About Imagination in Grade Three (7 high-quality articles)
The snow is boundless
2024-04-19 00:26:04
Grade 3

Grade 3 About Imagination (1)

One day, it suddenly occurred to me that the mayor of Kunshan was so powerful and could manage so many people. If I could be mayor one day, how good would it be?

So I ran to the mayor, who found it. I said to him: "The mayor is too arrogant to manage so many people. Are you really happy?" The mayor said inexplicably: "The mayor is also very difficult, so you can only have one day today!" I jumped up happily and repeatedly said: "Thank you, thank you mayor..."

I jumped into the street to prepare for the mayor's mission. When I saw a man cutting down a tree (trimming branches), I ran to him and said, "Why do you want to cut down a tree?" "I haven't? I'll trim the leaves again." "Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you!" When I saw another adult beating up his children (their father and son are practicing taekwondo), I ran to him and asked, "Why do you beat up your children?" As I said, I punched my father. "Dad, Dad, Dad, he practiced Taekwondo with me because we were competing. I can't compete with Dad. Dad accidentally punched me. Dad shot me lightly. I didn't hurt at all, but what would you do with that punch?" "Oh, sorry!"

So being mayor is a troublesome thing!

Grade 3 About Imagination (2)

Childhood is full of magical fantasy, the pursuit of the future and infinite wisdom. My ideal is to be a conscientious teacher when I grow up.

If I become a teacher, I will pass on what I learned to every student, and I will dedicate all my love to my students. In my class, I will tell them many, many and various stories, let them know the truth of being human, take them to play games, let their laughter spread throughout the school, let them become happy birds, happy every day. When I lecture, if the students answer wrong, I will stop scolding and beating. I will explain the meaning of the problem to him with a smile. In my eyes, my students are like my own children, which makes them very happy. If their exam scores are low, I will comfort them and say: "It doesn't matter if they don't do well in the exam. The important thing is that the teacher listens carefully and keeps the teacher's key points in mind." I will patiently teach them. I will take them out to play all the year round, so that they can have a happy childhood and gain from learning and happiness from harvest.

If I want to realize my dream, I should study hard, make progress every day, and read more extracurricular books, so as to realize my dream.

Grade 3 About Imagination (3)

Last night, I had a dream, in which I arrived in the long-awaited space by spaceship.

Wearing light flying clothes, I walked in space. The blue earth is quietly suspended in space, so beautiful and comfortable; The fiery 'sun seems to radiate all the heat, and the dazzling light illuminates the whole galaxy. Suddenly, a meteor flew past me like lightning, and countless stars winked at me. Seems to say hello to me.

There are floating objects passing by from time to time around the spaceship. I quickly made way of the collection room to collect various treasures. There are also colorful Jupiter flowers, crystal clear Mercury clover, white Venus figs, and powerful Mars energy stone... It's really everything, which opens my eyes!

Finally, I went to the moon by spaceship and gave the materials I brought to the moon residents. When I left, moon residents collected a large number of "moon osmanthus" as gifts for me. I want to take it back to the earth and bring back the wishes of the people on the moon.

Grade 3 About Imagination (4)


My future is so dim, without any glory. What kind of concept is the future, and what kind of setbacks? Hehe, everything is unknown

The future is far away; The future is mysterious.

The future is like a mystery that cannot be explained. What does it look like? The future is so illusory to me. It doesn't mean much. I am afraid that I will shrink back, because the future road is so confused. I felt helpless. A cold wind blew, and I couldn't help holding my body tightly. The future, the future... I am silently thinking about what my future will be like.

Is it beautiful, sad, or happy

I believe in fate, but I believe in myself more.

Grade 3 About Imagination (5)

Time passes quickly. In 20xx, more and more people will keep pets and pet stores will be busier and busier. But you don't have to worry, the future pet stores will properly handle the cleaning and care of pets, lunch break, etc.

This pet shop is controlled by a computer, and chips are embedded in every pet's belongings here. If a pet needs to take a bath, it will automatically grab the pet to the bathroom. The computer will prepare all the tools needed for the pet's bath in advance and put the water away. Computer controlled machine whiskers can automatically brush, wash, rinse, dry and blow pets. If some pets need clothes, these machine tentacles can help people choose the clothes they need to wear and cut their nails.

If it's time to eat, the computer will prepare corresponding food for the pet according to the information on the chip. For example, when dogs pour dog food and cats pour cat food, the computer will put the corresponding food into the pet's own small bowl without making mistakes. Some pets will take a lunch break after eating. The computer will order tentacles to grab the pets in front of the pet bed, and then wash small bowls for them.

Science makes keeping pets no longer a hassle. We should carry forward science, make contributions to the development of the motherland, and make life better.

Grade 3 About Imagination (6)

The current car is not very good. It's too loud. It damages the environment and wastes gasoline. So I want to invent a new car, which will not make much noise, protect the environment and save gasoline.

The new car I invented has five special functions, namely five different buttons: red button, blue button, yellow button, cyan button and white button. They all have different functions. The function of the red button is that if you are hungry but can't find food, you can press the red button, and a menu will appear on the screen, so you don't have to worry about being hungry after you order. The blue button function is to press the blue button in case of traffic jam. The car can rise slowly and drive in the air. You will never get into trouble because of traffic jams. The yellow button is a computer function, but it is much more advanced than the computer. If you want to know something, click it and the computer will automatically tell you what you want to know. It can be done in five seconds. The cyan button is used to accelerate the car. The white button is used to slow down the car.

Do you like this new car? This is the car I want to invent in the future.

Grade 3 About Imagination (7)

In 3059, everyone on the earth was skating on super skateboards, and so was I. However, I am tired of playing on the earth. I think of the moon in the sky and want to explore it.

I immediately returned to my own "Mystery Studio" and began to study spaceships. I first designed the spaceship on the computer; After the design, go to the manufacturing room for manufacturing. Finally, I can start a spaceship to the moon. I sat in the spaceship and asked the working robots to take tools and walk with me. I closed the cabin door, opened it to the highest gear, flew to the moon at a speed of 400 kilometers per second, and arrived at the moon 18 minutes later.

I put on a shockproof spacesuit and went to the moon to build a home. First, I asked the robot with a pressure device to flatten the surface of the moon, then built a frame with iron pillars, covered it with a super pressure proof cloth, installed the purifier on the right side of the moon super room, and then let the flying robot fly to the earth with a purification tube and insert it into the atmosphere, so that I can breathe fresh air.

After I built the lunar super room, I decided to go around the moon. I drove on the "Moon Sports Car" for an hour and saw a palace engraved with five powerful characters: Chang'e Guanghan Palace. I got out of the car and knocked at the door. A lovely rabbit came to open the door. I said to the rabbit, "I'm coming to visit Sister Chang'e," and the rabbit took me into the room. I saw a beautiful girl, and I said to him, "Sister Chang'e, come to my super moon room as a guest!" She agreed happily.

After transformation, people can live on the moon, but the number of people on the earth is far from enough, so we must protect our home!