Obey traffic rules (19 selected)
Sakura of Fog Island
2023-12-02 08:27:59
fourth grade
Weekly journal

Obey traffic rules (1)

There are many school buses in our school. Every day, no matter when we go to school or after school, there will be a "war". See "Battle"——

1 "Stealing foot war"

The school's prescribed driving time is 7:05, but the drivers, regardless of how many, slipped away at 7:00, and a little student behind ignored them and walked away without looking back. Whatever, you will "win" if you leave early.

2 "Light fight"

On the way back to school, almost all cars have to pass the traffic lights, so some drivers will rush forward when the green light is about to turn, and rush to the last second. That's an exaggeration. I think drivers should save some brake pads.

3 "Race"

If you are lucky, you can see who is faster than the two school buses! Because of this, the school bus drivers have developed the ability to drive fast, which makes us feel overwhelmed!

There are also "battles" such as "battle for position", "battle for road copying", etc. I won't say much about them here. Finally, let's remind the school bus drivers: please obey the traffic rules!

Obey traffic rules (2)

As the saying goes, "No rules, no square." Have you ever run through the traffic lights? Do you understand the value of life? At this moment, many people, including primary school students, have lost their precious lives because they did not obey the traffic rules. Whenever I see the news, I will hear a lot about people who died in traffic accidents. Why don't people cherish their own lives

I remember that it was a hot summer. My parents and I went to buy new summer clothes. I was very cheerful that day because I had to wear new clothes again. When we were about to cross the road, the traffic light turned into a red light, and we had to wait quietly. Suddenly a beautiful aunt came over and walked across the zebra crossing. My parents and I said, "The man is too anxious. The green light is only ten seconds away." The aunt was knocked down when the car squeaked. When people found out that they were shouting "God", some people called the police and some called the emergency number. After a while, an ambulance and a police car arrived. After surveying the scene, the aunt had just been carried to the car, but she was dead. Such a young life passed away

I can never forget this event, because the aunt closed her eyes for more than ten seconds, and lost her precious life due to a momentary negligence when she ran a red light. If people don't run the red light and obey the traffic rules, they won't lose their precious lives. Please remember: stop at the red light and go at the green light.

Obey traffic rules (3)

As the saying goes, "There are national laws and family rules." There are rules in our life, such as queuing rules, even playing rules.

I travel with my family in summer vacation. One day when I went shopping alone, I saw an uncle with a cigarette in his mouth and a beard looking like he was going to cross the street. At this time, the red light is as red as blood, shaking people's eyes. But he didn't seem to know the red light like blood, so he kept moving forward.

At this time, an uncle in a yellow hat stopped him and said, "Sir, it's a red light now, please wait a moment before you go there!" The uncle with a cigarette in his mouth did not look at him and said arrogantly, "What's your business? Get out of the way quickly!" After that, he pushed the uncle in a yellow hat away and swaggered past. At this time, a big truck roared at him and rushed towards him. He didn't seem to expect it. He stood there, his legs numb, completely at a loss. The driver also found him at this time and panicked. He suddenly turned the steering wheel to the left and stepped on the brake. With a sharp sound, the car suddenly stopped and a clear mark was drawn on the ground. But it was still a little late. My uncle's legs were left on the road forever with a cigarette in his mouth. At this time, the green light came on, but his legs were gone.

I sighed and thought to myself: If this uncle with a cigarette obeyed the traffic rules, the tragedy would not happen.

At this time, I understand that traffic rules are like a bomb. Once we violate the traffic rules, it will explode like touching a bomb, and we will die. So we must obey the traffic rules.

Obey traffic rules (4)

[Chapter 1]

Human life is only once, we must cherish it. Cherish life and abide by traffic rules, so that our life will be better.

But I don't know why, walking on the busy street, looking at the busy road, looking at the passers-by passing me in a hurry, I can't help sighing: how prosperous and beautiful the world is! But every time I heard the harsh and sharp brake sound, the red and horrible blood color, I began to tremble again. In life, do you find a "black ghost" - hidden danger of traffic safety, which is creeping into our life and destroying this beautiful picture.

There is such a real case. It was a sunny afternoon, and the streets were very busy. People were busy with their own affairs. A young motorcycle driver was driving happily against the spring wind. It seemed that he remembered something. Suddenly, he turned to the left. With a sly smile, "Black Ghost" turned into a tricycle loaded with watermelons collided with the motorcycle. The watermelons rolled to the ground. The motorcycle driver fell into a pool of blood and died on the spot. His mobile phone rang countless times, However, he has been living in Yin and Yang for a short time, and he can no longer hear the voice of his relatives and friends. All of us here are sorry for it. The "Black Ghost" took a cold look at the bright red blood, admired its "masterpiece", smiled a few times, and then went to do "crime" again.

Just as I came home from school and was about to cross the road, I suddenly saw my mother over there and just rushed across the road. The "Black Ghost" smiled strangely and tried to play a trick on me. It turned into a car and drove towards me quickly. Before I could dodge, the car ran over my heel. The "Black Ghost" saw that it could not do one trick and had another, It turned into a big truck and drove towards me. At this time, I was already Monkey King making havoc in the Heavenly Palace - panicked, and the big truck cut my hand. The "black ghost" nodded with satisfaction when seeing this scene.

Many people think that running the red light, driving after drinking, driving a motorcycle without a helmet, driving a car without a seat belt, driving on the phone, fatigue, etc. are all minor problems. But the "Black Ghost" is to watch these car owners' carelessness and deliberately "tease" them! According to relevant data, in the past decade, 600000 road traffic accidents and more than 100000 deaths have occurred in China every year. From January to October this year alone, 426378 road traffic accidents and 87218 deaths have occurred in China. 391752 injured! Child casualties are even more shocking! Therefore, we should take the crosswalk when crossing the road. When there is no crosswalk, we should try our best to walk together with everyone, and pay attention to the traffic coming and going. Never run across the road. We must firmly remember that abiding by traffic rules is to cherish life!

The blood has been stained with this beautiful picture again and again. Is it not enough for human beings to learn from not abiding by the traffic rules? Please cherish your life! Because your life not only belongs to you, but also deeply affects your family. Everyone is responsible for obeying the traffic rules! Let the "black ghost" disappear from the world!

[Chapter 2]

How ordinary it is to obey traffic safety! But it is always the mother's exhortation, the teacher's painstaking words, the pain and repentance of the dead, and the end of some people's lives. Obeying traffic safety is not our talking and laughing, but the harsh scolding of the traffic police.

Students, life is precious. There is only one chance to live in one's life. We should cherish our own life instead of wasting our precious life. If you want to protect your life, you should obey traffic safety, and make traffic safety a part of our life. In real life, too many people die from traffic accidents, and too many people die from non traffic accidents. Don't they die too wrongly? I once heard such a news: "At about 12:00 on February 7, 2014, Yao drove Gan L12607 bus (29 people were verified and 27 people were actually loaded) Driving from Guixi downtown along Guixi West Line to Shuangzhen, when the car reached the right turning straight uphill 26.2 meters of Tashuling section in Hongqiao Village, Wenfang Town, improper operation caused the vehicle to drive out of the road on the left side of the road, and the vehicle rolled into Luotang River, resulting in 3 deaths and 2 serious injuries (no life danger) of passengers on the vehicle Other 21 passengers were slightly injured and vehicles were damaged in major road traffic accidents.
Accident cause analysis: Yao drove a large off-road bus that did not meet the technical standards. He was mentally paralyzed when carrying passengers on the road. In case of improper measures, he failed to ensure safety, and his behavior violated Article 21 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, "Before driving a motor vehicle on the road, the driver should carefully check the safety and technical performance of the motor vehicle; It is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle with potential safety hazards such as incomplete safety facilities or its components failing to meet the technical standards "and Article 30" Vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to the traffic signals; when there is a traffic police command on the spot, they shall pass according to the command of the traffic police; on the road without traffic signals, they shall pass under the principle of ensuring safety and smoothness ", It is the root cause of this accident.

Accident lesson: In this accident, the driver, Yao, was driving a large bus with an "A2" driver's license. When driving a large bus in rainy days, he was careless, which led to the tragedy. The driver shall drive the motor vehicle in strict accordance with the vehicle type approved by the driver's license, and shall pay more attention to driving the motor vehicle. In rainy days, the driver shall reduce the driving speed to avoid road traffic accidents.

The above traffic accident tells us that drivers should drive motor vehicles in strict accordance with the driving license and should pay more attention to driving motor vehicles. In rainy days, drivers should reduce their driving speed to avoid road traffic accidents. Then we should remember the six words of "obey traffic safety" and take root in our hearts forever. Let people all over the world consciously abide by traffic safety rules.

[Chapter 3]

[Dad's perception]

Life, two ordinary words. The flower of life is resolute. It makes people think and pursue. That kind of perseverance can overcome all difficulties. And life is more like a weak grass, which becomes the soul of "road killer" when you are not careful.

As the saying goes, "No rules, no square." My father, as a ten year old driver, always abided by the traffic rules. But one day, it was an autumn morning. My father drove his car to send me to school. At that time, the left side of the Fuchunjiang River Bridge was being reinforced. The road for endless cars was half narrower. Twenty six speed bumps were added to the bridge, which slowed down the speed greatly and caused serious traffic jams. Passing there, there was a long line of cars. How to cross the bridge as soon as possible? At this time, my father came up with a brilliant plan. He drove the car to the non motorized lane, and when he was about to reach the bridge, ha ha, he said it was late, but it was fast at that time. He jumped into the bridge team at the right time. I said seriously, "Dad, this is wrong. You violated the traffic rules." Dad frowned and said angrily, "Aren't they all cutting in? If you don't go, you will be late. This is for your own good." I sighed and said, "Dad, you can't put your personal interests first. You should think for the public. If everyone is like you, no one can cross the bridge." I knew clearly that the consequences of violating traffic were serious. We pay no attention to anyone.

The car gradually crossed the bridge, and a bloody scene suddenly appeared in front of me. An electric car was hit ten meters away by a truck and fell to the ground. A wheel rolled in a pool of blood, and finally stopped. She curled up, her left leg was trembling, which must be very painful. My father witnessed all this with his own eyes and said, "My son, you are right. It is wrong to violate the traffic rules. This will lead to tragedy sooner or later, and I will improve." Seeing this, I can't help thinking of the theme class of safe travel. In recent years, the number of deaths caused by road traffic accidents every year in China has been equal to the population of a county, The number of injured people every year is equal to the number of people in a medium-sized county. What is more frightening is that one person is killed in a car accident every 6 minutes and one person is injured in a car accident every 1 minute. We cannot forget. How can we not take a warning from these amazing data and bloody scenes!

Yes, for the happiness of the family and the safety of life, please obey the traffic rules. Life is safer when you cherish it; Life is more precious with treasure, and life is more brilliant with true love. Better stop for three minutes than seize a second, cherish life and travel safely!

Obey traffic rules (5)

Rules are systems or regulations formulated by relevant departments and followed by people. Everyone should abide by the traffic rules, so that people and cars can go their own ways in a safe and orderly way; Only when students and teachers abide by the teaching rules can the teaching activities be orderly In short, only when everyone abides by the rules can the society be in order; If we deviate from the rules, the society will be in chaos.

I saw a news on TV. It said that a man was talking on the phone while driving a motorbike with a speed of 60 per hour, and a speeding bus was coming. When the driver saw the man turning left and right, he could not dodge, but the man did not know that there was a bus in front of him. Finally, the man who made the call "flew", more than 100 meters away, and the mobile phone also split in two and flew to the sky.

After reading this news, I couldn't help thinking: if the man didn't drive too fast, didn't drive while talking on the phone to affect his attention and turn left and right, then death would not take his young life. So to obey traffic rules is to buy insurance for life!

Obey traffic rules (6)

Yesterday when we had health class, Mr. Ma told us a story about traffic safety. One day, a grandmother and a grandson were going to the city. The grandson said, "Grandma, let's leave at 6:00." The grandmother said, "OK, they will go to bed early. The next day, Grandma carried a lot of water and food on her back and went on the road. It took at least two hours to get to the city. They got on the bus to the city. The grandson put out his hands, his arms, his head The driver said it several times, but he didn't hear it. As soon as we got to the city, there were a lot of cars coming and going, and Sun Tzu put his head out again, but the driver didn't notice. Suddenly, Grandma shouted: Wow, Sun Tzu. The driver dialed 110 and 120 as soon as he saw that his grandson's face was covered with blood. He had not yet reached the hospital, so he was no longer able to do so. So we must pay attention to traffic safety.

Through this story, I know that we must pay attention to traffic safety at ordinary times. When we cross the road, we must go to the zebra crossing. When we see the red light, we stop. When the yellow light comes on, we wait. When the green light comes on, we move forward. When sitting in the car, the head and hands should not stretch out of the window. You should fasten your seat belt and sit in the back seat. If you are on a bus or subway, you should queue up to get on the car. You can't run around in the carriage. I must obey the traffic rules.

Obey traffic rules (7)

Human life is precious and fragile. So we cherish life, don't waste it!

In today's increasingly developed traffic, traffic accidents also happen one after another, leaving many lives suffering, even flower like life withering prematurely, casting a shadow on countless families.

People should obey the traffic rules when walking on the street. Many people rush to the red light; Taking chances is not safe; Passing bravely with a bullfight; Dare to drive after drinking; Some people look down at their mobile phones when crossing the road, forgetting that they are on the road It's a joke about your own life! A foolish act that harms both others and yourself!

One day when I came home from school, my friend shared a news about a traffic accident with me: a pair of sisters under the age of 12 were riding electric bikes on the road, and they were faster than normal. After a while, with a bang, the electric car collided with a large truck. The surface of the big truck is just a little damaged, but the electric car is different, and it was knocked to pieces. The sisters were even more serious. Their arms and bodies were split, and all of them were split with their bodies. The blood of the ground soaked the road red

When my friend recalled the news and the photos taken, a layer of trembling sweat came out on his forehead. After hearing this sensational news, I could not help but mourn for it and thought: if the little sisters did not ride on the road, this tragic story would not happen!

Ignoring the traffic rules led to a disaster. Thousands of people lost their precious lives because of traffic accidents, which can be seen that traffic accidents have become the devil of killing lives at any time and anywhere.

I have also seen a tragic traffic accident: on a road outside the school, there are various cars shuttling every day. That day, I had just come to the intersection when I saw the yellow light telling us: "Pay attention, the red light is coming." A black car came to the intersection, but it turned into a red light, but he rushed over without thinking. A car on the side just turned. After hearing the shrill braking sound, the two cars collided violently and became deformed. People in the car were covered with blood. The police rushed over immediately

I also saw a news: a little boy was playing in the back of the car when the owner was backing up. As the little boy was in the blind spot of the car, he was naturally run over under the car. But he was lucky that he was not pushed under the wheel and survived, otherwise he would die under the car.

Some people look down at their mobile phones when crossing the road, forgetting that they are on the road, forget about traffic safety, forget to look at the car, and lose their lives.

These little stories about disobeying traffic rules warn us all the time. So we should remember: don't run the red light, walk the zebra crossing, don't listen to music or play with your mobile phone while crossing the road, and don't jump into the car

Because ignorance and luck caused accidents, they also caused great harm to themselves and their families. In order to reduce the number of disabled people in the world, parents will not lose their children, and wives will not lose their husbands, I now formally appeal to everyone: "Please obey the traffic rules! In order to stop crying for your relatives, and in order to stop your families from living in the shadow, please remember to cherish your life! Don't let it go in vain."

Obey traffic rules (8)

God is fair and stingy. He only gives everyone one life, so we must cherish it. In life, traffic is very close to us. It is like our friends, who keep by our side day and night to educate and admonish us.

With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work is getting faster and faster. The car has become the main means of transportation for people. It has brought us unprecedented convenience. While everyone is lamenting the progress of society and enjoying life, it has also brought us disasters. One by one, fresh life disappeared under the speeding wheels, and happy families were broken in a blink of an eye. Especially those primary school students who have not set foot in the society also encounter such disasters. Their relatives' sad calls cannot keep their lives. What can we do? Popularize traffic safety education and minimize traffic accidents, which is the call of the times!

I remember that one day last summer vacation, our family was caught in a traffic jam on our trip to Baishuiyang. We got off and walked along the road. Every ten meters along the way, you can see a signpost "Shili Po, please slow down". The murmuring pedestrians on the road are talking. The adults said that the accident happened in front of us. It was a farm vehicle pulling a load of winter melon because of the driver's fatigue. The speed was too fast, and it ran down a 30 meter cliff. A total of three people in the vehicle died on the spot. I think that maybe they didn't think the consequences would be so terrible. Maybe at the last moment of their lives, they were also regretting for their negligence. Maybe they were still dreaming of sharing the happiness of life with their relatives... But death mercilessly sent them to another world.

Let the four words "traffic safety" take root in our hearts forever, let us all consciously abide by the traffic rules, let traffic accidents gradually reduce or even disappear in our lives, and let our tomorrow be full of hope and sunshine!

Obey traffic rules (9)

Life is precious, and rules are more expensive. For safety reasons, neither can be thrown away. " In our life, there are nine out of ten unpleasant things, but some accidents can be avoided as far as possible. A 6-year-old girl followed her parents across the road at a place other than the zebra crossing, but the child suddenly turned back. As a result, she was hit by a speeding car, and died in vain. What a pity! A child who is only six years old has lost her life before she has tasted the beauty of the world and enjoyed the fun of reading. She is only six years old, and she is still ignorant. What does she know? It is the nature of children to be playful, while parents are adults. How could they do such foolish things? I hate and regret it.

As the saying goes, "No rules, no square." Recently, the traffic police department made an accident determination that both parties should bear the responsibility, that is, parents should also bear the responsibility if they do not supervise well. This accident makes us understand how important rules are, and some people often ignore these rules. I always think that I know the rules like the palm of my hand, but when the accident really happened, I regret that I didn't obey the rules at that time, so even if I regret my guts, I will never return to the past.

There have been examples of rules since ancient times. The State of Qin formulated the law of Qin to regulate order and require everyone to abide by the law of Qin, so that everyone can use rules to safeguard their own interests. Until now, we still need rules. There are many kinds of rules, such as game rules, traffic rules, legal rules, etc. These are the norms that regulate our behavior.

A 6-year-old girl followed her parents to cross the road at a non zebra crossing, which was obviously wrong. It was easy to have traffic accidents. In addition, parents were not unaware of the traffic rules, but they had to take their children to avoid the zebra crossing, which would not escape responsibility. The rules are in everyone's mind as well as mine, and the speeding car is also responsible for violating the traffic rules. I believe that the car driver also knows the traffic rules, and a 6-year-old life lost its chance of survival because both sides did not obey the rules.

So, "no rules, no circles". If a country has no rules, it is out of order. Undoubtedly, it is a failed country. Life is so important that it cannot be lost by its own failure to comply with rules. Rules should be put in everyone's heart. Many times, it thinks it is important to understand the importance of rules, which is not the case, When we were young, our parents told us that we should cross the road and walk across the zebra crossing, don't look at others during the exam, and should listen to the teacher in school. These are all related to the rules. The decision made by the police department is reasonable, which will teach all parents and drivers a lesson.

Today, with the rapid development of economy, more and more cars are driving on the road, so we should obey the traffic rules, let the rules be deeply rooted in our hearts, let the rules remain unchanged in our hearts, respect our own lives, and respect the lives of others at the same time!

Obey traffic rules (10)

People's life is only once, so we should cherish life, not let it go in vain, but let it become glorious and powerful. As primary school students, we should start with transportation. Observe the traffic and travel safely.

People often say that we should obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safety. There are many signs on the road that say we should drive safely and obey the traffic rules. Nowadays, there are such news written on TV and newspapers, but many people do not listen to it and still violate the traffic rules. So there have been many tragedies. Not only have I been hurt, but my family will also be very sad. When these tragedies happened, I can't regret it.

In July of this summer vacation, I was going to KFC to buy something to go home. When I walked to the intersection of Times Square halfway, I looked back and saw a nearly 40 year old aunt riding an electric car with a basket full of vegetables and fruits. She was about to drive across the street, but the street light turned red, but she didn't stop and sped up. At that moment, a car suddenly came to his left. He looked at it and quickly stopped the car, but the man who drove the car didn't seem to see it, still didn't brake, and drove past... only heard a "bang", The aunt who was riding an electric bike was knocked down by the car, and the electric bike and its basket were overturned. But the man in the car didn't even say sorry and drove away as if nothing had happened. It was really annoying.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help thinking: Why did she run the red light? Is it worth losing your precious life in order to do your own thing quickly?

Therefore, we primary school students should obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safety. Let civilized transportation accompany our growth!

Obey traffic rules (11)

Little rabbit Beibei never obeys the traffic rules. Every day she goes to school, she runs to school without waiting for the red light to turn on.

Today, when Little Rabbit and his mother went to the mall to buy clothes, they had to pass a zebra crossing on the way. Little Rabbit Beibei didn't even look at the traffic lights, so she ran right away. The traffic police stopped it hurriedly, fined 50 yuan and told the school that the mother rabbit had no choice but to give 50 yuan to the traffic police.

Once the 50 yuan was handed over to the traffic police, Little Rabbit Beibei's clothes could not be bought. Rabbit's mother had to take Beibei home.

Back home, Mother Rabbit told Beibei a lot of reasons for not obeying the traffic rules. The rabbit Beibei goes in with her left ear and out with her right ear, so she still doesn't obey the traffic rules. On Monday, Little Rabbit Beibei went to school. Because he didn't obey the traffic rules, he was knocked down by a car. The doctor examined Beibei and found that his right leg was broken. Then Beibei knew the consequences of running the red light.

Children, don't be like Beibei Rabbit!

Obey traffic rules (12)

With the development of economic prosperity and the development of transportation, traffic accidents often come into our lives, which can not be avoided. Therefore, everyone should be aware of traffic safety.

Some people disregard traffic safety for convenience, curiosity, and fun, resulting in pain and misfortune not only for themselves, but also for others. If we do not pay attention to traffic safety, once an accident occurs, the victim is often not a person, a home, and the consequences may be even worse. I have witnessed such a thing, and still have lingering fears.

It was the day of summer vacation. I saw my classmates, Xiao Jie and Xiao Lun, riding their bikes on the road, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Sometimes, in order to show my driving skills, I step on it recklessly, and even open my hands to race. It's really dangerous! Seeing this, I ran to them and advised them: "You are not 13 years old, and you dare to ride a bike on the road and make so many dangerous moves. What if you have an accident, He said hurriedly, "Xiao Lun, do you know? According to statistics, there is an average of one person injured in a car accident every minute and one person killed in a car accident every two minutes in the country. We would rather be more careful than have any luck. Many people, like you, are lucky enough to break the traffic rules and cause a tragic car accident! Is it worth it?" They didn't take my words seriously, and they rode away quickly again.

In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother. On the way, I saw a group of people in the middle of the road. I walked curiously. It was another traffic accident. In front of a truck, there was a bike that was twisted and deformed. An uncle rushed to the hospital with the injured in his arms. I looked carefully. Isn't this my classmate Xiao Lun? Ah! I only advised him this morning, but he just didn't listen. Now something really happened. This is the lesson of blood!

As long as we pay attention to traffic safety, the tragedy will not happen again. As the saying goes, life is more important than Mount Tai. For yourself, for your family, for your life, please obey the traffic rules!

Obey traffic rules (13)

In one's life, one often has to go out to study, work, visit friends, and travel. But a long time ago, people could only walk on foot. It was a long time and very hard. Now with modern means of transportation such as cars, trains, ships, planes and airships, people can travel thousands of miles every day like the Monkey King. But at the same time, traffic accidents have become a major hidden danger to human safety.

The traffic police uncle told us that thousands of traffic accidents occur on the road every day, most of which are caused by drunk driving and fatigue driving, and some are caused by overloading and driving with sick vehicles. Of course, there are a few people who are speeding in a dignified manner, and even some young people who ride motorcycles in the street rampage, and some also carry a few people who scurry along in an S-shaped way, slightly careless, Cars were destroyed and people died. Little did they know that once the tragedy happened, they could not even regret it.

Not long ago, I heard about a major traffic accident in our city, which caused three deaths and two injuries. The accident was like this. Several uncles who worked in the city office went on a errand outside. At noon on the day of their return, the host gave them a warm reception, and they were all very hospitable. They drank too much. As a result, on the way home, they were drunk. Several uncles on the bus fell asleep quietly, and the driver was too drunk to drink. They even dozed off. Unexpectedly, a bus came to the front of them. Before he could react, the two cars collided head-on, The driver and two other uncles died. The accident also caused one serious injury and one minor injury. It is because of people's negligence that three families lost their loved ones.

Life is limited, traffic accident is merciless! Here, I would like to remind my uncle and aunt who are driving again that, for your safety and my family's happiness, you should never drink and drive or drive fatigue, and you should strictly abide by the traffic rules to avoid the tragedy from happening again. Pay attention to the traffic lights when walking at ordinary times, and walk safely.

It is hoped that everyone can abide by the traffic rules at the same time, and abide by the traffic rules from their own point of view. You and I can participate in traffic safety and be civilized passers by, so that the road can be unblocked. The tragedy caused by traffic accidents will be far away from mankind.

Obey traffic rules (14)

As the saying goes, "No rules, no square." Have you ever run through a traffic light? Do you know the value of life? Now many people, including primary school students, have lost their precious lives because they did not obey the traffic rules. Whenever I see the news, I will hear a lot about people who died in traffic accidents. Why don't people cherish their own lives?

I remember that it was a hot summer. My parents and I went to buy new summer clothes. I was very cheerful that day because I had to wear new clothes again. When we were about to cross the road, the traffic light turned into a red light, and we had to wait quietly. Suddenly a beautiful aunt came over and walked across the zebra crossing. My parents and I said, "The man is too anxious. The green light is only ten seconds away." The aunt was knocked down when the car squeaked. When people found out that they were shouting "God", some people called the police and some called the emergency number. After a while, an ambulance and a police car arrived. After surveying the scene, the aunt had just been carried to the car, but she was dead. Such a young life passed away

I can never forget this incident, because the aunt closed her eyes for more than ten seconds, and lost her precious life due to a momentary negligence when she ran a red light. If people don't run the red light and obey the traffic rules, they won't lose their precious lives. Please remember: stop at the red light and go at the green light.

Obey traffic rules (15)

[Chapter 1]

In the morning, I saw it was still dark outside the window and thought: I'd better sleep for a while. "It's 7:00", when my father shouted, I was startled and put on my clothes outside. The goose feather snow stopped, and I found that the whole world was wrapped in snow.

My father and I were walking on the street. My father was angry and said to me, "It's your fault. You slept late when the small alarm clock stopped working. Now it's OK. It's 7:10 already." I walked on without paying attention to my father.

Finally, we reached the crossroads. My father and I hurried anxiously. As soon as we reached the traffic light, the green light turned into a red light. I waited and waited, but it didn't turn into a green light. I told my father, who said that it would be better to wait a little longer. The time is getting faster and faster. My watch shows a figure of 7:15. A minute has passed, but I feel like a century has passed. "Tick tock" sound came from behind. I looked back and saw that an old man was going to run the red light. I was very upset. When the old man came, I said, "Don't run the red light.

I held my hands, gritted my teeth, and was about to rush over, but my father grabbed my hat and told me: "It's wrong to run the red light. Come back quickly. If you accidentally walk into the middle of the road, it will be very dangerous." After hearing this, I immediately returned to my original position.

I was so worried that I wanted to turn it back to the green light. Suddenly, a traffic policeman came to guide us. I knew that the traffic lights had failed. I was scolded by my teacher when I returned to school. But I didn't run the red light, and I was a little complacent.

[Chapter 2]

It snowed heavily all night, and I got up late the next day. My father and I ran out of the house in a hurry. On the way to school, my father angrily taught me: "It's all you. You want to sleep late in rainy days and snowy days. Now it's good to be late."

My father and I came to the intersection, but the green light just turned into a red light. We had no choice but to wait here. Although it was freezing cold, my head was sweating all the time. I stared at the traffic lights and looked at my watch. It was 7:24 now. There was still six minutes to go before class. I was so worried that I kept stamping my feet.

Suddenly, the old man behind me honked his horn. I thought impatiently: What are you doing? It's a red light now. No matter how you press the red light, you can't change. Do you still want to change your car into a plane and fly here! So I said irritably, "Are you bored? See? It's a red light now, how can you get there?" But the old man said, "My child, I'm turning around." I listened and stepped aside in shame. My father and I continued to wait for the traffic lights, as if it had been a century. I was so anxious that I gritted my teeth and made a sprint.

At this time, the traffic police came to command the traffic. I quickly ran forward and looked back. The red light was like a freeze frame. Then I realized that the traffic light was out of order.

Although I was criticized by my teacher, I obeyed the traffic rules and felt happy.

[Chapter 3]

When I was very young, my parents hugged me to cross the road. The cars on the road were like giant robots crawling quickly, but I felt very safe in my parents' arms.

When I grew up, Grandma took my hand to cross the road. The car was like a long dragon. It seemed that we could not finish driving. We had to walk carefully.

When I was in primary school, I decided to learn to cross the road by myself. But several times, I still dare not cross the road by myself when facing the traffic coming and going. Like a mouse afraid of cats, I always have traffic accidents on TV and newspapers in my mind.

This summer, my mother asked me to go to the library and the supermarket by myself, so I will bravely challenge! On the first road to the library, I firmly remember that "stop at the red light, go at the green light" and "cross the road and walk at the zebra crossing". Look carefully first left, then right, and then pass quickly. How nervous! Just as I was crossing the road, a police car stopped in front of the zebra crossing and let me pass first. I gave him a "shining" thumb! When I came back, another car stopped to make way for me. I felt a warm current coming from my heart. I gave the driver a thumbs up again. I would like to praise the civilized behavior! Later, whether I went to the supermarket or the bookstore, I could easily cross the road.

Shh, tell you quietly, today I sent out the "thumb" again!

If I grow up and learn to drive, I should also yield to the zebra crossing and let pedestrians cross the road safely. I also have a dream that the zebra crossing will become a staff, and the car will emit a clear and beautiful music horn sound when it slowly drives past, and the road will become safe and happy at that time!

Obey traffic rules (16)

Confucius once said: "Human life is only once, so we must cherish it, we must cherish the beauty you have..." Traffic accidents happen every moment, like a powerful bomb. Once it explodes, it is powerful.

It was a sunny day. My mother and I were walking on the square. Suddenly a car passed by. When I looked closely, it turned out that a boy was riding his bike, and I didn't know where he was going. Because he was riding too fast, he almost ran into the old woman on the zebra crossing. Everyone advised him not to ride so fast, something would happen. But he just didn't listen and continued to ride his "flying bike", with a proud look on his face from time to time. I think: this is too dangerous, it is likely to cause traffic accidents. It's exactly what I expected. My mother and I saw a group of people around a corner. My mother and I went to have a look with curiosity. "Ah!", "Isn't that the boy just now! Why was he hit by a car?"

I heard the bystander say, "Alas! This child is so pathetic! Just now, he accidentally hit a big truck and went out with his car. At that time, he was unconscious." People around immediately called 120 for emergency treatment. The ambulance blew its siren and took the boy away.

Later, I heard that the boy was hit hard and needed a lot of money for treatment. I heard that his family was not rich and could not afford such money for treatment. It's said that the boy was insured, and the insurance company paid most of the medical expenses, so that the boy was treated in time

Traffic accidents are so terrible that they can take people's lives in a flash. For your personal safety and the safety of others, for the sake of the society's no longer crying for grief caused by violating the traffic rules, and for the sake of no longer having more young lives lost, let's obey the traffic rules together and be a good teenager who cherishes life!

Obey traffic rules (17)

Welcome to the World Expo, I abide by the traffic rules

The 2010 Shanghai World Expo will last 163 days. As a Shanghai citizen, it is very important to obey the traffic rules.

Now, the streets, intersections and T-junctions in Shanghai are all equipped with traffic lights. It is also a beautiful scenery in Shanghai.

On the way to school before, there were no traffic lights, and it was not convenient to cross the T-junction. Now that we have traffic lights, it is much easier to cross the road. But there are always some people who do not obey the traffic rules and run the red light. In the third grade, one day, my mother let me go to school by myself. When I came to the T-junction, I happened to meet a red light. When I looked at my watch, hey! No, I'm going to be late. But it's a waste of time to go to the red light again. I stretched my head to see that there were no cars on either side, so I ran quickly. Running to the middle of the road, suddenly a bus came to me. I was too worried to know what to do. Maybe the driver had seen me from far away, stepped on the brake and stopped in front of me at once. I was stunned and froze. At this time, the pedestrian next to me said, "Go!" I walked carefully.

From this incident, I realized that it is very important to obey the traffic rules. As a new Shanghainese, we should start from obeying the traffic rules and starting from around us. Let's welcome the bright future of Shanghai!

Obey traffic rules (18)

Public transport is a must for everyone to participate. It is sometimes as gentle as a breeze, bringing endless convenience to people; It was as manic as a tornado, which led to many tragedies.

A traffic accident is like a powerful bomb. If you are not careful, the bomb will explode, causing destruction and death.

There are countless traffic accidents every year in our country. It seems to be a habit to cross the zebra crossing. You can drive after drinking without fear. When the red blood stained the ground, when the rapid sound of rescue sounded, when the tears of loved ones dried up... everything was irretrievable

One sunny afternoon, I was walking home from school. A vigorous figure attracted my eyes. It was a teenager, singing a clear song. He rides his bicycle, thinks he is good at cycling, and shows his skill on the road. He dances S dance and rides a bicycle with one hand. Maybe I was too forgetful to pay attention to the signal light, or I simply ignored the traffic rules and rode quickly towards the opposite side of the red light flashing. At that moment, a car was coming from the opposite side of the road that should have been released. The two cars hit each other unprepared and made a harsh noise. The boy who had just been singing was lying on the ground and groaning helplessly. The driver of the car was also frightened. He rushed out of the car to help the boy up and dialed 120. More than ten minutes later, the ambulance came, the police car also came, and the boy was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, the speed of the car is not too fast, and the teenager is not worried about his life. In less than half an hour, the intersection where the traffic accident happened just now is back to its former busy

If the car was faster, if the boy hit a truck... could he be so lucky? If he is not so lucky, what should his parents and family do?

If we, as traffic participants, can achieve the following basic traffic rules: "slow down, watch and pass three times", "stop at the red light and go at the green light", "stop for three minutes rather than rush for one second", we can avoid many unnecessary bloodshed.

Life is precious and fragile. There is only one life. If you lose it, you will no longer have it.

Our life not only belongs to ourselves, but also to our families who are deeply concerned about us.

Let's cherish our own lives and not let traffic accidents take innocent and beautiful lives.

Obey traffic rules (19)

The 2019 Shanghai World Expo will last 163 days. As a Shanghai citizen, it is very important to obey the traffic rules.

Now, the streets, intersections and T-junctions in Shanghai are all equipped with traffic lights. It is also a beautiful scenery in Shanghai.

On the way to school before, there were no traffic lights, and it was not convenient to cross the T-junction. Now that we have traffic lights, it is much easier to cross the road. But there are always some people who do not obey the traffic rules and run the red light. In the third grade, one day, my mother let me go to school by myself. When I came to the T-junction, I happened to meet a red light. When I looked at my watch, hey! No, I'm going to be late. But it's a waste of time to go to the red light again. I stretched my head to see that there were no cars on either side, so I ran quickly. Running to the middle of the road, suddenly a bus came to me. I was too worried to know what to do. Maybe the driver had seen me from far away, stepped on the brake and stopped in front of me at once. I was stunned and froze. At this time, the pedestrian next to me said, "Go!" I walked carefully.

From this incident, I realized that it is very important to obey the traffic rules. As a new Shanghainese, we should start from obeying the traffic rules and starting from around us. Let's welcome the bright future of Shanghai!