The saddest thing (Collection 4)
Smiling face with red eyes
2024-01-08 06:01:44

The saddest thing (1)

Growth is like a turbulent river. We are like a stone full of edges and corners. We always feel sad and depressed when the river beats again and again, learn from the lessons, and gradually become smooth and mature.

Before I was nine years old, I lived in Luozigou when it came to holidays. There is a beautiful big house: a large front yard, a wide backyard, and plenty of light. My mother loves raising dogs, especially the plump and furry puppies. On a whim, she handcrafted a kennel and bought three small things less than a few months from the neighbor next door where the bitch had just given birth. The little guys have fleshy lip lines, round ears, fine, soft and bright hair, black jewel like eyes rolling around, looking around, and their mouth still purring, which is very cute. One of the three puppies was dazzlingly white, the other was thick black, and the other was covered with gold filigree, which looked like a gold ingot.

The dogs are spoiled at home. They roll in the sand and wrestle with each other. Their hair is mixed with a lot of dust and sand. The bright color of their hair becomes dim, and the white one is the most conspicuous. This really upset me: the dog is always so dirty, and it is easy to get sick. What should I do? Yes! Give them a bath, and the dirt will fall off?

I dragged a big red water basin out of the bathroom, found the faucet, splashed a basin of clean water, took great pains to carry the water to the front of the house, and almost spilled all over myself. I found another towel. Then, I picked up the little white dog, pressed it into the water, and lifted the water to pour it on its head and back. The dog snorted reluctantly and grunted. I reached for its four small claws, rubbed them hard, and soaked its tail. The dog whimpered bitterly, and was pulled out of the water by me, wrapped in a big towel and dried. I tortured other puppies as I did. After sucking up the water on the puppies, I saw that the three puppies had recovered their luster, and I went back to the house with satisfaction.

It was late summer and early autumn, and it was easy to catch cold. I opened the door and saw the puppies lying on the ground, trembling all over, foaming at the corners of their mouths, and the golden one was still trying to stand up, but it had no strength. The puppies twitched for a while and then lost their breath.

When I looked at everything in front of me, hot air came out of my eyes, and my vision became blurred. I know that because of my ignorance, three fresh little lives have gone. I cried with regret

It always makes me very sad to think about it now. Growing up happy things let me feel the beauty of life, sad, sad things let me pay the price of ignorance. Thanks for growing up, it makes me happy and mature.

The saddest thing (2)

I like little turtles very much. I won the first place in my class in the mid-term exam. In order to reward me, my father bought me a little turtle. I was very happy and would play with it when I was free.

When I finish my homework every day, I stand in front of the turtle and watch it swim, rest and sleep. Because the water was not changed and fed in time these days, it was infected by bacteria and died.

The little turtle is not here now. He died when I didn't take good care of him. I'm so sad, I'm so sorry for it. I hope it can forgive me.

The saddest thing (3)

Everyone has his own sad thing, and I want to introduce my sad thing to everyone.

Today, it's sunny and comfortable. When I got to school, I saw my best friend reading on the seat. I was very excited. I ran to see what book she was reading. When she saw me, she put the book away and said to me with a smile, "What's wrong, You'er?"

I said to her, "Mo Er, why do you put the book away when you see me?"

"I... I." She hesitated to speak. I asked her, "What's wrong?"

She slowly pulled out the book. When I looked at the title, it was Twenty Four Histories. I asked with a puzzled expression: "Mo Er, this book?"

She said, "My mother only lets me read books about" history " Before she finished, I said angrily: "Why, your mother let you read these books that you can't understand, why, if you resist, your mother will let you read this book?"

"It's not my fault!" she said angrily. "Well, if you want, we will never be friends again!"

I said, "Well, we won't be friends anymore!"

After class, I returned to my seat and reflected. Maybe it was my fault. I shouldn't lose my temper with Mo Er. I... should apologize to her.

Grade 5: Shangguan Ziyou

The saddest thing (4)

At noon yesterday, I carried a large bag of garbage to the garbage can outside the door. Look, ah! My elaborate handicraft was thrown away.

When I think of my things being thrown away, I know it must be my grandfather's good deed without asking, because my things are moved by everyone else at home with my consent, except my grandfather. The anger in my heart was ignited. I ran to my grandfather like a gust of wind, pointed to the handicraft and asked loudly: "Grandpa, did you throw this?" "Uh huh! Yes, what's wrong?" My grandfather answered as if nothing had happened. "It took me a lot of effort to make it!" I retorted angrily. His teeth were so angry that he bit and rattled. He was about to scold and swallowed again. He thought: Grandpa is an elder, and I can't yell at him. Suddenly, my eyes were sparkling with tears. I threw down the trash can with a sound of "Dong" and ran to the balcony, hiding in the corner, curling up and crying.

The sound of crying became louder and sharper. Grandma, who was cooking delicious food in the kitchen, welcomed her. She came over gently, squatted down and gently stroked my head, asking with concern: "What's wrong with Zhang Aoxian?", It seems to be comforting me: "Don't be sad, Aoxian, you are the little joy at home!" I thought about it, and vaguely heard the voice of my grandparents. "This is carefully made by Zhang Aoxian..."

After a while, Grandpa came over and gratefully scratched his head and apologized: "Aoxian, I'm sorry, you think it's a treasure, but I think it's just a pile of garbage, so I threw it away." After listening to Grandpa's words, it reminded me that different people have different views on the same thing.