Stay where you are (assemble 7 articles)
Crescent moon eyebrow center
2024-03-20 04:50:00
Junior two

Stand in place (1)

Don't stand still and stop when you are tired from long distance running! As long as you are running, the final result will be better than your rest. I gritted my teeth and persevered. Finally, I reached the end. Fortunately, I passed this time.

When I first entered junior high school from primary school, I took the poor aura brought by primary school, which may be the complacency after entering Nanwai. I no longer study like I did in primary school. Relaxed and walked in the same place. Even the Chinese texts are not good at memorizing. Of course, those extracurricular improvements are even less.

The first monthly exam I was dumbfounded. I got the lowest score in the history in terms of language and number. I began to worry and began to pay attention to my study. However, because of a lot of backwardness, even if we start to treat learning with a normal attitude, it is just an ordinary achievement.

Near the second day of the junior high, the PE teacher began to let us practice long-distance running. At first, I couldn't run three laps at all. I always had to run for a break, and I couldn't pass the race. Later, when practicing, the teacher kept shouting at the side of the runway: Don't stop, don't stand still. Every time someone stops, he will follow and sting the person who stops. Slowly, I can keep running for the next three laps. By the second day of junior high, I began to keep up with the army. Although I was not excellent, I was much better than when I started to practice. After a physical long-distance running test, when I saw my qualified long-distance running, I suddenly understood the PE teacher's mantra. The passing score of the test will certainly enable most people to pass the test, and you can't stop running, just like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will fall behind most people. At this time, I thought of them, not only to maintain the speed, but also to spend more energy to sprint through the eyes.

The same is true in learning and life. You can't stop for a moment. As long as you stay where you are, even if you make a little progress, life will be easy, otherwise you will only spend great efforts to catch up with others every day. Don't stand still. It's not better to take one more step.

Stand in place (2)

Since I became sensible, in my mind, Grandma is simply a part of her hometown. She is integrated with her hometown.

When I was silent at night, my homesickness curled up like smoke in my heart. The most full-bodied and inseparable trace belonged to my grandma.

When I was a child, Grandma was the closest person in my heart. The days with Grandma were mild but very warm. The sense of security of returning to Mother Earth is the spiritual nourishment that Shenzhen cannot bring to me.

I don't know why. Although I was born in Shenzhen, I don't have a warm feeling about this city. However, it is a rare return to my hometown. As soon as my body touches my hometown, I will become very energetic. Perhaps, at the moment of my birth, even if I was in a foreign country, I was closely connected with the mother earth of my hometown.

Since then, I have lived in two cities with my grandmother. It takes a day and night to take the train. This is the distance between my grandmother and me, a long distance. No one can see or hear anyone.

I will go back to my hometown once a year. My love for my hometown starts at one ticket gate and ends at another - I can only use the annual return to my hometown to clarify my grandmother's figure and enlarge my memory of my hometown.

I know that Grandma has paid a lot for her father and aunts, but now she still continues to pay, turning her love for them to me. I understand that Grandma is loving me with her last life, endless insomnia, tears and thoughts. Grandma's love for me is warm, heavy and sad.

It is cruel to go back home every year and separate when we are just familiar with each other. My grandmother and I had many hurried farewells. Ten years later, there was a longest departure, and there was no return after two years. As a result, when I returned to my hometown again, I was surprised to find that Grandma's spirit was becoming more and more fragile. Is it because of missing?

Whenever I encounter difficulties in growing up, I always have to go back to my hometown to recuperate. This is my infatuation with my hometown. Strangely enough, as soon as I return to my hometown, I will be full of vitality and energy. The original impetuous heart will gradually soften, and I like the unique smell of soil in my hometown. I know that it is the best happiness that my hometown has given me, and it is the most pure and beautiful smell of wheat fields.

However, every year when I return to my hometown, I always find that my grandmother is much older: the year before last, she had more wrinkles; last year, her eyesight was getting worse and worse; this year, her body was getting weaker and weaker... Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of fear will suddenly surge up, which is an unspeakable emotion. Although I don't want to think about it, I have to think about it now. Grandma's health is getting worse and worse. How long can she live? How long can she stay with me? Maybe... one day Grandma will leave me like this... I don't know how to describe my mood at this moment, and I don't know whether my father also has the same feeling as me. Maybe, my father is more sad than me? I know that my father often misses my grandmother. It's a wordless sadness to leave my mother's child, isn't it?

The older Grandma gets, the more she misses me. Now, Grandma calls me more frequently than before. She always says something about me. Who knows how I feel on this side of the phone? I dare not speak out loud, sometimes even don't say it, because I have already burst into tears. I'm afraid Grandma will hear my choking voice.

Whenever I am silent at night, I will think of my grandma in a foreign country and the warmth of being with her in my hometown. The same picture always appears in front of her: Grandma's short body standing at the gate, dark skin, narrowed eyes, and thin and dense wrinkles. Gray hair, deeply imprinted in the heart, grandma, my grandma, so silly looking at the distance gradually leaving our figure. For me, it's bitter. Grandma's life is so bitter, right?

Time and time again, and again turned around to leave - this is my grandmother's eyes and father, right? Who is tormenting this ordinary, kind, kind-hearted grandmother who has suffered all her life? Grandma thousands of miles away, my dear grandma, please stop getting old and wait for me. Be sure to stand still and wait for me to go back. Don't go, our promise has not been realized yet!

You must wait until I graduate from college. I have many wishes. I want to make Grandma live a good life... Grandma, you must wait for me! I must

Stand in place (3)

I forgot when I started to pick up my pen and write down the past. The memory dissipated was like a sudden heavy rain, which washed away every inch of land and every corner in an instant. Dark clouds accompanied by rolling thunder floated in. The sky was dark and the atmosphere was depressing. People could hardly breathe, closed their eyes, still looked at you, but temporarily forgot the dark past, It feels like everything has disappeared.

In the sea of time, I watched how the driverless love went farther and farther, and got used to the life of a person. A person is not alone, but only to spend one long night after another alone. Say to give up, where to put it, wait again, what to wait for, love and love permeate the air, and find that the feeling is no longer. If those memories cannot be erased in my life, I have to make them turn yellow early and lose my diary.

Time always goes by in a hurry. The rain in June, sad people, will be very sad when they think of your sometimes "indifferent" expression. We can't go back to the past. I am so embarrassed and defeated by love, and my helpless eyes won't let you see. I hide, hiding in the wind and rain, watching you pass by silently, afraid to "disturb" you, and appear in front of you, I'm afraid I can't face it. You know, I think of you almost every night. Whether lonely or not, happiness is just because you can still see you smiling at me. It's a dark midnight with tears across my fingers.

I once said that I would protect you from any harm, but over the years I have found that love is not just a matter of speaking out. No matter how bright the flowers are, they will wither. Butterflies can't fly because they have broken their wings... When I walk through the storm of love, what I see in front of me is just the moment of beauty, endure the pain, and also love. This is a person's persistence or innocence. I don't want to mention the things I care about to anyone. Only two people are still in my heart. The girl said to me, "If you love me, please forget me". A child named Grey Boy said to me, "Maybe my heart is gone.". It seems that after the whole century, when I woke up, things had changed. It was I who was crazy, and it was I who was disappointed. I wrote down a kind of love called "sad love".

Maybe, when we meet again, it's just a hello? Long time no see. In this way, the distance separates us in the world of two people. I love and hate you. Why is my love for you so deep? The more true it is, the more sad it is for me. I have always dreamed that one day I can take you away from the noise of the city, hold you, sit near the sunrise, and enjoy our own scenery.

It's said that everyone who looks up to the ferris wheel is looking up to happiness. We are no longer children. The childishness and innocence of the past are disappearing... Is it me that you miss tonight, and I can only stay lonely in the dark night. After saying goodbye, I found that I still can't forget you. I promised to love you forever, Until the first time when holding hands... If I can't give you happiness, then I would rather "leave you far away". If you are happy, I can look on.

The tears finally stopped flowing for whom, standing at the crossroads, lingering for a long time, walking through the familiar street again and again, returning to the original place, returning to the place where the story began, waiting, for your love, watching, and happiness.

Stand in place (4)

Tortoise and Rabbit Race is a well-known fable story for women and children. Anytime and anywhere, people who read this story will benefit a lot. Today, when I read this thought-provoking story again, I had a deeper understanding of it.

As we all know, the rabbit is born as a "scud", while the tortoise is a slow "turtle elder". But in the race, the hare lost to the tortoise. Why is this? This is because the rabbit is too arrogant, despises the opponent and takes the competition lightly. But the tortoise knew that he was slow, never discouraged, and persevered, and finally won the race.

I also made the same mistake as the rabbit in the story. I remember one time, my mother took me to participate in a painting competition held by the automobile product company she used. I thought that I had learned painting and had artistic skills. No matter how I painted, I would definitely win over others. So I drew a random work. After painting, I went everywhere to visit other people's works and pointed out their paintings. When the results came out, I was so angry that my work did not rank. But my works are too simple, so it's natural that I didn't choose them. When my mother took me to the painting contest again, I stopped being arrogant and drew a work seriously, and finally won the first prize!

In a society full of competition everywhere, some people, like the rabbit in the story, are arrogant, despise their rivals, and finally lose in the "competition field" before regretting. Some people are the tortoises in the story. Although they are not strong enough, they are very serious about the competition in life and work hard silently to win in the "competition field".

Today, when I finished reading the story "Turtle and Rabbit Race", I benefited a lot. The performance of the tortoise reminds me of a sentence: no matter how slow you walk, you will be more successful than standing still. Let's go forward together on the road of life!

Grade 5: Red corn

Standing in place (5)

Han is an ordinary student in an ordinary middle school. She is introverted and not very good at talking. She wants to participate in cultural activities.

Attention of the whole class. The old class has an order. The whole class must learn to dance during the festival! The Literature and Art Commission rushed in from the door and came back breathlessly to report the urgent news.

Huh? How could this happen? Wasting time! Alas kept coming out of the classroom, and this time the whole class had to go on stage, and they couldn't escape! His heart was as cold as fire, he was restless, and his mind was in chaos.

The unexpected afternoon break came, and the whole class slowly moved from the classroom to the music room, and began the devil like training.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three, four The music teacher beat the time and asked the students to jump to the dance steps just taught. Although Han was very reluctant, he did a few movements in situ and perfunctorily in order to cooperate with the teacher. Sure enough, this move took effect for a while.

All right, let's stop here today. Let's go! The music teacher announced the end of the rehearsal, and everyone was relieved. Han also put down the stone in his heart and was ready to leave. Cold, you stay here first. The teacher has something to say. When Han's right foot stepped out of the music classroom and his left foot was still in the music classroom, the teacher stopped him. When he was found, he turned his head reluctantly and walked slowly to the music teacher.

What should I do? I may be scolded. Don't be nervous, the teacher just wants to tell you that you have great dancing potential, but when practicing, don't stand still and move. The teacher believes you can dance well! Not only dancing, but also doing other things, don't stand still and yell! The teacher smiled and said: OK, let's go!

Huh? The teacher didn't scold me! Cold thought happily. Don't stand still, I see. I will try my best not to let the teacher down, and go up to the next level, come on!

The next day, there was another figure in the dance room. It was cold.

In the dance competition, Han's class won the first place, and Han won the best performance award.

Eh, why do you look like a different person after the first day. After winning the prize, the classmates all gathered around and wanted to know the reason.

To this matter, Han only answered six words: Don't stand still.

Stand in place (6)

The branches are so soft, and time is drunk with layers of green. The sun is bright and quiet, kissing in every leaf. The wind sways the leaves slowly, blowing seductive love songs gently, and the tender stamens are also accompanied by gentleness, as if being kissed shy by the sun.

The time wheel is driven by sunshine and green, and the mind swims in the river of time. The timing is silent, the flow is quiet, and the walk is hurried. What sank was only the complex past events and deep thoughts.

The sun shines on the path, which is still quiet, silent, and sunny. There was no sound disturbing the footsteps, only the specks of sunlight under the roadside trees. Meditate, move, extend, everything is the same, but suddenly feel a little less. The past is far away, but Miss is still standing there.

Yesterday's rain came suddenly. I was taking shelter from the rain and hurried to my residence. I was dodging. When I got home, I was already soaked. Although it was warm, I suddenly sneezed. Could it be a sign of catching cold? I rushed a bag of particles to prevent colds. Quietly, the white smoke in the cup rises gently, and the white smoke also brings out the past events that have already passed away in the brain. I was thinking that in the past, if I told her this, she would let the radio waves bring a lot of care and greetings in the air. Sentiment is like a cup of warm tea, warm in the heart, flowing in the blood. But now, I just want to leave my words in the deep of my heart, and let the yearning spread silently.

Xia Yan built a nest in the right place of the building again. The warmth of the nest became thicker and thicker in the mud. The hard working figure and persistent thoughts show his incomparable love for life and deep love. Migrating birds are circulating their innate life philosophy, always showing themselves in the vast world - the wings are so proud and powerful in the rain, the flight path is so agile and agile, and the attitude of life is so broad and calm, no matter the wind blows or the rain blows, it is better to walk in a leisurely way. Flying in the changeable world, adapting, sharpening and yearning. However, the old Yan has returned. How are you faraway? Another summer is coming. I am on the outskirts of Guqiao in the early summer, and I will let my miss fly on your way.

A kind of unspeakable summer charm permeates the quiet corner of the dam at dusk, and the warm wind from the South peeps gently into my heart. On the surface of the water waves under the setting sun, there are layers of thin waves, which are linked and stacked like scales of fish, flickering in the afterglow of sunset. Sitting on the side of the dam, facing the sunset, looking at the waves, facing the distance, my heart is silently whispering. The wind gently touches the poem manuscript in hand, and the sentence flows with music:

When the wind blows, I remember how many pieces of flowers will be taken off. When the wind blows, I will remember. No matter where my figure goes, you will always be so gorgeous in my eyes.


The poem manuscript brings you a dream like gauze, and the emotion rubs out a brilliant resonance in your heart.

How many midnight soulful calls, how many sad and gloomy confidences, how many long volumes of friendship and love, how many thoughts and blessings of the sun and the moon. Past events sway in the gradually warming light, and my thoughts flow in the summer I miss. Think, borrow ink night words, read, walk sentence wind know. Feelings, thoughts, wandering in the memory, the vision of the past, like a dream in the summer sky.

A small river flows quietly in the sun, and a mood is searching in the summer wind. The trickle of water is listening to the footsteps of missing, and the bright summer rhyme is inquiring into the contemplative eyes. A bird flew away gently in the distance, and the flying figure became more and more dim in the field of vision. I am still standing in place, gazing at the distance that passes gently.

Standing in place (7)

Honey, come back, I will always stand there waiting for you Contribution

From: unscrupulous girl<>

I am not afraid of enemies like gods, but of friends like dogs.

I don't like to express my emotions deliberately.

I will put on a thick disguise for myself.

I want to try to look less weak.

Yes, I admit that I have a bad temper, but I am easy to coax. I also admit that I am not perfect, but I am sincere.

I thought we were the best.

I thought you could be my only one.

Only now can we see that people are not real. People are fickle animals.

I regard you as the only and eternal person in my life, and you just regard me as a transient traveler.

You think I'm great, don't you?

I am not so great, I am also extremely selfish, I also want to get the return, after I have no defense against you, after I give everything, I also want to get the same treatment.

I think school hooligans will be great if I make some social hooligans, right? You dare to be arrogant and reckless, right?

In fact, those so-called school leaders will be the bottom people in the society in the near future, because they have no time to engage in their studies at school. Their future, even some people, who have not finished their studies, have been expelled, and are facing various kinds of jobs that are not worth their lives.

You fight and make troubles with them all day long, don't you feel very happy? I swear at me all day long, don't you think it's very arrogant?

Have you ever thought that the person who can push you to the top can also throw you into the abyss.

You don't think anyone dares to offend you now. Look at your future in a few years! Everyone else is Chanel Ferrari, and you have nothing but time.

Learn to think about it! Is it useful to smoke and drink and pretend to be cool?

For the first half of my life, I was forced to wear cool clothes, and for the second half of my life, I borrowed money to recuperate. Before you smoke and drink, please think about whether it is proportional to your health and life.

You are always looking for all kinds of reasons to fool me. You bet my trust in you on my softness and kindness.

I'm not a fool. I can see the truth, the good and the evil. The reason why I don't want to expose your lies and hypocrisy is to save your face, not to embarrass you, and not to let you down.

I know that if you refuse me under the pretext of "busy studying and busy working", you will in fact go to meet your so-called brothers and sisters in a twinkling of an eye. The reason why I don't want to make trouble with you is that I still care about you and can't let you go.

Sometimes I can't stand it, maybe I want to force you to tell the truth, but when I really want to force you, I feel so sad and reluctant.

In your heart, in a few days, I will get nervous and doubt this and that, but my dear, if you are really perfect and treat me sincerely, it must be impeccable.

You can cheat me once or twice, but can my trust in you still exist in the long run?

I always look forward to your transformation foolishly. I hope you can return to the innocent, kind, simple and lovely you in those days, so I love to nag you, and even I will scold you. You may think that I am unqualified and uneducated, but why should I put down my image, and why don't I lose my temper to others?

Sometimes it's really for your own good that I deliberately hide some information. I'm afraid you will get burned again, but you said I lied to you

Sometimes it's really for your own sake that I do some unavoidable harm. I'm afraid you will get hurt, but you say my heart is like a snake or a scorpion?

You said I was a good girl, but why am I so good that you don't cherish it?

You said I was stupid, but why did you jump for the so-called friends when it was a trap?

You said I was good to you, but why can't you treat me better?

Sometimes, I hate you, hate to the heart, because too much care.

Sometimes, I get tired of you, to tears, because too much care.

After the rain, my dear, can we return to the pure and true us?