My Chinese Class 600 (10 Collections)
Happy Harbor
2024-04-11 00:44:36

My Chinese Lesson 600 (1)

An unforgettable Chinese lesson 600 (1)

600 words for an unforgettable lesson

In the six years of primary school, I had countless classes and learned countless knowledge. But what impressed me most was a science class in Grade Four.

In the fourth grade, a new teacher, Miss Jin, came to our class. She taught us math and science. Teacher Jin speaks brilliantly and kindly. She knows mathematics very well and often gives us Olympiad math problems to expand our thinking. She not only assigned very little homework, but also was very kind to students, so she was loved by students. I remember that in the winter of that year, it hardly snowed, but when it was supposed to be warm in spring, there was light snow in the air. All the students wanted to go out to enjoy the snow after class, but to their surprise, Mr. Jin took the initiative to go out to enjoy the snow ahead of time after finishing the science lecture! The students not only love the new teacher more!

When I mentioned Mr. Jin, the first thing I thought of was an interesting science lesson. For a long time, I think science class is the most boring thing. When I open the book, I am afraid of the tadpole like words. It's a tedious process to cram knowledge into your mind. You see, once you read it, you want to share the book, twice you want to go out to play... If you read it repeatedly, you will not only gain nothing, but also waste a lot of time. This is really a headache. However, I fell in love with science class since I took the class of Mr. Jin.

In science class, we had to memorize some knowledge as usual, but Mr. Jin taught us a new way - understanding memory. There is an illustration printed on the science book, recording the whole process of butterfly growth: egg - larva - pupa - adult, which is our task of reciting. Mr. Jin first asked us to read books, then looked at the illustrations on the books, and finally looked at the blackboard, then slowly to fast. In the process of reciting, I not only saw a series of comics in my mind: a round egg, crawling out of a fearsome caterpillar, the butterfly's larva. After several times of peeling, the larva formed its own pupa and hung it on the tree. After a few days, the larva broke out of the cocoon, became an adult, that is, a beautiful butterfly, and then the butterfly regenerated its eggs, Nature has shown us many magical things.

The faster the students recite, the more interesting they are. This is no longer endorsement, but a game, who recites skillfully, who is the champion! While we forget to recite, the secret of reading - understanding also appears quietly in front of us, allowing us to savor it carefully.

This is really an unforgettable science lesson!

In my learning career from grade one to six, the most unforgettable lesson was a science open class in grade three. That class was the most unforgettable memory. Now it's really thought-provoking. In that lesson, we talked about the expansion of heat and contraction of cold. Many teachers in the classroom listened to the lecture. I was very nervous at that time. The teacher said to open the book to see examples, and then began to do experiments. First, take out a balloon, then pour hot water into the beaker, and fix the balloon at the mouth of the beaker. After a while, the balloon expanded. The teacher began to ask, "Who knows why?" The students all raised their hands, and I thought to myself: I know, I also want to raise my hands, but I don't know why my hands can't be raised. I can't control myself. The teacher asked the other students to answer, and he answered correctly. I missed an opportunity to show myself. The teacher did another experiment. He put the beaker filled with hot water into the basin filled with cold water without moving. After a while, the balloon gradually became smaller until it collapsed. The teacher began to ask questions again. I thought I could not miss this time. I would raise my hand, but my hand seemed numb and unable to move. I missed the opportunity again. In order to consolidate knowledge, the teacher did another experiment that was in line with the reality of life. He took out a flattened table tennis ball and put it in a basin full of hot water. After a while, the ball began to bulge bit by bit, and finally became a intact ball. The teacher asked why and what principle was the same? This time, I didn't hesitate any more, bravely raised my hand, and replied that it was the truth of heat expansion and cold contraction. The teacher was right. I was very happy. I took the last chance. It was not only an opportunity, but also added courage to my future study life. I think this is why I am unforgettable. This lesson made me unforgettable, but what I remember more is the brave hand raising.

Life is like a night sky. Every star is my unforgettable memory. That interesting thing is the most dazzling one among countless stars.

I still remember that when we were in Grade 3, we had a very interesting lesson. On that day, we prepared our books early to learn the lesson of One Minute, but the teacher did not give us a direct lecture as usual, but asked us the meaning of one minute. Some people said that one minute passed quickly, and one minute was nothing. Others said that one minute was too small compared with the time of a day, and everyone was talking about it. Then the teacher said, "How about we play a game first?" As soon as we listened to the game, naturally we were very happy and agreed to it. The teacher first asked us to stand with our arms up for one minute. At first, we were able to hold on, but later, our arms were very sore, and someone began to shake. Then the teacher asked us to compete in writing to see how many words we could write in one minute. When the teacher stopped, we were surprised that we could write so many words in one minute! Later, the teacher said, "Now you can calculate how much the whole class will waste if each person wastes one minute?" After the calculation, we opened our eyes in surprise. A small minute adds up to half an hour! Then the teacher asked, "What about China? What about the world?" We really dare not continue to imagine.

After the game, the teacher said earnestly: "You have spent countless minutes now. One minute, sometimes the pen tip rustles in the classroom; sometimes it is washed away by laughter in play; sometimes it is taken away by snoring in deep sleep; sometimes it is driven away by anger in anger. Every inch of time is an inch of money, and every inch of money can't buy an inch of time. Some people never know how to cherish time before. They always think: It doesn't matter. There is still tomorrow. They always put things on tomorrow. When I grew up, I began to regret: if I had cherished time when I was young, I would not have grown up like this. Who has ever thought about how many tomorrow will be?

After this interesting lesson, I really know the importance of one minute. In the future, I will cherish time and not waste every minute of my life. Here, I sincerely hope that everyone can understand the value of time, cherish time and do the most things in the shortest time

Stars were blinking brightly, and I stopped under the starry night sky, which reminded me of my yearning for that lesson.

I remember a Chinese class where we learned how to read and recite the allegorical sayings. When we understood the composition of the allegorical sayings, the teacher said to us, "Now whoever I draw will be deducted from the group points if he can't recite them." "OK!" We answered the teacher with one voice. I felt uneasy and thought: If the teacher draws Yan Haoran, he will lose points if he can't recite. What should I do? The students who were drawn by the teacher passed the exam one by one. At this time, tragedy came, and the teacher shouted: "Yan Haoran, you come to carry sesame blossom on your back, and then what?" Yan Haoran stood up, my heart also followed, and she bowed her head and said nothing. I looked at other students, and saw that some talked with their deskmates in a low voice, some grinned, bared their teeth, a sarcastic look, some looked left and right, and thought of coaxing... As for our group of students, some were anxious, some were angry with Yan Haoran and their faces were red. More interesting was that some students learned from the Western countries and drew a cross to pray for miracles, I was also worried about Tan Xiaotong, and thought: Why did the teacher order a classmate who shouldn't? Knowing that she won't recite, I hope a miracle will happen.

Unexpectedly, the miracle really came. Yan Haoran mustered up his courage, raised his head slightly, and said hesitantly: "The festival... the festival... the festival is high." "OK, let's applaud!" The teacher was very happy, and then said: "Nothing is difficult in the world. I'm afraid that if someone has a heart, Yan Haoran will recite it. It shows that he has worked hard and paid. We can't look less at others. Look at everyone with colored glasses. This is a kind of unfair behavior that does not respect others. I hope students can get rid of their bad habits. "I lowered my head and regretted that I accidentally hurt a fragile soul. I also decided to take off my eyeglasses when looking at people in the future.

That Chinese class made me, a better student, deeply regret and remorse, and also deeply realize that people will have shortcomings and advantages, but will never be perfect.

The teacher's earnest words echoed in my ears and encouraged me to move forward. In the future study, life and work, no matter whether your conditions are better than others, you should take off your eyeglasses and treat everyone fairly in order to be respected and welcomed by others.

Special gifts

Open the small notebook, which records the joy and emotion of the birthday! But once it was the most unique. The top was empty, and there was only a big "100". When I saw it, the scene at that time came back to my mind.

It was in the sixth grade.

One day, when I came home from school, my father mysteriously pulled me to my room.

"What's the matter, Dad?" My curiosity began to stir again.

"Next month is your mother's birthday. Are you going to send a gift to your mother?" Dad told the truth and looked at me with a smile.

"What are you two doing? Dinner!" Just as I was about to answer my father, my mother pushed the door and came in. In order to give my mother a surprise, I immediately stopped talking.

"Nothing, eat, eat." My father pulled my mother and me out as if nothing had happened. At night, I tossed and turned in bed, thinking about what gift to give my mother. It can't be too tacky, it should be a surprise! By the way, the final exam is coming, why not... I was so excited that I almost cried out. Yes, let's do it!

The next day, I told my good friend what I thought. Who would have thought that my good friend denied me and thought that I didn't have such great ability. And the teacher repeatedly stressed in the class that the difficulty of the final exam had increased, and hoped that the students would strengthen their review in this month and a half.

These two episodes undoubtedly hit my full self-confidence. Give up? Hold on! These two thoughts compete with each other in my mind.

At this time, I thought of what my mother usually did for me and what she had done for me. I firmly said in my heart: Never give up! absolutely!

From that day on, I listened more carefully in class and completed my homework more meticulously. In the evening, after finishing the homework, review and preview carefully. When I am sleepy, I think of my mother's busy figure. My mother has paid so much for me, and I have done such a small thing for my mother. What's the reason to say it's hard? Finally, my mother's birthday came and she passed the final exam successfully.

Mother's birthday, the home is very lively, sister, aunt, uncle. They all came, and mother's face was always filled with a happy smile.

Here we go. Here we go.

"What gift should I give you when I'm so old?" Mother said shyly like a child.

An unforgettable Chinese lesson 600 (2)

An unforgettable Chinese lesson

Class 4, Grade 3, Nanyu Central Primary School: Lin Zhengrong

On Wednesday morning, the Chinese teacher told us: "Today, our class is going to have an open class. At that time, many foreign teachers will come to our class to listen to our class." Everyone cheered and jumped three feet high. The teacher said, "You should listen carefully in class."

The first class was over, and we lined up and went to the multimedia classroom orderly. As soon as I entered the door, I saw four or five rows of teachers sitting behind me, about a hundred. I quickly found my seat and sat down. I was so nervous that I plopped around like a bucket. At this time, the bell rang, and we began our class. The teacher showed us the pictures about the Xisha Islands and explained the relevant information about the Xisha Islands. I listened attentively. The students performed very well. They all listened attentively and raised their hands actively to answer the teacher's questions. When the teacher asked several students to read the text, I quickly raised my little hand. The teacher asked me to get up and read aloud. I stood up excitedly and read aloud carefully. As soon as I finished reading, there was warm applause in the classroom. My heart is as sweet as honey.


My Chinese Lesson 600 (2)

Some people say that the teacher's kindness is like a mountain, because the high mountains are lofty and respected. Some people say that Shien is like the sea, because the sea is immeasurable. In the eyes of students, teachers are strict fathers and kind mothers; He is an unsung hero and a famous teacher in the teaching world.

In Chinese, it is a melodious sound of Qiang flute, which makes people relaxed and happy; It is an aromatic and mellow wine, which makes people have endless aftertaste; It is also a mysterious garden, which makes people linger

My most unforgettable Chinese class was the first composition class. The theme of the composition was the campus in late autumn. The teacher read articles and talked about methods on the stage, accompanied by the beautiful and beautiful background music, as if we were in a beautiful paradise. So that the teacher has read the composition, we have not yet responded, still immersed in the composition.

The article read by the teacher is very beautiful, and one of the words I still remember is that "in the quiet campus, some bright flowers withered and withered; but the chrysanthemums are in full bloom against the bright sun. There are yellow, white and purple flowers, like beautiful coral, like willow branches dyed with many colors, standing in the breeze, graceful and colorful. In autumn, the leaves begin to wither and yellow, but the pines and cypresses are still green and full of vitality; Maple leaves are red, red like sunset clouds, like burning clouds. They seem to be challenging the cold wind and really answer the sentence "Frost leaves are redder than February flowers". "

In that lesson, I learned a lot of things. The teacher also talked about the methods and skills of writing compositions

The teacher asked us to write a composition on the campus in late autumn, and we all wrote very carefully, one minute, two minutes... The bell rang soon after.

Time passed quickly, as if only a few minutes had passed. We were all very happy in this class, but also some regret, because the teacher didn't order anyone to read the composition. Sure enough, time is a bad guy, and always likes to destroy expectations. Although this is not an exciting lesson, it is the lesson I learned the most.

This is my favorite Chinese class.

My Chinese Lesson 600 (3)

I always think that the classroom is a spark war caused by the collision of ideas, and everyone should have different views on the text. There is a Chinese class that I remember the most and like the most.

I remember that the text of that lesson was Chen Taiqiu and Youshixing. When I got the general idea of the text, I just thought that this "friend" was insincere and should not be made. But when I read later, I turned to think that "friend" is a mistake that can be corrected. So I am not used to Chen Yuanfang's practice. An adult bent over a child in order to correct his mistake, but the child not only didn't forgive him, but also "slapped his friend", which made his friend very embarrassed.

The teacher asked: "Is Chen Yuanfang's behavior disrespectful?" This is a routine from ancient times, and can only answer his good side. Sure enough, the students said, "I think it was not rude, because we can see Chen Yuanfang's compliance with the principles." I don't think so, because I think Chen Yuanfang's practice was rude. But I was afraid of being laughed at by my teachers and classmates. I told the student behind me what I thought, and he said: "But you can, but you are not afraid of......" When the student finished answering, the teacher's expression was not satisfied, so I bravely raised my hand, and the student behind said: "You don't want to die?" I smiled, and stood up, "I don't think so. I think this' friend 'has already known his mistake. Besides, he is an elder, and the younger generation should serve him with courtesy. Besides, Chen Taiqiu, Chen Yuanfang's father, was back then. Taiqiu Chang, then he must have made friends with squires or officials, which would be very embarrassing in the streets and alleys, and might bring Chen Taiqiu a disadvantage.", The teacher smiled and the whole class applauded me. I was very happy.

If you can have different views, you can collide with sparks of thinking in the classroom. This is an interesting and meaningful classroom. I like this Chinese class very much and hope that there will always be sparks of this kind of thinking in the future classes.

My Chinese Lesson 600 (4)

Oh, beautiful and sad memories. In fact, if you write a narrative, you can get a certain score if you tell one thing completely. You are in junior high school, right! In junior high school, as long as this point is basically enough, you can get basic points and add some words to modify it. As long as you read more books to show off your literary talent, it's OK. I found a better article myself, and you can use it for reference

There is Chinese everywhere in life, and Chinese classes are everywhere and all the time.

Before school, the Chinese teacher gave each student a garlic and asked them to go home and plant it in a pot and observe the change of garlic once a week. One month later, report the growth of garlic to the class.

The students all wondered why the Chinese teacher had become a biology teacher instead of doing his job properly? But who wouldn't want us to experiment? So the whole class went home quietly.

One month later, the students moved the garlic pot to the class. Xiao Zhang failed the experiment because he put garlic in a bottle. There was water in the bottle but no soil. The garlic was buried in water and the lid was put on. The garlic rotted in the bottle. My experiment was successful, and the garlic I planted grew best, tender, green, straight, and proudly drilled out of the soil. Those who fail are depressed. Successful, happy mood. However, whether they failed or succeeded, the students' weekly observation records were very specific, vivid and wonderful.

The teacher asked us, "Why are all the articles written today very successful?"

We all expressed our own opinions. The playful Xiao Wang said, "We have no pressure to hand in our compositions."

The active Xiaoming replied, "This is what we like to do."

I also scrambled to answer: "Writing about our own experience, of course, will be vivid."

The teacher followed closely and asked: "Well, we have experienced many things in the past, but the writing is not vivid?

The representative of the Chinese language department said with great courage: "Although we have experienced many things, we have not paid attention to them and accumulated them. So although we have a life, we do not have life materials in our minds."

The teacher smiled and said, "Yes, this is Chinese. It passes us silently. We should learn to observe carefully, think carefully, and record carefully before we can learn it well." At this time, I suddenly realized that the teacher let us plant garlic. Oh!

My Chinese Lesson 600 (5)

My thoughts returned to the Chinese class that impressed me deeply——

As soon as the bell rang, the classroom became noisy. The students nervously recited the "I love this land" they learned yesterday. I looked at the door nervously on my back, praying that the teacher would arrive later.

At this time, the Chinese teacher stepped into the classroom, and I was extremely nervous: "It's over, I forgot all about it this morning... It would be terrible if I asked questions later..."

The teacher cleared his throat and everyone stopped reciting. Sure enough, the teacher said, "Let's check the text recitation." His sharp eyes mixed with a little encouragement to scan the class. The classroom was silent, even quieter than when we were studying by ourselves. I peeped around secretly. Everyone's heads were almost down on the table, looking at the books nervously. The teacher suddenly said, "Today's recitation, the students will ask me questions."

Our heads were raised in an instant, and our eyes were all thrown at the teacher without knowing what the teacher wanted to do. I turned my questioning eyes to my colleague, and she whispered, "What medicine is sold in the teacher's gourd?"

The teacher then said: "Reciting has always been a difficult problem for the students. A student asked me during my morning reading that the teacher always asked the students to recite, and would they recite? I suddenly realized that to let the students recite, the teacher should first set an example, so I decided to recite this lesson by myself."

We got excited and looked at the textbook carefully to check whether the teacher made any mistakes in reciting.

"If I were a bird/I should sing with my hoarse throat..." The teacher's lingering voice echoed in the classroom, and we were brought into a new poetry world. In this world, there are poets who have deep love for their motherland, gnashing hatred for the invaders, deep love for their motherland under the ravages of Japan's iron hoofs, and passion for their country

After the teacher finished reciting, we were still immersed in the recitation with both voice and emotion. Later, the classroom heard thunderous applause. The teacher's face bloomed with a pleasant smile. At this time, outside, the wind is rustling and birds are chirping.

This is my favorite Chinese lesson.

My Chinese Lesson 600 (6)

One day several years ago, when the palace drama "Palace" was on the air, for a little girl like me who likes watching TV dramas, I couldn't let it go. Just as I was about to see the actors in Palace, my mother grabbed me in front of the bookcase and forced me to recite poems.

My joy was suddenly shattered, so I had to lie on the table lazily and read the word "Water Melody" assigned by my mother impatiently. "When is the moon coming? I asked Qingtian about the wine. I don't know the palace in the sky... the palace... Eh? Mom, what's this word? It's so hard to write.". As I asked, I pointed to the word "Que" to show her. "Oh, this word reads' que ', I don't know the palace in the sky." que "? Bah, it's really hard to read. I want to watch TV! I tried to resist, but was pulled back by my mother's ruthless hand. "It hurts. Hum, just read it. Who is afraid of anyone? It's really impossible to steal chicken and eat rice!"

I went back to my seat and my mother took the trouble to teach me to read the word. It is said that interest is the best teacher, but I don't like this word at all. I even upgraded it to "enemy".

Suddenly, a phone called my mother away. "Yeah! I'm finally free. It's great. I'm going to watch Palace!" I was ecstatic. Run to the TV, quickly press the switch, and fly to the sofa with the remote control. Everything is ready. "Hey hey, it's just the beginning." I giggled. Staring at the TV, even a little detail. When the heroine crossed to the Qing Dynasty, a familiar lyrics came from the TV: "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky about wine..." It seemed to be... Oh, it was "Water Melody". Listen carefully, and it was true, but it seemed pretty good. I couldn't help singing along with the TV.

Singing vigorously, suddenly there was a sound of the key outside the door. I was in a panic and didn't know what to do. But suddenly I felt as if I had memorized it. I might as well sing it to my mother.

Therefore, I used singing to show my skills in front of my mother. Naturally, my mother's praise is indispensable.

Later, when I came into contact with the word again, my disgust had already dissipated. The only thing left in my heart was the beautiful and beautiful music.

My Chinese Lesson 600 (7)

Chinese is a fragrant green tea, which makes me refreshed. Chinese is a leisurely white cloud, which makes me dream. Chinese is a big river splashed with waves, which makes me feel excited.

It was a sunny morning, and the students came to the school one after another to start early reading. I have a hunch today that I may have to recite the Chinese knowledge table. Sure enough, the Chinese teacher came into the classroom with his bag in his hand, and the sound of reading stopped immediately. The Chinese teacher said, "Today, I will take the time to recite the knowledge table that I asked to recite yesterday." Those poor students dared not face the teacher, but I was full of confidence, because I had recited it completely and fluently many times last night.

The teacher's sharp eyes scanned us like a sickle, and some college students lowered their heads for fear of being hit. The teacher ordered a classmate, who hesitated and hesitated. The teacher immediately asked the classmate to copy the knowledge table three times. The teacher began to recite another student, but this student was very fluent, and recited it word for word. The teacher nodded slightly, showing a relieved look. The teacher suddenly fixed his eyes on me, and I felt nervous. The teacher asked me to get up and recite. At first, I recited very fluently. When I was halfway through, I found myself stuck. I had to look at the Chinese teacher in embarrassment, but the teacher looked at me with calm eyes, and her expression seemed to say: "I've caught another one that I can't recite!" When the teacher was about to assign me a punishment task, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and the knowledge table appeared in my mind, so I recited it loudly and fluently with confidence, without dropping a word. The students were dumbfounded, I felt relieved, and the teacher's face showed an appreciative smile.

This Chinese class impressed me deeply. Learning Chinese is actually a process of constant repetition and accumulation. "No small steps can lead to thousands of miles. No small streams can lead to rivers". Only down-to-earth, bit by bit, diligent and hard work can make extraordinary achievements!

Chinese is a small boat in the ocean of knowledge, let me ride the wind and waves; Chinese is a colorful flower, which makes me happy; Language is a sword that will show its edge. It enables me to cut through the thorns in the jungle of knowledge, invincible!

My Chinese Lesson 600 (8)

Mr. Shen picked up the textbook and walked in with the bell ringing. The classroom was full of listening teachers, and I said to myself secretly, "You should behave well. There are so many teachers coming to listen.". The first section is finished in the emotional reading of the students. Then we need to learn the second section, which describes the appearance of Zongzi. While reading the text aloud to us with emotion, Mr. Shen released the pattern of zongzi on the big screen. The students were so intoxicated that they all looked like little greedy cats and wanted to swallow the dumplings on the big screen.

"Who will read this section aloud?" Mr. Shen asked in his beautiful voice. "Brush, brush, brush." Many students raised their hands, and I was no exception. I held my hands upright and wanted to be the first lucky person. Sure enough, I can't tell. Mr. Shen looked at me: "You come." I was a little surprised and nervous. I wonder if I can read this section well. I suddenly remembered a famous saying: self-confidence is the first step to success. So I got up the courage, picked up the book and read aloud with emotion. When I read the last sentence and read "very beautiful" into "very beautiful", I looked at Mr. Shen awkwardly and thought: I will make a fool of myself.

Mr. Shen went to smile and calmly said to me, "Never mind, do it again." The second time I read it correctly and with emotion. Because Mr. Shen gave me a second chance. The unique shape, color and taste of zongzi not only make people like it, but also make people miss the great poet Qu Yuan.

In class, the students actively raised their hands to speak. We all learned a lot from others' speeches and teachers' lectures. This is really a lesson that has benefited a lot. When the bell rang, the students still felt that they had more to do! My favorite Chinese class.

My Chinese Lesson 600 (9)

On that day, the sweet bell rang for class, and the students sat up and waited for Mr. Zhu to come to class. At that time, my heart was like fifteen buckets -- seven up and eight down

It turns out that in order to develop our ability to express ourselves, Mr. Zhu asked us to sign up for an ancient poem or a text every semester from the third grade. Therefore, I chose the ancient poem Shu Xiang. The previous ancient poetry courseware was completed with the help of my mother, but this time I modified it again and again independently. Now, I am the "little teacher" of Chinese class.

Mr. Zhu first let us read this ancient poem aloud. Then, I walked onto the platform in the warm applause of my classmates. When I opened the courseware, the content of the courseware I had carefully made jumped out on the big screen next to the blackboard. I calmed down and said loudly, "Hello, everyone! Today we are going to learn a poem called" The Prime Minister of Shu "written by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty. Do you know who this poem describes?" "It was Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Period." Ye Chengfei replied. "Yes, it's Zhuge Liang." Then, according to the courseware content on the big screen, I talked about the poetry, the author's introduction, and the impact on future generations with rapture... Sometimes the audience cheered and sometimes was silent. When I threw out the questions one by one, the students scrambled to raise their hands to speak.

Finally, the most interesting part came. Because this poem describes Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu in the Three Kingdoms period, I specially prepared three poems describing generals in the Three Kingdoms period to let you guess which generals they describe. The first two capitals were guessed out, namely Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong. But the last one is particularly difficult. I see you all looking at me and I look at you. Some are scratching their heads and some are whispering. Finally, Wu Xuanzheng raised his hand and replied, "It's Ma Yun." "No, it's Ma Chao." The students burst into laughter.

This interesting Chinese class ended with everyone's laughter. Mr. Zhu not only gave us a chance to exercise our courage and improve our expression ability, but also let us experience the hard work and fun of lesson preparation.

This is a Chinese lesson that I like and remember.

My Chinese Class 600 (10)

Wang Ning in "I Select Me" in the second grade Chinese textbook of primary school gives a self recommended example, which is very admirable. The students all said, "I admire Wang Ning's courage!"

When preparing to run for the sports committee that day, he thought of Wang Ning and asked, "Who is willing to volunteer to be a sports committee member? Tell me why."

The small hand raised a lot at once. A few students were randomly selected and all said, "It's glorious."

The representative of the teacher's course selection should look at the quality, the sense of responsibility, and the management ability to help others sincerely. In addition, Long Baoxin believes that truly outstanding children do not have to be elected. "Some children have insufficient expression skills, but that does not mean that their role services are not up to standard. The head teacher should have a comprehensive evaluation."

We try to give every child a chance to exercise, but we must admit that children's abilities are different. It is the best that suits him. Let our children be good officials in their proper positions.

So I said, "What did Wang Ning say when he ran for the Labor Committee? Is it the same as what you said now? What are you going to do?"

The children then changed their words: "I obey discipline!" "I care about the collective!" "??"

Wei Shusheng, an educator, believes that a team of class cadres with good quality and independent work can make a class energetic, healthy and orderly.

Advocated by a group of educational scholars such as Wei Shusheng, as early as more than a decade ago, the selection of school class cadres changed the practice of directly appointing or promoting class teachers based on their achievements, and was replaced by the current election.

It is undeniable that the election campaign under the guidance of "democratic elections" has given many children the opportunity to show themselves, but some obscure ideas in the adult world have also invaded the children's world.

Children generally think that being a cadre on duty is an honor. If a child who has been a cadre on duty suddenly loses the election, he will have a greater sense of frustration. But if he has been a cadre on duty, it is also not conducive to the cultivation of children's collective sense of honor. Therefore, the class cadre rotation system is a good choice.

How many "officials" can a class produce?

Dale Carnegie, a master of American success studies, once said, "Don't be afraid to sell yourself. As long as you think you are talented, you should think you are qualified for this or that position".