Tell me my story (15 elaborations)
Lonely Traveler
2024-03-26 05:06:35
Junior two

Tell my story (1)

As night fell, the strong smell of lampblack came from those silent streets during the day - Shunde Night Market opened!

I followed the familiar smell of meat and finally found the stall. I found a seat to sit down.

Every time I come here, I first order salty pig bone porridge. Long time cooking and fragrant taste make it a must for people to order at night. The pig bones were salted for five or six hours, and then put into a tile pot with dried vegetables, fragrant rice, and peanuts to boil for two hours at a low heat.

In front of me, the pot was steaming hot, and a deep but slightly burnt fragrance poured into my nose. There is no sign of burning on the bottom of a ladle of porridge - this is why the stall owner has grasped the heat properly. The dried vegetables are spread on the porridge, as deep as the night in Shunde; The thick bottom of the porridge slowly flows into the bowl, reminding me of the slow pace of life at night; A big piece of pig bone is superior when you bite it, which shows the boss's generous and forthright personality; And the decoration of scallions and peanuts, which are like the various colorful hotel signs of the night market, makes a pot of authentic Shunde salty pig bone porridge bring the climax of the night market atmosphere.

Swallow the soft porridge water and dried vegetables, eat pig bones directly, suck the essence of pig bones, a sweet heat flow mixed with the remaining fragrant rice, warm your heart, and keep your mouth fragrant. I smacked my lips.

In front of the gear shift door, there was a long line of motorcycles along the road. The boss is writing a list for the guests, and while drinking two waiters, he goes to move the table for the waiting guests: "Add two tables!"

He was born and raised in Shunde. As soon as he finished writing the list, he pattered into the kitchen in his big slippers. Through the smoke covered glass, you can vaguely see that he is doing his best job - dry fried Niuhe. Pour the oil, put the garlic into the pot to make it fragrant, and then put the beef and rice noodles into the pot. He did not forget to show off his skill - he just pressed his hand, and everything in the pot was thrown into the air, and the spatula pressed it to put it into the pot steadily. Sprinkle the shredded radish, turn it over a few times, load the plate and serve. Every night, he would use a spatula to turn out a room full of fragrance, crisp, cheerful, like his people.

A pot of porridge, a plate of flour, and several cold beers. This is the exclusive night flavor of Shunde. At this moment, time seems to have found a sustenance identity and turned into a bowl of exquisite and simple salty pig bone porridge for people's aftertaste. Drinking porridge, eating flour, filling wine, red cheeks and blowing cattle, time slows down. People are unrestrained. The cheerful laughter, the sound of the fire in the kitchen caused by the scraping of the spatula and the pot, and the long sound of the motor thrown down by the speeding motorcycle are all intertwined.

I tasted a cup of hot tea in my hand and felt the residual heat in my stomach. Think: Is the comfort of slow life at night in Shunde another flavor of time?

The story of Shunde night market and I have to say that we are full of fragrance and joy

Tell my story (2)

China is a country of ceremonies, with 5000 years of cultural heritage.

And "unwritten" is also a major feature of family instructions in China. It has become an organic part of the daily code of conduct, and its essence is taken to remove its dross. Some of the essence of family instructions is integrated into the new moral construction. Many well-known family instructions have become family instructions, forming family style. The key to building family style lies in parents. Parents should first become the conscientious person in the construction of family style, so that they can consciously create their own good family style, and will continue their good family style to benefit their families and children.

Family style, as an invisible force, has been influencing people imperceptibly. Everyone lives in a native family. The original family does not attach importance to the construction of family customs and rules, which will make the family members and even the family go astray. Native families attach importance to family customs and rules, which will enable this person and even this family to thrive. A good family style will have some common characteristics, such as a good moral atmosphere, a healthy ideological atmosphere, a positive emotional atmosphere, a serious learning atmosphere, and a frugal life atmosphere. It is this kind of atmosphere that has created people who are physically and mentally healthy, have achievements, and even have made outstanding contributions to society. It can be said that good family style has created a good cradle for children's growth.

A family with family style and family discipline belongs to a family of rich and noble families; Families with family style and family discipline are the same as those of princes and generals.

Correct family style and excellent family discipline have made me thrive in this family.

Tell my story (3)

At the weekend, I can finally sit quietly in my study, lay rice paper, carefully study ink, and let the ink smell stay between my fingers. Jumping at the tip of my nose, I gently skim over the inkstone, and write a sentence: "The falling flowers are independent, and the swallows fly south in the light rain." At the end of the signing, I look carefully, and see that ink and paper blend together, creating a simple and elegant ink world. Oh! I have to tell the story with the wisp of ink fragrance.

I still remember that summer vacation in the third grade, when I was bored, I went to my grandpa's house to play. I pushed the door and asked, "Grandpa, what is this fragrance?" My grandpa smiled and replied, "Ink fragrance, ink fragrance has slipped out word by word!" My grandpa raised his hand and wrote like misty rain. How delightful it is to see the square sized characters on the paper. Calligraphy, it seems that because of my grandfather's writing, has a unique charm and deeply attracted me. So I said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I want to learn calligraphy."

The first smell of ink makes me linger. Under the supervision of my grandfather, my calligraphy has improved day by day. Until the fifth grade summer vacation, we also lost some contact for some reasons.

It is important to be cautious. But with my mobile phone and computer, I couldn't control myself and fell into this abyss. The precious time for practicing calligraphy has also been taken away by the colorful screen

A few months later, Grandpa came to my house as a guest. After learning, I found that I was completely slack in calligraphy. He suddenly changed his face and said to me, "Calligraphy is the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. How can you give up so easily? Calligraphy practice, perseverance, perseverance, and unity of people are needed. Calligraphy is a magic weapon for peace and farsightedness, but it is swallowed up by this useless electronic product. How can that be?"

My heart is deeply hit, of course, I am also full of regret. When Grandpa saw me like this, he led me into the study to write calligraphy. Scrub ink, lay paper and polish pen, never slacken. In a word, it looks like a galloping horse coming from the sky, leaving behind the dust. In fact, the font is obvious in thickness, but simple and unadorned, and accepts the universe. I saw the words "more haste, less speed" on the paper. I watched it silently and admired it in my heart. More haste, less speed. Doesn't that mean not being impatient, not being impetuous and not being flashy?

"It's your turn," Grandpa said. I gently picked up the pen, and slowly fell down, letting the ink fly away, leaving traces. I think of Wang Xizhi, the "Sage of Calligraphy", who wrote "Falling clouds and posing like a startled dragon", and Huaisu, the "Sage of Grass", who wrote "thin and powerful, flying naturally." The press pauses, turns excessively, ends the closing, seals and decorations. A closer look shows that although it is not as powerful as Grandpa, it is also more quiet and thoughtful.

"Please remember, sticking to the edge of loss and decline, and sticking to the prosperity of quick and utilitarian is the life creed left by your grandfather." I tasted it silently and read a lasting impression: traditional culture is so important!

It is another wonderful encounter to find ink fragrance. Carefully polish the ink, and it also grinds out little by little. Practicing calligraphy is also a habit of mind, and it is also a lasting inheritance of traditional culture!

Tell my story (4)

As it was getting late, I walked along the river and looked up at the rosy clouds in the sky, just like a gossamer web, pushing, squeezing and stirring. I was a little tired and sat down on a bench by the river. Not far away was a clothing factory in the village. The sound of the sewing machine "Kuang Zhi... Kuang Zhi..." came into my ears rhythmically. I slowly closed my eyes, as if I had returned to my hometown, and returned to my grandmother's "Nanhua Brand" sewing machine

I remember that when I was a child, I was not a worry free child. When I was out of school, I often went to the river to play floats or scurry in the streets, sometimes crawling and sometimes rolling. Of course, the clothes were not immune. They either scraped the edges or wore a hole. When I got home, my grandma saw my "down and out" look and laughed and scolded me; "Where are you crazy again? You should be safe. Look, the clothes have just been mended, and they are broken again!" Then Grandma picked me up and pretended to hit me, but she would hit me lightly and only beat the mud off my body.

"The new three years, the old three years, sewing and mending three years" was the best interpretation of Grandma. When Grandma was young, her family was very poor, and she could not buy a new dress for a year. Her clothes were always sewn and mended, mended and sewed. Over time, Grandma fell in love with sewing.

Despite her lack of professional learning, her craftsmanship is the most skillful in the village. She used her calloused hands to spread my worn-out clothes on the workbench of the "Nanhua Brand" sewing machine. First, she took the thread out of the silk cylinder, dipped her saliva gently, smoothed the thread, and then, without paying attention to the thread, she passed through the tiny needle eye and tied a knot, Then place it firmly on the needle seat. A set of movements moves smoothly without finding any flaws, just like a doctor doing surgery. I was stunned. It was hard to imagine how Grandma's stubby fingers could be so flexible. I asked curiously: "Grandma, how did you do this?" She touched my head and smiled: "You should be patient in everything you do. Practice makes perfect!"

Who knows, Grandma can't close the box when she opens it. Her right foot gently stepped on the pedal rhythmically, and the flywheel of the sewing machine flew, making a sound of "rattling, rattling". With the annoying sound of the sewing machine working, she murmured: "Red beans were born in the South, and a few branches were sent in spring. I hope you can pick more, and this thing is most missed... Sun Zi, do you know this poem by heart?"

Grandma's chanting, cicadas' chirping outside the window, and the "rattling" sound of the sewing machine's flywheel running mingle in the warm yellow light, just like a unique symphony, gently and gently moving my heartstrings. I leaned against my grandmother and listened to this unique symphony, but gradually fell asleep

I don't know how long later, when I opened my eyes, what I saw was not Grandma and her "Nanhua Brand" sewing machine, but only the ebb and flow of the river and the clouds rolling in the sky. I tried my best to trace every bit of the past with my grandma, silently thinking: "Dear grandma, how are you faraway?"

Tell my story (5)

On the road in front of my hometown, there are always a few copper lamps shining in the quiet night... I saw the lights scattered on the civilian houses, lighting up sporadic window lights, and also lighting up the memories in the depths of memory. That is the story I and his copper lamp have to tell.

My yearning drifted to my distant hometown with the light. The bright stars dotted the night sky, waving freely. Mother and grandma had already put away their chopsticks, leaned against the door and waited for grandpa to come back to have a reunion dinner together. And I know that my grandfather must still be beating and making copper lamps in the small workshop. Almost every copper lamp in the village is made by grandpa. They not only emit light, drive away darkness, but also bring warmth to people's homes.

Looking up, the copper lamp hanging on the gate was made by Grandpa. Although it is not as shiny as a white woven lamp or as bright as a glass lamp, it has the unique texture and color of metal. Each copper lamp is the same and goes through the same workflow, but each copper lamp is different. I think only the copper lamp born under my grandfather's calloused hands can have a soul and bright brilliance.

Looking at my grandfather's making copper lamp, I saw that the old but powerful hands were beating the lamp holder again and again, making a loud noise. After the lamp holder was made, my grandfather would always carefully reinforce it. Then, carefully polish and polish. Therefore, Grandpa had to spend a lot of time, but he always worked hard to make every copper lamp. As a pious believer, so serious. He believes that each copper lamp has its own soul, just like people have their own unique personality. He felt that only by making carefully could he inject his soul into every copper lamp. Therefore, with years and sweat, he meticulously made each copper lamp nearly perfect, and his persistent, earnest and pious spirit will forever be embedded in the soul of each copper lamp and never fade away.

I remember when I was six years old, I trotted all the way to my grandfather's workshop. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Grandpa was seriously strengthening the copper lamp. When I saw his concentrated appearance, the seriousness and persistence were imprinted on my heart, making me unforgettable for a long time. After a long time, Grandpa found that I had already arrived. Grandpa smiled at me apologetically and said he was too focused and didn't notice me. Perhaps it was because of this seriousness that I became very interested in copper lamps, and I begged my grandfather to let me do it. He is responsible for guiding me to polish the edge of the copper lamp carefully to make it more beautiful. Touching the yellow and black copper lamp handle, I seemed to smell it and feel its cool body. Maybe it is because of this that I have a deeper understanding of Grandpa's work.

Copper lamp is a treasure that grandpa has built almost all his life, and it is also a glory that every craftsman has built with their life! They cast their own lives into the lamp, so that its light is full of hope and dreams, leading generations of craftsmen to pursue dreams, never give up!

Now, seeing the dim light again, I have a myriad of thoughts: with the change of times, incandescent lamps have gradually replaced copper lamps, and more and more occupy the main position of the whole world. The copper lamp in my hometown seems to have ended with the change of the times, but the copper lamp in my heart never goes out.

It suddenly dawned on me that a person is a copper lamp, a persistent pursuit and persistent mood. Millions of dreamers are thousands of copper lamps, with eternal obsession and dreams, to pursue a better tomorrow! I think Grandpa is just like that

Late at night, Grandpa came back with his tired body, and the dim light dragged his shadow very long.

Maybe this is the story behind each copper lamp. This story bears Grandpa's dedication and deep feelings, and also lets me witness the shining and brilliance of his dream. This is the story that I have to tell with his copper lamp.

Tell my story (6)

There are many stories in my storybook.

Today, I read many stories in my storybook. The first story is "The Fisherman and the Devil". The fisherman defeated the devil with his wisdom. This story tells us that everything we do should be outwitted by wisdom, not hard work. It also tells us that we should not be proud of our huge body; Another story is called "Mother Spring", which tells of a girl and her mother living in a small house.

When winter came, his mother's face was red with cold. The girl saw his red face. He decided to save money to buy a scarf for his mother. On Christmas night, he bought a scarf, put it in a box, and put it under the pillow. When his mother came back to sleep, she found a box. When she opened the box, it said, "Merry Christmas, Mom.", Many people's mothers love their children. Do you know the hard work of mothers? After reading this story, everyone should respect their parents just like the little girl in the story.

Tell my story (7)

Family customs and family instructions are the spiritual product and civilized quality of a family, even a family. After a long time of updating, development, and eclectic, they have been handed down to this day. They are really worth inheriting and carrying forward.

In fact, my family motto is just a few words: "Honest, trustworthy, diligent and thrifty". These eight short words contain the truth of communication and attitude to life.

"Honesty and trustworthiness" is the most important character in communication nowadays. Not only let us "treat people with peace and kindness", but also let us "trust and talk with sincerity". There was a saying in ancient times that "no one can stand without faith". Without faith, people really cannot establish a good image in their own communication circle. The same is true for communicating with others. If you have no faith, you will leave a bad impression on others, and then you will not be able to stand in the society. It can be seen how important "honesty and trustworthiness" is! Because of this, "Honesty and trustworthiness has become my family motto. Mother said:" Honesty can make me get more friends, then I will be very happy. ".

"Diligence and frugality" is more important in life. "Looking at the country and family in the previous dynasties, we found that" Diligence and frugality have changed from failure to extravagance "." Diligence and frugality have saved our family from hunger, cold and poverty, and made our family harmonious and happy. This is the root of the family, and all this is brought about by diligence and frugality. "" Diligence and frugality "has guaranteed our life, which has become my family motto.

It is this kind of family customs and instructions that make me not cling to the power and do not waste time; Don't lie, cheat or extort. I have noble moral sentiments and a harmonious family environment. I will make it shine and pass it on, so that I can have the positive energy of youth to be good, upward, and beautiful.

Tell my story (8)

When I came home on Friday, I found a familiar figure missing. Where is the old woman who walks with a cane in her hand? Later, I learned that you were hospitalized due to bronchitis. After all, a small cold can be fatal for an elderly person like you.

I will send you food with my father. When I entered the ward, the first thing I noticed was the tube inserted in your nose. After a closer look, I knew that it was oxygen supply. There are several labels hanging on the head of your bed: First class nurse, serious fall injury, weak heart... These words are like needles in my eyes. The instrument beside me has been emitting the sound of dropping, dropping, dropping, as if counting down life. The white walls on all sides give people a very uncomfortable feeling. Look at you again. The silver hair on your head reflects the white light. I can't bear to look straight at it. Seeing us, you sat up panting and smiled.

You opened the lunch box with difficulty, and your mother carefully prepared the dinner for you, but you did not show any appetite. After you finished eating, I found that your appetite was even less than half of the original. Only then did I realize that you were ill, really ill.

After eating, you said you were ready and wanted to go home, but my father firmly objected, fearing that something might go wrong. The doctor said that he could go home for a while, but he had to come back at night, so the two sides compromised.

I will help you down from the bed and walk out of the ward. Even though your right hand has taken the crutch, your left hand still firmly grasps my right arm, exerting more strength than usual. Looking at your father's back, you repeatedly said: "I'm old, slow, useless..." I don't know how to answer, so I had to comfort you: "It's OK, I'll accompany you." As soon as you see the chair, you need to rest, and ask your father to drive to the door to meet us in the parking lot. I realize again that you are old, really old.

Cars were speeding along the road. The street lamp flashed into my eyes and flashed again in less than a moment. Life is so like this street lamp, flashing past.

The way we drove was the way you picked me up every day after school. At that time, you were still straight and didn't take a crutch. We talked and laughed every day, and unconsciously returned home. Through the window, I seem to be able to see us in the past, as if I could see us in the past, as if I saw the "you" in the past. How I want to go back to the past and walk with that "you" again! My eyes are wet, everything is so fuzzy, but the scene of me and you walking home step by step is so clear!

I don't know when you picked up the crutch. I don't know when it was you who stumbled, not your young grandson. Now, I cherish you now. And the countless stories about you in the past may only be replayed in my mind forever!

Tell my story (9)

Family customs and instructions, as the name implies, are the customs and teachings of family tradition. They are either condensed into golden proverbs, or sublimated into bundles of noble spirit, or forged into strings of refined stories ≮ ≮ But my family has precipitated into the mellow scent of books—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Yellow pages

Enter the old house, push open the creaking wooden door, enter the dark storage room, pull on the light, and turn out some books from a corner.

Pick up the book and brush away the dust accumulated over the years. Dust is flying in the air, shining with wisdom. The air seems to be filled with a weathered atmosphere of vicissitudes.

These books are all right handed, full of some solemnity; The pages of the book have turned yellow, emitting a sense of age; There are countless big holes on the cover, devouring the old paper; Although it is old, but the pages are not a bit broken, still proudly stand up; The spine of the book is a bit messy, but the big characters on it are still clearly visible: Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Gently open the book, and rub the pages. There is a feeling of being through the vicissitudes of life, and there is a smooth new look, which shows that Grandpa cherishes this set of books. The yellow and old pages are full of vivid and powerful words, but without any sense of asymmetry, they are more harmonious.

It can be imagined that this set of Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been accompanied by my grandfather for most of my life. How did my grandfather repair and care for it; It can be imagined how many days and nights he communicated with his grandfather silently

This ray of scholarly fragrance took root in my grandfather's generation.

Late night lights

Late at night, my father's bedroom was still as bright as day.

Quietly walked in, and my father really read with relish in the quilt.

My father used to be a bookworm, and he always kept his hands on books. The arrival of a "Dream of Red Mansions" made him happy. Since then, every night, his room always turned off the light very late.

He was intoxicated with the wonderful world in Cao Xueqin's works, and marveled at the ingenuity and difficulty of the writing techniques in A Dream of Red Mansions. When he was really sleepy, he put the book beside his pillow, as if he wanted to meet Jia Baoyu in his dream.

This ray of scholarly fragrance, in my father's generation, precipitates the essence, branches and leaves.

Solid book wall

Entering my study, you will be immediately caught by the books on the bookshelf: the bookshelf is crowded with all kinds of books. It's not too much to say "crowded". I tried hard to press several books into it. These books have created a "book wall" for me

Hiding in the book wall world, I can swim in the ocean of science popularization and marvel at the precision of countless inventions; I can sit on the broomstick and fly with Harry Potter; I can immerse myself in the world of wolves and cheer for Zilan; I can drift slowly in the five thousand years of Chinese history

This ray of scholarly fragrance, in my generation, blooms and bears fruit.


At the end of the article, it suddenly occurred to me that I could give up anything on my future road, but this book fragrance could not.

Because he is my family style and my family motto.

Tell my story (10)

I have always suffered a lot. I was "hunted" by girls all day long. You must want to know what's going on. Let me talk about it in detail.
I have a bad relationship with the girls. When girls are unhappy, they take it out on me. If they dare to fight back, they will be beaten by the girls. So I began to think: How can we build a good relationship with them?
For this reason, I have made a lot of efforts to change from a "seven foot squad leader" to a "paparazzi" specialized in asking for gossip. After two weeks of "secret investigation", I finally found out the character of the girls. They can be divided into two categories: Ning Xinru, Zhang Zishan, etc. are lady type and talkative; But Chen Mengya, Yan Xuxin, etc. are barbaric, so it's better to be less provocative if you have nothing to do.
Knowing their character, it was easy to get close. I went to Ning Xinru and pretended to be pitiful: "Sister, my fountain pen is broken, let me borrow one!" When Ning Xinru saw my pitiful appearance, she took out a fountain pen and said, "Here, don't break it again next time." I felt happy when I got close to girls for the first time. I thought: deal with these ladies, a piece of cake.
These tactics are no longer feasible for barbaric girls. As soon as I said my pitiful words, Chen Mengya used her "Lion Roar Skill" that was enough to surprise me for a semester to shout at me: "Borrow a fountain pen from me? You must take a breath! Stay where it is cool, and roll away as far as your mind is, otherwise..." As she said, Chen Mengya also waved her clenched fist, and I was already in a cold sweat: too violent. It seems that I can only surrender to these barbaric girls.
Two weeks later, I finally "established diplomatic relations" with the barbaric girls by the "surrender method", but the boys had another problem, saying that I was a "traitor", "scum" and "running dog". Faced with the criticism of the boys, I had to choose to join the boys, and I would start a career of being chased by girls again.
I have to run for my life. Otherwise, when they come, I can't escape.

Tell my story (11)

My family has a lot of children's story books, which my parents bought when I was in kindergarten. There are Green's Fairy Tales, Andersen's Fairy Tales and several children's puzzle books. Since kindergarten, every night before going to bed, I have been clamoring my mother to tell me stories. My mother's story is very vivid, but it sounds good. I always fall asleep in my mother's story.

But my mother didn't tell me stories when I was in grade one of primary school next semester. Why? My mother said, "Jiaxuan, you are already a primary school student, but my mother didn't tell me when I was in the first grade of primary school next semester. She can read, so she should ask you to tell her stories." I listened to my mother's words. Every night before going to bed, I learned to tell my mother stories from books or stories learned in school.

My mother praised my good story, and I was very happy.

Tell my story (12)

Hey, everybody! My name is Li Linman. What about? Sounds good! My mother gave me this name. My mother told me that my name has a story.

In fact, my original name was Li Chenyan.

"Li" is my surname, "Chen" is my mother's surname, which is homophonic with "Chen". "Yan" means beautiful. The meaning of the name is: I want to be as beautiful as a flower in the morning, facing the morning sun, and in the beautiful garden, all flowers compete for beauty.

This name has been with me for four years. Everyone calls me Chenchen. I also like this name very much.

Later, my mother didn't know what book she read, so she changed my name to Li Linman.

I'm not used to the change of name. Why is it called "Lin Man"? My mother told me that it took her a week to get it up for me. It's a good name out of the ordinary!

"Forest" refers to the forest, and "vine" refers to the vine. "Lin Man" means walking in the forest of knowledge. I hope I can grow up like the trees in the forest; Like the vines in the forest, they have strong vitality, grow and extend around, and show their talents

It turns out that my new name is so innovative. I like my new name at once.

This is the story of my name. Now that I am nine years old, I know that the name is just a sign, and everything is the same. My mother changed my name because she loved me.

I like my name because it contains my mother's deep love

Tell my story (13)

My growth story is as innumerable as the stars in the sky. Now, let me pick the most dazzling star for you to listen to. There is such a thing that I still remember.

It was a sunny and sunny Children's Day. My mother specially asked for a half day leave from the company to take me to the zoo. In the zoo, we took many photos. I'm so happy! It's fun to play games with my friends and sweat a lot.

Back home, my mother told me; "Zhuo Hang, Li has an idea in the drawer. You can watch TV here. When your mother comes back, she will take you to develop your photos, and you can see the photos you took! Then she hurried away.

After my mother left, there has been a mystery in my heart that has not been solved; print a film? What does it mean to wash? Hey, why don't you just wash it in water. I'd better wash it myself!

So I went into the kitchen and opened the back cover of the camera. Turn on the tap and put it in water to wash. After washing for a long time, the picture still didn't come out, so I put the camera back to its original place in frustration.

It was evening and my mother came home. Prepare to take me to develop photos. Suddenly I saw the drops on the camera and asked me; Why is the camera so wet? "I quickly told my mother about my" masterpiece ". Mom listened and nodded my head with her forefinger; "Little fool, developing pictures means using a special kind of medicine in the darkroom," I could not laugh or cry after hearing that. I muttered to myself, "How learned it is to develop photos!"

As a result, the photo was exposed and could not be developed. The camera was also damaged by water.

Now, although it has been 4 years since the incident. But now when I think about it, I still want to point to my nose and smile at that ignorant and innocent 'me'.

Tell my story (14)

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Hello, 12:25:22

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:25:25"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher that you had eaten 12:25:32

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:25:35"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: you said 12:25:38

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:25:41"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:...... 12:25:44

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:25:47"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Teacher, you said it many times "12:25:55"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Me? Alas, I don't know "12:25:58"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... Is it true? 12:26:3

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Sorry, I only answer the idiom question!

Look up idioms, put parentheses in front of them (, just enter a few words, for example, Ma

Look up a word in a fixed position, and enter "." in other places. For example, look up the idiom beginning with "I...", look up the idiom that the third word is big: ".. Big.".

Play Idiom Solitaire, order it


◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... Then you will be useless "12:26:22"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Me? Alas, I don't know "12:26:25"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Every time I play with you, you lose "12:26:26"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Oh, you are not bad, I like it. 《12:26:30》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... Unfortunately, I don't like your 12:26:35

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:26:38》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... What can and cannot be done "12:26:46"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:26:49》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:...... No "12:26:52"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:26:55》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: You can't say it! 《12:27:0》

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:27:3》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Short Oil 12:27:5

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:27:8"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: You have enough "12:27:14"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:27:17"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher, "Don't say this, will you?" 12:27:22

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:27:25》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... Your logic seems abnormal "12:27:38"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:27:41》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: I will go to 12:27:57

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:28:0"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... No need to say hello "12:28:5"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:28:8》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Yes, you can "12:28:12"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Sorry, I only answer the idiom question!

Look up idioms, put parentheses in front of them (, just enter a few words, for example, Ma

Look up a word in a fixed position, and enter "." in other places. For example, look up the idiom beginning with "I...", look up the idiom that the third word is big: ".. Big.".

Play Idiom Solitaire, order it


◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: Do you want to say something else? 12:28:27

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:28:30》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... It depends on you, 12:28:37

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Me? Alas, I don't know "12:28:40"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: How can I know that! 《12:28:47》

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: I don't know, I only know idioms. 《12:28:50》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:...... Wow "12:29:21"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:29:24"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: enough...... 12:29:28

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: TAT 12:29:29

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Sorry, I only answer the idiom question!

Look up idioms, put parentheses in front of them (, just enter a few words, for example, Ma

Look up a word in a fixed position, and enter "." in other places. For example, look up the idiom beginning with "I...", look up the idiom that the third word is big: ".. Big.".

Play Idiom Solitaire, order it


◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:29:32"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:! 《12:29:35》

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:29:38"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: I have nothing to say to you "12:29:44"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Oh, you are not bad, I like it. 《12:29:47》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: So you can't say anything! 《12:29:54》

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Sorry, I only answer the idiom question!

Look up idioms, put parentheses in front of them (, just enter a few words, for example, Ma

Look up a word in a fixed position, and enter "." in other places. For example, look up the idiom beginning with "I...", look up the idiom that the third word is big: ".. Big.".

Play Idiom Solitaire, order it


◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... I played 12:30:4

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Oh, you are not bad, I like it. 《12:30:7》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: I played 12:30:10

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Hello! Have you had lunch? Don't take a break "12:30:13"

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: That's why I wrote 12:30:17

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Oh, you are not bad, I like it. 《12:30:20》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: How come you don't even say goodbye! 《12:30:30》

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Do you think I look like a teacher? 《12:30:33》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... not like 12:30:39

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: OK, but can it work? 《12:30:42》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher:... I left "12:30:51"

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Oh, you are not bad, I like it. 《12:30:54》

◆ You whispered to the idiom teacher: See you in the afterlife, 12:30:55

◆ The idiom teacher whispered to you: Sorry, I only answer the idiom question!

Look up idioms, put parentheses in front of them (, just enter a few words, for example, Ma

Look up a word in a fixed position, and enter "." in other places. For example, look up the idiom beginning with "I...", look up the idiom that the third word is big: ".. Big.".

Play Idiom Solitaire, order it


Tell my story (15)

Reading time passed so quickly that it was time for lunch. I didn't hear my mother's call until my father knocked my door and startled me. Yiyi was reluctant to put down the book and walk out of the study, but my heart couldn't be calm and still stayed in the story of the book. "I" play games with them, and they are happy, so am I. I can't help laughing while eating. What's more funny is that I called my mother wrong! My father called me a bookworm.

I like reading and buying books. My bookshelf is full of books I like. Every time I go to the bookstore, I will not return empty handed. I always take some books home. I love reading, because I can feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the hero from the book; It also makes me feel that different people are raised in different times. Books are my flavoring. When I feel sad, I shut myself in the room and read my favorite books. Happy, I still want to read, bring my happy mood into the book, and the story in the book fluctuates. Books give me the motivation to grow up happily, and let me know how to be a good filial and obedient child at home; Book is my teacher who can't speak. He told me how to be a student that teachers like at school.

Books are our good friends. Reading a good book enables us to gain a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of principles of life; Books are the ocean we travel in, with our happy growth. Only by reading more can we make progress; Only by reading more can we learn more knowledge; Only by reading more can we move forward smoothly; Only by reading more can we broaden our horizons and stay ahead of the times. In a word, I will study harder in the future, reading many, many books.