Sixteen Ponds Park (4 boutiques)
The sunset is beautiful
2024-04-11 08:28:06
Grade 6

Sixteen Ponds Park (1)

Today I came to Sixteen Ponds Park.

As soon as we went in, we could see a small pool with several artificial fountains and 16 jars inside, which were trickling like 16 waterfalls.

Further inside, you can see a lake where several tourists are boating. There is a small forest around it, which is like an emerald inlaid around the lake. Seeing those tourists happily rowing boats, I also went to row boats. The lake water is particularly clear. Qingdao can see the small fish in the lake and the dust in the lake. There are many lotus leaves and flowers on the lake. If you look carefully, you can also see several lotus leaves with little frogs on them!

There are many facilities in the playground - such as ferris wheel, jungle flying mouse, soaring into the sky

Beside the playground, there is a small garden with colorful flowers, which is extremely beautiful.

Sixteen Ponds Park is really beautiful! Come and enjoy yourself.

Sixteen Ponds Park (2)

One Sunday afternoon in the summer vacation, I was excited to take a bus with my mother to Xian'an, where my mother worked, for the holiday, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. It took me nearly 4 hours to arrive at the destination. After getting off the bus, my mother took me to her hotel room. After dinner, my mother said that she would take me for a walk and play in the park. I wanted to rest because I was a little tired. When I heard that there was a place to play, I was very curious, so I agreed to go.

I followed my mother out of the hotel and listened to her introduce the surrounding scenery and interesting things here while walking. Not far away, I saw a hot spring river flowing in front of me, because there were many natural hot springs around. When it rained, the river was still covered with fog. Usually some people would swim on the river. Along the river, I came to a park called "Sixteen Ponds". As soon as I entered the park, all kinds of amusement facilities appeared in front of me. There were roller coasters, rowing boats, bumper cars, and ferris wheels. I looked down upon them and felt that they were very common.

But when I just wanted to go back to the hotel room to watch TV, I saw something like a merry go round, with some "swings" hanging on it, fixed on the umbrella shed. Some tourists were sitting on chairs, holding the rope tightly with their hands, some were closing their eyes, some were screaming, flying as high as the umbrella top, and the speed did not seem to have slowed down. I stepped back a few steps, I've only seen it on TV before. I didn't think it was great, but I felt a bit terrible when I was in the scene. I said nervously, "Go home today and get ready to play next time." My mother said, "This is the flying chair, but it's fun!" She seemed to pull my hand on purpose and said, "Let's play. Let's go up together. There's me!" I reluctantly sat on one of the chairs, and then the staff fixed the seat belt. I sat outside and my mother sat inside. I pulled on the rope tightly, and the canopy began to rise slowly, and then it swung higher and higher. I sat on it, fearing that the rope would break, so I tried to grasp it with my hands. I felt uneasy. We threw higher and higher with our inertia. We were already high off the ground. A cold sweat came out. I was as nervous as watching a horror movie. I didn't know what would happen later.

The people on the ground fell from one side to the other, and became as big as ants. I didn't know whether it was me or them. When I was about to swing to the top, I felt my body lost gravity. I closed my eyes directly, and dared not look again. I felt like a feather spinning in the storm. When I came down, I could not even feel where my heart was and where my feet were. There was also a feeling of dizziness. I had a rest for a while before I calmed down. I felt very excited, even crazy, and also very happy.

This trip to a foreign park was an unexpected gain. Being a "flying man" has exercised my courage and courage. I changed my original idea of not having fun in a foreign park. It seems that you can't judge things and environments you don't know from a one-sided perspective. As long as you pay attention to observation and experience them personally, you will always get something.

Sixteen Ponds Park (3)

There is a famous Sixteen Pond Park in my hometown Xianning, where the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, and it is a good place for people to relax and play.

Why is it called Sixteen Pond Park? Because there are sixteen ponds, big and small, and the largest one is the most beautiful. The green water of the lake is like a bright mirror, reflecting the tall trees beside the lake. It is silvery and very moving. There are several ducks and several pleasure boats on the water surface, which are rippling in waves like small snakes dancing. Fish are running through the water and grass in groups, hiding in Tibet, as if playing hide and seek with us. There is a big green lawn beside the lake, which looks like a green carpet for Mother Earth. There are many tourists on the lawn, some lying on the lawn lazily basking in the sun, some playing happily on the lawn, some walking leisurely by the lake... Look! Several puppies also came to join in the excitement. They were running on the grass, very excited

Sixteen Ponds Park also has a beautiful big flower bed. Look! Colorful flowers open their smiling faces and compete for beauty. They are fragrant and charming. When the breeze blows, the flowers wiggle as if dancing. The lively and lovely butterflies dance in the flowers. In the middle of the flower bed stands a tall and straight national first-class tree - Ginkgo tree, which has a history of 510 years. The golden ginkgo leaves fall from the tree, like golden umbrellas! The children picked up a lot of ginkgo leaves and put them in various shapes, including heart-shaped, round and triangular ones. They are very beautiful! There is a maple forest beside the flower bed. The red maple leaves look like a sea of fire from afar.

The playground of Sixteen Ponds Park is more fun! Every weekend, there are a lot of people and people here. From time to time, you will hear the cry of "Wow!". Looking for the voice, it turned out that it was made by the tourists sitting on the pirate ship. You see, the swinging pirate ship is like a curved moon hanging in mid air. There are many interesting projects here! Some children play with flying chairs, some play with bumper cars, and some play with haunted houses... Everyone has a happy face.

Ah! Sixteen Ponds Park is really beautiful! I love my hometown's Sixteen Ponds Park!

Sixteen Ponds Park (4)

On the morning of the 8th, under the guidance of our teacher, we took a bus to the Sixteen Ponds Park in Xianning City, where we had a happy day.

The bus had just stopped at the gate of the park, and we flew out of the car like a group of happy birds. What a big park! The five bright red characters - "Sixteen Ponds Park" stand out in the sun. Walking into the park along the broad stone steps, a water lake as clear as a mirror is sparkling. On the surface of the lake, several pleasure boats ripple leisurely; By the lake, rows of green reeds are dancing in the wind, shaking their gray flowers. Looking up in the distance, a huge ferris wheel was turning lazily in mid air. The teacher said that there was an amusement park. I heard that there is an amusement park. Our hearts have already flown. Entering the playground, people are overwhelmed with all kinds of entertainment. Flying cars, pirate ships, ferris wheels, bumper cars... children's laughter is everywhere. In order to test our courage, we chose to play ghost house. Just a few steps into the door, I heard the cry of ghosts in the dark. Although I felt a little scared, I thought that the teacher often said that there were no ghosts and gods in the world, and I was not afraid. I continued to walk to the haunted house. After a while, the teacher also came in, and the students were more daring. We pulled the teacher's clothes forward. Suddenly, a zombie raised his hands together and floated towards us. The zombie's eyes burst out green light beams, which made people feel frightened. Several timid students hugged tightly. A few steps later, a hanged ghost on the top of his head stuck out his long bright red tongue and cried "Help!" in a gloomy voice. When the ghosts were still in shock, another ghost with hair curled out of the coffin in front of him. Some students screamed loudly and rushed out of the ghost house towards a ray of light. Outside, I saw that some students were red in the face, and I smiled secretly - what's the devil in the world? I got another chance to exercise.

Out of the playground, we continued to tour along the winding cement road of the park. Along the way, pavilions, small bridges, flowing water, red flowers and green willows, as well as the grassy grass always let us linger. Climbing up a high mountain, the green trees almost covered our sight. We jumped in the woods like little monkeys and climbed to the top of the mountain. Overlooking from afar, the beautiful Xianning City is like a fairyland. If the teacher hadn't kept urging us, we would have played more.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we returned to the gate of the park, holding the five red characters of "Sixteen Ponds Park", and recorded the happy moment