Understanding of Doing Housework (5 Collections)
Seize the opportunity
2023-12-12 06:10:34

Understanding of housework (1)

In this summer vacation, the biggest gain for me was that I realized the hard work and fatigue of doing housework. My father and mother both went to work, and the "heavy task" of doing housework fell to me. I swept the floor, washed the dishes and pans, and made the bed. It was no problem. Although the time spent doing housework was not too long, I still felt exhausted. I lay on the sofa, no matter how I tried to persuade myself not to give up standing up and continue working, it was useless at this time.

When I sweated and complained about the tiredness and tediousness of housework, I realized the hard work of my parents. I got up early and went to bed late every day. I never really relaxed and rested. I walked around like a top all day. And me? Sitting at home every day just doing homework, playing computer games, watching TV, how can they work hard? I will only use the excuse that my parents are older than me, and children only concentrate on learning and don't do housework to push all housework onto them.

In this summer vacation, I found that I could do so much. I also realized that I had grown up, and I should not leave everything to my parents to solve. I should help my family to share some housework when I had enough time. I would certainly do my own things, and I would not be naughty and capricious as before. I will try my best to lighten their burden, so that they can also take time to relax themselves and enjoy life. Since then, I have learned to keep my home clean and tidy at all times and cherish the fruits of others' labor. Everyone has his own unshirkable responsibility. I can't stop doing housework on the grounds of being young and studying hard. With the growth of age, responsibility is increasing and heavier. Now my responsibility is to study hard in order to grow up; In order not to let parents worry, we should take care of ourselves and learn to stand on our own feet.

This time doing housework let me know adults' hard work and their own responsibilities and obligations. Thank you for this opportunity to do housework. It's good to do housework!

Understanding of housework (2)

Today, my father and mother both went to work, and the "heavy task" of doing housework fell to me. I swept the floor, washed the dishes and pans, and made the bed. It was no problem. Although the time spent doing housework was not too long, I still felt exhausted. I lay on the sofa, no matter how I tried to persuade myself not to give up and stand up to continue working, it was useless at this time.

Just when I sweated and complained about the tiredness and tediousness of housework, I realized the hard work of my parents. I got up early and went to bed late every day. I never really relaxed and rested. I walked around like a top all day. As for me, I will only use the excuse that my parents are older than me, and children only concentrate on their study instead of doing housework, to push all housework onto them.

In this summer vacation, I found that I could do so much. I also realized that I had grown up, and I should not leave everything to my parents to solve. I should help my family to share some housework when I had enough time. I would certainly do my own things, and I would not be as naughty and capricious as before. I will try my best to lighten their burden, so that they can also take time to relax themselves and enjoy life.

Since then, I have learned to keep my home clean and tidy at all times and cherish the fruits of others' labor. Everyone has his own unshirkable responsibility. I can't stop doing housework on the grounds of being young and studying hard. With the growth of age, responsibility is increasing and heavier. Now my responsibility is to study hard in order to grow up; In order not to let parents worry, we should take care of ourselves and learn to stand on our own feet.

It's good to do housework!

Understanding of housework (3)

yeah! Another day, I got up and dressed excitedly. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I rushed into the kitchen like a gust of wind. You must want to know why I am so happy, because today I will help my mother clean the room

When I walked into the kitchen, I was shocked at the sight of it. Maybe it had not been cleaned for a long time! There are a lot of dishes. The floor is dirty and the walls are black with oil smoke. How can we clean them! Alas!

First, I wash the dishes. I put the dishes in clean water, clean them roughly with a steel ball, then squeeze a little detergent, and gently scrub them with my hands. Wow! A pile of snow-white foam gradually floated on the water, just like the beautiful snowflakes in winter! When I was intoxicated, a naughty "porcelain doll" slipped away from my hands, and was crushed to pieces with a sound of "crack", alas! What should I do! When my mother came back, I had to listen to the "Hoop Curse" again, so I had to wash the remaining dishes quickly.

Oh yeah! The dishes are finally finished. It's time to clean the walls! However, it's so dirty that I have to clean it till some day! However, "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb", I can not help but be full of motivation. First, I sprinkled some water on the wall, covered it with detergent, and then scrubbed it bit by bit with a steel ball. I squinted, bent my waist, and carefully brushed and brushed, fearing that it would be a little dirty. Finally, the cleaning was finished. I straightened up, brought a basin of water, ladled water, poured it on the wall one by one, and finally cleaned it up!

There is only one task left - mopping the floor. I found a clean mop and started to mop when I got wet. It is still simple and easy to mop the floor. I cleaned it in five minutes.

How tired I am today! Through this cleaning, I know that it is not easy for my mother. I must help my mother clean more and show filial respect to her.

Understanding of housework (4)

Most children of our generation are only children and seldom do housework. I am no exception. At school. I was busy going to school every day. During the holidays, I had no time to do housework, but I had to do this composition this May Day holiday.

Today, I cooked a lunch for my parents. What I want to make is omelette, which is the only dish I can get. I usually only saw my mother do it, but I didn't practice it myself. It seems that the practice is very simple. It's not so easy when I get it. The first step is to beat an egg. I took an egg from the refrigerator and knocked it gently on the edge of the bowl. I didn't even knock the lead out. I knocked it hard. It's all right. The white and yellow flow down together. I had no choice but to knock one more. This time, I only used 50% of my strength, and the strength was just right. I put Qing and Huang in a plate, mixed them well, and added water and noodles. The amount was not well controlled, either there was more water or there was more noodles, and it was just right. Next, I added seasonings, salt, thirteen spices, and scallions. After pouring all these into the plate, I mixed them well, and for a long time, my arms were numb and my shoulders were sore, Finally, I stirred a bowl of paste and poured the oil into the pan. During the period when the oil was hot, I picked several sausages. After a while, the oil became hot. I poured the paste into the pan with a spoon. When I saw the paste slowly changing shape and color, I thought there was no difficulty. However, difficulties still arose. It was successful to shovel out the cake. After several failures, I finally managed to shovel out a somewhat complete cake. I was very happy.

After this housework, I feel a lot of truth, and I pay more respect to my parents.

Understanding of housework (5)

On a cool windy night, I watched TV happily in the living room. Looking back, I saw my mother washing a lot of dirty clothes. I can't bear to see my mother dragging her tired body. I hurried to my mother and said, "Mom, let me help you!" Forget it! Let me wash it! Watch TV! Mother said earnestly. I finally persuaded my mother with my repeated requests.

I learned from my mother's way of collecting half a basin of water first, and then put my clothes into the basin. I rubbed hard to get some soap. After that, the soap did not obey me at all. It fell into the basin and fell on the ground. The clothes are still dirty after rubbing for a long time. I thought to myself: Is there too much water, or am I not strong enough. That's not right! When I was in a dilemma, my mother came over with a smile. My mother looked at the clothes in my hand and said with a smile, "Washing clothes requires washing liquid and a little hot water instead of soap.". oh i see! It suddenly dawned on me. Quickly add some hot water, put some laundry detergent into the clothes, rub them hard, and rinse them. In this way, I repeatedly scrubbed and cleaned a dirty dress. Finally, I twisted the soaked clothes to dry them. Looking at the clothes hanging there waving to me, I don't know how happy I am!

Through this housework. I've learned that no matter what you do, you should be good at thinking. We should work more and not be able to destroy the achievements of others. What is honor? It is not a learning attitude of erudite and truth seeking, nor is it a rich family. It's labor. Why? Because labor is the most glorious!