Focus on the future (7 high-quality articles)
Entertain immortals
2024-03-26 06:29:40
junior middle school

Focus on the future (1)

I always think my height is short and I want to grow taller! Today, my mother and I came to the ninth floor of Xiaoshan Daily to participate in the activity of young reporters' attention to height.

The teacher who came to give us a lecture was Dr. Wu Huifen, the director of pediatrics at Xiaoshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She said that the three prescriptions for attention to height were "nutrition, exercise and sleep". Mr. Wu said that it was normal for me to have a bone age difference of one year. If there was a difference of more than two years, it would be a bit wrong. Finally, we asked a lot of questions. Can I drink milk? What kind of milk is good? Can you jump a thousand ropes? Do you jump rope at the same time every day? There were many students and children who had many height problems like me. My mother told Miss Wu that I was only 133cm now, but other aunts said that I was less than 133cm. Because other sisters were much taller than me, they said that they were only 135cm. Later they found that it was my sister who jumped rope every day and now it is taller! I thought to myself: I must grow tall in the future. Now I should hurry up and not be picky about food, exercise well and go to bed early.

After this activity, I would like to say to other children: Remember Dr. Wu's "Three Prescriptions", and your body will become taller. Come on! Boys and girls!

Focus on the future (2)

If I grow up, I can live independently without the care of others, even my parents. The key is that no homework can bother me.

I especially envy college students, who can live independently, allocate time and tasks by themselves. I think that life like that must be free, free and colorful. Anyway, it will be happier than now.

My aunt said, "You are a child who attaches great importance to the future." I admit that I really care about my future.

I really thought about the future for a long time. When I was very young, I thought, can I find a job when I grow up? Is it true that if I don't study hard, I can only sweep the road. What can I do if my salary is too low? I can't buy any delicious food... I didn't sleep well thinking about it. Later, my mother asked me what was wrong, but I didn't tell her. A few days later, I finally thought of opening a pet shop to not only accept stray cats and dogs, but also treat them and send them to their favorite homes. Of course, it can earn a lot of money. After solving this problem, I really slept soundly for several nights. However, less than a week later, several questions came up in my mind. Can I go to college? If you don't have the knowledge and skills to help small animals, can you still open a shop? With the adult's warning, I decided to study at ease.

For the future, we must find good methods and plans to constantly improve learning efficiency. So I want to make a plan for myself, a learning plan, and also a growth plan.

Holding the pen, I thought a lot again: I was a college student, and my family sent me a lot of money. I used it to buy many new clothes and delicious food, and also bought a laptop. The mobile phone was still the kind of "Apple 5"... but I didn't write down a word of plan.

This is a person who pays attention to the future, but not to the present.

Focus on the future (3)

He never asked me whether I had forgotten the past, but I often reminded him to focus on the present to forget the past.

We are always immersed in the sadness about the past, aimless, and bound by the past. For now, we only know the latest Korean dramas at this moment, and the hottest British and American dramas at this moment, but we have no time to look back at the terrible life. Looking back, you will find that you still have a long way to go, and what has passed will be kept as memories.

The past of failure is like a black note in the music, which makes people angry, depressed and unbearable to look back. But if you don't extricate yourself from failure, it will only make you more painful. Just imagine: if Sima Qian chose to give up after he was sentenced to court, how could there be "the swan song of a historian and the unravelling of a poet"? If Wellington was depressed after the defeat, how could there be the victory of Waterloo? If Deng Xiaoping can't stand the ups and downs, how can there be great reform and opening up? The facts tell us that we should forget the past failures, start from scratch and work hard to write a wonderful chapter in our future life. We don't live in the past, we belong to the present.

Don't sigh "It's too late to mend the leak when the ship arrives at the river". Please look at the clock of memory now, so that you can put back into your pursuit with zero time hope and ambition - the pursuit full of enthusiasm, not full of regret. The past has already passed, and the present is zero. Starting from zero, we need to put our heart at the origin, not let past failures get in the way of our feet, not let past successes stick to the clockwork of our beliefs, return to peace, and let life return to "youth". Then came the towering spectacle of Qomolangma rising from the sea floor, the expectation that "when winter comes, spring will not be far away", and the relief of "the moon is missing and flowers are broken". The past is not important. We still have the present. Don't delay and don't give up. We should hope for the present life. We should know that the life of a bright girl will not be too bad.

Focus on your present, put aside the glory and gloom of the past, and welcome the good time of the new day. Look, the phoenix bathing in fire has been reborn!

Focus on the future (4)

Edison said, "I never want to abandon my struggle life. I attach great importance to the experience gained through struggle, especially the happiness gained after overcoming difficulties. A person must first go through difficulties, then step into prosperity, and then feel useful and comfortable." Yes, maybe you are now very difficult, very rough, very rugged, but as long as you are full of confidence, as long as you believe in the future, The long lost sunshine will surely shine all over you. Looking at a golden sunflower on the cover, I pondered: How many of us are facing the sun like sunflowers now? Open this book with "temperature" - "Sunbath for Teenagers' Soul", and the word "future" came into my eyes. What will my future be like? With curiosity, I began to read and watch, and began to integrate into the story of the little girl Sally: she was a child without a father, often depressed. When she was 13 years old, a priest came to teach in the church, and she often listened. The words of the priest deeply touched her heart. She just hid in the corner and left early because she was afraid that others would say she was a child without a father. Once, she was fascinated. At the end of the lecture, she found that the pastor had come to her. The pastor understood her situation and said something that would change Sally's life from then on: "All people here, like you, are children of God. The past is not equal to the future. No matter how unfortunate the past is, it is not important. It is important to have confidence in the future. Children, make a decision now and try to be the person you want to be. You should know that the most important thing for people is not where you come from, but where you are going. As long as you have confidence in the future, now will be full of power. No matter what you have done in the past, it has already passed. As long as you adjust your mind, define your goals, and strive for them optimistically and actively, success will surely belong to you. " Since then, Sally has become more and more optimistic and enterprising. She has also become the governor of the US state of Naxi. After reading this story, I remembered one thing last summer. That summer, it was incredibly hot. With the encouragement of my parents, I signed up for a ten day swimming improvement class. I have always liked swimming because it can not only learn a skill, but also enjoy the pleasure of being in the water. So, I came to the swimming pool cheerfully, followed the teacher to the pool, and when I saw the rippling water, I felt very happy. We first followed the teacher to do some warm-up exercises on the shore, until I felt warm, the teacher and we went into the water. Wow! How cool! When my body was slowly saturated with water, I felt an unprecedented comfort, and a trace of coolness covered my whole body. I jumped in the water excitedly. How short is the ten day swimming training? Today is the last day. Today's task is: 50 meters deep pool breathing swimming test. This is not a problem for me, who is serious and active at ordinary times. Each person has two opportunities to record the best results. I'm the fifth. When the fourth person jumped into the water, I encouraged myself in my heart: Be sure to refuel! Even if you fail, go ashore with a smile! It was my turn. I took a deep breath, kicked the wall of the pool and rushed out. I paddled my arms evenly and forcefully, and my legs swung up and down quickly. The black lines under the pool ran backward one by one. However, when I raised my head again to breathe in, a stream of water rushed to me. I drank a mouthful of water and coughed. My hands and feet were in disorder. I had no choice but to climb onto the bank. But I didn't lose heart. I got up the courage to line up again... It was my turn again. I said silently in my heart: "Come on!" I adjusted my breath and rushed out again. "Five meters! Three meters! Two meters! One meter! Here we are!" The coach on the shore said to me happily. I climbed onto the bank and smiled happily. Because I am confident, so I succeed! The past does not equal the future. Because the past belongs to the god of death, and the future belongs to oneself, because the past is the territory where memories roam, and the future is the stage where dreams gallop. In the past, whether it is success or failure, don't care too much. The future is the most noteworthy. Only by facing the future, can we achieve success!

Focus on the future (5)

According to the newspaper, several children wrote to Comrade Gao Yubao, saying that the landlord Zhou Pipi learned to crow at midnight. Don't you look at your watch and be fooled? They also asked: Why don't you eat biscuits if you don't have enough to eat? These children are innocent and lovely, with a charming and innocent attitude. But on reflection, it seems too naive. They can read Gao Yubao and write letters. They should know something about old China and the world! Somehow, I was reminded of the story in the Book of Jin: when Emperor Hui of Jin was in famine, the people died of hunger, but Emperor Hui of Jin asked his officials, why not eat meat porridge when there was no food? Sima Zhong, the Emperor Huidi of Jin, is good at deep palace, and has a little dementia. How can he understand people's life and death? Now, our children are really "growing up in sweet water", they do not understand the old society. I didn't know how to suffer. I didn't know that Gao Yubao didn't have a watch at that time. I don't know why Gao Yubao didn't eat biscuits, which is also very natural. However. These teenagers should not be kept ignorant. It would be terrible if, like Emperor Hui of the Jin Dynasty, he was still ignorant when he came to the age of taking power. It is of course up to teachers to let children understand this and know something about the world. But it also depends on our writers and artists!

I thought again. A few years ago, there was no good singer. The kindergarten teacher had to teach the children to sing "Wolf (Lang), we are one heart", and the cartoonist drew cartoons based on it. This cartoon has been in the past few years, but now it seems that it has not improved much. In terms of "children's songs", what children sing is not "broken shoes", "I love you", or "sister, you go forward boldly", "you can kiss as much as you like", which is really a big problem.

To be sure, before and after the annual Children's Day, some literary and artistic publications will also have a "June 1 special number", and some publishing houses will also put an advertisement for the "June 1" title; Therefore, some critics have commented that children's literature has become "61" literature. After the "61", children's literature is rarely thought of. This is of course an exaggerated statement. There are also some publishers out of a sense of social responsibility. Even if they lose money, they can also send beautiful reading materials to young readers. For example, Chongqing Publishing House and Qingdao Publishing House have published many volumes of children's, primary and secondary school literature collections with generous and beautiful wooden binding items; There are also some writers who work silently in the garden of children's literature. However, can we say that artists and publishers have not paid enough attention to children's literature and art in recent years. Are there too few works that have caused "sensational effects", such as "The Story of Zhuoya and Shula" in the 1950s and "Gao Yubao" in the 1960s? Even good works such as "Let's play the double oars" seem rare.

Focus on the future (6)

If I grow up, I can live independently without the care of others, even my parents. The key is that no homework can bother me.

I especially envy college students, who can live independently, allocate time and tasks by themselves. I think that life like that must be free, free and colorful. Anyway, it will be happier than now.

My aunt said, "You are a child who attaches great importance to the future." I admit that I really care about my future.

I really thought about the future for a long time. When I was very young, I thought, can I find a job when I grow up? Is it true that if I don't study hard, I can only sweep the road. What can I do if my salary is too low? I can't buy any delicious food... I didn't sleep well thinking about it. Later, my mother asked me what was wrong, but I didn't tell her. A few days later, I finally thought of opening a pet shop to not only accept stray cats and dogs, but also treat them and send them to their favorite homes. Of course, it can earn a lot of money. After solving this problem, I really slept soundly for several nights. However, less than a week later, several questions came up in my mind. Can I go to college? If you don't have the knowledge and skills to help small animals, can you still open a shop? With the adult's warning, I decided to study at ease.

For the future, we must find good methods and plans to constantly improve learning efficiency. So I want to make a plan for myself, a learning plan, and also a growth plan.

Holding the pen, I thought a lot again: I was a college student, and my family sent me a lot of money. I used it to buy many new clothes and delicious food, and also bought a laptop. The mobile phone was still the kind of "Apple 5"... but I didn't write down a word of plan.

This is a person who pays attention to the future, but not to the present.

Focus on the future (7)

My mother has been repeating in my ears, hoping that I can become an engineer of human soul. However, I... I don't know whether I can be qualified for this sacred profession. Students' parents' expectations and children's hopes - I'm afraid I will be temporarily stage frighten! Maybe I think too much, but I'm really afraid that so many students' hopes and prospects depend on me alone. Am I OK—— I have been asking myself this question. Do I have fun and pain with my students? My friends always say that I am a sentimental person and always treat others as if they were me. Yes, I might cry for a student's failure - what is this performance? Not strong or rich feelings—— I don't know.

My own dream of the future only I know, I never told others, including my most sincere friends, my beloved parents. I always feel like it's impossible - it's a fantasy. Because of it, when my teacher asked me to host a speech contest, I would happily pat the table - my dream is to become an excellent host. I used to be a special correspondent of three media, but I never got on the chair of the host. Someone said that my voice was very pleasant, so I began to like listening to the radio. Listen to the soft and gentle voice of the host, and imagine if I were sitting in the studio, it would be great. There is a gap between the dream and the reality. I always think that my future cannot be a blueprint that I am now envisioning. It's so vague that I can't know what I should do. I pay attention to it, but I never really understand it. All I know is that now I should study hard to reach the predetermined goal - that's all. However, I don't know what the target is.

When a bright shadow crosses the tranquil night sky, I believe it is a meteor. I will hold my hands tightly and make the most beautiful wish in my heart. I pay attention to my future. I know that my future is not a dream. Just try to seize every minute! How I wish the lovely angel could give me wings to travel through time and let me have a look at my future. Perhaps, my future is waving to me, and I will certainly rush forward regardless of everything and just embrace it!

I am concerned about my future. I know that my future is not a dream