The Story of Water (10 selected articles)
Love needs courage
2023-10-30 08:46:12

The Story of Water (1)

It happened during the summer vacation last year. I remember that one weekend, the weather was sunny and cloudless. The sun shone like a fireball on the vibrant earth. Dad said to me, "Xuyang, let's go to Beijing to see your mother today and visit Tsinghua University by the way.

My father and I took two and a half hours to get to Beijing South Railway Station on the high-speed railway. As soon as we got out of the station, I saw rows of tall buildings standing on the ground like giants, and the crisscross overpasses seemed like colorful rainbows. I was dazzled by the bustling traffic.

We first went to the place where my mother worked to meet her, and then we took the subway to the gate of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University really deserves its reputation! Tourists line up to enter the magnificent Tsinghua Gate in an orderly manner. The first thing they see is the endless trees, which guard the gate like a loyal soldier. What ancient trees!

We continued to walk forward and enjoyed the beautiful scenery everywhere with great interest.

When I was walking, I suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to drink water. I took out my water cup and saw that it was all over. There was no water, and there was no water around. It was really a critical moment when the chain fell off. Then I realized more deeply what is called "water is the source of life".

I was in no mood to enjoy the scenery. I walked around the campus with my father looking for shops selling water. After several rounds, I didn't find any places selling water. I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, hoping to find places selling water.

At this critical moment, there was a little sister walking opposite us. I noticed that she was holding two bottles of water in her hand, which seemed to be just bought. So I hurried up to her and asked, "Little sister, where did you buy the water?" The little sister replied, "My water was bought at the gate of the university, and I can give you a bottle if you need it," and immediately handed me a bottle, While I took the bottled water, I gave her ten yuan. My little sister refused to accept the money I gave her. I even thanked her, but she said it was impolite.

This bottle of water is really a timely help to me. It's like bread in hunger. I felt mixed feelings at once, and deeply realized that there is truth everywhere in the world, and truth always warms people's hearts!

If the world is a gold necklace, then the kind-hearted heart will put priceless jewels on the necklace, and priceless jewels are -- kind love.

The Story of Water (2)

In the study, work and life, everyone has written a composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that can be understood by oneself to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. So have you learned about composition? The following is a 400 word composition about the story of water, which I compiled for you. Welcome to read and collect.

Water Story Composition 400 Words 1

Humans to be awakened!

Today's highly developed earth, although the environment is very impressive, but it is dangerous. Today I will tell you a story about water.

Water is an indispensable important person for human beings. Without water, human beings would not survive.

In the human body, water accounts for 20% of the body and 90% of the blood. It can be seen that water is closely related to our life. Many people imagine the earth as a blue planet, with 71% of its surface area covered by water. In fact, on Earth 97. 5% of the water is salt water, only 2%. 5% is fresh water. Do you still think there is a lot of fresh water on the earth? 65% of the world's freshwater resources are concentrated in 10 countries, while 80 countries accounting for 40% of the population are seriously short of water. If a country's annual per capita water volume is less than 2000 cubic meters, it is a country short of water. There are 15 countries with serious water shortage, including Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Cape Verde, Burundi, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Barbados, Singapore, Bahrain, Libya, Kuwait, Qatar and Malta, whose per capita water volume is less than 1000 cubic meters. China is not rich in per capita water, and is one of the countries short of water. Do you still waste water?

I do not hope that the future of water will be the end of the river for people to be enlightened. It is difficult for people to drink a mouthful of water. Boys and girls, can you buy gold, clothes and water? Please cherish the water resources! Let me start from the little things around me and protect water resources together! Don't let them flow away again!

Water Story Composition 400 Words 2

Water is an indispensable important person for human beings. Without water, human beings would not survive. In the human body, water accounts for 20% of the body and 90% of the blood. It can be seen that water is closely related to our life.

In hot summer, water is certainly more important than other seasons. When we started to take a bath, the water from the tap was enough for the children in the disaster area to drink for a month or two.

One day, water and the faucet talked about their worries in the conversation. The faucet asked, "Hey, can you tell me something about your worries?" Water said sadly, "Alas! Don't mention it. Recently, those people are wasting us without limit. Some of us don't know how much they have caused us..." Then a child came up, As he walked, he said to himself, "It's really hot. Drink some hydrolysate to quench his thirst!" After drinking, he left in a hurry, not even tightening the tap. The faucet said, "Alas! I have seen human nature!" The water said angrily, "They waste us like this, and they will know the consequences."

Boys and girls, can you buy gold, clothes and water? Please cherish the water resources! Let me start from the little things around me and protect water resources together!

Water Story Composition 400 Words 3

The spring water ran down from the mountain with singing songs. Suddenly, he saw a small fish struggling painfully on the mud.

The spring water immediately "walked" over and washed the fish down from the mud. The little fish said, "Thank you, Spring, can you go and save my friends?" "OK." Spring readily agreed, "but, where are they?" "They are on the bank below." The little fish said. So the spring water speeds down. Along the way, the spring "saved" thousands of small fish. At this time, a tall dam blocked him, and the spring water took a path from the canal into a power plant. He swam happily. Suddenly, he saw a rabbit. The spring asked the little rabbit, "Who are you?" The little rabbit politely replied, "I'm the little rabbit. How are you?" The little rabbit then said, "Thank you for giving life to the earth." On behalf of all the animals and plants living in the field, I thank you. I wish you and the little fish happiness and goodbye! " "Goodbye," said the spring. He ran down again. Then he saw the chicken. "Hello!" said the chicken happily. "Then I wish you happy, goodbye!" said the spring. At this time, a farmer came with a carrying pole. As soon as he saw the stream, he immediately put two wooden buckets on the pole into the water. When they were full of water, they got up. There were two fish in it! The farmer shouldered the burden and left contentedly.

The spring sang again and ran quickly to the sea.

Water Story Composition 400 Words 4

Faucet and water are good friends. One day, the faucet said to the water, "Friend, over the years, you seem to be more and more unhappy. What's wrong?" The water replied, "Alas... What can we do? Now people don't save us, and we are fewer and fewer. We are smelly again, and people still say how to protect the environment. It's a lie." After saying that, someone immediately approached the faucet. Shuixin thought: Here we go again People turn on the tap and start to wash their hands. After washing, they just turn off the tap gently and leave. The water in the faucet has been flowing. The faucet shouted, "These people, why don't you shut me down?" After a while, a little girl came to see, "Ya" hurriedly shut down the faucet, and said, "Who didn't shut down the faucet? Let the water go to waste." The little girl left. But then a man came in who didn't turn off the tap.

Day after day, the water in the faucet is less and less. The faucet said sadly: "Brother Water, you can't die!" The water replied painfully: "Brother, don't cry, I won't die..." At this time, the water on the earth was almost dry.

Finally one day, water went to heaven to serve the dead. The tap is crying at the grave of water. At last, the faucet said strongly, "Brother Water, rest assured, that the last drop of water will be the tears of human regret! Without you, human beings will not be happy, and they will be punished."

Humans! Don't you feel heartache for wasting resources like this? There is not much water on the earth. You are wasting while talking about saving. I hope you can do what you say!

The Story of Water (3)

In a small village, there are three best friends: rabbit, dog and pony. One day, the rabbit saw the dog wasting water, and told the dog with a worried face, "If there is no water one day, where can you borrow it?" "Borrow it from you!" The dog said happily.

After a week, the water was really cut off. The dog hurried to the rabbit's house to borrow water. The rabbit didn't lend it, and it went to the horse's house to borrow water. The horse didn't lend it, and the dog went home sadly. After seven days of thirst and hunger, until the eighth day when water came, the dog remembered this lesson. From then on, like a little rabbit and a pony, he wiped the table or flushed the toilet with the water that had washed his hands, and watered the flowers with the water that had washed rice... A year later, the dog won the champion of water conservation and won the championship trophy. The little dog said to the little rabbit and pony, "Thank you so much. But for you, I would still be a typical waste of water. Let's go to other villages and let them save water!" "OK!" said the little rabbit and pony in unison. So they went all over the villages and told birds, monkeys, elephants, giraffes, cats... and other animals to save water. They have made great contributions to the promotion of water conservation and become famous voluntary propagandists of water conservation. The leader of the animal group, Little Bird, gathered all the animals and held a grand award ceremony. He gave the bunny, the dog and the pony the medals of water conservation model. The three friends were very happy. Since then, the small animals have formulated strict water-saving plans, saving more than 100 tons of water in one year.

Boys and girls, have you changed your mind when you saw the dog's mistake? Should you be a model of water conservation like it?

The Story of Water (4)

Water is the source of life. Water is an indispensable part of our human beings, and we need to add a lot of water every day. However, as the global pollution intensifies, there is less and less water on the earth, and the global temperature is gradually warming, the future life of the earth people will be even worse.

I remember one time when I went to the bathroom and heard the sound of the tap "clatter". I just saw a person go away after washing his hands, and the unrelated tap was still "clatter" running, as if to say to me, "Whoa, who shut me down?" When I was about to go, I saw a little girl come in and wash her hands, turn off the tap, and then go again, I seem to hear the faucet silently saying to the little girl, "Thank you for shutting me down!" Seeing this, I have an unspeakable taste in my heart. I should save water!

Yes, the drought in Yunnan is very serious. For example, I saw a report on the Internet that shocked me: "Uncle Zhang's bucket of water needs to be used several times, and he only takes a bath once a month. It really makes me feel that water is as expensive as oil in their place!

Water is the source of all things, so we should encourage everyone to save water, jointly protect the beautiful home of mankind, and protect the water resources on which mankind depends for survival.

The Story of Water (5)

"Alas! I am so miserable. People always waste me economically: the tap is not tight, the vegetable water, the bath water

I always thought that I would not perish, yes. I will not perish, but I will let you lose the source of life! " A water named "wasted" wailed.

"Don't cry, come to me! My master is so kind to me, and he cherishes me very much. Not a drop of water is wasted. I like them very much, and I live a happy life with them." A waterside consolation named "Little Saving" said.

"How did they treat you?" "Wasted" asked.

"Please listen to me carefully." "Small economy" said.

"Moms, don't wash rice and vegetables. Don't pour water. Pour it into the flowerpot, and the flowers will be happy~"

"Dads, wash your face. Never pour water after using the washbasin. Clean the windows with this water, and the room will be bright."

"Your master is very kind to you!"

"Of course, the ancients said, people can only live for two or three days without drinking water. If they don't love you, come to my house!"


Early the next morning, I was worried about waste. I wanted to go home to have a look. When I saw that the owner was dying, there was a piece of paper on the table. It said: "I regret that I didn't cherish it. Now I have to eat my own fruit and regret it. I regret it. We promise to waste that we will never know how to repay my kindness." Since then, the name of "wasted" has been changed to cherish and live a happy life.

The Story of Water (6)

I am a small water drop. Originally, I was on Mount Everest in the Himalayas, 8848 meters above sea level. The temperature there is very low. There is snow all the year round. The temperature is minus 40 degrees Celsius all the year round. Glaciers, ice slopes, and ice tower forest roads can be seen everywhere. But now that mankind has destroyed the protective layer of the atmosphere, the temperature has gradually warmed up, and my partners and I have become snow water flowing down the mountain.

Leaving our hometown of snow, we converged into the Yangtze River, flowing down the river endlessly. Through Qinghai Province, Tibet Autonomous Region, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Chongqing City, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Anhui Province, Jiangsu Province, and Shanghai City, it flows into the East China Sea to the east of Chongming Island. The scenery along the way is infinitely beautiful. We irrigate fertile fields, nourish the earth, raise fish and shrimp, and hydroelectric power generation benefits mankind.

Come to Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Yangzhou is built on water, prospered by water, and beautiful because of water. It is an important historical and cultural city in China.

Unexpectedly, my little water drops can still keep pure and clear beauty when they go up the mountain and into the sea; Unexpectedly, my little water droplets can also contribute to the balanced and sustainable development of the motherland by climbing up the slope layer by layer. I'm proud! I'm proud!

The Story of Water (7)

Water is very wonderful, and many mysteries it contains have aroused people's interest: What are human muscles, bones, and skin made of? I found that the human body is closely related to water.

One holiday, my family came to the beautiful sea. The blue sea water is clear to the bottom, emitting bright waves. The sea water makes a sound of "brushing", as if singing a beautiful song.

Put on your swimsuit and get ready to go to sea. I put one foot into the sea first. Ah, it's so cold! Slowly, I walked deeper and deeper, and my whole body floated up. The sea water gently patted my body, and small bubbles appeared around me, bouncing around, as if dancing a beautiful symphony. Suddenly, a big wave flooded all my happy mood and made me drink seawater. Bah, it's really salty! What does the sea mean? I thought to myself, what's bad for me now! After a while, another big wave came. This time, I was not afraid of you. I jumped with my feet and successfully avoided a wave hit. Later, another wave came, and another wave came before I could hide behind. I drank another mouthful of sea water. I ducked my mouth angrily and came to my mother, complaining to her, "Mom, the sea water is so salty!" My mother said to me after listening, "Water is very important to the human body. Only with water can we lubricate the skin and let living things grow. Scientists said that 70% of the human body is water! And water can cook, water flowers, take a bath... Without water, there will be no living things on the earth! "

Water is so important to us, we should cherish water and save water, you said, right?

When I come to the seaside again, I will feel very kind, just like my mother's warm hand touching me!

The Story of Water (8)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

What kind of source of life is water? Water is indispensable to the human body. But some factories discharge sewage into the river. I must be a person who cherishes water. However, before this incident, I was not a person who treasured water. To get back to business, listen to my story of wasting water first!

One morning, after dinner, my grandmother said to me, "Granddaughter, go and wash the bowls, pans and dishes!" I said to my grandmother lazily, "Oh, I know! I'm going to wash the dishes, pans and dishes now." Grandma said, "Go ahead." When I got to the kitchen, I turned on the water tap first, turned up the tap, and washed the rice dregs of the bowls and dishes, I received some more water=, so I cleaned up the leftovers all the time, and finally I finished cleaning. I tried to turn the tap to the maximum, and washed the dishes and bowls. I took out the pot, took a full pot of water, washed the pot again, and finally "crashed..." When I flushed, the pot was clean. But when I looked at my clothes, she said, "Ah! How come this is so!" When she heard the voice, she rushed over. The kitchen was full of water, and my clothes were all wet. Grandma said, "I won't let you wash things like this in the future. You waste too much water!" After that, Grandma taught me how to be a water saver.

Water is the cradle of life, and I will save more water from now on!

Grade 5: Yuyan

The Story of Water (9)

My story with water

The Chinese composition topic of the fifth grade mid-term exam is "My Story with Water", the composition topic of the final exam is "My Story with Water", "I received the best gift", and I chose "My Story with Water".

When I came home after the exam, I told my mother that I wrote the Story of Me and Water, which was almost the same as the mid-term exam... Before I finished speaking, she shouted at me directly: "It's the same at the end of the mid-term and the end of the semester. You can't write anything else except wasting water on washing dishes. Can't you write it with your own little brush?" Looking at her cloudy face, it was like a storm coming day, I thought of the sea of thunder and clouds in the TV series "The Ancient Sword", and swallowed the words of explanation.

My mother ignored me for a long time, saying that she wanted to be quiet and didn't want to get angry with me. I had to read on the sofa alone.

The test paper was handed out, and the full score of the composition was 25. I got 23 points. In two days, mother's mood relaxed. She read my composition and said to me: "Although it is still a waste of water to wash the dishes, the content is different, and it also uses the data from Baidu to prove that water resources are precious, which is good; the performance is not very good, next time I try hard, I don't want to be demanding. If I am more careful, I will add a few points, and the performance will be better than now, I believe you."

"Mom, my usual little exercise, my imaginary article" The Story of Me and Water ", the teacher commented:" If you write well, it is off the topic. "During the exam, you are also required to write an unforgettable story that actually happened between me and water."

"As soon as I heard that you wrote again that washing dishes wastes water, my stomach was full of anger. At that time, I thought that this child should be a cat instead of a monkey, and that other people's articles should be copied from each other, without their own thoughts."

"Mom, do you know? If I write imaginary articles, I don't know how many marks I will get in Chinese this time? The composition may be zero."

"But I should praise you for understanding the composition requirements and considering what to write in the examination room?"

My grievances have finally been washed away, and my heart is happy.

One after another, the math teacher sent a message to her mother, telling her that "Jiajia is very smart. Don't worry about her grades. If she were more serious, she would be the best student in our class, I swear secretly: "I want to be a serious child, I want to write well, I want to get rid of carelessness... I will never live up to the expectations of teachers and mothers! My hope flows like a clear brook

The Story of Water (10)

Water Composition 300 Words: Water Story

Water is indispensable to human beings. Without water, human beings cannot survive. In the human body, water accounts for 20% of the weight, and 90% of the blood is also water. It can be seen that water has a very close relationship with our lives.

In the hot summer, when you turn on the tap to take a hot bath, how did you know that the bath water you use can be used to feed the friends in the disaster area for more than a few months; When you flush the toilet and water the flowers, do you ever think about recycling; When you accidentally forget to turn off the tap, have you ever thought that if you let him keep crying, the last drop of water is just an imagination.

In that sunny spring, walk alone to the pastoral creek, and you will find the green grass is attractive, and the blue water makes you linger. But now, the garbage along the river will make your teeth itch.

Do you know in the end that we can't live without water, which has raised us like mother's milk. Because of our carelessness, we hurt her again and again. For hundreds of years, she has suffered from numerous wounds and bruises.

Students, gold is valuable and water is priceless. Let's start from now on, from what side of the small things, let's work together and look for the home of the time with appreciation!