Composition describing snowy days (5 required)
Breeze boiling wine
2024-05-03 02:43:24
high school

Composition describing snowy days (1)

In the morning, I woke up and found a vast expanse of white outside the window. Open the door and have a look. Wow, it's snowing! Large flakes of snow are falling down from the air, like goose feathers and catkins······

I can't wait to put on my shoes. I can't wait to embrace the beautiful snowflakes. Go out of the house, alas, it's really cold! I stepped on the soft snow carefully and walked to school step by step.

As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw a layer of snow on the branches, which made the branches low. The top of the rockery also wore a snow-white woolen hat. On the playground, as if covered with white felt, many children were playing happily on the playground, and the laughter echoed in the campus. I also want to be a happy member, but it's a pity that class is coming soon.

The teacher repeatedly stressed not to play with snow. If you step on wet shoes, you will get sick and catch a cold. But who can stop us from loving the snow? The music sounded after class, and the students rushed to the playground to play with the snow happily. You see, one snowball flew up, and the students dodged from side to side. Some picked up small shovels to shovel snow and make snowmen. Some of you pulled me and I pulled you to skate the ice. The playground became a sea of joy.

Although the weather was cold and the hands and faces of the students were red with cold, we could not stop our lively nature and love of snow. Ah, it's snowing. How delightful!

Composition describing snowy days (2)

"It rains in Qingming Festival", but today it is "it snows in Qingming Festival". When I woke up in the morning, my mother told me that it was snowing heavily outside. I put on my clothes and couldn't wait to run to the window. Wow! It's silvery white outside. There seems to be a lot of marshmallows growing on the trees. The parked cars are like big bread. Everything has been dyed white. It's really like a fairy tale world.

I came to school very late. The teacher was taking his classmates to play with snow on the playground. Some students are making snowmen, some are playing snowball, and some are playing snowball.

Several students and I watched everyone play in the class. I thought to myself: If only I could go to the playground and play snow with everyone! Even a touch of softness can be learned. I saw some students making shells, some students making mushrooms, some students making rabbits, and some students making cakes and snowmen with their teachers.

Time passed so fast that when the teacher took everyone back to class, the students reluctantly walked into the classroom, leaving all their masterpieces on the playground.

Composition describing snowy days (3)

Yesterday, Mr. Quan took us to Heyang Square to play. Wow, as soon as we got to the square, we understood the white snow and covered the whole square. We walked and walked, and saw the white snow spreading a thick quilt on small flowers and grass, and saw a small pavilion.

There was almost no one here. We looked at the river again. It was almost frozen. Looking around, the square looks like a big snow-white quilt. We walked and saw a big brother making our little fist with snow. It was so beautiful. The students walked and said, "Handsome." The big brother did it too much!

When we were going back to the classroom, Mr. Quan said, "You can take a snowball back alone." I took a big snowball, but I threw it away because it was too cold. The students didn't throw the snowball. When they returned to the classroom, Teacher Quan asked them to put the snowball outside and play later.

Although it is very cold in snowy days and it is inconvenient to travel, snowy days can let us play snow and make snowmen. I like snowy days very much.

Composition describing snowy days (4)

There are four seasons in a year, each season has different scenery, and I like the magnificent scenery when it snows in winter best. In winter, with heavy snow, people seem to have come to an elegant and quiet state, to a crystal clear fairy tale world. The pine is so fragrant, and the white is so ice fragrant, giving people a kind of cool comfort. Everything is filtering, everything is subliming, even my heart is purifying, becoming pure and beautiful.

In winter, there are many beautiful little angels, that is, small snowflakes floating in the sky. Snowflakes are like jade leaves and silver flowers, just like butterflies dancing, immersed in the world of snow, how intoxicated people are!

When these little angels landed on the earth, the earth was covered with white clothes, and we could see white houses, white trees, and white land. It makes people feel how pure the whole world is. The small snowflake fell on people's hands and melted at once. Although it stayed on people's hands for a short time, people could clearly feel a chill.

Looking at these beautiful snow scenes, it's too bad not to go out once, so we decided to go out for a visit. We found a flat land on the mountain, and immediately a wonderful snowball fight started. Ah! No, I was hit. At this time, a classmate next to me saw that I was hit, and immediately threw a big snowball to the classmate. I didn't want to be outdone, and immediately threw one out. In this way, everyone chased me and kept hitting each other. When everyone was tired of playing, he found that his whole body was wet, but not cold at all. At this time, everyone decided to make a snowman. OK. Just do what you say. We should first build two snowballs. Oh, the last process is still needed - facial features. Get it done! A lifelike snowman was displayed in front of everyone.

Later, I went skating on an icy river. When I came to the side of the river, I first picked up a stone to hit the river. The ice on the river doesn't move at all. Well, the ice is really thick, about tens of centimeters thick. I immediately rushed down to skate. After playing, I felt bored, so I went to find some friends to play with. When we arrived, we skated and played cat and mouse on the ice. Someone fell down while playing. Then I fell down. It was so good that everyone fell down one after another. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional that everyone fell down one after another!

I love snow, I love snow scenery, I love winter more. Winter is the growth ring of the soul. Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope.

Composition describing snowy days (5)

What is snow, snow is pure. This is the place where the stranger from heaven drifted away. We saw the great truth, great kindness and great beauty. Its predecessor is water. I love that water not only because of its purity, but also because of the spirit hidden in the depths of its cave.

Water is invisible and stateless; Water can also be tangible and arbitrary. This is smart water, and snow inherits this spirit. There is something called snow in the heaven and earth. It dances in the sky and is silent; There is a kind of thing called love in the world. When we know each other, we scatter, and when we fall in love, we fly. Light, no shadow, no trace; Light can also find shadows, break down all the great sadness and joy, and transform them into the sky. This is light, coming and going, and snow inherits this power.

Snowflakes fall from the sky, just like dancers dancing in the air, which is beautiful and moving; After falling to the ground, it is like putting a white cotton padded jacket on the ground. When the snow falls to a certain extent and you step on it, you will hear the sound of click, click, and the sound is so beautiful. The most interesting game is to make a snowman. The snowman is white, just like the old lady, so kind and amiable.

Snow sprinkles on the earth, on the dark corners, on all the places that need white. The snowflakes are falling like flowers, rather than the fairies coming down from the earth. They are dancing with noble bodies, carrying deep chill, and flying out of the screen in the sky. Each landing is a warm embrace and kiss to the earth. Maybe she doesn't want to disturb people who are sleeping. She always lands gently and comes to the world silently. For our imaginative children, silence is their humility and shyness when they first came to the world. But the eventful cold wind always blows a light whistle to create a little atmosphere at the place where the snow is dancing, and plays the final accompaniment to the dancer who falls - snow.

It seems that this has aroused the enthusiasm of the snow people. As a result, the snow is getting heavier, denser and more accumulated. Ah! What beautiful snow! I saw the tender side of the cold snow. They were close together like brothers and sisters, and covered the earth with white clothes. Looking out of the window, there are their shadows everywhere, and their laughter is slowly brewing in the cold air, and slowly thickening, deepening and mellowing.

It seems that people who have been silent for three seasons will be intoxicated by the fragrance of wine in this snowy winter. Snow is pure, just like our pure hearts, let us see the truth, goodness and beauty. The poet Han Yu once wrote that Bai Xue was afraid of the late spring, so wearing a court tree to make flying flowers clearly shows that Bai Xue has the quality of self sacrifice and fearlessness?

Snow has brought us joy, and also let us know a lot of truth. Shouldn't we learn the quality of being a human being from Snow?