured into the nose again, pouring out the feelings that cannot be wrapped, and my world is full of you.

64. Sad, happy, angry, sad, and happy, I have been busy with secret love, and I have no courage to tell you. Watching the passage of time, I am unwilling every minute. One year is left, and you are still silent? Come and love me, fool. I will give you love forever.

65. Love is blind. When you are blind, you can't see anything. Now looking back at my love, I asked myself why I was with that person at that time. The answer is that love blinds you.

66. You are like a rainbow after rain. You are as beautiful and elegant as the sunset clouds on the horizon. You are as fragrant as the red roses in the garden. You are dancing like butterflies in the garden. Love you love infatuated drunk, life together from the leap.

67. There is a kind of person who made you look forward to tomorrow, but didn't appear in your tomorrow. There is also a kind of person who will give you more lasting happiness in the years to come, although he has never been to your youth.

68. On the bank of Linghe River and beside the Sansheng Stone, I will not look at the red flowers and green willows, but wait for your appearance. You are a floating boat, and you will be tired one day. Come to the shore, here is your most beautiful scenery. Miss you, bitter and sweet!

69. Whether you give me five cents or I give you five cents, I will join you anyway; Whether you take me or I take you, we will go together in this life. I want to hold your hand in this life.

70. If you can't treat me well for a lifetime, please don't treat me well, even for a second; If you can't cheat me all your life, please don't cheat me, even if it's just a word; If you can't love me all your life, please don't love me, even for a moment.

71. Those fleeting years are like water. I wish they were inseparable from my life and death. On the grassland of youth, sit and watch the clouds rise, and walk to the end of the mountain and the river. Hold your hand, and see the castle called Happiness. They live side by side, know and cherish each other, and love you every day as the end.

72. Where you are, my heaven! Your departure has taken away my paradise and my fantasy of the future. From then on, I will start to face up to my life and everything I have. I will take it seriously and try my best to enjoy the rising and falling of the sun every day.

73. Love, find someone who can bear hardships together, not enjoy them together; Find someone who can bear together, not escape together; Find someone who is responsible for you, not for love. Love is not one person's thing, but two people's struggle, two people's common creation.

74. Like football, love can be divided into primary and secondary. In fact, we can only treat each other as candidates, not as candidates, because both of us treat each other as candidates, and a lot of things are muddling along. If we really fall in love, any shortcomings will be exposed, and we may not be able to tolerate each other.

75. Love a person for many, many years. Finally one day, I found that I didn't love anymore, but there was no joy in my imagination. The heart suddenly became empty, and I didn't know who I could love. Afraid of falling in love with such a person again, afraid of getting hurt again. It turns out that this is a seven-year itch, and all love can't endure the time.

76. Encountering you in the blooming season warms the whole blooming season. Meet you, winter, there is no longer the loneliness of ice and snow; When you are no longer afraid of the storm; When I met you, my world was full of ripples. This life has you, a love, a warm flower language, beautiful lonely heart.

77. The person you thought you could not lose was not impossible to lose. You shed tears, and there was another person who made you laugh. You were heartbroken, and then found that the person who did not love you was not worth your grief. Looking back today, why is it not a comedy? When feeling is exhausted, there is another new realm. All the sorrows are just history.

78. Falling in love with you is a kind of tearful happiness, but also a kind of pain to bear willingly. If you are doomed to be just a dream in my life, I would rather not wake up from the dream. Even if you are doomed to leave my life, I will also use words to beautify the past. As long as you can stay in an instant of eternity, even if it can only be colorful for one season, it will be brilliant and warm for life.

79. I used to think that in my deepest memory, I can no longer hold a full mood and the fragrance of lotus. Like a piece of duckweed, the floating heart has gone through ups and downs, floating on the edge of the world of mortals. Turn around carelessly and walk indifferently. The chance to meet you with a smile is just like a spring breeze, like the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, drunk with the once frozen heart.

80. You are reincarnated in the persistence of love. In the next life, you will use your uncomplaining waiting and years of practice to accumulate the courage of love in your heart bit by bit. If you repay the promises you made in previous lives and the love debts you owe, will you be able to withstand the devastation? If not, how can you bear the pain of stripping love from your heart?

81. It is too late to dodge. The clear eyes are moving, but they are not passing by. Several generations of desolation and loneliness, and several generations of obsession and waiting, finally return to the short encounter in this life. At the moment of looking back, just a gentle call, it ripples the heart, and the circles are copying each other, gently, dare not breathe, just afraid of a turn, you will miss this life, miss each other!

82. Love is not owned. Cherish it carefully, and it will last forever; Love is not in the mouth, but in the heart. Fate, no matter sooner or later, falling in love, can know each other; Missing, no matter far or near, love, can be unique. Love, silent, can only listen attentively; Sentiment, speechless, can only be silently thought about. One kind of love is the tacit understanding of the heart, and one kind of feeling is the watch of the heart.

83. Once, I said I would love you forever. If not forever, let time stop when I fell in love with you; Now, I say if I never loved, how happy I would be. Once, I said that although this love made me very painful, I would not blame, regret or resent, but only treat it as the price of growth; Now, I just want to say how my heart can be described as a pain.

84. The sign of falling in love with a person is not moving, but worrying. When you are worried about a person's health and safety, no matter what the other person does, you are always worried about him. Congratulations, you have fallen in love with this person. To fall in love with a person is to break your heart. Every piece of it is filled with care for him. You are not his whole world, but your world is full of him.

85. If you let go of the past, the past will let go of you. Life often jokes with us, who you expect will be farther away from you; Who you stick to will hurt you the most. Dedication is not only like a person for a lifetime, but also like a person wholeheartedly and never give up. Love is a matter of preferring absence to abuse. If you have love, you will treat it wholeheartedly. If you don't have love, you will feel comfortable alone.

86. I didn't want to become more powerful. I just want to become a girl of that kind. No matter how many injustices and injuries I have experienced, I will live with my eyebrows stretched, my heart full of peace, and my personality clear and open-minded. Occasionally affectation is not affectation, vicious tongue is not acrimonious, not complaining, not bitter hatred. Be sincere to everyone, be enthusiastic about everything, and believe that everything in the world will gradually get better.