Postgraduate Entrance Examination of English Composition (Selected 16)
A rose that never withers
2024-05-22 06:27:31

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (1)

As is symbolically depicted in the picture, two men show different attitudes towards a fallen bottle. A great deal of water is flowing out of the bottle. The man on the left complains, “it is all done”, with one hand covering one of his eyes. On the contrary, the man on the right is about to pick up the bottle, saying, “it is lucky to have some left”.

In fact, the metaphorical picture intends to reveal that positive attitude is of utmost importance in one’s life. Considering the importance and necessity of this spirit, I feel responsible to discuss it further. To begin with, optimism could be regarded as a traditional Chinese virtue that could be handed down from generation to generation. Furthermore, this character plays an indispensable role in success. It is truly the fundamental attribute of top performers, which separate the high achievers from the rest of the pack. For example, Albert Einstein, honored for his success in the theory of relativism, is always remembered for his optimism, which shines through every chapter of his life.

To sum up, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance positive attitude in our society.  The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities. We should do our utmost to promote and advocate this spirit. Only in this way can our society become a better place for us to live in. (238 words)

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (2)

The English writing for the postgraduate entrance examination accounts for 30% of the English test paper for the postgraduate entrance examination. Candidates should start writing for the exam in the summer, so how to write for the exam efficiently is one of the most concerned problems of the examinees. The teacher here shares the strategies for preparing for the English composition for the postgraduate entrance examination in the summer, hoping that the examinees can reasonably arrange their own time.

First of all, candidates should understand the types and requirements of English writing for postgraduate entrance examination.

English writing for postgraduate entrance examination is divided into two parts: small composition and large composition. The short composition requires about 100 words of practical essay writing. The main style includes personal and official letters, notes, memoranda, abstracts, reports, notices, etc. The full score is 10. The types of questions in the big composition examination mainly include theme sentence composition, simple outline composition, prescribed situation composition, chart composition, and picture composition. But according to the real questions over the years, the picture composition is the main type of English 1, and the chart composition is the test type of English 2. It is easier to draw scores from the pictures, and the chart composition is relatively good, which belongs to the discussion of objective facts. The big composition is required to write about 160-200 words, with a full score of 20.

Secondly, examinees should understand the grading standards of the postgraduate entrance examination composition.

Although the scores of the minor composition and the major composition are different, their scoring standards and principles are the same. The outline of the postgraduate entrance examination has detailed instructions, which are divided into five grades. The minor composition 2 is divided into one grade, and the major composition 3 is divided into one grade. In short, if the composition wants to get a high score, the examinee needs to pay attention to the following points: 1. Spelling, grammar, and word use are correct. 2. The organization of the article is reasonable. 3. The article is unified in content, coherent in context and logical. 4. Select the register appropriately according to the writing purpose of the article and the readers to be determined.

Thirdly, examinees should combine reading with practice.

When preparing for the composition in summer, on the one hand, by understanding the requirements of the composition and writing methods (guidance books or videos to learn the method and structure of writing), after accumulating these common words and sentence patterns for the regular examination, the examinees also need to practice. They can practice a big composition and a small composition every week, and then find professionals to correct them. After each composition exercise, they should have a summary, Improved. At the same time, you can also learn good sentences from authoritative model essays, record and recite them.

In a word, composition is an examination of the examinee's ability to use English. The examinee must put it into writing and remember that his eyes are high but his hands are low. At this time, the examinee should have perseverance and perseverance to stick to it. The improvement of writing requires a process. The examinee should make a good review plan. At the same time, the examinee can also accumulate some good sentences in the process of reading, and watch American TV in his spare time to relax, Improve your oral English, which can increase your confidence in learning English. Finally, I wish you all a happy and efficient review!

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (3)

In preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination in English, whether it is English 1 or English 2, writing is the second highest scoring question, and it is a question that all examinees must pay attention to and answer well. The writing of postgraduate entrance examination English is divided into two parts: small composition (practical writing) and large composition (short writing). The scoring criteria for the small composition are accurate language, correct format, appropriate register and complete information. The scoring criteria for the large composition are accurate language, complete content, coherent organization and diverse language. As long as the examinees' writing content meets the requirements of these scoring criteria, they can get high scores. As far as practical writing is concerned, it is difficult to achieve the standard of complete information, because the key points of information that should be included in each kind of practical writing are different in theory. What is more difficult to achieve in the short writing part is the standard of diverse languages, because it requires examinees to be able to use different words to replace expressions in the vocabulary, Grammatically, it is required to write sentences with rich and complex sentence structures. From the horizontal comparison of the two scoring standards, the small composition only requires accurate language, while the large composition requires not only accurate language, but also rich and beautiful language. Therefore, from this perspective, it is more difficult to get a high score in the big composition, while it is relatively easier to grasp the small composition, because the format and register are fixed things, so it is OK to pay a little attention when writing, and the content of the small composition is mostly related to college students' life. According to our daily communication habits, we can basically summarize the information points involved in practical writing. In general, if you want to get high marks in writing, you must first ensure that there are few or no points lost in the small composition.

So how can we do this? This requires examinees to grasp the main contradiction in the preparation of small compositions, that is, to give priority to the types of practical essays that are the key ones to be examined. Taking a general view of the examination of English writing from 20xx to 20xx and English writing from 20xx to 20xx, it can be found that the focus of the examination is the writing of practical letters. Among the 11 types of letters that have been examined, the letter of advice is the most frequently examined. Therefore, the first thing to solve the small composition is to learn to write the letter of advice.

In the first primary school English composition, the suggestion letter was examined in 20xx, 20xx, 20xx and 20xx respectively, while in the second primary school English composition, the suggestion letter was also examined in 20xx and 20xx. In terms of the number of letters examined, there are only suggestions, such as the four years' real questions of English 1, and there are also other letters and suggestions combined, such as the two years' real questions of English 2. From the content of the writing, there are suggestions for the existing problems, such as the 20xx real topic requires suggestions on improving the service level of the school library, the 20xx real topic requires suggestions on white pollution and their own views, and the 20xx real topic requires suggestions on improving the physical quality of students; In addition, there is no problem with the other party, and the suggestions are only for the better situation of the other party. For example, the 20xx real question requires suggestions on the campus life of foreign students, and requests to express their welcome. The information points contained in these suggestion letters are relevant, but not the same. You should pay attention to them when writing.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (4)

Writing for postgraduate entrance examination English requires not only the accumulation of words and grammar knowledge, as well as the recitation of some templates, but also specific analysis of specific problems. Although the possibility of examining picture composition is very large, from different angles, picture composition can also be divided into several qualities, and the points of examination of each nature are different. So for such a situation, how can we review the English composition for postgraduate entrance examination more efficiently?

Step 1: Get familiar with the framework content with the help of templates

The template can be given by the teacher in class, or it can be summarized based on the content of the class in combination with the model text. Templates are not mechanical rote memorization. They are used for three purposes:

1. Through the review of the template, solve the problem of what is roughly written in each paragraph. In this way, when you get a topic, you will not spend too much time thinking about the writing content, but focus on the language.

2. The review of the template can make everyone familiar with the writing format of English articles, especially the practical part. Solving this problem at this stage will help to form good habits and avoid unnecessary loss of points.

3. Templates often contain many good words and sentences. Reciting templates can also enrich writing materials to a large extent. Even with the improvement of our writing ability in the future, we will no longer stick to the template, and the good words and sentences will still be our weapon to get points when we write.

Step 2: accumulate good words and sentences

After the first step of review, you have a clear idea of your own writing ideas. The problem now is that the accumulated writing materials are not enough. At this time, it is suggested to learn writing in reading. You can read writing model articles, foreign newspapers and even real questions to find sentences that can be used in templates and have a wide range of applications.

In the review process at this stage, you can use the translation method to practice, that is, after reading a sentence, understand its Chinese meaning, immediately cover up the English, and try to translate a sentence according to the Chinese. By using this method, the shortcomings in the process of writing will be exposed immediately, and the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort will be achieved. Previously, some students tried to translate New Concept IV into Chinese and English, and the effect was very good. Students with good foundation can refer to this method.

Step 3: Put what you have learned on the paper through practice

If the first two steps of review are good, the review at this stage can be said to be a kind of enjoyment. It can write what you have learned smoothly and well. First of all, it is not only an improvement of your writing, but also an affirmation of your review. It is suggested that you use He Kaiwen's "The Last Six Sets of Questions in the 20xx Absolute Examination Room for Postgraduate Entrance Examination" to practice, so that you can master the trend of real questions while exercising your ability.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (5)

Fractional grade

Scoring criteria

Fifth gear

Section A (9-10 points)

Section B (17~20 points)

Well completed the tasks specified in the test questions.

It contains all the key points of the content;

Use rich grammatical structure and vocabulary;

The language is natural and fluent with few grammatical errors;

Effective use of a variety of cohesion techniques, text coherence, clear hierarchy;

The format and register are appropriate.

It has produced the expected effect for the target readers.

Fourth gear

Section A (7-8 points)

Section B (13~16 points)

I have successfully completed the tasks specified in the test questions.

Include all the key points of the content, and allow to omit one or two secondary key points;

Use rich grammatical structures and vocabulary;

The language is basically accurate, and there are individual errors only when trying to use more complex or advanced vocabulary;

The format and register are appropriate.

It has produced the expected effect for the target readers.

Third gear

Section A (5-6 points)

Section B (9-12 points)

Basically completed the tasks specified in the test questions.

Although some content is omitted, it contains most of the main points;

The applied grammatical structure and vocabulary can meet the requirements of the task;

There are some grammatical and lexical errors, but they do not affect understanding;

It adopts simple cohesive techniques, with coherent content and clear levels;

The format and register are basically reasonable.

It has basically produced the expected effect for the target readers.

Second gear

Section A (3~4 points)

Section B (5-8 points)

Failing to complete the tasks specified in the test questions as required.

Omitted or failed to effectively elaborate some key points of content and wrote some irrelevant content;

Monotonous grammatical structure and limited vocabulary items;

There are many errors in grammar structure or vocabulary, which affect the understanding of writing content;

Lack of proper cohesive devices and coherence of content;

The format and register are inappropriate.

Failure to convey information clearly to readers.

First gear

Section A (1-2 points)

Section B (1-4 points)

Failing to complete the tasks specified in the test questions.

The main content is obviously omitted, and there are a lot of content that does not want to be related;

The use of grammatical items and vocabulary is monotonous and repetitive;

There are many language errors, which hinder readers' understanding of the content, and the ability to use language is poor;

No cohesive devices are used, the content is incoherent, lacking organization and segmentation;

The concept of formlessness and register.

Failure to convey information to readers.

Zero gear (0 point)

The information conveyed or language used is too little to be evaluated; The content has nothing to do with the requirements or is illegible.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (6)

It all depends on the play. Indeed, if the invigilator considers that it is a rigid template, there will be points deducted, but it will not be deducted to the extent of violating the common sense of the grading rules of the postgraduate entrance examination. For example, this year's postgraduate entrance examination is a problem of environmental pollution and uncivilized behavior, which is easy to overwhelm and use templates. I think most of the students use templates. The key is to see your level of use. For example, some templates will say, "This is a very serious problem. It violates the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and must be regulated by law." This is too serious for this year's composition. Another example is a short composition letter. Generally, the end of the template is very grateful. However, this year's short composition is to recommend a movie to a friend. If you write a short composition and thank the other person for their help, you may deduct points for off topic reasons. Because your writing is not consistent with the examination questions.

In short, writing with templates does not necessarily result in points being deducted. The key is to see your writing level. If you can flexibly use templates, you can get high scores. Even if the application is rigid, as long as there are no mistakes in principle, it is hopeful to get 12-15 points. For example, last year's composition was about culture. If you apply the sentence and theme about culture to this topic this year, you will definitely lose a lot of points due to off topic.

Finally, you should also look at your handwriting and the number of words.

If you don't understand, you can add my friend and ask again, and I will reply. Finally, I wish you success in getting into your ideal university.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (7)

Generally speaking, practical writing should be concise and clear. For practical writing, candidates may have a headache. Experts summarize years of experience in English tutoring and provide some tips for examinees.

Since it is practical writing, there must be strict format requirements. Take letters for example. If the subject of a letter is a close friend, you can call him Dear xx, and others can be called Dear Mr. xx or Dear Ms.xx. If the surname is not clear, it is generally called Dear Sir or Madam. In addition, pay attention to the writing format of the text. Generally speaking, four letters must be left blank at the beginning of the first paragraph.

Practical writing does not require flowery words, but accurate words are the most basic requirement. If the object of the letter is a formal group or organization, abbreviations and colloquial expressions are not allowed. Secondly, practical writing usually has certain occasions, and what kind of occasions and words are often used will become the test points. Maybe the examinee is not very familiar with some of the language used in some occasions. In fact, the basic language and format used in these occasions can be recited and practiced directly.

In addition, as a short composition with only about 100 words, don't write it with your pen. After reviewing the topic, make an outline first. Don't trust your mind too much, because your thoughts are likely to deviate when you think about them. Finally, you must remember to check and revise your composition after writing, and do not make mistakes in simple spelling and punctuation.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (8)

Many students know that the big composition seems to have a very magical number "three" for us. We know that "Tao generates one, one generates two, and three generates all things". This "three" is exactly the requirement for writing in the English syllabus for postgraduate entrance examination.

Step 1: Describe the phenomenon

In fact, many students know why our postgraduate entrance examination English writing mentions three aspects. If you look at the outline, you will find that it clearly points out that when determining our postgraduate entrance examination English writing, students are required to write our requirements for the entire writing skills of postgraduate entrance examination English very accurately in their own compositions, that is, 200 words of big compositions. In the "logical syllogism" of postgraduate entrance examination English writing, you can write down the real phenomenon you see in the first natural paragraph. We all know what is "phenomenon". The phenomenon is what we see, what happens around us, what is expressed in a picture in our examination paper, and the students also see a new thing, When you write about the phenomenon, actually speak frankly, and you will already know how to describe English writing. We are going to take the postgraduate entrance examination today. Maybe your first natural paragraph must be described, and this description must be objective.

Step 2: See the essence through the phenomenon

If we only tell the phenomenon, it is not the requirement of the postgraduate entrance examination, because what is the second step of the postgraduate entrance examination? Look at your inner essence through the phenomenon. What is your inner essence? In fact, it is voice over. Some students asked me, Mr. Ding, whether there would be voiceover in the exam next year. If you think about it carefully, it has been eight years from 20xx to now. Among the eight years of composition exams, only in 2007 did you see that there were no voiceovers. The other seven years of exams had voiceovers. For example, we took the exam, "Love is a lamp, the darker the place, the brighter"; We also examined the relationship between culture, domestic culture and international culture; Even we all know the "old-age football match", which is contrary to the harmonious society; At the same time, we also saw that the blind worship of Beckham is impossible, so these things are a phenomenon for students, and then gave you a voiceover. At this time, the students saw that, taking the 2008 composition as an example, "You have one leg, I have one leg, and you and I travel north and south together". We all know that "you and I together" is conveying an idea to us. After you describe the pictures you see in the first paragraph, the most important thing in the second paragraph is to let students tell us the essence of this phenomenon.

Step 3: Discussion

Finally, it's time to talk about it. After all, we are writing argumentative papers. What is argumentation? I found that many students could not clearly distinguish what was explanation and what was discussion, which caused an embarrassment. Many students mixed their comments into the explanation. But you should know that in the process of analysis by the real target reader, that is, the grading teacher, he will focus on whether you have clearly distinguished the explanation and discussion. So students should know that today, what is our important test preparation stage? You should have a clear mind and be able to figure out the above content, that is, we should understand that we should explain when we really need to.

So how should we talk about it? We have taken some measures and means. For example, we should solve some ugly phenomena; When we see that the character structure of "person" supports each other, we should promote it and learn it, because what we will do is what students should think at this time. The students may have felt that the magic number of the so-called "three" has told us that in theory, we have three paragraphs in a big composition. These three paragraphs should be divided according to their writing techniques. The first paragraph should be description, the second paragraph should be explanation, and the third paragraph should be our discussion.

I am often asked by my classmates whether I want to recite articles or not, but I cannot recite them blindly. Because if there are only gorgeous sentences and the article has good reputation, the score will not be high. Of course, memorizing sentences is very helpful to improve your writing level, but I hope you must remember that when your content is lacking, your moves are that these beautiful words seem to lose their charm. Now it's time to think hard and think about what? Think about some phenomena around you, think about every composition question you see, rather than just recite a few small questions, you will definitely be able to write at this time, which is very unlikely. So, in fact, writing should be reviewed early.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (9)

For the postgraduate entrance examination writing, the most basic requirement is to be able to write 20 compositions before the examination. It is suggested to do it according to the real questions of the past 20 years, which is a comparative and authoritative model.

Even if no one helps to revise the reference, we can compare it from several aspects: ① see the difference between our own idea and the model text; ② What is the difference between your own words and sentences and model essays? ③ What is the difference between your writing idea and the model essay. Fan Wen has his advantages, and he tries his best to get close to it.

In recent years, the score of writing has gradually declined. It is not difficult to find the reason why teachers are more and more strict in complying with the scoring standards, and are more strict in grading all items. Little cute people must pay attention to writing and practice more to get high marks in writing. How can we improve our writing ability?

How can I get into the eyes of teachers who can't write and write poorly? First of all, let's be clear: writing is the output of language, but without input, how can it be output?

You can't create correct English sentences out of thin air. In fact, every foreign language sentence you speak can only be said correctly when you have seen and remembered similar sentences, which is nothing more than changing the actual verbs and nouns.

Therefore, to be able to write English sentences, you need to read more English sentences and recite more English sentences. This is why Chinese and English teachers have forced you to memorize texts from primary school, junior high school to high school. They don't really want to test your memory, but to let you master more advanced language expressions.

What English materials should I read or recite more? Of course, the real question is everything! When learning each type of question, you can think backward about its English sentences. If it is suitable for my own composition, or how can I rewrite it?

This syntax expression is brilliant, so I should accumulate it in my notes and use it in later composition writing. If you use more and practice more, it will naturally become your own sentence. Of course, in addition to input, attention must be paid to writing grammatically correct sentences when outputting.

Many students think it is difficult to learn English grammar. In fact, grammar knowledge used in writing is not difficult.

Grammar is naturally generated in the process of use and conforms to the natural logic of human brain. One of the most important reasons why English can become the world language is that English grammar is very simple.

If there is a sentence pattern in the thing you recite three times, you will have an impression of this grammar point. If there are ten times, you will naturally use this sentence pattern. In fact, all this happens in your subconscious. You may even have mastered this grammar without being able to say what the grammar rules are.

At this time, grammar becomes a part of your thinking mode rather than just a piece of knowledge information. Can you think of the grammar rules of Chinese? But this does not affect your correct use of Chinese.

But inevitably, English is not our mother tongue. Except for English majors, the frequency of English application and practice is not very high at ordinary times, so many students will make various grammatical errors when writing articles and sentences on different topics, which is normal.

Finally, how can we solve this problem? Generally speaking, if no one corrects the grammar mistakes you have made, you will make similar mistakes again if you don't know it. Therefore, an essential part of writing practice is "correcting the composition".

But it is unrealistic to have people who are very good at English to help correct compositions all the time, but there are many websites and software resources that can correct grammar errors of English sentences for free.

Some students will say that Fan Wen has learned from others, but still cannot write when writing. The reason may be that you are not familiar with it and you write from memory or by yourself, but simply memorize it by rote.

The way to check whether you have memorized an article is that if you have to think about it for a long time, it means you have not memorized it.

In addition to memorizing, the other thing is to write from memory. You can recite but not write. Through dictation, you will find that you can't spell many words, the grammatical order is wrong, the punctuation marks are wrong, and so on.

Let everyone recite model essays. Of course, high score essays have their merits. Finally, imitate the articles you recite and use the words and sentence patterns in another article with similar topics. This kind of imitation writing can be found in Taoist Priest's courses. After listening to it, you need to think more about it and draw inferences from other cases.

In fact, the time for composition review is no less than the time for intensive reading. It takes five steps to complete an article: self writing, comparison, recitation, dictation, and imitation.

In fact, you don't need to recite too many compositions. You can recite several typical articles (which are very familiar) and summarize your own composition templates. The remaining work is to practice calligraphy and summarize some topics.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (10)

[Model Text]

Basically, what we see in this picture is a bird lamenting the fact that its home has been destroyed. Of course, birds usually make their homes in trees, and since there are no trees left in the picture – only the stumps, to show that the original trees have been chopped down – the bird is left without shelter. In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home.

We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of forests, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. He seems to be saying that soon there will be no trees left in the world. In my opinion, the sad little bird is a symbol of all living things, including human beings, and, like the bird, we too will be left homeless if we allow the destruction of the environment to continue.

This simple picture is a wake – up call for the whole of the human race. If this vivid image of the grim future of our planet is not to become a reality, we must take positive steps right now to put an end the plundering of the Earth’s natural resources. It is clear that the drawer of the picture is urging us to start with a campaign to save the forests, which is something all of us can join by urging our local authorities to take positive measures to save the trees.


What we can mainly see from this picture is a bird grieving for the destruction of its home. Of course, birds usually build their homes in trees, because there are no trees in the picture - only tree stumps, indicating that the original trees have been cut down - the bird has no place to hide. In fact, the bird had no choice but to stop on the handle of the axe used to destroy its original home.

We can infer from the picture that the painter tried to attract our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of forests, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the earth. He seems to want to say that there will be no trees in the world soon, but I think this poor bird symbolizes all creatures, including human beings. Moreover, if we allow us to continue to destroy the environment, we will also be homeless like birds.

This simple picture is an alarm bell for all mankind. If we do not want this vivid portrayal of the terrible future of the planet to become a reality, we must now take positive measures to stop plundering the earth's natural resources. Obviously, the painter is urging us to start saving the forest. We can all participate and urge the local government to take measures to save trees.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (11)

1、 Find the benchmark from the model

If you want to write a good article, you must first set goals, set a benchmark, and define what kind of article is a good article, and this benchmark is a model article. The analysis of the sample essays will find that the high score sample essays have some common characteristics:

The three paragraph form will never go out of style.

The views may not be very novel, but they are clear and well grounded.

If the topic provides two points of view, the high score composition must choose one of them, and make your own position clear at the beginning of the article, rather than "both points are reasonable" and "play 50 boards".

There are many conjunctions, especially at the beginning of a paragraph and when turning, emphasizing and punctuating.

There is no long sentence in the whole article. It is a combination of long and short sentences with a sense of rhythm.

The repetition rate of words is very low, and different words are used before and after to express the same meaning.

2、 To "export", first "import"

Writing is the "output" process of English ability. To "output", you must first have the accumulation of "input". Grasp a composition, start from learning its model, follow the example, mark the good sentences and phrases written by others, even the way of beginning and end, the sentences connecting the preceding and the following, and the conjunctions, then read and write from memory, and then combine the model, and write a complete article by yourself, not expecting to be identical with the model, nor afraid to be identical with the model. After accumulating a few more articles, I have a bit of "goods" in my stomach. I can slowly find my feelings and write my own things when I write other topics in the future.

3、 Reciting words is better than memorizing phrases and sentences

If you think of writing as building a house, words are bricks and tiles. Bricks and tiles do not need many (large vocabulary), nor do they want strange shapes (know a lot of "advanced" rare words), as long as they are enough. More importantly, they need to know how to put these bricks into solid and beautiful shapes. Good phrases and sentence patterns are already put together, practical and beautiful bricks.

Although many composition guidance books have good sentences sorted out, the more readily available resources are reading articles and model essays. When learning, you can accumulate good sentences from these two sources, record them in a small notebook, take them with you, and read them when you are free.

Conjunctions are like the lubricant of an article. Proper use of conjunctions can improve the level of an article. Except for the first, second and last, ordinary students have no awareness of using conjunctions (such as hower, despite, more, etc.) that indicate transition, progression and other relationships. However, we need to know that conjunctions are extremely cost-effective, and the number of conjunctions in high scoring model essays is limited, so it will be helpful to learn them carefully.

Usually, you can practice writing more compositions. By writing more, you can know how long it will take for you to write an English composition. You can find out the shortcomings of your composition and improve it.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (12)

if by suburb is meant an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior, the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. before that period the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse and cart. but the early factories built in the 1840s were located along waterways and n ear railheads at the edges of cities, and housing was needed for the thousands of people drawn by the prospect of employment. in time, the factories were surrounded by proliferating mill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older, main cities. as a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their ta bases, the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors. in 1854, for eample, the city of philadelphia anneed most of philadelphia county. similar municipal maneuvers took place in chicago and in new york. indeed, most great cities of the united states achieved such status only by incorporating the communities along their borders.

with the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress-conditions that began to approach disastrous proportions when, in 1888, the first commercially successful electric traction line was developed. within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected every major urban area, fostering a wave of suburbanization that transformed the compact industrial city into a dispersed metropolis. this first phase of mass-scale suburbanization was reinforced by the simultaneous emergence of the urban middle class, whose desires for homeownership in neighborhoods far from the aging inner city were satisfied by the developers of single-family housing tracts.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (13)

a summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the earth, but in the sun; in fact, at the suns very center. it is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. this energy is librated at the center of the sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide with each other and fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so, release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. the output of light and heat of the sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the sun every second. this the sun has been doing for several thousands of millions of year.

the nuclear energy is released at the suns center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength. this gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms inside the sun to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths. this radiation , in its turn is absorbed and reemitted. as the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, it passes through the -ray part of the spectrum eventually becoming light. at this stage, it has reached what we call the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbed further by solar atoms. a very small fraction of the suns light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the earth.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (14)

william wordsworth

i wander’d lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills, when all at once i saw a crowd,a host , of golden daffodils;beside the lake, beneath the trees,fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way,they stretch’d in never-ending line along the margin of a bay: ten thousand saw i at a glance,tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

the waves beside them danced, but they out-did the sparkling waves in glee: a poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company!

e gaze –and gazed –but little thought what wealth the show to me had brought: for oft, when on my couch i lie in vacant or in pensive mood,they flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude;and then my heart with pleasure fills,and dances with the daffodils.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (15)

Section A: The examinee writes a practical essay of about 100 words (punctuation marks are not included) according to the given situation, including personal and official letters, memoranda, summaries, reports, etc. Candidates answer questions on answer card 2. Full score: 10 points.

Section B: The examinee writes a 160-200 word essay according to the prompt information (punctuation marks are not included). The form of prompt information includes topic sentence, writing outline, specified situation, diagram, table, etc. Candidates answer questions on answer card 2. Full score: 20.

Compared with the previous syllabus, it is not difficult to see that the requirements for writing in the postgraduate entrance examination English in 2009 have not changed. Therefore, for examinees, they must consciously practice according to the requirements of the syllabus and master certain methods and skills in order to achieve ideal results.

A short composition is a practical essay of about 100 words. Its style includes letters, notes, memos, etc. Full score: 10 points. Letters are commonly used in daily life. They are important tools to negotiate matters, convey information, exchange ideas, connect feelings and enhance understanding. Letters can generally be divided into business letters or official letters and personal letters. Style includes letters, notes, memos, etc. Specifically, it includes the writing of application letter and resignation letter, order or return letter, complaint letter, thank you letter, application letter, and arrangement notice. English letters usually include the following components: letter end, address in the letter, address, body, conclusion, signature, attachment, re opening, etc.

Candidates should pay attention to the specific format requirements of practical writing, and consciously master the writing methods of various practical writing. According to the requirements of the outline, it is necessary to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the coverage of information points in the writing content, the orderliness and logicality of the organization of the text structure, the accuracy of language use, the correctness of style and format, and the rationality of the grasp of register. Don't simply think that reviewing practical writing is reviewing the corresponding format. The format is only the minimum requirement for practical writing. To write a practical essay in about 10 minutes, it requires both basic English language skills and the ability to quickly conceive a text according to the framework given by the topic.

The big composition accounts for 20 points, and the number of words required is 160-200 words. From the proposition of essay writing over the years, the question types over the years are "proposition composition, diagram composition, picture composition". The proposition composition has a unified title, a prescribed framework, and even the first sentence of a paragraph. The examinee only needs to develop 3 to 4 sentences according to the prescribed thinking. Chart and picture composition requires examinees to dig out the main information expressed in the chart themselves, usually by means of comparative analysis, induction, deduction and other methods. They should summarize trends from figures and images, grasp the implicit ideological content, and clarify their own views, propositions, and opinions. From the perspective of proposition content, this year's cartoon or chart composition must still be about education, professional ethics, physical health, family relations, environmental protection, population growth, cultural exchanges and other topics.

Candidates should pay more attention to the training of basic writing skills when they practice at ordinary times. They should pay attention to the accuracy of word selection, the diversity of sentence patterns, the clarity of the structure of the article, the correctness of punctuation marks, and do not fabricate. They should use correct and authentic English phrases and sentences to write articles. That is, the postgraduate entrance examination composition still needs to achieve "four modernizations": accurate language, diversified words and sentences, simple content and clear structure.

In writing, we should pay attention to the accumulation in ordinary times. When we see very authentic and useful expressions in ordinary times, we can write them down and remember them. Recite the classic template, and pay attention to the diversity of words and sentences. We should consciously study all kinds of model essays, study their words and sentences, how they expand their paragraph structure, and how they can speak. At ordinary times, pay attention to the accumulation of composition materials, practice uninterruptedly, and insist on self revision, which will help improve the level of English writing.

Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Composition (16)

According to the above "main/topic logic clues", this book divides the predicted topics into the following ten categories: life philosophy, physical and mental health, environmental protection, family emotion, friendship, population development, ethics, social hot spots, cultural development, education and technology, etc, Under each category, key topics and ordinary topics will be divided according to the actual situation. The former will give specific model texts for the examinees to recite and imitate, while the latter will give some key words, sentence patterns or paragraphs for the examinees to be familiar with and expand.

In addition, in view of the importance of the time before the examination and the actual needs of the examinees, the models provided in this book are all for the purpose of seeking full marks, and no simple "template" models are provided. As the saying goes, "If you choose the best method, you can only get the middle. If you choose the best method, you can only get the bottom.". Therefore, I hope that all candidates can seize the time to recite several high-quality articles carefully before the exam, use the unchanged template to cope with the ever-changing content, and use high-quality model to obtain high scores.

1、 Philosophy of Life

(1) Happiness/dedication/happiness, etc

1. Topic statement

(1) Money can bring happiness to some extent, but not the only or best measure to it.

Money can bring happiness to some extent, but it is not the only or best way to measure happiness.

(2) As a measure to pursue happiness, wealth plays its due role, while as a terminal goal of happiness, it may lead to disasters.

As a way of pursuing happiness, wealth has its due value, but if it is regarded as the ultimate goal of happiness, it may bring disaster.

(3) The definition of happiness depends on each individual, because it is a subjective feeling having no relation with concrete materials.

The definition of happiness varies from person to person, because it is a subjective feeling unrelated to specific substances.

(4) Life prevails over everything. However, the real meaning of life is not just to support one’s life or family, but depends on how much you contribute to others, to society, to human being, even lies in what moral and spiritual wealth you create to them.

Life is above everything. However, the true meaning of life does not lie in preserving life and supporting the family, but in how much you have contributed to others, society and mankind, and more importantly, what kind of moral and spiritual wealth you have created for them.

(5) We shouldn’t ask what our society can do for us, we should ask what we can do for our society.

We should not ask what society can do for us, but what we can do for society.

(6) It’s everyone’s contribution to society that pushes the wheels of history to proceed. Only those who make sincere and selfless contribution may enjoy real happiness and experience precious value of their lives.

It is the contribution of each of us to society that pushes the wheel of history forward. Only those who are sincere and selfless can truly enjoy happiness and experience the precious value of their lives.